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Daughter of Chaos
Daughter of Chaos
Daughter of Chaos
Ebook313 pages4 hours

Daughter of Chaos

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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"At the beginning, this novel is reminiscent of other popular fantasy novels like the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling and the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan, but it quickly takes on a life of its own that will appeal to science fiction, fantasy, and young adult fans alike. Darlena's struggles mirror issues that many teens face, making her a relatable and likable main character. This is a title with wide appeal that will fly off the shelves."--Elisabeth W. Rauch, VOYA Magazine

“You must choose, child. Choose now, and choose once, for once taken, the path becomes your fate.”

Magic is supposed to be easy; there’s Black, White, and Green Magic, and once a Witch picks a path, that’s really all she has to worry about. But for Darlena Agara, things just keep getting harder. She’s torn between her best friend’s choice of the Black path, and her on-again, off-again boyfriend’s choice of the White path, so she tries to stall, waiting for divine inspiration. Darlena isn’t expecting the form it takes, though. Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, shows up in her living room and pressures her to choose her path, and Lena does something stupid; she declares that she’ll be a Red Witch, something that doesn’t exist...or does it?

Now Lena’s on the run, struggling to master the forces of chaos she now controls while at the same time staying out of the way of the crazy gods and goddesses who want her to use Red Magic to cause chaos. Turns out, Red Magic is real...and deadly. Will Lena learn enough about her power before it’s too late, or will she become a walking disaster?

PublisherJen McConnel
Release dateSep 6, 2016
Daughter of Chaos

Jen McConnel

Jen McConnel is an award winning author. She writes Young Adult and New Adult fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. When she isn’t writing, she can be found on her yoga mat, teaching, or wandering off on another adventure.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Ik loved this book. A real pageturner that I read out in one day!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A good book to pass an afternoon. I'm curious where the series is going. And I liked that multiple deities are talked about throughout the book emphasizing the similarities between different pantheons. Without disrespecting any deity.

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Daughter of Chaos - Jen McConnel

Cover Designed by Rocking Book Covers, 2016

This book is a work of fiction. Characters, locations, and events are products of the author’s mind, or have been used in a fictitious manner. The author acknowledges the right of all trademark holders for products mentioned in this work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, or to actual events, is purely coincidental.

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To W.M. and all the IMPS.


Jen McConnel

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Seven



More Myth and Magic!

About the Author

Chapter One

I’d been looking forward to Thursday all week. It wasn’t often that I got the house to myself; my parents aren’t really the date-night type, so I was thrilled when they’d announced they were going to some cheesy classic rock concert in Raleigh. Mom had tried to persuade me to come along, but she and I have very different ideas about what constitutes music. So I planned a night alone while they decided to reclaim their lost youth or something.

School had sucked more than usual the past four days. Things were getting weirder with Justin, if that was possible. I thought we’d hit an all-time low with our breakup, but I’d been wrong. As if that wasn’t enough, it seemed like the teachers were trying to torture us; in one week, I’d had two essays due and three major tests.

All things considered, I decided that I deserved a bit of pampering. Once I waved Mom and Dad off, I popped myself a big bowl of popcorn, grabbed an orange soda, and parked myself on the couch. I’d been recording my favorite show for weeks, hoarding the episodes like Halloween candy until the perfect opportunity presented itself. I don’t know why, but I love watching the cake show on the home and garden channel. It wouldn’t surprise me if they had a Witch or two in that kitchen; they do way more with frosting than Nons should be able to do.

Thinking I had hours of sugary entertainment in store, I settled in with the remote. I only made it about ten minutes into the first episode before the power surged and the DVR reset itself. Annoyed, I scrolled through the menu to get back to my show just as a crash of thunder rocked the house. I jumped, spilling popcorn all over the couch. The lights flickered, and then the power went out.

I leaned forward with a sigh, groping around the coffee table for matches. The house was full of candles, and my mother left the big boxes of kitchen matches scattered around for easy access. My fingers closed around the thick rectangle just as my skin prickled in warning.

Someone was in the living room with me. My eyes swung around, trying to spot the intruder, and my gaze stopped on a hunched figure standing in front of the window. Sucking in my breath, I opened the box and struck a match along the side. The smell of sulfur filled the room, and my eyes widened with fear as I stared at the figure before me.

She was a funny-looking old woman, and if I didn’t know exactly who she was, I might have laughed at her. As it was, the sight of Hecate standing in my living room made me incredibly uncomfortable. Although I knew that the gods played a role in magic, this was the first time I had ever met one of them face-to-face. I’d never expected in a million years that I would meet a god as powerful and frightening as Hecate.

The Queen of Witches was not given to traipsing through time and space on a whim; in fact, we’d learned in school that historically, Hecate only appeared for one of two reasons: to punish someone who broke the laws of Witchcraft, or to reward an unusually talented Witch. The last time the latter had happened was about five hundred years ago, and I don’t think I have much in common with Will Shakespeare, so I figured her presence must be due to my mounting transgressions.

For the first time, I wished I were with my parents. A few hours ago, I couldn’t imagine anything worse than being stuck in a stadium with a bunch of old hippies trying to recreate Woodstock. Now I could.

Bowing my head before the goddess, I tensed, wondering if I could talk my way out of the punishment that was inevitably coming. Surely a few little hexes weren’t enough to have me chastised for breaking the Rede?

The Rede is the cardinal rule of magic, and it had been drummed into my head by my parents and teachers for years. According to the Rede, Witches are free to act as we choose as long as our actions don’t bring harm. I tried hard to follow it, but sometimes I couldn’t resist using my magic for a little well-deserved payback. From what I knew of Hecate, she was no stranger to small acts of revenge. Maybe, I thought hopefully, maybe she would go easy on me.

Girl. Her voice was raspy, like a rusty door hinge, and I jerked despite myself. She chuckled without humor. Girl, look at me.

Slowly, I raised my eyes, sweeping my gaze up her inky black robes that shimmered like water, past the blood-red stone dangling from her throat, and up to her golden eyes. They weren’t human, but from what I remembered of the myths we studied at school, Hecate had never valued humanity. Her eyes were the eyes of a night predator—an owl or fox—and they held me spellbound.

Darlena. Darlena, I have been aware of you for some time now. Her words came slowly, creaking into existence and lingering. I was frozen with fear. Child, you stand at the brink. A choice must be made.

Confused, I started to shake my head, but her ragged claw shot out and held my chin steady.

You, child, will be powerful. But you stand at a crossing. Choose.

Silently, I shut my eyes, willing the apparition before me to vanish. She just laughed.

Darlena, little one, choose your path. Will you walk the White, the Black, or the Green?

At these words, her visit suddenly made sense. We’d spent a good deal of time studying the three paths in school, even taking monthly aptitude tests to determine which path we would follow in our own lives. Most of my classmates already knew which of the three branches of magic they were called to, but I kept getting confused. I never seemed to test high in any of the three areas, and for a Blood Witch to be sixteen and still without a path was shameful. No one had said anything, of course, not outright, but I felt my parents’ growing frustration that I hadn’t declared yet. At the same time, no one had said what would happen if I didn’t choose a path, so I’d delayed, waiting for something to take the decision out of my hands.

And now the Queen of Witches stood before me, demanding that I make a choice I wasn’t prepared to make.

I shook my head, and her claw tightened on my chin. Her fingernails, sharp and ragged, bit into my flesh with subtle pressure.

You must choose, child. Choose now, and choose once, for once taken, the path becomes your fate.

I looked into those strange golden eyes, searching for a way out. Majesty, what would you have me choose?

She chortled. It is not what I want, girl. It is what you are called to. I would have you choose now, and choose wisely. You will not have a second choice.

Even though the goddess was staring at me intently, I couldn’t keep my mind focused on her words. My thoughts went back to a few weeks ago, when Rochelle and I were hiding in the art room at school. She sketched with charcoal while I worked a spell. I had just bound a hex with red thread when Justin walked in. His brown eyes widened when he saw what I was doing, and he threw an accusing glance toward Rochelle, but he shut the door and sat down across from me without saying anything. Rochelle ignored him, but the sound of her charcoal against the page got louder. Annoyed, I finished the spell and then looked up to meet his troubled gaze. I could feel the energy radiating off of him, and I resisted the urge to reach for his hand. Instead, I raised an eyebrow, hoping I looked bored.

He cleared his throat. Who are you hexing?

I shrugged and looked back at the hex. Principal Snout didn’t even bother listening to my side of things this time.

Lena, is this really a good idea?

I glared at him, so he switched tactics.

I found my path today. I’ve decided to declare to White magic.

I nodded, and Rochelle stiffened slightly. He didn’t seem to notice and I wondered if all White Witches were as oblivious to the undercurrents surrounding them. His declaration was hardly news to anyone but Justin; he’d always been so noble and good that I don’t think anyone at school doubted he was destined to follow the White path, the same way everyone seemed to know Rochelle was leaning toward Black. He smiled unsteadily, still getting used to his new identity. I looked away, trying to slow my heart rate. His tentative smile was still enough to get under my skin.

I just thought—I know you haven’t chosen yet, but I wanted to ask you something. His eyes were serious, and I couldn’t look away from his warm gaze.

It had been bad enough breaking up with him once; why did he have to keep making me fall for him all over again? I tried to reel in my emotions, but I felt my neck starting to flush. Sitting beside me, Rochelle stopped drawing in anticipation of something. I wasn’t sure what she was waiting for, so I focused on Justin.

If you ever wanted to, well, I mean, if you ever thought about— He floundered, but I couldn’t bear to help him. If I spoke, I was afraid I might say something I’d regret.

He took a deep breath and went on. You know that Whites and Greens can intermarry. He paused as he glanced for the first time at Rochelle. But a Black is forbidden from marrying at all. I just wanted you to think about that before you make your own choice. His final words came out in a rush, and I exhaled quickly. My heart spun through my body like a yo-yo, and I struggled to keep my face blank.

I nodded once, curtly, and then turned my attention back to my recently finished hex, studiously avoiding meeting Rochelle’s eye. Justin sat there, uncomfortable for a moment, before reaching over to squeeze my upper arm in parting. My skin tingled at his touch. I listened to the door click shut behind him, and my calm demeanor cracked.

Prick. Rochelle spat the word as if she had just tasted poison.

I shrugged and forced a smile. He’s just excited about his declaration.

She laughed sharply. And he’s clearly still in love with you. Rochelle looked at me, her dark eyes piercing my soul. Why in the world did you break up with him? Her mocking tone annoyed me, and I shrugged again, even though my heart started to pound. No one knew how I still felt about Justin, and Rochelle would be the last person I’d confide in. She hated him too much to ever understand, and she thought that I did, too.

It doesn’t matter. What’s done is done.


Red. I don’t know if I spoke the word or only thought it, but it was obvious from her stunned reaction that Hecate had heard me.

Red. I croaked a little more firmly, even though I had no idea what I was saying. I choose to follow Red magic. I’d said the first thing that popped into my mind, but I knew there was no such thing as Red magic. Nervously, I clenched my fists, digging my nails into my palms and waiting for her to chastise me for my insolence.

The punishment I was expecting never came. Instead, there was a crash of thunder outside, and the power flickered on for one blinding moment before the lights went out again. A threatening chuckle filled the air.

Girl, you have bound yourself with your words, but I wonder if you know exactly what you are now tied to?

Mutely, I shook my head, and she cackled. Her hand shot toward my face, and I flinched. The goddess ran her fingers through my hair, tangling it more than it already was. I tried not to jerk away from her, but my scalp crawled.

A Red with red hair. It is fitting.

I stared at her, too surprised to speak. What did my hair have to do with anything? And does that mean there really is something called Red magic?

There was another crash of thunder and the goddess stepped away from me. You will learn all things soon. But you are bound by your choice. Remember that later.

The lights flickered on spasmodically, and the goddess vanished.

Chapter Two

Part of me wanted to believe that I’d just had a dream, not an actual visitation from the most powerful goddess on earth. I was shaking and cold all over as I made my way up the stairs to my room. Not caring about the mess, I crawled into my closet and sat on the floor, hiding under the dangling clothes on their hangers. Trying to still my heart, I took three deep breaths, holding the air in my lungs a beat before exhaling.

Red magic. What in the world was that? I’d never heard of anything but Green, White, and Black. They were the balanced triad of crafts taught at my school, Trinity. Did Red magic even exist? Hecate’s laughter filled my ears, and I began to feel hot and panicky. I crawled out of my closet and reached for my cell phone, but I didn’t call anyone. I thought about it; I was freaked out by her visit and by my impulsive declaration, but when I picked up my phone, the first person I thought of was Justin. I so wasn’t ready to go down that road.

Justin and I had dated a few months ago, and it was intense. I’ve never dated a Non, and he was my first boyfriend, period, so I don’t have anything to compare it to, but dating a powerful Witch was a mind-bending experience. Kissing him literally created sparks. It was like holding a hot wire while eating candy: dangerous, sweet, and strange. He still seemed to have feelings for me, but I had a hard time believing it after what had happened in the woods the last night we were together.

I’d planned everything. We’d left the prom early to drive around, and I wasn’t ready to go home yet.

Why don’t we sit down by the river? I suggested, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice.

He glanced at my black dress. Are you sure that’s okay?

Of course! It’ll be a romantic way to end the night. I slid as close to him as the bucket seats in his mother’s van would allow and put my hand on his arm. He shivered, and my heart sped up with anticipation.

We didn’t say anything when we got to the park, and when I pulled a cheap bottle of champagne out of nowhere, I saw his eyes go wide. Magic can’t make something out of nothing, and I wasn’t about to tell Justin that I’d stolen the bottle from the convenience store the day before prom and stuck it in his mom’s car. It was better if he thought I was powerful and mysterious.

We sat on the muddy bank of the river and took our shoes off. I leaned against his shoulder, feeling the warmth of his skin through the thin fabric of his dress shirt. He’d left his jacket in the car. The bubbles from the champagne were flat, but they still made me tingle. Or maybe that was simply my reaction to Justin.

When I leaned over to kiss him, I tasted wine on his lips. He laced his fingers through my hair, and I pressed my body against his, gradually pushing him back until he was almost lying down. Water gurgled beneath us, and when I looked down into his face, I couldn’t read the emotions flitting across his eyes.

I closed my eyes and leaned forward for another kiss, but Justin turned his head to the side.

What’s wrong? I tried to make my voice sound husky, like an old movie star, but I suck at glamouring. A skilled Witch should be able to change her voice or appearance at will, but this was one spell I’d never been able to master.

Justin looked up at me and frowned. Did you just try to use magic on me?

I shook my head. What makes you think that?

Gently, he lifted me off of him and set me to one side on the bank. Don’t lie to me, Lena.

It was just a little glamour. I wanted to make you want me as much as I want you.

He reached his hand out and cupped the side of my face. You don’t need magic for that.

Eagerly, I leaned forward again, but he pulled back.

I think we should slow down.

I stared at him for a minute. My cheeks were hot, and I was glad that he couldn’t see how embarrassed I was in the darkness. Why? My voice sounded whiny, and I winced.

We’re young. There’s no reason to rush into this.

I forced a laugh. You sound like a stupid Non.

Lena, you know I love you. He leaned toward me, but I pulled away and stood up.

No, I don’t. If you loved me … I trailed off, trying to get my emotions under control.

There’s more to love than sex, Lena.

But I want you. I hated myself as soon as the words were said, and I turned away from the river and began walking fast. I couldn’t bear for him to know that he was the one thing that made me vulnerable; Justin had often teased me about being unstoppable.

Lena, wait! I heard him scramble to his feet behind me, but I didn’t look back. I sped up and whispered a spell to keep him from catching up to me. I walked all the way home, ignoring the stars overhead as I listened for his footsteps. But at some point he must have stopped following me, because when I turned onto my street, I was alone in the night.

I didn’t cry that night, but the next morning when Justin didn’t call, I dissolved into embarrassed tears. We broke up after that, sort of. I never actually told him I didn’t want to see him anymore, but I started ignoring him at school. He took the hint and stopped pestering me, but over the summer, he had started hanging around again. Not like a boyfriend, though; I assumed he wanted to try just being friends. I didn’t have the energy left to tell him that every time I saw him smile, I felt a knife go through my gut.

So we tried to be friends. After the strange thing with Hecate, I really wanted to call him. I started to dial his number, but then I felt a bubbling of blame. If that night in the woods had ended differently, I’d still be with Justin and none of this would have happened. When Hecate had appeared, I probably would have declared Green, to please him and my parents. My face felt hot, and I thought about how he’d let me down. I scowled at my phone and dropped it to the floor. I put my arms around my knees and dropped my head down, curling into a tight ball. The events of the evening replayed again and again in my mind, and I shuddered.

A thought flicked through my mind that filled me with anxiety. What would my parents say when they got home? Would they even believe me?


At dawn, I woke in a sticky sweat, visions of a blood-washed field still fresh in my memory. I thought there had been a castle in the distance, and the sound of strange chanting, but all I remembered for sure was the blood. I took a long, hot shower, trying to cleanse myself of the awful night. Mom and Dad were both already at work when I left the house, and I was grateful that I didn’t have to talk to them about Hecate just yet. I’d almost managed to convince myself that the whole thing was a twisted nightmare. Why would the Queen of Witches bother asking me to pick a path? And even if she did, why would she allow me to choose something that didn’t exist? I was almost cheerful with my delusion as I walked to school, and I shifted my attention to the present.

Passing beneath the ancient arch, I laughed to myself. Our school gave every appearance of being an old, private Catholic academy: ivy-covered walls, Gothic arches everywhere, and even that name, Trinity School.

It certainly was a private school, but we weren’t Catholics. Trinity ran all year, offered a full

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