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The Vampire's Possession: Book 2
The Vampire's Possession: Book 2
The Vampire's Possession: Book 2
Ebook218 pages3 hours

The Vampire's Possession: Book 2

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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After being kidnapped by Zachary, Hailey's life takes an unexpected turn. Living with the vampires has turned into a nightmare she doesn't think she will ever wake up from. She struggles to find her place in this new tumultuous world. The men in her life are determined to make that task as difficult as possible, but Hailey is determined to find her way.

PublisherElla Price
Release dateAug 19, 2016
The Vampire's Possession: Book 2

Ella Price

I have been writing since I was eight. I started out with poetry. Eventually, I moved on to short fantasy stories, then eventually books. I have always loved books, whether I was reading them or writing them. Books have always been a perfect escape from reality. When I was growing up, I admired authors and I always imagined I would eventually be one. The primary genre I write is fantasy romance. I love creating tough heroines and sexy vampires, werewolves, Fae, and every other supernatural creature I can come up with. I also write new adult romance when I am in the right mood. I want my readers to get the same joy from reading my stories that I do when I read some of my favorite authors.

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    Book preview

    The Vampire's Possession - Ella Price

    Chapter 1

    Julio pushed me into the limo, then followed me in. I moved into the farthest seat from Zachary. I was sitting across from him instead of next to him. Zachary smiled like he was enjoying my discomfort. Julio got into the limo and moved into the seat next to me.

    I kept my eyes glued on Zachary. I was waiting for him to make a move. I was sure it was coming. I didn’t see what he was waiting for. He continued to watch me with a lazy smile. He was completely relaxed, but I knew that could change quicker than I could blink.

    I glanced at Julio. He wasn’t paying attention to either of us. He had a somewhat distant expression on his face. The limo was moving. We were leaving the warehouse complex, but I had no clue where we were heading.

    I heard you had a big mouth. You seem a little quiet to me. The amusement in Zachary’s voice was evident. He knew I was terrified. If he was anything like his brother, then the chances of me surviving were slim.

    I don’t have a big mouth. I just have nothing to say to you. I tried to be as defiant as I could manage. I knew it didn’t really matter what I said to him. If he was anything like Derrick, it wouldn’t matter what I said. He had his plans, and nothing would stop him from carrying those plans out.

    He raised his eyebrows in amusement. You and I just met. You are treating me like we have history.

    I scoffed. You kidnapped my friend to get me. That doesn’t exactly make for a good first impression.

    His smile widened. I didn’t think I would get to you any other way. I heard you and my brother weren’t exactly friends. In fact, I do believe you were the one who ordered his death.

    I rolled my eyes. I didn’t order his death. You act like I have that power. I’m a human girl.

    His expression darkened slightly. That is what intrigued me the most. You have a great deal of power for a simple human.

    I was a little confused. I didn’t have any power. I had no idea what he was talking about. Everything Trey did was because he thought he was helping me, not because I ordered it. The fact that Peirce had so much control over me was proof I wasn’t powerful like Zachary claimed. I was just a normal, human girl that got lucky on more than one occasion. It was a wonder I hadn’t died yet.

    The limo stopped, catching my attention. We were at a house on the outskirts of town. It was a large house like the Lockwood estate. I wondered if Peirce would look for me here. I thought Zachary would live further away.

    This is my brother’s house. Zachary was watching me like he was reading my mind. His expression was a little unsettling. His gaze shifted to Julio. Bring her inside. He climbed out of the car without waiting for a response.

    I looked at Julio, wondering if he was going to continue taking orders. I knew he probably would. When he didn’t immediately speak, I decided to try to reason with him. You know he’s going to kill me, don’t you? I was trying to keep the fear out of my tone. I didn’t want to be afraid, but I was.

    He sighed as he moved to exit the limo. There is nothing I can do to help you. Zachary is my master. You should understand what that means. You are after all bound to Peirce.

    I didn’t immediately move to follow. I was bound to Peirce, but I certainly wouldn’t kill in his name. I was trying to come up with a plan, but nothing was coming to mind. I couldn’t outrun two vampires.

    Julio leaned down and looked at me. Come on, Hailey. I don’t want to hurt you. He sounded like he was serious. It really didn’t make any sense. If he was so determined to be loyal to Zachary, I didn’t see why he didn’t share his feelings of hate for me.

    I decided it wasn’t the time to fight. I climbed out of the limo. Julio took my hand and led me toward the house. Zachary already disappeared inside. I didn’t protest as Julio led me into the house. He led me up the stairs. I was hoping if I held off long enough, Peirce would come for me. He had to know I was missing by now. I was a little worried he wouldn’t come after me. I did leave the house on my own. He would probably think I was just being rebellious and ignore me.

    Julio opened a door, and gently pushed me inside. I will be back for you in a little while.

    Before I could protest, he shut the door. I heard the lock click into place. I sighed in defeat. There would be no point in trying to get out through the door. I wasn’t strong enough to break it down. I started looking around the room, hoping to find a means of escape, or maybe even a weapon. I came up empty. The room had no windows because it was an interior room, and they were obviously careful to make sure they didn’t leave anything in the room that could be hidden and used against them. I gave up searching and sat down on the edge of the bed. All I could do was wait for Peirce … if he was coming at all.

    I paced nervously for a while. I should’ve been tired, but I was unusually alert. I was waiting for something to happen. I knew they wouldn’t keep me in the room forever. Just as I was contemplating it, the lock on the door scraped.

    The door opened, and Zachary smiled at me as he stepped into the room. I brought you something decent to wear. He had a gown in his arms. It was a dark red velvet. I would’ve admired the dress if it wasn’t Zachary holding it.

    I crossed my arms and glared at him. I’m not wearing that.

    He laughed as he walked over to the bed and lay the dress out. He set a pair of matching high heels next to it. You can put it on and come downstairs, or I can just stop wasting time and kill you now. The threat in his tone was evident. He was serious as he looked at me. He was smiling, but his words were so sadistic, he shouldn’t have been.

    I swallowed hard, trying to stifle the overwhelming fear. I wanted to be defiant, but I sensed it wasn’t a good time to talk back. He was serious about killing me if I didn’t comply.

    His expression lightened. I will take your silence as compliance. I will see you downstairs in a few minutes. He turned and walked out of the room. The lock scraped back into place.

    I sighed in annoyance as I looked at the dress. I didn’t have a choice. I had to put the dress on or die. It seemed stupid to die over something as simple as putting a dress on. I decided to quit procrastinating before Zachary came back.

    I quickly changed into the dress. I felt a little self-conscious in it. It showed more than I cared to show Zachary or Julio for that matter. I slipped the shoes on, then looked in the mirror. I looked good, and if I wasn’t expecting to die, I would be a little happier about it.

    There was a light knock on the door, then the lock scraped. Julio opened the door this time. I should’ve known it was him and not Zachary. Zachary didn’t bother being courteous and knocking.

    He smiled briefly as he looked me over. You look lovely.

    I scoffed. I suppose if I have to die, this is as good of a dress as any to die in. I didn’t mean to sound so harsh. I knew vampires had their ranks and he was trying to survive as much as I was, but that didn’t mean he annoyed me any less.

    He looked away. He is waiting, and he isn’t a patient man. He offered me his arm.

    I didn’t really want to take the arm he offered, but I had to play nice. If I had any chance of escape it would be because of Julio. I slipped my hand on his arm, and he led me out of the room. I could hear people downstairs. It sounded like he was having some sort of gathering. I considered pleading with Julio, but I knew it wouldn’t do any good.

    Once we got to the bottom of the stairs, Julio hesitated. He pulled me into a secluded hall and pushed me against the wall. I looked at him startled. He quickly bit his wrist and pressed it to my lips. I tried to pull away, but he forced me to drink his blood.

    He pulled his wrist away after a second or two and adjusted his sleeve. You will thank me later for this.

    I watched him confused. He wiped the remaining blood from my lips and took my arm again. He started back the way we had come. He led me into a large room. There were couches and chairs everywhere. It reminded me of a huge living room without the TV.

    Zachary smiled when his eyes fell on me. I see you chose the dress. He was sitting at a table close to an indoor pond.

    I scowled as Julio led me to the chair next to Zachary. It wasn’t like I had a choice.

    Zachary laughed. You’re right, you didn’t.

    The female standing right behind him made an annoyed noise. This is her? I have to say I’m disappointed. I thought Derrick had better taste.

    Lyla, be nice. She is at least somewhat attractive. The amusement in Zachary’s tone was annoying.

    I remained silent. I wasn’t going to give him more of a reason to kill me.

    Lyla scowled as she walked around the chair. She is what you like? Her tone was haughty and annoyed. I was a little startled when she suddenly changed into me. At first, I didn’t think I was seeing right.

    Zachary laughed at the expression on my face. Apparently our guest has never seen a shifter.

    Lyla giggled. Apparently not. I’m so much prettier than her, aren’t I? she cooed.

    Zachary smiled. Of course darling.

    She leaned down and kissed him. I was slightly repulsed that she looked like me, and she was kissing him. I decided to remain silent. I wouldn’t play their game. It was what they wanted, I was sure of it.

    Zachary broke the kiss and looked over at me. Unfortunately, darling, you are no longer needed. His gaze shifted from me to Julio, who was standing right behind me. Julio, prove your loyalty to me and kill her.

    I thought you wanted to kill her. Julio sounded worried and uncertain … murder wasn’t in his plans for the evening.

    I sat frozen, unsure of what I should do. Should I fight? The thought occurred to me, but I knew it was pointless.

    Zachary scowled. It was obvious he didn’t like being questioned. I don’t want to get my shirt dirty ripping her throat out. Is it too much to ask for you to kill a simple human?

    Julio took my arm and pulled me to my feet. No, I will do what you ask.

    Zachary smiled. Good. Make sure you go slowly. Don’t shield her from the pain of your bite. He was getting a great deal of pleasure out of making Julio kill me. Either that, or he was getting that much pleasure out of my death.

    Lyla giggled as he pulled her into his lap. She still looked exactly like me, down to the dress she was wearing. He kissed her, pretending Julio and I weren’t even in the same room.

    I swallowed hard as I looked up at Julio. I was silently begging him to rebel against Zachary. The look he gave me told me he wouldn’t. I was going to die at his hand.

    Suddenly, he pulled me against him. I stiffened, trying to push him off, but I didn’t scream. I promised myself I wouldn’t give them that pleasure. They wouldn’t hear me scream, cry, or beg. I would at least die with a little bit of dignity.

    He whispered words I didn’t understand, then he buried his face in my neck. The pain of his bite was intense. He wasn’t clouding my mind. I wasn’t sure if it was him, or just the situation, but his bite was more painful than I anticipated. It almost burned like the bite of a poisonous snake would.

    I grabbed handfuls of his shirt as I focused on not screaming. Slight whimpers of pain escaped my lips. The pain was almost blinding. My vision started to blur, and I realized I was crying. He was killing me, and I was terrified. I wanted to be strong and defiant, but I wasn’t. I was scared and weak. I was a silly girl wishing Peirce would save me, but I knew he wouldn’t. He didn’t come, and I didn’t think he would.

    I was barely conscious by the time Julio released my neck. The pain was suddenly not as intense, and the relief made me relax. Julio looked down at me. His fingers brushed my cheek. His expression wasn’t one of a cold-blooded killer. I could see the remorse in his eyes. He didn’t want to do this. He was being forced.

    Loud shouts caught his attention. He was suddenly knocked backwards. He released me, as he fell backwards. I felt like I was falling. The sudden wet, cold sensation enveloped my body. I couldn’t breathe. I was in the water. I wanted to fight, and swim to the surface, but my body wouldn’t move. I was sinking and all I could do was watch myself get further from the surface as I slowly lost consciousness. The feeling of drowning was painful. I couldn’t take a breath, I couldn’t do anything. I closed my eyes hoping the pain and fear would pass quickly.

    Chapter 2

    I opened my eyes slowly. I wasn’t sure what I was feeling, or even what I was thinking. It was the oddest feeling. It was like I should’ve known what was happening, but I didn’t. I couldn’t even remember what I was doing prior to going to sleep. The longer I thought about it, the more I realized I didn’t really remember anything. I felt like I should have, but there was just nothing there. I blinked a couple times, then I turned my head. I was in a small, white room. The room was so plain, it didn’t spark any sort of memory or sensation.

    The door opened, and a woman I didn’t recognize walked in. She smiled. I’m glad to see you’re awake. I will go fetch Trey. She turned and walked back out of the room before I could respond.

    Who was Trey? I was trying to picture him, but I couldn’t. His name didn’t sound familiar, then again, nothing seemed familiar. What was my name? I sat contemplating it. I couldn’t think of my name. I couldn’t remember anything about myself.

    The door opened suddenly, and a man stood there. He smiled relieved when he saw me lying awake. He hurried to my side and took my hand in his. How are you feeling?

    I hesitated, unsure of how I should answer. I don’t know. I looked down at his hand touching mine. I looked back at him. Do I know you?

    Confusion and worry crossed his face. Of course you know me. We have known each other since we were children. He sounded genuinely hurt, and I immediately felt bad.

    I looked away. I’m sorry. I honestly don’t even know my name. I looked back at him hoping he would give me an answer.

    He hesitated as he watched me. You remember nothing?

    I thought about it for a moment. Nothing came to mind, it was the oddest feeling. I shook my head. No.

    He stood suddenly, releasing my hand. I need to go speak with the others. He hurried toward the door.

    Wait, I called as he opened the door.

    He looked back at me, waiting for me to speak.

    What is my name? I decided to ask because I at least wanted to know that much before he left.

    He hesitated, then looked away. He looked back at me after a second or two. Your name is Anna. Get some rest and I’ll be back soon. He hurried out, shutting the door behind him.

    I sat up in the bed. Anna wasn’t a name that sounded familiar. I caught my reflection in the mirror.

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