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The Dark Fae: Book 2
The Dark Fae: Book 2
The Dark Fae: Book 2
Ebook218 pages3 hours

The Dark Fae: Book 2

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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After her father' betrays her, Scarlett learns more about her powers as she tries to find her place among her people. Her father and Joann create more problems for Scarlett when they threaten Dakota's pack. To make matters worse Scarlett's feeling develop for Elijah even though he insists on distancing himself from her. Scarlett makes a deal with Erik to save Laurie's life. She struggles to fight her feelings for Elijah as she grows closer to Laurie. Scarlett continues to learn about herself and her powers. Laurie continues to try to get Scarlett to unite the Fae people.

PublisherElla Price
Release dateAug 13, 2016
The Dark Fae: Book 2

Ella Price

I have been writing since I was eight. I started out with poetry. Eventually, I moved on to short fantasy stories, then eventually books. I have always loved books, whether I was reading them or writing them. Books have always been a perfect escape from reality. When I was growing up, I admired authors and I always imagined I would eventually be one. The primary genre I write is fantasy romance. I love creating tough heroines and sexy vampires, werewolves, Fae, and every other supernatural creature I can come up with. I also write new adult romance when I am in the right mood. I want my readers to get the same joy from reading my stories that I do when I read some of my favorite authors.

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    Book preview

    The Dark Fae - Ella Price

    Chapter 1

    The two guards pulled me out of the car; even though I gave my all as I struggled against them. We were in an area that was surrounded by warehouses. The place was desolate. I doubted screaming would do me any good, and fighting wasn’t getting me anywhere either.

    Christopher looked me over. She’s feisty … just like I like.

    I glared at him as the two guards held me by my arms.

    She has minimal damage like promised; nothing that won’t heal. Do you have the money? Joanna asked smiling in her usual flirtatious way.

    Christopher waved his hand, and two men carrying suitcases stepped forward and offered them to Joanna and Erik.

    Let them have her boys, Joanna said happily as she accepted one of the cases. Erik took the other and walked back to the car.

    The guards transferred me over to Christopher’s guards. I kicked one in the shin, and punched the other in the face as I renewed struggling, hoping these guards weren’t as strong as Joanna’s guards.

    No returns and if you lose her, that is on you, Joanna cooed at Christopher. She giggled as she turned and hurried back to the limo. She gave him a small wave and climbed inside. The limo pulled away and Christopher turned his attention to me.

    I was glaring up at him. I was sagging under the guards hold. I was out of breath and out of energy. Christopher reached out and touched my face. I pulled away revolted by his touch.

    He scowled as he grabbed a hold of my face. I felt his hand heat up. It was an odd and scary feeling. You saw what I can do, Scarlett. Challenge me, and I will ruin everything that makes you beautiful, he growled.

    He suddenly released my face. His hand was glowing with that odd light like it did when he attacked Laurie. I knew better than to challenge him until I could come up with a way to stop him. If I made an attempt to get away without making a solid plan first, he would be able to hurt me long before I could do anything to him.

    Christopher smiled at me. Take her cuffs off and put her in the car. I believe she will behave.

    The guards unlocked my cuffs and pushed me toward the car. I preferred it this way. If my hands were free, I had more of a chance of getting away. I climbed into the car without protesting. I knew it wasn’t the time or place to put up a fight. It was too desolate, and Christopher wouldn’t think twice about harming me.

    The guards didn’t bother getting in the backseat with me. They knew Christopher could handle me if need be. Christopher smiled as he settled across from me. I told you one day you would be mine, love. Now look, that day is here.

    I’m not here by choice, I countered as I continued to glare at him. I was on guard trying to remain calm. I had to be careful, or he would hurt me. I remembered the pain of Laurie’s injuries, and it wasn’t something I wanted to relive.

    I didn’t say how I would make you mine. I just said I would. I would have had you the first time if it wasn’t for that vampire, he said sounding disgusted. It was obvious he didn’t like vampires. I had no doubt Erik set everything up that day, then he changed his plan when it backfired.

    I held his gaze. You can’t honestly believe I’ll just shut up and do what you ask.

    His smile widened. I actually thought I would get more of a fight out of you. I have to admit I am a little disappointed.

    I scowled. I don’t want to fight. I just want to live my life.

    He laughed like the notion was ridiculous. Even if you gave the baby up, your loving father still had plans for you. Offer him a little money, and he will do almost anything, including betray his own blood.

    Do you honestly think I’m just going to do whatever you want? I asked skeptically. He had to have a huge ego if he thought I would just comply. I suppose if he didn’t have a huge ego, then I wouldn’t have been in the car with him.

    My words didn’t faze him. He had that stupid smile on his face no matter what I said. He acted like he believed I would just accept my fate. He obviously knew nothing about me if he believed that.

    The car came to a stop. I looked around for the first time. We were parked in an alley in the middle of downtown. It was dark and desolate like the warehouse district. He opened the door and climbed out. I could hear the thump of music like the building housed a club of some sort.

    Don’t make me drag you out, Scarlett. His voice was laced with the first hint of annoyance I heard all night.

    I rolled my eyes and climbed out of the car. I considered running, but he grabbed my upper arm firmly like he knew what I was thinking. Don’t do anything stupid, love. This could be an incredibly good night, or an incredibly bad one. It is all up to you.

    Before I could say anything, he started walking, pulling me along with him. His guard held open one of the doors, and he led me through it. I thought it would lead into a night club, but it didn’t. There was a stairwell that went down deeper into the building.

    My heart started to race. I had no idea where he was taking me, and the further into the building we went the less of a chance I had of escaping. The guards didn’t bother following us, which was a good thing. If I didn’t have them to worry about, it was possible I could find a way to get away from Christopher.

    The stairwell opened up to a hallway with several doors. He opened the second door he came to and pulled me inside. He shoved me onto a bed, then he shrugged his coat off. Undress, he ordered.

    I was frozen. My heart was beating so fast I thought it might explode. I was caught somewhere between anger and terror. I was so shocked by his blatant expectation that I couldn’t move.

    He was watching me with a sadistic smirk. Undress or I will undress you. He began to unbutton his shirt as he continued to keep his eyes on me.

    No, I said firmly snapping out of it. I stood and moved away from the bed. I wasn’t having sex with him, and he wasn’t going to make me despite what he thought.

    His expression darkened as he advanced on me. He reached out and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me against him forcefully. I pulled away trying to twist out of his grasp, but he was a lot stronger than he looked.

    His mouth covered mine and I fought the urge to gag. He forced me against the wall pinning me. His hands roamed my body as he kissed me aggressively. I couldn’t get him off me, and I was terrified. I pressed my palms to his chest, trying to push him back.

    A familiar tingling sensation came over me. It was the same sensation I got when I touched Laurie after he was injured. I was terrified I would end up drained, and he would have his way with me but for some reason, I felt stronger not weaker.

    Suddenly, he pulled away from me like I shocked him. His expression was full of fury. I was sure he was going to hurt me. I wasn’t even sure what I did. What the fuck are you doing? he growled as he looked at his chest.

    I just watched him wide eyed trying to catch my breath. He brought his hand up and it started to glow. Fear gripped me as he smiled. He moved closer to me. I pressed my body to the wall wishing I had more room to retreat.

    I don’t know what you did, but you will not do it again, understand? The threat in his voice made me shiver. I knew he was serious, but I couldn’t just let him have me.

    I don’t know what came over me, but I reached out and grabbed his glowing hand. The tingling sensation came back full force. His eyes widened with fear. I gasped in surprise at the sensations I was getting. His glowing hand suddenly started to dim. I held him firmly refusing to let him go even though he pulled away from me.

    He went to his knees like he was getting weak. No! Stop! he cried out almost like he was in agony. His hand was no longer glowing.

    The door slammed open startling me. I released his hand and looked up, prepared for the wrath of whoever was standing there. Relief filled me when I saw it was Elijah. He looked a little caught off guard and confused when he saw the scene in front of him.

    Elijah, I cried happily as I rushed over to him. I threw my arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest.

    You bitch! What did you do to me? Christopher yelled from where he was sitting on the floor. He looked pale and weak. It was almost like I drained him of all his power.

    What did you do to him? Elijah asked sounding a little curious.

    I don’t know. I just want to get out of here, I pleaded as I looked up at Elijah.

    He nodded and wrapped his arms around me.

    No! Fix me! Christopher yelled as he crawled toward us. His voice quickly faded as Elijah transported me.

    My vision cleared and we were standing in the living room of Elijah’s house. I remained pressed against him with my arms around his neck. He watched me hesitantly like he was waiting for me to step away. I didn’t want to step away from him. I wanted his lips on mine. I kissed him briefly once, but he quickly ended it. The thought of the sensations his kiss could give me made my heart flutter. If it was anything like his bite I would be in heaven.

    He suddenly pulled away from me. I told you before we can’t go down this road. He walked toward the bar.

    Why not? I asked grumpily. I didn’t understand why he wouldn’t even entertain the idea of being with me. I was starting to think I cared about him, and he continued to act like he didn’t care.

    Scarlett, someone said from behind me. I turned a little startled. It was Laurie, and he was holding the baby.

    Relief filled me. Laurie! I hurried over to him. I’m so glad you are both okay. I looked down at the baby.

    He offered her to me. Do you want to hold her?

    I did want to hold her. I was glad I was able to keep her from Joanna and Erik. I took her and started to bounce her. Did you name her? I never got a chance. I was calling her Jacob before I figured out that she had the wrong parts.

    Laurie hesitated. I named her Laura, like you wanted.

    I looked up at him and his gaze locked with mine. I felt a rush of confusing feelings, but I quickly pushed them away. I glanced at Elijah. He was silently watching me from the bar. I only wished he wasn’t so closed off to me. Maybe it was a good thing. I was so confused about who I was, and who I should be with. I wasn’t sure if I liked Laurie. I was beginning to think I just felt obligated to him. I knew I liked Elijah, but he insisted on keeping things platonic, and Eli had a different path then me. Eli and I would never be able to make things work.

    What are we going to do about Erik and Joanna? I asked deciding to change the conversation to business.

    Laurie sighed. There is nothing we can do but hide. Elijah said we can stay here for now.

    I would like to know what you did to Christopher, Elijah said casually as he walked over and sat down in a chair.

    I looked over at him trying to decide what to tell him. I didn’t really know what I did. I figured it would just be best to be honest. I’m not sure what I did. I think I drained him. It was similar to what I did when Laurie was hurt, except I took away his strength instead of giving it back to him. I focused on the baby instead of them.

    You drained him? Laurie asked confused.

    I nodded as I sat down on the couch and adjusted Laura. I think so. The longer I held onto him the dimmer his light got, then it was gone.

    That is a rare power. If it gets out, we will have a lot more to worry about than just Christopher. Laurie sounded worried. I need to go consult some close friends. Take care of Laura. I will be back.

    Before I could argue, he was already walking through the doorway. I didn’t want him going out and getting hurt. I looked over at Elijah, and he smiled.

    What? I asked grumpily.

    He shrugged. Now you get to play ‘house’ with Laurie. You should be happy.

    I never wanted to play ‘house’, I countered. I just want my old life back. I used to think it sucked but compared to this it didn’t. I was at least free do what I wanted, and to love who I wanted.

    You mean Eli? he asked amused.

    I rolled my eyes as I stood. I don’t love Eli like that … at least I don’t think I do. I’m so confused I have no idea what I feel for anyone anymore.

    I loved Eli as a friend. I was beginning to think I felt the same way for Laurie. I just didn’t see myself being with either of them forever. They didn’t make me feel like I thought I should feel for someone I was madly in love with. I looked at Elijah, and I felt the small surge of excitement. The thought of his bite and his kiss made my heart race. Those were the feelings I thought I should feel when I looked at the man I cared for.

    Don’t, Elijah said softly as he watched me.

    I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Don’t what? I asked casually. I knew what he was warning me against, but I didn’t care.

    Don’t fall for me, Scarlett. I am not the one for you, he said firmly.

    I rolled my eyes. You’re just another person telling me how to feel, I muttered as I looked down at the baby.

    He scoffed. I am not telling you … I am begging you. I am not what you think I am, Scarlett. Do not put me in this position.

    Laura started to fuss before I could say anything. I stood and looked over at him. I’m going to take her upstairs. He didn’t say anything to stop me as I walked out of the room. I hurried up the stairs to my room.

    In my absence, Laurie set up a crib, and had everything else Laura needed in my room. I fed her and changed her. She went back to sleep and I laid her in the crib. It had already been a long night. I needed to shower and change while she was asleep.

    I was finishing up getting dressed when there was a knock on my door. Scarlett, it’s me, Laurie said from the other side.

    Come in, I called as I dried my hair.

    Laurie opened the door and stepped into the room. He smiled at me, then walked over to Laura’s crib and looked down at her. I am glad you got her to sleep. She wouldn’t sleep for me.

    I smiled slightly. She’s a good girl. Where did you go?

    He sighed as he walked over and sat down on the bed. I was hoping to find out if we have any allies, but everyone is so afraid of Joanna and Erik that they don’t want to stand with us.

    I looked at him thoughtfully. Maybe you should take Laura and leave town. Erik knows he can’t find you; he isn’t even looking.

    He looked up at me a little startled. What about you? You don’t want to come with me?

    I shook my head. I belong here. My mother is here. I’m not going to run from them. I can protect myself, but Laura needs you to protect her.

    His face creased with worry. "You know they will come after

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