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The Lillian Rayne Trilogy: Book 3
The Lillian Rayne Trilogy: Book 3
The Lillian Rayne Trilogy: Book 3
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The Lillian Rayne Trilogy: Book 3

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Lillian losing her memory makes everything more complicated. The world of vampires and hunters that she used to know is foreign to her. She has to cope with losing her memory, all while trying to figure out who she can and cannot trust. Lillian struggles to find her place, as she works to remember who she once was.
Eleanor, her enemy half-sister, becomes a growing threat to Lillian and the people she loves. Lillian learns that one of the people who claims to be close to her is working with Eleanor. Lillian has to find a way to defeat Eleanor, before Eleanor gets to her first.

PublisherElla Price
Release dateAug 13, 2016
The Lillian Rayne Trilogy: Book 3

Ella Price

I have been writing since I was eight. I started out with poetry. Eventually, I moved on to short fantasy stories, then eventually books. I have always loved books, whether I was reading them or writing them. Books have always been a perfect escape from reality. When I was growing up, I admired authors and I always imagined I would eventually be one. The primary genre I write is fantasy romance. I love creating tough heroines and sexy vampires, werewolves, Fae, and every other supernatural creature I can come up with. I also write new adult romance when I am in the right mood. I want my readers to get the same joy from reading my stories that I do when I read some of my favorite authors.

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    The Lillian Rayne Trilogy - Ella Price

    Lillian Rayne

    Book 3

    Ella Price

    This book is a work of fiction, and does not represent real events. Characters, names, places, and incidents are works of the authors imagination and do not depict any real event, or person living or dead.

    Copyright © 2016 by Ella Price

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form.

    First Edition: October 2014


    I backed away from the man calling himself Luca. There was something familiar about him just like the others, but I didn’t know what it was. Luca delaying me gave Cornelius and Oliver time to catch up with me. They came out of the room behind Luca.

    Lillian, please stop trying to run, Cornelius begged, trying to reason with me.

    I continued to back away from them. There was no reasoning with me. They were talking about vampires and werewolves … they had to be crazy. I didn’t know who I was, or how I ended up with Cornelius, but I wanted to get away. Leave me alone! I want to leave! I ran down the hall, but it dead ended into a wall … there was no door.

    I looked back, and Oliver was approaching quickly. You aren’t going to get out.

    I pressed my back to the wall and watched him cautiously. None of them had made a move to hurt me, but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t. Are you part of some cult? I asked nervously as the other two approached. I didn’t understand what was going on … it made no sense, nothing did.

    Oliver smiled amused, but he didn’t answer. Luca glared at Cornelius. What is wrong with her? What have you done?

    Nothing that hasn’t already been done with no issues, Cornelius countered.

    He killed her trying to turn her back into a vampire, Oliver said dryly.

    Luca looked like he wanted to punch Cornelius. His fists were clenched at his sides as he watched Cornelius. How could you do that? No one knows what will happen to her if she keeps dying, and now look!

    Cornelius sighed impatiently. We will figure out how to fix her. This is a coven full of witches. There has to be one that can help get her memories back.

    Oliver scoffed. And if they can’t, then what?

    Cornelius scowled. We will worry about that when it happens.

    Excuse me, I’m right here, I said testily as I crossed my arms. I was getting annoyed quickly. They were discussing me like I wasn’t even there. I didn’t know what was going on, but I knew I wanted to get away from these guys. They were talking about vampires, werewolves, and now witches. They had to be insane whether I remembered who I was or not.

    Oliver smiled slightly. Yes you are, and if you would quit being difficult we will put you in a room.

    I want to leave. It’s kidnapping if you keep me here, I countered.

    Oliver’s smile widened as he watched me. Who exactly are you going to complain to?

    I opened my mouth, then I closed it again. He was right … I couldn’t even get out of the place, let alone complain.

    Oliver stop it, Luca snapped, shooting Oliver a dirty look. Luca looked over at me and smiled, trying to reassure me. Lillian, I watched you grow up. I know you are confused, but you have to trust me. You can’t leave because you don’t even know who you are.

    Something about him made me relax a little. I didn’t know why, but I had the instant urge to trust him. Maybe he did know me, and he had no intention on hurting me. Fine, can we just find someone to help me remember?

    I will go find someone. Oliver turned and started walking back the way we had come.

    I looked at Cornelius. He held my gaze with his beautiful turquoise eyes. I wasn’t sure what to think of him. I woke up in his bed. We were together for some reason. He claimed we loved each other. I wished I could remember him, but I just couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried.

    Are you ok Lillian? Luca asked cautiously.

    I pulled my gaze from Cornelius’s and shook my head trying to clear it. Fine, I’m just tired.

    You have a room here somewhere. Maybe you can get some rest while Oliver finds a witch that can help, Luca suggested.

    I nodded. That sounds good. I was trying to keep the nervousness out of my tone. The longer I was with them, the more confused I was getting. I needed time alone, maybe without all the distractions I could figure out who I was.

    I know where your room is. Cornelius turned without saying anything else and walked down the hall.

    I quickly followed, and Luca followed me. Where are we? Now that I wasn’t worried about running, I had time to look at the place. It was actually extremely nice. Some of the walls looked carved.

    Cornelius spoke before Luca could. Your mother’s coven.

    My mother? Is she here? I was wondering if I would recognize her.

    Cornelius glanced at Luca but didn’t speak.

    Luca sighed. Lillian it is all very complicated. Maybe once everything settles down we can discuss everything.

    Before I could reply, Cornelius opened the door to a room and ushered me inside. The room was huge. The furniture all looked like it was from a different era. The white vanity caught my attention. I walked over to the vanity and touched one of the wood lilies carved into it. This is beautiful.

    Cornelius looked at Luca. We should go see what Oliver has found.

    Luca looked at him for a second, then he turned his attention back to me. Will you be okay on your own?

    I nodded and forced a smiled. I’m fine. I’m just going to rest.

    Okay. He smiled, then he walked out of the room.

    Cornelius’s eyes locked with mine again. Every time it happened, I got the urge to run to him, but I couldn’t make myself move. He abruptly turned and walked out without saying anything. The door shut making me jump a little.

    I looked around the room. It didn’t feel like my room. I just didn’t see myself staying in a place like this and not remembering. I debated whether I should stay or try to make an escape. There were no windows, and in the hall … I never saw a door that looked like it led outside. It almost seemed like trying to get away was impossible. I found it hard to believe everything they were saying, then again … I had no clue who I was. I couldn’t honestly say they were lying because I didn’t know if they were or not. I looked around the room a little more. I felt odd, almost like I had been there before. Maybe I really did belong here. The more I looked at everything, the more I began to wonder if they were all telling the truth.

    A brisk knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts. Before I could even give permission, Oliver walked in followed by an older woman. I had a feeling this was the witch he went to retrieve. I was a little hesitant. What if she was a witch? I didn’t know what they were planning to do to me. I wasn’t entirely sure I could trust them. Part of me wanted to trust them, but I was having a hard time trusting myself. I couldn’t remember anything. How would I know if I was making the right decisions?

    The woman hesitated when she saw me. Mistress Lillian?

    Do I know you? I was wondering if I knew her too. I didn’t recognize her. I didn’t even have a feeling I might know her like I did with the others. I didn’t really understand why she was addressing me like she was. She was acting like I was a leader of some kind … maybe I was.

    No … not personally. Oliver tells me you don’t remember anything, she said cautiously as she approached me.

    I watched her much like she was watching me. She knew I didn’t trust her, and she was wary. Oliver moved further into the room. The door was closed, and I was getting slightly nervous. I suppose I don’t. I was trying to relax. It seemed impossible for me to relax. I didn’t like the idea of people claiming to be witches touching me.

    The woman glanced at Oliver. I can’t help her.

    What do you mean? You haven’t even tried, Oliver growled testily.

    The woman glared at him. She is radiating power. She has no control, and she is scared. If I touch her, she will more than likely kill me. She doesn’t understand what is going on, and she doesn’t trust you either.

    She never trusted me … not even when she knew me, he said dryly.

    She has to trust us, or we will only get hurt, the woman said curtly, then she marched out of the room.

    Oliver sighed in annoyance and muttered something under his breath.

    I watched him curiously. Why didn’t I trust you? He seemed a little coarser than the other two, but he didn’t seem like a bad guy. Unless he was, and I just didn’t remember.

    He glared at me. Because I didn’t let you get your way and treat you like a princess like all the other men in your life.

    I scowled as I crossed my arms. The tone of his voice annoyed me, and so did his accusations. He was acting like I was a spoiled brat. If I was, I didn’t see why they wanted me to stay so bad. You can go now. I wanted to be alone. I certainly didn’t want to be around someone who was going to be rude to me.

    He did a mock bow. Of course, your majesty. His tone was dripping with sarcasm. He turned and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

    I found myself scowling at the door. It was no wonder I didn’t like him … he was an ass. I walked over to the bed and sat down. My mind was racing and as much as I wanted to sleep, I doubted I could.

    The door opened, and Cornelius walked in the room. He shut the door behind him, but he didn’t make a move to come to me. Oliver seemed a little upset. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.

    I’m fine. Apparently, the witch can’t help me. Just saying the word ‘witch’ made me feel funny. I looked at Cornelius curiously. He claimed to be a vampire. Other than the unexplained transportation thing he did earlier, I saw no other evidence that he actually was a vampire. Are you really a vampire?

    He smiled slightly as he started to move toward me. I am.

    I tensed a little as he came closer. He claimed to be my lover. I wasn’t entirely sure I was ready to accept that even though I was in bed with him earlier. The sound of loud male voices outside my door made me stand. It sounded like there was some kind of fight.

    Cornelius muttered something and walked back toward the door. Before he made it to the door, the door burst open and two new men came in the room. The first man looked similar to Cornelius … he had the same hair and eyes. The second man was taller, and his hair and eyes were darker.

    What the hell is going on? Why are you trying to keep us from Lillian? the first man snapped as he glared at Cornelius.

    I was going to explain. Cornelius managed to sound slightly impatient.

    The second man moved toward me. I had no idea who he was. I had a feeling I knew him, but his name didn’t come to mind. I fought the urge to run away from him when he reached out and brushed my cheek with his fingers. His expression darkened. She is human, and why is she acting like she doesn’t remember who I am?

    I didn’t even get a chance to ask him who he was. He knew what I was thinking without me saying anything. It was a little unnerving that he could do that.

    What? What do you mean she doesn’t remember? Who changed her back to human? Did she die? the first man asked in disbelief as he moved up beside the second man.

    Aubrey, Drake is right … she doesn’t know who anyone is, Cornelius said softly.

    What? they both said in unison as they turned and glared at Cornelius. I slipped away from them while they were both distracted. I didn’t like being so close to them.

    Cornelius raised his hands, trying to ease the tension. I can explain.

    You better explain. Drake stepped forward with his hands clenched into fists at his side.

    Cornelius stood a little straighter, taking obvious offense to Drake’s movement. I would watch what you do, wolf.

    Just explain, Aubrey snapped obviously annoyed with the whole situation.

    Cornelius sighed. Lillian wanted to be a vampire again, so I killed her to change her back into a human. When she woke up, all her memories were gone.

    I warned you about killing her again! Drake was furious. He clenched his fists tighter as he stepped even closer to Cornelius.

    Surprisingly, Cornelius stood his ground. Drake was much bigger, and he looked a lot stronger than Cornelius, but Cornelius didn’t seem to care.

    Aubrey moved between them. Fighting will solve nothing. We need to figure out how to get her memories back. Has anyone consulted the other witches?

    I have. Oliver sounded amused by the scene as he watched from the doorway. I didn’t even realize he was standing there. The witches said Lillian will kill them if they attempt to touch her. Apparently she doesn’t trust any of us.

    Drake turned back toward me. He moved quickly over to me. I watched him hesitantly as he came to stand in front of me. He towered above me. I looked up at him cautiously. His dark eyes were full of worry. He seemed like he cared about me. Lillian, you don’t remember me?

    I’m sorry … I don’t. I felt a little bad about telling him I didn’t.

    You have to remember something … anything. Aubrey stepped up next to Drake. He watched me intently. He looked angry and maybe a little scared.

    I don’t, I’m really sorry, I… I started to speak.

    Before I could finish, Aubrey grabbed me by my shoulders startling me. You have to!

    He was scaring me. Fear shot through me as I went to pull away from him.

    Aubrey, let her go, Oliver warned as he moved toward us.

    I felt a sudden tingling sensation. Aubrey was suddenly thrown backwards into the wall. He collapsed in a heap, and Cornelius rushed over to him. I stumbled backwards confused. I didn’t know what happened … no one touched him. Something happened to him, and I had a bad feeling I was the one that threw him backwards.

    Lillian, he won’t hurt you, Oliver said firmly.

    I looked at him wide-eyed and confused. I was slightly dizzy now. I didn’t know what was going on. Oliver was looking at me like I did something wrong. What is happening to me? I felt tears stream down my cheeks. I didn’t know why I was crying. I was shaking, and everything seemed so overwhelming.

    Oliver didn’t make a move to touch me. Cornelius hurried over to me and pulled me into his arms.

    That is a bad idea. She just threw Aubrey across the room, Oliver said dryly.

    I don’t care, Cornelius said as he held me. I felt a little more secure in his arms. The scent of his light cologne made me feel a little safer. I knew him … I had to know him. I just didn’t remember anything that happened between us.

    Aubrey was climbing back to his feet. He looked even grumpier now. "We have

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