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King's Bounty: Pack Loren, #1
King's Bounty: Pack Loren, #1
King's Bounty: Pack Loren, #1
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King's Bounty: Pack Loren, #1

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                From the pages of the Dark Universe Anthology…
                The Alallafin is dead…
                Ziara is occupied…
                …and the known universe descends into chaos.
                Though crippled the last beat of the Old Regime’s heart may lie with their heir apparent, Khalid Cassad. The Coalition of Free Worlds must capture and convict the newly crowned emperor in order to establish their authority over the Known. Unable to capture him themselves they post the largest bounty in the history of mankind on his head. But the Cassads still control whole worlds and Khalid himself is in command of a battle fleet at the End of the Known.
                It’s an insane proposition; no one expects him to be captured alive.
                Enter Pack Loren.
                Branded a war criminal and blamed for the death of his world, the war veteran turned mercenary is no stranger to lean times and long odds. The bounty is a payday that he can’t pass up. Unlike most searching for Cassad, Pack’s resources are low and his friends are few. The hunt forces Pack to navigate the ever roiling waters of the Known, stretching from the far end of frontier space to the center of the fallen Dynasty itself. Pack will be tested more than ever just to keep him and his charge alive. Because whether you’re a fugitive emperor or a dead world’s outcast, when there’s a King’s Bounty to be had, the known universe is set against you…

PublisherHoward Night
Release dateDec 1, 2015
King's Bounty: Pack Loren, #1

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    Book preview

    King's Bounty - Howard Night

    FOR THE independents


    About twenty-three cycles ago the most powerful worlds under the control of the empire got together in secret to figure out how to beat the top dog; the Cassads. Most people will tell you that was the beginning of their fall but was the Blade. The Blade did to the Cassads what it did to most; cut them up and bled them numb.

    The New Regime got bolder after that. The known began falling faster and the Cassads couldn’t feel the reigns slipping through their cold fingers... couldn’t hear the scores of worlds crying for liberation for the buzzing in their ears.

    Now the Known is in chaos and the Cassads last worlds are under siege.

    It’s a good time to be a merc...


    Kings Hunt


    Howard Night



    The INDO Bar


    Just a piece of fek dive bar, Pack, my pops once told me. They’re the same everywhere in the known. He’d just pulled me and Drez out of Jags, the local hole in the wall back in Buckets Hollow. I remember how terrified we were when he popped up in front of us at that filthy corner table where we were sitting and freaking out because we couldn’t pay our tab.

    Look at you now... he’d said more annoyed and disappointed than anything else. Ten Arcadian cycles, an eye, an arm and All knows how many piece of fek dive bars later and I understand why. We were young and looking to get in on all the action the adults were hiding in that little after hours spot but Pops told us better. There’s nothing in these dark little watering holes worth wasting anyone’s time.

    Of I am...again.

    Third bar on this world, the seventh straight night here and I’m beginning to think the intel I bought ain’t worth fek. The only thing I’m finding is the same thing my old man told me to expect; nothing.

    The Last Ship Out is what remains of a nearly five hundred year old gunboat and sits down deep in the lower levels of Passieun City; third biggest port city here on Indo. Ownership and the name has changed dozens of times since it was first dragged into the old city and opened but since then it’s pretty much always been a dive bar. It’s a big space but dark, even to those with optic upgrades. Most places like this fill the air with the standard privacy invasion counter measures. So the booths, the alcoves and the far corners of the room remain cloaked in shadow. The bar is lit up, of course, as well as the tables in the center of the floor. The servers are illuminated by little balls of light that orbit their bodies to allow the patrons to see them coming. Wouldn’t do to have one of them walk up unnoticed and hear something they shouldn’t.

    One makes her way back around to my table. Most places still use live servers because they can offer more than a droid or bot. She asks me if I want another drink, hoping that the ink I’m sipping on will get me chambered up enough to zip her some cred. But I’m not interested in binding with some wage slave when it might cost me finding my mark.

    I flash two fingers at her, ordering another ink. Got to be careful with that though; gunks are the most ridiculous looking addicts.

    The big door at the end of the bar collapses open and lets in a gust of cool air that doesn’t smell of alcohol or burnt sugar. Only for a pulse beat, though; a small group of Indo workers shuffle in bringing the funk of a hard day’s work with them. They work salvage out in the dead plains where the electromagnetic field is still up on this world. A hold over from the Wars of the Blade, an area about a quarter of the planet is a tech dead zone. Thousands of war ships fell to this planet’s surface during a particularly nasty battle. Usually the wrecks would have been long since plundered but somebody forgot to turn off the EMF over that one fourth of the planet and whatever’s generated it is still running ten cycles later. Conventional salvage can’t be done even with the best faradon gear but the wrecks are way too valuable to be left out there. So, by hand, the Indo workers work the dead plains, dragging the debris clear of the EMF and manually picking the wrecks clean.

    Hazardous work, I don’t envy them even with the big coin they’re pulling in.

    The Indo workers find a quiet corner of the bar and turn it into a loud one. Servers come rushing up to take advantage of the coin in their pockets and the hard worked salvagers are eager to give it. I watch the negotiations for a bit, growing more restless. By the time a few of the group disappear into the dark recesses of the private booths I’m ready to leave myself. Seven straight nights and seven straight no shows means that...whoa now.

    He’s big, like I expected, as most of them are, but older than I would have thought. There’s more gray in his spikey stubble than black now. Even so he moves with a grace that I would never have noticed if I didn’t already know what he was. The clothes on his back are pretty commonplace and don’t mark him as being from anywhere in particular. But they’re roomy enough to hide a good sized weapon.

    Maybe two.

    He crosses the room at an odd angle, as if he’s so tired he doesn’t notice where he’s going, then he catches himself and cuts back across the room.


    Without giving himself away he’s just gotten a good look at everyone in the bar. And he wouldn’t have bothered if he didn’t have military grade optics so he knows what everyone in the bar is packing. That includes me.

    Anything more serious than a bladed weapon would have set off all the bells and whistles of his security gear. Course there’s plenty of ways to beat military grade optics. Next gen military grade camo, for one, would deny him a peek at what you’ve got. If you’ve got the coin the upgrade will even make him think he’s seeing an unarmed man.

    I do not have the coin.

    There’s a sweet V.I. hacking matrix that will render his optics unable to read specific weapon signatures but you have to know exactly his optical manufacturer. Now I know where this guy got his originals but I really doubt he’s still using those.

    No, I have to beat his optics the only way left to me; I have to actually be unarmed.

    But not too unarmed. A small blade won’t look as out of place as being completely unarmed in a pit like this would look suspicious and I don’t want him looking at me any longer than he looks at anybody else. I slump in my seat to shorten my long twenty decimeter frame. I’m nowhere near as tall as this guy but Arcadians grow pretty big so I tend to stand out just a bit. Right now we’re the two biggest guys in the bar and I’m hoping that doesn’t draw his eye.

    Surprisingly he takes a seat in the well-lit center of the room, with his back to the door. He’s either not worried about who’s coming in behind him, which I doubt, or he’s got it covered somehow. Either way I settle in and begin my recon.

    Two fingers again call the server over with another ink. I just want to look like another beat up Indo scavenger dulling away the day’s pain. But I watch him, try and figure out exactly how he’s armed and what allies, if any, he has. He’s probably got one of the servers or even the owner on his payroll to keep him updated on newcomers. Hopefully the fact that I’ve been coming here for over a week will give me enough of a pass that they won’t bring it up to him.

    To my surprise though he says nothing to the server other than to order a drink and turn down her extra services. Can’t tell if they’re communicating sub-vocally... doubt the servers here have that kind of gear. Still, he hasn’t shown me or anyone else in the bar the slightest bit of interest. Could be he’s sure that he’s far enough off the grid that he’s got nobody looking for him here.

    Not a bad assumption given the state of the known right now. It’s total chaos across damn near a hundred systems. Long standing second tier galactic powers are vying for control of what was once the Cassad Empire and vultures are swooping in to glean the pickings of the once proud house.

    Vultures like me.

    The big guy takes a long swig, drains his cup in one downing then signals the server to bring him another. He doesn’t look like he’s expecting anyone to join him so I can wait until he gets good and nice before I move in. Not really sure if that’ll make him more or less dangerous though.

    There comes a ruckus from the far end of the room. A brief argument between two indo workers ends with one of them on the floor and the other laughing his ass off. I feign mild interest in the fight but my mark snaps his head in the other direction. Caught off guard I realize too late my mistake as I look to see what startled him.

    It was a ruse and my backwater ass fell for it! My eyes jump back to him and the smug bastard is staring right at me. He’s wearing a nasty I got ya smile and with one hand he beckons me over.

    I had better do as he says ‘cause with his other he’s leveling one mean looking gun at me from under his table.

    Buckin’ Royal Guard...if I live through this I’ll never underestimate them again.

    Chapter two:



    I don’t hesitate to get up but I take my time. Not sure if he’ll fire off that heater here in the bar. Can’t risk it; body armor I’m wearing is good enough for the minor weapons fire that the stick up scabs outside in the lower city are packin’ but not for much more. Can’t see it clearly but it looks to have a decent enough power cell, which means it’s energy based and more than he’ll need to make most of me a memory. So I get the buck up and with my hands in the clear I make my way over to his table.

    He gestures to the server and she slides a second chair over to his table. She’s nervous, I can see, so I know she’s the one who tipped him. Won’t underestimate the wage slaves again either.

    I try and adjust the chair to my advantage as I sit but with a quick tap of that gun to the underside of the table he lets me know he’s on to me. The old guy grins, tight lipped and wide, spreading out that prickly stubble which sticks out like the quills of a scared daggerback. The surprise I felt from his getting the drop on me pales in comparison to the shock I get when he first opens his mouth.

    The infamous Pack Loren, he says. ...of the legendary 46th.

    What the buck? How does he know who I am? Evidently the surprise on my face is apparent because the bastard laughs.

    What? Didn’t think I could I.D. you that quick? his voice is smooth, deep and slides out of his throat in that pompous Median belt accent.

    The Infamous? I ask. Legendary? Sure, my old unit was pretty well known back in Arcadian space but why would anyone from the larger worlds have heard of us.

    Of course, Loren. You most of all and his mouth stretches into an even wider grin, lips parting, showing his ink stained teeth. You are Loren, right? The file I have details the loss of that eye and arm. Both regrown, I see, not replaced; my optics can tell. It’s the corticolin bands just beneath the skin that give you away. So, you’re Sgt. Pack Loren of Arcadias 46th Task Unit, who held their own against the Giaks and the Junns when the rest of that bit of space fell into chaos.

    Hoofer-Fek. Nobody ever took notice of Arcadia and no one but Arcadians cared when the Giaks and the Junns tried to invade. What’s he playing at?

    "The Wars of the Blade raged all over, I say. But our little piece of it never seemed to matter much to the rest of the known."

    Somehow that smile grows even wider. Maybe the hubheads didn’t pay too much attention, but when human soldiers from small worlds take down ten foot tall Giaks in unpowered combat...well, anybody who might have to eventually deal with that is gonna take notice.

    I don’t say anything to that. Can’t tell if he’s just glossing my finish or if he’s speaking level. No reason for him to lie but the admiration has got to be fek.

    With a sigh he leans back in his chair, seeming to relax a bit, but still keeping that gun on me. And then there’s you, Pack Loren...

    I came here... I try to cut him off but he just talks over me.

    ...first a war criminal...

    So say the Junns. I snap.

    ...then a traitor...

    I don’t need a... avenger...

    I’ve got coin to...

    Then last I heard, Loren, you turned on your own unit and with that his smile vanishes. There’s the look of deadly intent I’d expected to see in the eyes of one of the Royal Guard.

    I should just try and deal, after all that’s why I tracked this bastard to the outer territories, to the Desolate Perimeter. But I can’t help it; his little tirade on my personal history has me way off my game.

    Which wasn’t all that good to begin with.

    That’s a lot of info on me. How long have you known I’ve been looking for you?

    After another swig of his freshly filled cup he answers. Just about as long as it took me to order a drink.

    And you got all my stats just like that?

    Oh no. I meant it when I said you and the 46th were infamous. Anybody in the merc game has looked up your unit ever since they started popping up throughout the known as hired soldiers.

    That was true. Without a war most of my old unit had turned to being paid soldiers ever since we lost Arcadia. The memory bites hard...We lost Arcadia...

    His eyes shine a bit as he watches my reaction. I do wonder why you’ve been taking out your old crew. Maybe the betrayal of Arcadia wasn’t your decision?

    I grind my teeth and somehow I remember why I’m here in the first place. I’m looking to make a purchase I say.

    His eyebrows rise. You think I’m selling something?

    You’ve something I want to buy.

    If you’re thinking of hiring me out...I don’t guard anyone or anything but myself these days.

    Now I feel like I got some footing. That’s right; you were dismissed.

    Those eyes flare for a moment then soften as the big man suddenly laughs. Perhaps, he says with understanding in his voice. rumors and data bits are not to be trusted to tell the whole story.


    Then what does the ‘infamous for perhaps no good reason’ Pack Loren need to purchase from a ‘Dismissed’ Guardsman of the First House of Denir?

    I had hoped to make this offer from a position of strength rather than sitting with gun aimed at my poker. Really, I have got to get better at plan making.

    I would like to buy your armor. I say flatly.

    My armor? My battle Armor?

    No sir, I explain. Your Royal Dress armor.

    For a long pulse beat I watch as his mind races trying to figure my angle. Not to worry, he’ll never figure out what I’m...

    You’re after Cassad.


    His palm slaps the table with such a clap that I thought the gun had gone off. Damn, I had underestimated him again.

    You’ve got to be kidding me, Loren I wish he’d stop blurting my name out loud. Cassad’s Royal Guard are nothing like the Denir Royal Guard.

    But he says it with just a bit of hesitation. Probably ‘cause they were alike. The House of Denir was a Cassad house long ago, but the Royal Guard had been protecting the Cassads for longer than that. There were some very important similarities, such as the Royal dress armor.

    I’m sure you don’t need it anymore. With that I very carefully reach into the folds of the Indo jacket I have on and pull free the small but brightly colored data card hidden within. As carefully as I can I place it on the table.

    If I even still have it... He says as he picks up the data chip and examines it. Well, look at that.

    He still had it. The only question was; would he part with it? Not much I know, I say indicating the chip.

    Not much, he agrees. but QED certified Old Reg currency...damn you make it tempting.

    I’ll bet.

    And you have this with you here? he asks with a tightness in his voice.

    I can get it to you as fast as you can get me the armor.

    I watch what remains of the old Royal Guard wage war with the disgruntled and betrayed man he’s become. The Denir had summarily dismissed their Royal Guard at some point during the last decade. A purge that had been a bit bloody according to...rumors and data bits. Still, the man had once been indoctrinated into one of the most fanatical military arms in the known. Getting his armor from him isn’t going to be easy.

    Deal he says abruptly.

    Buck me... Deal?

    Yea. Surprised? Do you know what the Cassads did to us? To the Guard? he asks leaning back into the chair. His faces grows dark and his eyes stare at nothing. We were golden shields of light...protecting to the Lords of the universe. And we did not do it for prestige or crukin’ coin! he grows quiet for a pulse beat then adds in almost a whisper, it was for love...

    There’s a click and I know he’s reset the safety on his weapon. He looks at me again trying to figure me out a bit more.

    What is this for you, Loren? The credits they’re offering for Cassad is a symbolic gesture. No one expects him to be caught... killed maybe... in a planetary assault. But Cassad can’t be captured and brought to trial. Your attempt for that ridiculous bounty is practically suicide. You want to die? Or...maybe you blame the Cassads for what happened to Arcadia.

    You said we had a deal. Where do we make the exchange?

    The big man lets out a big nasty hot breath and then cracks his neck. You can bring the qed here.

    No. I may be slow, but I reboot quick. You OWN this bar.

    He almost snickers. On my honor I’ll deal with you fairly, Loren. You bring that coin here and all is legit; I’ll give you my armor.

    The entire set, I insist. Intact and complete.

    "On my honor.

    Chapter Three:



    It’s raining by the time I make my way back down to bar, not that any rain drops actually make it down this far to the lower levels of the city. Instead there’re several man made waterfall conduits conducting the water down to the reclamation plants below. The walls of the building units run slick with drain water and there’s a steady falling mist that drenches everything else sitting outside for extended periods.

    Never the less I stop before I go in, considering this madness one last time. Without the need for a cover I came back to the bar in my flight suit, field jacket and virtual visor. It helps a bit against the sudden cold wetness.

    On his honor he’d said. Don’t trust honor...not one bit. Soldiers put their lives on the line for it in one battle, then in the next you discover they never had it at all. Of course the Royal Guard were a different animal. Most of them were born into the Guard, living for their Houses like most live for their god. But those fanatics were all dead, either killed in the purge or dead by their own hand when they found themselves out in the real known.

    But this particular gentleman was indoctrinated through their regular armed forces. Still a fanatic but not as religious about those he guarded. Hopefully that works to keep him honest about this deal.

    Before I can decide to enter the front is lit up in brilliant blue light. The entrance opens and out comes the Ex-Denirian Royal Guard flanked by a few well-armed employees.

    Were you having second thoughts? he asks.

    I take my time answering, letting him watch me look over his small army. My Virtual Visor covers my face from just above my eyebrows to just below my nose. With it on all he can see of my eyes are the two glowing holographic representations; ghostly, triangular patches of white light with no pupils, but they open and close in sync with my real ones. The visor also highlights some of the tech his squad is toting. One of them reads really high in the EM spectrum... might be a bogey... or maybe borged up. No. Just wondering about the honor of the Royal Guard.

    He snorts derisively. You don’t seem to have my qed.

    You don’t seem to have my armor.

    With another one of those nasty breaths the big man nods to one of his crew, who in turn walks back into the bar only to return a pulse beat later followed a huge, self-motivated crate. The Royal Guard opens the front of the crate and low and behold there sits his dress armor as shiny and polished as the last day he wore it. It’s a pretty close match for the design the Cassad Royal Guard use. The armor gets passed down from Guard to apprentice I think so his set could be a few centuries old. He’s taken care of it...and that worries me.

    Now how about you show me whatever it is you’ve got hidden under that holocloak.

    He’s good alright. Carefully I reach into my jacket and retrieve a small two ended remote. It’s a simple little device, well-worn with chipped and faded white enamel, that has two buttons that can be set to trigger multiple devices of various manufacture and function. I slide it around in my hand and depress the narrow ended side.

    Right next to me the ground shimmers and distorts until a pretty hefty cargo container can be seen hovering just off the ground. I reach down with one hand and pop the opening to reveal about two hundred and fifty thousand Old Regime Credits, all Q.E.D. certified and neatly stacked. It’s nearly the sum total of everything I have left and it took me some time to get.

    Do you mind if I verify? the Ex-Guardsman asks. I pull my own scanner

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