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Lover's Bite: Book 3
Lover's Bite: Book 3
Lover's Bite: Book 3
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Lover's Bite: Book 3

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In the final book in the Lover's Bite series, Ellie continues to struggle with being a vampire. In her eyes, her life has taken a turn for the worse. Meredith's predictions are haunting her and everyone else in her life. Christopher's impending birth complicates everything more. The events in Ellie's life continue to unfold, and they all seem to be leading to the death of Azrael and Christopher. Ellie continues to look for ways to fight Adelyn, before Adelyn takes away everything Ellie loves.

PublisherElla Price
Release dateAug 13, 2016
Lover's Bite: Book 3

Ella Price

I have been writing since I was eight. I started out with poetry. Eventually, I moved on to short fantasy stories, then eventually books. I have always loved books, whether I was reading them or writing them. Books have always been a perfect escape from reality. When I was growing up, I admired authors and I always imagined I would eventually be one. The primary genre I write is fantasy romance. I love creating tough heroines and sexy vampires, werewolves, Fae, and every other supernatural creature I can come up with. I also write new adult romance when I am in the right mood. I want my readers to get the same joy from reading my stories that I do when I read some of my favorite authors.

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    Lover's Bite - Ella Price

    Lover’s Bite

    Book 3

    Ella Price

    This book is a work of fiction and does not represent real events. Characters, names, places, and incidents are works of the authors imagination and do not depict any real event, or person living or dead.

    Copyright © 2015 by Ella Price

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form.

    First Edition: April 2015


    I never imagined the metallic taste of blood could bring me such relief. The rush feeding gave me was one of the only things I looked forward to anymore. I wasn’t sure what I would do if I could never experience feeding again. I released the man I was holding once his breathing began to slow. I wasn’t sure what kept me from killing him. Maybe I just wasn’t in the mood. That had to be the reason … no other reason would’ve mattered to me … at least not anymore.

    The man slid to the ground once I released my hold on his shirt. He was passed out, but he was already drunk when I found him. I was sure when he woke up in the morning, he would think it was all due to the alcohol. He wouldn’t know how lucky he was to get to wake up in the morning.

    I looked down the dark alley … there was no one else around this late, except a few other late-night bar goers. To be honest, I was surprised no one followed me in an attempt to stop me. I left the house over an hour ago. I thought Roman or Hayden would’ve come after me … unless of course Azrael ordered them not to. In fact, that would be the only reason they wouldn’t try to find me.

    I walked down the alley toward the street. I debated going back to Azrael’s house. I wasn’t quite sure if I was ready to go back. It didn’t feel like home anymore. Azrael didn’t treat me the same. I couldn’t say I blamed him. I changed … I wasn’t going to pretend I didn’t. I didn’t expect him to pretend I didn’t change either.

    Surprise, surprise, you didn’t kill him, Lucian said dryly from behind me.

    I hesitated but didn’t turn immediately. I wasn’t in the mood. It’s a lot more difficult when I don’t have someone to hide the bodies for me. I smiled as I continued on my way.

    He scoffed as he fell into step with me. You are impossible.

    I sighed. I don’t see why everyone is so bent out of shape. I think I’m much better than I was before. I can’t believe everyone was okay with me being so helpless and needy.

    He made an annoyed noise. Everyone was okay with you being who you are. We don’t know who this person you have become is. We do know you aren’t the Ellie we all knew.

    I’m tired of arguing about it. Perhaps I should just disappear, then no one will have to worry about me, I said casually. I had to admit … I was considering it. I couldn’t help but think I would make their lives so much easier if I wasn’t around.

    I will find you. Azrael will find you, so don’t even consider it an option … unless you don’t mind living in a dungeon, he threatened as he glared at me.

    I rolled my eyes. You just like chaining me up.

    His mood immediately lightened at my playful comment, and his slight smile returned. That is a plus.

    I suppose I should go back. I really didn’t want to deal with any of them. Meredith went and got them all riled up with her predictions. I didn’t believe anything she said … I didn’t want to believe it. Regardless, I was sure I was going to have to deal with a million questions, and I wasn’t prepared for that.

    Azrael loves you, despite what you think, Lucian said as he continued to walk with me.

    I didn’t respond immediately because I wasn’t entirely sure what I should say. I think he is holding on to something that is no longer there. Too much has happened to go back to how things were.

    We both know that isn’t true. He actually managed to sound a little disgruntled.

    I stopped walking and looked at him. What happens if I go back? What happens if I turn my emotions back on?

    He hesitated like he didn’t know what to say. I wouldn’t know. Anything could happen I suppose.

    Why take the risk then? I am in control as I am now, I said skeptically.

    That is a valid point, but … he started, but I quickly cut him off.

    It would be stupid for me to take the risk. Azrael and the others may not want to admit it, but it is the truth. I wasn’t going to change my mind. The truth was I was scared to go back to being that girl. That girl was scared and out of control. I was in control as I was. I could at least be around my daughter now.

    Lucian watched me without speaking. I knew he couldn’t come up with a valid argument because there wasn’t one. The simple fact was that everyone was safer with me as I was.

    I should go. I’m sure they are worried I went on a killing spree, I said amused as I started to back away.

    He smiled like the thought had crossed his mind as well. I’m sure they are. I will see you around. He disappeared like he always seemed to do.

    I turned and continued on my way. I wasn’t far from the house. That was one good thing about Azrael’s house, it wasn’t that far from town as long as you knew the backroads. The house came into view, and I cringed when I saw it was just as full of life as it had been when I left. I kind of hoped it would have quieted down.

    I slipped in through the back entrance. I wasn’t about to walk in the front door and announce the fact that I was home. I hurried up the stairs, deciding I would go see Angelica. I found that I was thinking about her more lately. I was worried about her. I was no longer concerned about hurting her, but I was worried about the life she would have.

    I knocked gently on Azrael’s door. When no one answered I slipped in the room. I could hear Angelica’s small heartbeat as soon as I stepped in the room. The quick thumping sound brought a small sense of relief to me. It was a reminder that she was at least mostly human, even if her father and I weren’t. I walked over to the bassinet and looked down at her. She was sleeping soundly. I was sure she was fed not too long ago, and now she was sleeping her meal off. I reached down and brushed my fingertips along her chubby cheek. She didn’t wake or stir.

    The door opened catching my attention. Azrael hesitated when he saw me standing next to the bassinet. I was sure he was still worried about me hurting her. She is so pretty when she sleeps, I said casually.

    She is beautiful. He closed the door, then he slowly moved toward us as he continued to watch me cautiously. Ellie?

    I looked over at him. What is it?

    He seemed unsure around me. He had been acting like this for a while now. I wasn’t sure if I would ever get used to it. Meredith … he started, but I cut him off.

    I made an annoyed noise. Meredith is a quack. You never believed her before. Why now?

    What if she is right? You still see him … there has to be a reason for that, he argued as he watched me.

    I laughed harshly. I wouldn’t put too much stock in what I have seen. As you can see, none of it has worked out as I saw it.

    Not yet it hasn’t. I’m not saying things haven’t changed slightly from what you saw, but it couldn’t hurt to check. He sounded more like he was pleading than asking. I didn’t like hearing him plead.

    I didn’t respond immediately. I looked back down at Angelica. What if I was pregnant with Christopher? What then? Things wouldn’t go back to normal … if anything it would be worse. I straightened. I think I would know if I was pregnant. The truth was, I didn’t want to know. It was a complication I wasn’t prepared to handle.

    Elizabeth, please … he started as he stepped closer to me.

    No Azrael! I glared at him. You do not want this. I am not the same girl I was. I am not the same girl you fell in love with. It is better that you focus on Angelica … she needs you now.

    She needs us, he countered matching my tone. And if I am not mistaken, ignoring the issue will not make it go away. You seem to think ignoring everything is the answer … well it isn’t. If anything the fact that you are ignoring everything is doing nothing but causing more pain.

    I was ready to argue, but he disappeared before I could. I scowled in annoyance. I was actually surprised he left me alone with Angelica. He obviously trusted me to some extent. I was irritated now. I had half a mind to smack the hell out of Meredith for even bringing any of this up. I knew it somehow gave Azrael hope. I didn’t see how it could. He acted like he wanted nothing to do with me half the time. He barely touched me, and he acted like he couldn’t even bear to be in the same room as me.

    I walked over to the rocking chair and sat down. I decided I would spend the remainder of the evening watching over her. I didn’t like her being alone. I was sure Azrael made sure she was safe, but I liked watching over her. I wasn’t very good at being a mother, but I could at least make sure she was safe.

    The sunlight started to peek in the window after a couple hours. I wasn’t actually sure what time it was. The door opened and I looked up. Azrael scowled slightly when he saw I was still in his room.

    I figured you would be gone by now. He sounded more like he was hoping I would be gone. He removed his shirt like he was preparing for bed.

    I will leave now that you are here. I just like watching over her. I stood and walked over to the bassinet, then I ran my fingers over her soft head one last time. My chest tightened at the thought of being away from her. I hated the feeling, so I tried my hardest to stifle it. I will see you a little later. I walked toward the door deciding I couldn’t stay any longer. The feelings I was getting were making me antsy.

    Azrael appeared in front of me stopping my retreat. I hesitated and looked up at him. He was shirtless and perfect as always. As much as I liked to think I felt nothing for him, I knew better. He made me feel too much, and that scared me. He made me want to be that girl that he loved, but I wasn’t strong enough.

    I want you to stay, he said after a minute or two of silence.

    Why would you … I started, but he stepped forward and pressed his lips to mine, silencing me.

    He pressed his body to mine as his tongue invaded my mouth. His fingers tangled in my hair as his kiss became more desperate and needy. He pushed me backward, toward the bed. I wanted to stop him, but I couldn’t bring myself to. I wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with me. He pushed me down onto the bed as he continued to kiss me. I ran my hands over his perfect chest, savoring the feel of his muscles under my hands. Slowly, he ran his hands up my thighs. He hooked my panties and ripped them off making me gasp in surprise. My fingers went to the button on his pants. I quickly undid his pants as his mouth continued to explore mine. I ran my hand over his hard length. Excitement coursed through me as I thought about how he felt inside me. My excitement spurred him on. He growled low in his throat as he grasped my hips, pulling me forward. My dress slid up around my hips. He pushed his hard cock inside me in one quick thrust.

    I cried out as I tried to process the rush of pleasure that his touch brought me. He was being aggressive, not gentle and sweet like he usually was. His mouth found mine again and I kissed him desperately. His kiss was more demanding than mine, and he quickly dominated the kiss. His thrusts were aggressive and erratic. He hit me deep sending jolts of pleasure rushing through me. I knew he was angry with me, but he wanted me just the same. I had a feeling his feelings for me were making him angrier. I moved my hips in a rhythm with his thrusts, enjoying every second of his angry lovemaking. The pleasure built until I couldn’t handle it any longer. I cried out in ecstasy, clawing at his back as I did.

    He groaned low in his throat as he released with me. He slowed his thrusts but made no move to stop. He tangled his fingers in my hair. He grasped my hair tightly in one hand. He pulled my head back exposing my neck. I closed my eyes preparing for his bite. The thought of his bite excited me. It seemed like it had been so long since he bit me.

    The pinch of his fangs made me moan and writhe under him. Pleasure coursed through me. My fingers dug into the soft skin of his back. He growled as he continued to feed from me.

    He suddenly pulled away from me and looked down at me. I want her back, he demanded. His dark expression both scared and thrilled me. The blood on his lips and the dark glint in his eyes made him look more dangerous than usual.

    I laughed, brushing him off. I’m much better than she ever was, I cooed as I lifted my hips pressing him deeper inside me.

    He forced his hips down pinning me. His expression darkened more. You are not better. I want her. I loved her. I don’t know who you are.

    I watched him curiously. He was acting like I wasn’t the same person. I was her. I wasn’t nearly as whiny or annoying, but that didn’t change the fact that I was her. He made it seem like I wasn’t her at all … like I was some stranger he was making love to. I reached up and ran my fingers along his cheek. I’m not going back to what I was. You can accept me as I am, or you can move on. I will not hold anything against you.

    No! he yelled angrily. He pinned me by my throat startling me a little. He shifted, pulling himself free of me, so he had more control of my body. I swear, Elizabeth … I won’t let you keep hiding!

    I glared at him. What do you plan to do? I didn’t like how he was holding me, but I was trying to calm him down instead of fighting him.

    I plan to inflict pain on you until you stop being this coldhearted bitch! he growled.

    I laughed harshly. You really think that will do anything?

    I have to try something, he said quietly.

    Neither of us spoke for a minute. Suddenly, he backhanded me. It hurt, and it made me angrier. Lucian already tried the pain route and it didn’t work. I didn’t see why Azrael thought it would work any better for him.

    I twisted under him, catching him off guard. I rolled and pinned him to the bed. He looked up at me a little wide eyed. It was obvious I startled him. I didn’t want to hurt him. I wanted his body. I shifted slightly and ran my

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