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The Vampire's Possession: Book 3
The Vampire's Possession: Book 3
The Vampire's Possession: Book 3
Ebook190 pages2 hours

The Vampire's Possession: Book 3

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Hailey’s determination to find her place among the hunters wavers when Peirce pleads with her to return to the Lockwood house. Secrets are revealed, leading Hailey to regret her decision to join the hunters. The hunters and vampires are on the verge of war, and Hailey blames herself. Griffin’s determination to destroy every vampire in revenge for his son’s death flares when Hailey attempts to plead with Griffin to avoid a war. Hailey’s life is turned upside down when Griffin decides she has betrayed him. Now, he is out for revenge, and he won’t stop until Hailey and all her friends are dead. In the final installment of The Vampire’s Possession, Hailey will have choices to make that will change her life forever.

PublisherElla Price
Release dateAug 25, 2016
The Vampire's Possession: Book 3

Ella Price

I have been writing since I was eight. I started out with poetry. Eventually, I moved on to short fantasy stories, then eventually books. I have always loved books, whether I was reading them or writing them. Books have always been a perfect escape from reality. When I was growing up, I admired authors and I always imagined I would eventually be one. The primary genre I write is fantasy romance. I love creating tough heroines and sexy vampires, werewolves, Fae, and every other supernatural creature I can come up with. I also write new adult romance when I am in the right mood. I want my readers to get the same joy from reading my stories that I do when I read some of my favorite authors.

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    Book preview

    The Vampire's Possession - Ella Price

    Chapter 1

    The silence in the room was starting to get uncomfortable. Ted and Jack occasionally looked from Griffin to me. I was pretty sure they were looking for guidance. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any. They didn’t know what was going to happen next, and neither did I.

    I was pretty sure Griffin didn’t have any guidance to offer either. He hadn’t moved from the position he was in since we returned from the Lockwood’s house. His fingers were steepled in front of him, and he was staring at a spot on the table. I was pretty sure there was nothing there to look at … he was just lost in his own thoughts.

    I looked at the clock on the wall. The events took place at the Lockwood’s house almost four hours ago.

    Jack finally cleared his throat, catching my attention. Shouldn’t we be doing something? Getting ready or something? They have to retaliate at some point.

    They may not, I said thoughtfully. Zachary was a nuisance to them as much as he was to us. I doubted anyone would really care that he died. The problem was the vampires wouldn’t take kindly to the hunters making a move like we did.

    Griffin shifted for the first time, drawing everyone’s attention. Everyone has been called off patrol until we get a better idea of what is happening. There isn’t much more we can do.

    I watched Griffin trying to figure out what I should ask first. Do you think they’ll retaliate?

    He watched me for a moment, then he looked back at the spot on the table. I don’t know.

    What’s our next move? I decided to start asking him questions since he finally started talking. We needed a plan. The hunters needed him to tell them what to do. I could feel the tension coming from the others. They always knew what to expect. There was a way of doing things. We took that way and tore it to pieces when I killed Zachary. Now we had to find a new way. A way that would help us without causing too much bloodshed.

    He shifted his gaze to me. I don’t know.

    Jack and Ted both groaned as they placed their heads on the table. We were all exhausted and on edge. No one could do anymore tonight.

    I sighed. Why don’t you two go to bed? Maybe once we’ve all rested we’ll have a better plan.

    Jack and Ted didn’t argue. They stood and walked out of the room without another word.

    I slowly got to my feet. You should consider resting too. We’re going to need your guidance.

    Griffin scoffed. I don’t have any guidance. I don’t have anything anymore. Malcom was all I had. All of this seems pointless without him.

    I swallowed the lump I felt forming in my throat at the mention of Malcom. Now isn’t the time to question your place. Your people need you.

    He looked away. His jaw was tense like he was fighting the urge to argue. You’re right. I just need rest. We will reconvene tonight at nine, after we have rested.

    I nodded, then I turned and walked out. One of the girls that hung around the house set a bedroom up for me. It was a relief because I didn’t want to go home right now.

    I started up the stairs but hesitated when someone knocked on the door. It was a little early in the morning for someone to be at the door. I started back down the stairs. I placed my hand on my gun, then slowly opened the door.

    Trey was standing on the other side of the door. He was glancing around nervously. There were three others standing with him. I opened the door further. Trey? What are you doing here?

    He looked at me, and relief filled his eyes. I was coming to check on you. I heard what happened.

    I slipped outside and shut the door. I’m fine. It had to be done. We all knew it. He killed my friends and it was the last straw.

    He nodded. I understand why you did what you did. Unfortunately, there will be others who don’t. I came to bring you this. He offered me a neatly folded piece of paper that he had in his hand.

    I took the piece of paper and unfolded it.


    Come to me. We need to talk. I am at my apartment. Please don’t fight and come immediately.

    Yours always, Peirce

    I sighed as I folded the piece of paper back up, then I looked up at Trey. I didn’t realize you were his errand boy.

    Trey scowled. I’m not. I came because I’m going to escort you to him. The only ones who seem to recognize the amount of trouble you’re in is us. We want to help. I want to help, even if that means doing what Peirce asks.

    I looked around at the others, patiently waiting for me to agree. Part of me was afraid of seeing Peirce. I could still feel all the emotions I felt for him just under the surface. It took everything I had to stifle them and keep them boxed up. I suppose it can’t hurt if I talk to him.

    Trey nodded. Let’s go then.

    He turned and started down the steps. I followed him. I knew Peirce’s apartment wasn’t far. The others followed Trey and I silently.

    Trey broke the silence after a few minutes. I’m sorry about your friends, Hailey.

    I nodded, trying not to dwell too long on thoughts of Malcom and Brian. They were good men. They didn’t deserve what happened. Zachary should’ve never been alive. If I had …

    Trey cut me off. If it had gone any other way, he probably would’ve killed you. It was a miracle that you were able to kill him when you did.

    I smiled slightly. He didn’t see me as a threat.

    No, he didn’t. Trey stopped at the walkway in front of Peirce’s apartment. The light inside was on. Peirce was inside waiting for me, I was sure of it.

    I looked at Trey. Thank you and be careful out here. Don’t get yourself hurt for taking my side.

    He smiled. I won’t. Don’t worry about me. I would worry about protecting your own hide.

    I smiled, shaking my head. I think my hide will be fine. I’m tougher than I look. I started down the walkway, toward the apartment.

    You don’t always have to go proving it, he called after me.

    I gave him a small wave before disappearing into the building. I stopped in front of Peirce’s door. I took a deep breath before knocking gently.

    The door was yanked open. Peirce was standing there. He looked me over. He grabbed my arm and pulled me inside the apartment. Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in? He was angry. He was more than angry, he was scared.

    I sighed. It had to be done, and no one else would do it.

    He glared down at me. We were handling it!

    I rolled my eyes. You were brushing it under the rug. There’s a big difference between handling it and pretending it didn’t happen.

    He cussed. I would have killed him, Hailey! All I needed was more time! Now, there is a bounty on your head! A very big one! He was yelling. I was used to him getting loud, but now he was actually yelling.

    His tone was making me angry. He killed Malcolm and Brian! They were doing their job! They were playing diplomats and now look, they are both in the ground! I wasn’t going to let another person be his victim!

    He grabbed my arms, startling me a little. There is a way we handle these things. A way that keeps the peace. You have to trust me, Hailey. If you don’t, you are going to start a war. More of your friends will die, and so will my friends.

    I pressed my lips together as I held his gaze. I finally shook my head and looked away. What do you want me to do?

    I want you to come back to me. I can protect you. I won’t try to control you, but I need you close. Devon and I will handle the rest, he said firmly.

    I shook my head. I’m not leaving Griffin after I convinced him to fight.

    We will fix that. Griffin is an intelligent man. Only the people in that room know what really happened to Zachary. We will make sure it stays that way. Things can go back to how they were. There does not have to be bloodshed. He sounded more like he was pleading with me, than demanding.

    I scowled as I looked away. I didn’t know what to do. Griffin seemed so lost. Deep down, I knew he never wanted fighting. I pushed him to it because I was angry. Maybe I was making a mistake. I looked back at Peirce. How would you have handled Zachary?

    He reached out and brushed his fingers along my cheek. I would’ve made it look like his fault, like he crossed the wrong person, just like I did with Derrick.

    I looked at him a little startled and confused. You gave the order to kill Derrick?

    He sighed. I didn’t give an order. I made opportunities. I did not count on Paul blaming you for Derrick’s death. After that happened, things went slightly off track. I try to do everything a certain way, so it is not traced back to me or my family.

    You would have done the same to Zachary? I was slightly caught off guard by his confession.

    He nodded. I gave some antsy bounty hunters his travel plans. They would have taken care of him, if he made it that far, he said dryly.

    I didn’t know what to say. I suddenly felt like an ass. It wasn’t completely my fault. If I had known what Peirce was doing, I wouldn’t have intervened. The only side of him I saw was the diplomat who didn’t give a damn.

    I sighed. I’m sorry for complicating things. If I had known … I trailed off not sure what to say.

    He smiled as he moved closer to me. He played with a strand of my hair. Maybe I should have told you more. I just wanted to keep you safe. I still want to keep you safe. I can’t imagine a world where you aren’t in it. I know we aren’t together, but just knowing you are alive makes me happy. His eyes met mine.

    I felt my pulse quicken as his fingers continued to play with my hair. I leaned in slowly. I pressed my lips to his. I kissed him gently, savoring the taste and feel of his lips. I reluctantly pulled away after a minute or two. He was watching me, waiting for me to give him permission. He wasn’t going to make a move unless I asked him to. I traced his lower lip with my finger. I want to trust you. I’ve always wanted to be yours. I’m just …. I trailed off as I looked at him.

    Afraid? He spoke in barely a whisper.

    I nodded. I’m afraid of you. I’m afraid of what you are. I know that isn’t right, but I can’t help it.

    He moved closer to me, pressing his forehead to mine. How can I convince you to trust me?

    I thought about it for a minute. I did trust him. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have come. I didn’t always agree with him, but deep down I trusted him completely. He was still perfect to me in every way. Maybe that was what scared me. Maybe that was why I fought so hard against him. There was no such thing as perfect, and he was just that … perfect.

    I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled him down into a kiss. I don’t want to think anymore, I murmured against his lips. I just wanted him. There was so much more to him than I ever imagined. I thought he was just an arrogant vampire, but I was wrong. I was completely wrong. He cared about me, and everyone else in his life. He did what he did to keep everyone safe.

    He deepened the kiss, as he slid my jacket down my arms. He tossed it aside. His fingers went to my holster clasps. He quickly undid all the clasps and I let my guns drop to the floor. He dropped to his knees. His emerald eyes looked up at me as he undid my belt. He pressed his lips to my belly as he slid my jeans down.

    I groaned, tangling my fingers in his soft hair as he removed my boots, then my pants. He quickly stood and lifted me off the ground. I giggled in surprise, as he carried me to the couch. He lay me across the couch, moving over me as he did. His mouth found mine again. His arm snaked around my back. He unclasped my bra. He pulled it away from my body and discarded it on the floor with my other clothes.

    His mouth covered my breast. I closed my eyes, moaning as pleasure rocked my body. I lifted my hips, pressing my body into him. My hold on his hair tightened. I want you inside me. My voice was pleading. He was in complete control.

    Patience, lover. His lips skimmed my heated skin as he made his way down my body. He hooked my panties, slowly sliding them down my legs.

    In that moment, I realized how much I loved feeling vulnerable to him. I loved how much control he had. I loved that I was his, and as much as he hated to admit it … he was mine. I didn’t understand why I fought the feelings I had for him. We had our differences, but now it all seemed so petty.

    He moved over me, pressing his body to mine. Cries of complete ecstasy fell from my lips as he buried himself inside me. His moans of pleasure made my skin tingle. His lips brushed my ear. Calm down, love.

    Bite me, please, I whispered frantically. I pulled him closer to me. It felt like an eternity since I felt his bite. I needed to feel him. I needed to be close to him again. I wanted his bite, and his blood.

    His fangs sank into my breast. I cried out, as I pushed him deeper inside me. My pussy clamped around his hard shaft, as my body released. He growled, as he

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