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To Lose His Heart
To Lose His Heart
To Lose His Heart
Ebook117 pages1 hour

To Lose His Heart

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About this ebook

Things should be going great for Matt Glenn. His business as a security consultant is thriving and he’s rekindled his relationship with sexy detective Jordan Cobbers. But the pressures of work are driving Matt and Jordan ever further apart. Luckily Matt’s old flame, Ben, is on hand to make thing right. But tragedy strikes, and Matt is in danger of having everything ripped from his world, including his sanity. When he loses his heart, how far must he go to find it again?

Release dateAug 29, 2016
To Lose His Heart

Alec Nortan

Alec Nortan is a French social services worker. Though he learned English at school, he chooses this language to write in. His works are gay-related fictions, varying from young adult, science fiction or fantasy adventure, to romance.

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    Book preview

    To Lose His Heart - Alec Nortan

    A NineStar Press Publication

    To Lose His Heart

    Copyright 2016 Alec Nortan

    Cover Art by Natasha Snow ©Copyright 2016

    Edited by Elizabeth Coldwell

    Published in 2016 by NineStar Press, New Mexico, USA.

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, NineStar Press, LLC


    This story contains the death of a major character and scenes of grieving.

    To Lose His Heart

    Matt Glenn

    Alec Nortan

    Table of Contents

    To Lose His Heart

    About the Author

    Other books by this author

    Connect with Alec Nortan


    Thank you, Elizabeth and Elizabetta, for your patience when years of English lessons have failed to get spelling and rules into my head.

    Chapter One

    I turn on my side and open my eyes to find that I’m alone in the bed.


    Since we got back together, Jordan and I, we barely spend any time together. Not that we don’t want to, but Jordan works almost around the clock these days. Of course, things haven’t really been easy since he told me he loved me. I was with Ben, at that time. Then I kidnapped a girl (to save her, don’t get me wrong), got accused of being the new leader of the Mafia, and was hunted down by every cop in the city and in the state, the Feds and the DEA. The name Matt Glenn ring a bell? That’s me.

    Big yay!

    My name was cleared, but all the policemen involved haven’t been so lucky. Some had been working more or less willingly—a few knowingly—for the real Mafia boss. Including the chief of police. The witch-hunt is still going on. So now the whole police department is in complete disarray, and Lieutenant Jordan Cobbers, my sexy and loving Jordan, has to make up the shortfall.

    There’s no other way. I get dressed, eat a quick breakfast, and head for work.

    When I reach our temporary office, which we’re using as the real one burned down, Cathy is already sitting at her desk. She’s my best friend and only employee, though I consider her more like a partner. She too is working extra hard. She blames herself for missing important information about our last client. Despite the fact that he turned out to be the real Mafia boss, I really don’t blame her. We’d been framed by pros.

    Are you sure you don’t want to take a few days off? I ask her for the umpteenth time.

    She doesn’t even bother glaring at me. Instead, she hands me a file. Here is the info about our new client, a Mr. Tarren. He’s clean. I did a complete check.

    We only check the client’s whole life for special jobs, like our stealing something from them, but here, we’re just talking about a security system upgrade. I’ll read it and ask Jordan about him. I really don’t need to ask Jordan, but it’s as good an excuse as any to see him.

    This time, she does glare at me. I didn’t miss anything.

    I know you didn’t. You didn’t even have to do it. But this way I’ll get to see my boyfriend. It’s not because you prefer coming to work rather than having your husband fuck your brains out like everyone else does.

    She smiles faintly. A relationship isn’t just about sex, you know…

    I snort. We don’t see each other often enough or for long enough to have any. Sex would be a good beginning. The day hasn’t started all that great, and this topic makes my mood deteriorate quickly. I’m off. I’ll check on the state of our offices on my way back. I turn around and walk out before she can say anything else.


    Maybe I should have waited for Jordan to come home…

    As I walk down the aisle of the open-plan space of the police headquarters, surrounded by cops moving from desk to desk, I try to ignore the gazes. Many of the cops just look at me and then ignore me, but quite a few glare at me, as if I were still Public Enemy Number One. Strangely enough, the most openly friendly among them is Detective Angborn, who comes over to me to shake hands. We only exchange a few words, but I take it as a good omen. He doesn’t hold any grudge for my using him when I stole a diamond-and-pearl tiara from Ben’s mother, nor for getting his boss’s ass kicked out of the department.

    I throw a quick glance at Jordan’s former desk, and then keep walking until I face a door with Chief of Police written in black letters on it. I knock softly and enter without being called.

    Chief Cobbers, I say jokingly. Sounds good.

    Jordan’s sitting behind his desk, wearing his uniform. He doesn’t like it, but his new job requires it. I can’t complain. He looks gorgeous in it. Not quite as gorgeous as when he’s naked, though. He looks up at me. I’m just filling in. What are you doing here?

    The tinge of annoyance in his voice takes me aback. He doesn’t rise to kiss me either. This, at least, I can understand. What if one of the other cops comes in and sees us kissing? I decide to shrug it off. Maybe I came at the wrong time. Maybe I just imagined the annoyance. I won’t admit that I just came to see him, though. I’m not sure what to tell him, lacking a reason to be here.

    His gaze shifts to my hand, and I remember the file I’m holding, and why I’m holding it. I hadn’t really intended to ask him this, but at least it’s an excuse. I’ve got a new client. I’d like you to check if we missed anything important about him.

    I’m not at your service! If you can’t do it yourself, find another job!

    It’s a double blow that makes me take a step back. He doesn’t sound annoyed anymore. He is angry. And questioning my job when he claimed it was a misunderstanding about it that had kept us apart for years is…

    I breathe slowly through my nose. I don’t want to say things I’ll regret. Instead, I say, See you later, through gritted teeth and walk out.


    Half an hour later, when I reach the office, five of Grandby’s men are hard at work, renovating the place. They work fast. Already, all traces of fire or water damage have vanished. It looks like Cathy and I will be able to work here again in a week.

    I should be happy, but I’m not. Instead of walking back to the temporary office, I take the riverside walk and sit on a bench facing the water. Since Jordan got promoted, we’ve barely seen each other, even though I spend more time at his place than at mine. I know the whole police mess isn’t easy for him, but I could be his moral support. Instead, I feel like he’s avoiding me.

    No. I’m wrong. He can’t be avoiding me. Not when we’re finally together. But however I look at it, I

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