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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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The long-awaited fifth installment in Garth Nix’s New York Times bestselling Old Kingdom series, for readers who enjoy series by Rae Carson, Kristin Cashore, Scott Westerfeld, and Cassandra Clare.

Goldenhand takes place six months after the events of Abhorsen and follows the novella Nicholas Sayre and the Creature in the Case, which is featured in Across the Wall.

Lirael lost one of her hands in the binding of Orannis, but now she has a new hand, one of gilded steel and Charter Magic.

On a dangerous journey, Lirael returns to her childhood home, the Clayr’s Glacier, where she was once a Second Assistant Librarian. There, a young woman from the distant North brings her a message from her long-dead mother, Arielle.

It is a warning about the Witch with No Face. But who is the Witch, and what is she planning? Lirael must use her new powers to save the Old Kingdom from this great danger—and it must be forestalled not only in the living world but also in the cold, remorseless river of Death.

Release dateOct 4, 2016

Garth Nix

Garth Nix is a New York Times bestselling novelist and has been a full-time writer since 2001 but has also worked as a literary agent, marketing consultant, book editor, book publicist, book sales representative, bookseller, and part-time soldier in the Australian Army Reserve. Garth’s many books include the Old Kingdom fantasy series, beginning with Sabriel and continuing to Goldenhand; the sci-fi novels Shade’s Children and A Confusion of Princes; the Regency romance with magic Newt’s Emerald; and novels for children including The Ragwitch, the Seventh Tower series, the Keys to the Kingdom series, and Frogkisser!, which is now in development as a feature film with Fox Animation/Blue Sky Studios. Garth has written numerous short stories, some of which are collected in Across the Wall and To Hold the Bridge. He has also cowritten several children’s book series with Sean Williams, including TroubleTwisters and Have Sword, Will Travel. More than six million copies of his books have been sold around the world and his work has been translated into forty-two languages.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    As I would expect from one of Garth Nix's Old Kingdom novels Goldenhand is chockful of suspense, bravery and fortitude. What I didn't see coming were the inklings of young love, not once but twice, but what I did hope for were resolutions of threads that had been left slightly hanging from previous books in the series, and in this I was not disappointed.If in the end I was disappointed it was in the actual execution of those resolutions, which felt a bit perfunctory in the last few chapters. This isn't to detract from the otherwise masterful storytelling which had this reader continually tempted to read just a few more pages, and perhaps a little bit more after that; or from the convincing worldbuilding that has suffused and sustained the Old Kingdom sequence now for five novels and a couple of novellas.Lirael, the sympathetic protagonist of the second of the novels, is now Abhorsen-in-Waiting and a powerful Charter Magic necromancer. When the Abhorsen Sabriel (focus of the first book in the series) decides to take a well-earned honeymoon with King Touchstone, young Lirael is left in charge to take responsibility for dealing with reanimated dead creatures plus a Free Magic entity which suddenly emerges to create a crisis to the south of the Wall. Meanwhile, in the far north of the Old Kingdom a young woman named Ferin is being pursued by malevolent beings who track her flight to the south. Is her mission linked with the troubles Lirael is facing further south? You can guarantee it. And what else is it that binds the fates of these two resourceful young women?The author presents this long novel (over 400 pages in the paperback edition) in a very cinematic way: the settings are as vivid as ever, and our attention is constantly shifting from one protagonist's woes to another. Cliffhangers sustain our attention from chapter to chapter; we sense that many 'extras' (as it were) have an existence beyond the action, however brief their appearance on these pages may be; and the action is carefully and realistically paced, with no obvious longeurs when the action appears to be freeze-framed for a bit of info-dump. All very skilful.Then there are the mysteries to be solved, those ones that the protagonists can't fathom and which drive the action forward. To me it seemed the plotting was less about the what or the why, more about the how. How does Lirael discover what happened to her mother? How does Ferin get her message to Lirael? How does any protagonist ascertain the connection between Chlorr of the Mask, the Witch With No Face and Clariel, this last being the protagonist of the prequel bearing her name? How do certain couples who are clearly attracted to each other reveal their hopes and declare their feelings? And how long will it be before anyone grasps the true nature of Nicholas Sayre's transformed being?This was certainly an ambitious project, to draw these threads together. There is so much to enjoy in Goldenhand -- details that make me smile, old objects and acquaintances that make a reappearance -- that it feels a mite churlish to be critical. But those threads I mentioned were tied up far too neatly -- and sometimes too quickly -- almost as if the author was getting bored or, more likely, alerted to the increasing length of this instalment. In particular the treatment of young love, sensitive though it strove to be, appeared at times to be mawkish, icky even; but maybe I'm just a little too jaded to relate to it -- been there, done that, worn the proverbial T-shirt.What next? Well, this novel definitely extends our knowledge of what exists beyond the Old Kingdom. As Mike Schley's new illustration indicates, the lands beyond Mogget's map (which graced previous instalments) have increased fivefold, with new features and settlements marked in, and it distorts any vision of the Old Kingdom and Ancelstierre being stand-ins for Scotland and England. We see deserts, steppes, mountain ranges, rivers and a great rift valley to the north and west, only some of which we explore in Goldenhand.From all this I wonder if those plot strands weren't all tied up, that maybe there are yet more threads to tease out and admire.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ferin is from the north and she's seeking help from Lirael and the Clayr because the Witch with No Name has been terrorizing the clans. Lirael, meanwhile, deals with Abhorsen business while Sabriel is away and finds Nick by the Wall with a Free Magic beast. Their two storylines weave together to the climax as they discover that evil forces are once again threatening the Old Kingdom.My reading of this one suffered a bit because I hadn't read the series in so long that I'd forgotten who some characters were (notably Nick and the Disreputable Dog - clearly I'm in need of a reread). Then, some aspects of it were pretty easy to figure out, such as the identity of the Witch with No Name. Still, it brings some storylines from the previous books together in a satisfying way and it was an intense read. Having the two stories of Ferin and Lirael made sure the chapters ended at a tight spot and kept you reading and wanting to know what happened. Recommended for fans of the series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Goldenhand is the fifth book in Garth Nix's Abhorsen series. I have mixed feelings about this book. It felt good to be back in the Old Kingdom again after being away for so long. This world and these characters are some of my favorites. Garth Nix's writing is great as always. Yet the story felt strangely flat.Chlorr of the Mask had retreated to the far north after her defeat at the hands of Sabriel, seemingly disappeared and no longer a threat. Or that's what everyone wanted to believe. A young nomad woman named Ferin has been tasked with a mission to deliver a message to the Clayr: the Witch With No Face has gathered the clans together and is preparing to launch an attack on the Old Kingdom. Hunted by the witch's supporters and chased by her creatures Ferin must deliver the warning in time if the Kingdom is to survive the attack to come.The story is told from two alternating points of view, Ferin's and Lireal's. The first half of the book is Ferin running from pursuers while Lireal worries over Nicholas Sayre. This throws the pacing of the story off. At around 60% the stories come together, the pacing evens out and the climax and final battles are satisfying, if rushed. Now that I think about it, most everything feels rushed. I think this would have been better being split into two full length books so Nix could explore ideas, new areas of the world and character relationships more. I'm glad to have read it and to have closure for some loose ends from the previous four books. While enjoyable I don't see myself rereading this one where I definitely plan to reread (or relisten to) the original trilogy at some point.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    sigh... so this is my problem with ALL of this series. I LOVE the world and the world building. I love the characters. but all the endings feel rushed and unsatisfying. I got my hopes up with this one because it draws together a lot of great threads...
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This whole series was completely amazing ! I just wish the story continued so we could see clariel get married, and sams love story be told !
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Authors have the ability to time travel. When crafting a narrative, they can bring you to any point they’d like. Some authors like, say, Robert Jordan, try to fill you in on every detail. Others, like Garth Nix, are very discerning and sparing in this regard. For example, we hear hint of a marriage towards the end of the book. But because there’s been a hint, we know that Nix isn’t going to walk us through it. Sometimes I wish Nix would spend more time lingering in the atmospheric details to give us more of a flavor of the old Kingdom.The arc of the book follows two characters—Lirael “Goldenhand” and Ferin. Chapters alternate between the two characters until about two thirds of the way through the book, where then converge, and then they diverge again (although the storylines are closely intertwined). This seesaw is full of cliff-hangers and builds a certain momentum.Goldenhand is a phenomenal and delightful book. Nix has crafted a world that is deeply magical, yet still operates by a set of rules (even if these rules are often unknown and unbounded). This book was governed by hazard. One of our characters set out on a quest that she was ultimately successful in, while the other’s attention was governed by circumstance.Sometime I wondering about Nix’s influences regarding the nine gates of death. Is he weighing Tibetan belief’s on the subject? There also seem to be various indigenous influences regarding shaman; are these generic or specific? I couldn’t help but think of spirit shard glass as comparable to radioactive material; sourced from an inhospitable wasteland, vastly powerful and caustic.The storyline of this book tells of the demise of Clorr of the Mask, whereas the previous book in the series, “Clariel,” explored her genesis.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Lirael, Sam, and Ellimere are in charge for a week while Sabriel and Touchstone are on their first vacation in twenty years. Unbeknownst to them, nomads under the leadership of the Witch With No Face are massing on the steppes to the north in preparation of an invasion of the Old Kingdom. Meanwhile, a garbled message comes from the south that a Free Magic creature is loose in Ancelstirre.Picking up right where Nicholas Sayre and the Creature in the Case left off, this book wraps up the loose ends from all the earlier books.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A good continuation of Liriel's story with appearances by most of the characters - I still miss Tim Curry as the reader, though this one was fine.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the final chapter (I suspect), of the story that started in Sabriel. Here we follow Lirael, Nick, Sam, and a new character, Ferin, from the Northern Steppes. Its up to them to stop an old enemy. As always, its well written with great characters. Problem is, there just isn't much added to the series. Bells are wrung, the Clayr see a future (or not) and the kingdom is saved. Of course, characters fall in love almost immediately, with a hint at marriage. Everything is tied together nicely.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I continue to love just existing in Nix's world -- his world-building is absolutely amazing. There is so much happening in this novel. Most of the time it's fantastic -- there are so many characters we have come to love here, and a few new ones as well. It's good to see people rebuilding themselves after losses suffered in Abhorsen. I did hope to get more of Sabriel in this book, but Lirael remains the character of focus, and there isn't as much of her relationship with Gabriel as I might have liked. (Adult reading YA problems.)Much like the other books in this series, there is a long slow set-up, and then the back half of the book flies by in a rush. It's always kind of amazing to see everything fall together in the end.A satisfying conclusion.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    While this installment of the fabulous Abhorsen series has been a long time coming, it does an excellent jobs of returning readers to the world and continuing the story. It's a pleasure to meet Liriel again, and watch her grown into a more confident self. I loved hearing more about the Northern nomadic tribes, as Nix continues to flesh out complex geography and pulls together tatters of history that have been hinted at all along.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It’s been a long time coming but author Garth Nix returns to his Old Kingdom series with Goldenhand, the fifth in the series. Sabriel is the Abhorsen and Lirael, no longer a librarian, is the Abhorsen-in-waiting. Although Sabriel is present here, this is Lirael’s story. The Kingdom is threatened by a deadly threat – Chlorr of the Mask may be dead but her spirit has refused to pass the Ninth gate and the final death. Instead, she is sending the Dead to destroy the Kingdom. The only way to defeat her is to find her spirit and send it through the Gate but for anyone to do so likely means their own death. At the same time, Ferin, a young Nomad from the Steppes, is making a dangerous trek to find Lirael with a message for her from her long-dead mother concerning Chlorr, how she might be destroyed and whether Lirael can survive the encounter. The story alternates between Lirael and Ferin and, although this is Lirael’s tale, Ferin is a strong addition to the series. The book also expands our knowledge of the Kingdom. I am a huge fan of Nix who is one of those writers whose books, although aimed at a YA audience, appeal to all ages and this one is no exception. That is not to say that I had no problems with the book although many of those result from a comparison to earlier books in the series. Lirael shows a great deal of growth in this story and certainly a romance with Nick is not surprising. However, her musings about him, often at critical times, seemed distracting – in fairness this is not a problem limited to this book but seems to be a trend in YA literature and perhaps it is more a problem of my inner curmudgeon than the story itself. My only other serious criticism is that, unlike earlier books in the series, there is not much action in the first half of the book. What there is is mainly limited to Ferin’s story and it was a case of plenty of build-up, tension, and then a too quick resolution. Still, the last part of the book helped to make up for these problems and Nix is such a strong writer that they did little to interfere with my enjoyment of the story. The characters and the writing are engrossing, the story is compelling, and there are even some cameos by some of my (and I suspect most reader’s) favourite characters from earlier novels including the Disreputable Dog and Mogget. Although most of the many disparate storylines are resolved by the end of he book, it does end on a bit of a cliffhanger which, hopefully, means more installments of the Abhorsen series. It should be noted that, although Goldenhand could be read as a standalone, I highly recommend that, if you haven’t already, you read all the earlier books of the series – trust me, if you are a fan of very well-written YA fantasy, you will not be disappointed. 4.5
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Following the events of Abhorsen, and incorporating the story of Clariel, a prequel published subsequently, and also the novella "The Creature in the Case", Goldenhand is a welcome addition to Nix's Old Kingdom series. The characters are recovering from their defeat of Orannis, but find there is still evil left to vanquish. More is also revealed about the lands north of the Old Kingdom as a young woman named Ferin rushes to inform the Abhorsen of a threat her tribe has been subjected to for ages.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My denial is kicking in. Why did Goldenhand have to finish??Why couldn’t it have been longer?? No, really why?I’m off to start the series again at the very beginning!

Book preview

Goldenhand - Garth Nix


In the Sixth Precinct, the inexorable current of the river that flowed through Death slowed almost to a stop. It was a natural gathering place for the Dead who hoped to go no farther, and for those who strived to claw their way back through five gates and precincts and out into the living world again.

Amid the myriad Dead who waited, and hungered, and fought against the compulsion to go deeper into Death, there were two living people. Necromancers, of course, for no others could be here while still alive. At least alive for the moment, for unwary necromancers going deeper into Death than their knowledge and their strength allowed were the particular prey of the Greater Dead who prowled the precinct, ever eager to consume any scrap of Life that would aid them in their desperate desire to live again.

But in this case the Greater Dead stayed well away, knowing the two women were most uncommon necromancers. Both wore bandoliers containing the seven bells, necromantic tools of power infused with Free Magic, but their bells had mahogany handles rather than ebony, and the silver bell-metal crawled with bright Charter marks.

That alone declared their identity, but it was confirmed by their apparel: armored coats made from many overlapping plates of a material called gethre, with surcoats over the armor. One wore deep blue, sprinkled with many silver keys, the other a coat also with silver keys upon the blue, but quartered with golden stars on a field of green.

The silver keys were the blazon of the Abhorsen, foe and nemesis of all things Dead, and this was the Abhorsen Sabriel, fifty-third of the line. With her was her apprentice Lirael, the Abhorsen-in-Waiting, who also bore the stars of the Clayr to show her own unique heritage: she was not only an Abhorsen, but also a Remembrancer, who could See deep into the past, just as the Clayr could See the future.

She has evaded us, said Sabriel, looking out over the grey and dismal river. She could feel the presence of the Dead, many of whom were lurking under the water, hoping to avoid her attention. But they were all lesser things than the one she and Lirael had hunted, a long and weary way. The desperately scrabbling small things about would weaken in time, and go on, without the need for interference.

You’re sure it was Chlorr of the Mask? asked Lirael. She looked around more warily than Sabriel. This was only the eleventh time she had come into Death, and only the second time she had come so far, though once she had been very far indeed, to the border of the Ninth Gate. She was very grateful that Sabriel was by her side, while still not being quite able to quell a feeling of great loss. The last time Lirael had passed through the Sixth Precinct, her great friend the Disreputable Dog had accompanied her, lending the young woman great comfort and strength.

But the Dog was gone forever.

Lirael still felt the pain of that loss, and the dread, dismal days that had followed the binding of Orannis were never far from her thoughts. The only slight note of cheer from that time had come from Nicholas Sayre, who had told her how the Dog had sent him back from this same cold river, albeit on the very fringe of Life. Lirael would have liked to talk to Nicholas more about this, particularly if he had seen which way the Dog went, grasping at the hope the wily hound had not gone toward the final gate.

In fact Lirael would have liked to see more of Nick in general, for he was one of the very few people she had ever met who she had immediately liked and had felt some unspoken connection to, or at least the potential for something of the sort.

But Nick was gone too. Not dead, thank the Charter. But returned to Ancelstierran regions far south of the Wall, to get him away from the pernicious magics of the Old Kingdom. He needed to escape the legacy of both Free Magic and the Charter to live a normal life, Lirael told herself.

She must forget him.

It was definitely Chlorr, said Sabriel, recapturing Lirael’s momentarily wandering attention. The older woman wrinkled her nose. Over time, you’ll learn to differentiate the various types of the Dead, and individuals strong enough to earn the description of Greater Dead. You sense it now, I suspect.

Yes . . . said Lirael.

It was true she could feel the Dead all around, with that strange sense she had not known she possessed for much of her life. She narrowed her eyes and tried to sort through the different sensations, for that sense was something beyond sight and hearing, touch and smell, but it drew upon them all. There was the hint of something more powerful amid all the Dead about them, but it was a fading trace, like the scent of smoke from a fire extinguished some time before.

Has Chlorr gone deeper into Death? asked Lirael. She hoped the slight quaver in her voice was not apparent. She was quite prepared to go on if it was necessary. She only hoped it wasn’t.

No, said Sabriel. "I think she was too fast for us, and went sideways and then back toward Life. But to do that . . ."

She stopped talking and looked around again, intent upon the placid though still treacherous river. Lirael watched her, once again marveling that the famous Abhorsen, Queen of the Old Kingdom and the subject of so many stories that were already becoming legends, was also her relatively newly discovered half-sister. A twenty-years-older half-sister, though Lirael felt that after the events of the summer past, she was no longer so young herself.

To do that, repeated Sabriel, Chlorr must be anchored in Life.

Anchored in Life? asked Lirael, startled. Chlorr of the Mask had been an ancient necromancer until she was physically slain by Sabriel. But she had not gone beyond the Ninth Gate, instead becoming a very powerful Greater Dead creature, a thing of fire and shadow that needed no flesh to inhabit out in the living world.

I destroyed the shape she wore, said Sabriel. But even at that time I wondered. She was very old, hundreds of years old. I could feel that age, a leaden weight within the far younger skin . . .

She stopped talking and turned about in a circle, sniffing, her eyes narrowed. Lirael looked around too, listening to the faint sounds of movement in the river, sounds that would normally be obscured by the rush of the current.

There are various ways to extend a life, continued Sabriel, after a moment. I was too busy to consider which she had used, and became busier still, as you know. But now I think she must be connected to some anchor in Life. That is why she did not fully obey my bells, and did not die the final death.

But how . . . stammered Lirael. How could she do that?

There are a number of methods, all of them foul, mused Sabriel. "Perhaps . . . I must tell you how Kerrigor did so, and there are passages from the Book of the Dead which speak to the point, though it may not show those pages to you. As always, it has its own ideas of when the reader is ready . . ."

It certainly does, said Lirael, who, despite considerable familiarity with sorcerous texts from her time as a librarian, was still unsettled by the way the contents of that strange tome were never quite the same and how, reading it, she often felt the same bone-deep chill she felt in the river now.

Lirael spoke slowly, half her mind still focused on her sense of Death, and the Dead. There were things going on, small movements, like flotsam on the tide . . . it took her a few seconds to work out that the dozens and dozens of lesser Dead were gathering together, massing to form a host.

We shall have to find out, in due course, but Chlorr by herself is not of primary importance, said Sabriel. Not now that Orannis is bound again, and provided she stays in the North. There are other, more immediate problems. Some at hand, I would say.

Sabriel unfastened the strap that held her favorite bell quiet on her bandolier, her fingers closing on the clapper, bright Charter marks swarming from the silver bell to her hand. She smiled a slight, quirking smile. I think Chlorr has left us something of a surprise, even an ambush. It is interesting that these lesser things are more afraid of her than they are of us. We must correct that view.

Lirael barely had time to draw her sword and a bell of her own before the Dead attacked, particularly as her right hand moved slowly. It was still being perfected, the new hand that had been made for her by Sameth of clever metalwork and considerable Charter Magic.

There were more than seventy Dead creatures reluctantly moving to attack. Most were warped and misshapen from too long in Death, their original shapes long lost, spirit flesh unable to maintain even a vaguely human shape. Some were squat, as if compressed to fit some awful container; some were stretched long. They had too many teeth, and shifted jaws, and talons or teeth in place of fingernails. Red fire burned in sockets where their eyes once were, and came dripping from their gaping, overstretched mouths.

Lurching and hopping, darting and zigzagging, they came, building courage as they approached, taking hope from the sheer numbers of their companions. They began to growl and slobber and shriek, thinking perhaps this time, they would feast on Life!

But as the throng of Dead finally charged, Sabriel rang Saraneth in a continuous figure-eight motion above her head. The pure, commanding tone of the bell cut through all the foul noises of the Dead, and at the same time the Abhorsen spoke. Not shouting, just speaking firmly, perhaps as she might to a child, or to a horse. Her words were backed by an implacable will, and the strength of the bell.

Be still.

The charge faltered and came to a stop, Dead creatures stumbling over one another as those closer came first under the compulsion of the bell. Their cries faded, voices quailed. Even their fiery eyes grew dimmer, quenched by the power of Saraneth in the hand of the Abhorsen.

Sabriel flipped Saraneth and caught it by its clapper, silencing the bell. But its voice remained, a long-sustained echo, and the Dead did not move.

Good, said Sabriel, noting the bell the younger woman held. Kibeth. The right bell will often come to your hand, unsought. Send them on, on to the final death.

Lirael nodded, and rang Kibeth the Walker, a lively, leaping bell, so eager to sound that she had to exert herself to ring it true and not be carried away herself. And as always now, she had to steel herself, for in every peal she also heard the memory of a joyful dog’s bark, pleased at the prospect of going for a walk.

The Dead began to sob and groan under Kibeth’s spell, and then as one they turned and began to shuffle. Lirael kept the bell ringing, and the Dead started to run and hop and skip, slowly moving into a great circle, a horrible parody of some village dance as performed by monsters.

Twice this long parade of Dead trod around in an ever-closing circle, compelled by Kibeth; the third time the Sixth Gate opened under them with a great roar, drawing them down and onward, never to return.

Chapter One


Greenwash River Bridge, North Castle

Winter was hard in the North, beyond the borders of the Old Kingdom. The nomadic clans who lived on the steppe would seek the lower reaches before the snow began to fall, leaving the high plateau. But there was one tribe that did not roam so far, whatever the season. They lived in the mountains in the northwest, beyond the steppe, and did not ride or revere horses, though they would eat them if the opportunity presented itself.

These mountain-folk were easily distinguished from the other clans because they did not wear the long slit tunics and silk sashes of their nomadic cousins. Instead they favored jerkins and breeches made of patchwork goatskin stitched with thick red thread, and rich cloaks from the fur of the athask, the huge cats that roamed their peaks and gave the clan its name. For weddings, feasts, and their own funerary pyres, they donned heavy bracelets and earrings made of alluvial gold from their mountain rivers.

It was unusual to see any of these folk outside their mountains at all, let alone hundreds of leagues to the south and east, so the guards on the gate tower of the Greenwash Bridge Company’s north bank castle were understandably both curious and cautious when one such fur-wrapped, red-thread goatskin-patched nomad appeared as if from nowhere out of a swirling wet snowfall on a spring afternoon and shouted up at them, asking permission to cross the bridge into the Old Kingdom.

You’re no merchant, called down the younger guard, who’d set his crossbow on the merlon, ready to snatch up and fire. So you have no business to cross the bridge.

I’m a messenger! bawled the nomad. She was even younger than the young guard, perhaps having seen only sixteen or seventeen of the harsh winters of her homeland. Her lustrous skin was acorn brown, her hair black, worn in a plaited queue that was wound several times around her head like a crown, and her dark eyes appealing. I claim the message right!

What’s that, Haral? the younger guard asked his elder quietly. He’d only been with the Bridge Company eleven months, but Haral was an old-timer. She’d served twenty-six years, back into the bad old times before King Touchstone and the Abhorsen Sabriel restored order to the Old Kingdom. Before that restoration, the bridge and its castles on the northern and southern banks and the fort in the middle of the river had essentially been a fortress constantly under siege. It had been much more peaceful since, though there had been great trouble in the south in the last summer.

The tribes give messengers immunity from challenges and feuds and the like, said Haral. She looked down at this unusual—and unusually attractive—messenger, and thought it was just as well the younger guard wasn’t here by himself. People who wanted to cross the bridge were not always what they seemed. Or were not actually people at all, apart from their outward form. But I didn’t know the mountain-folk followed that custom. I’ve only ever seen them a couple of times before, and they were traders, going northward to home.

Who’s the message for? called out the young guard. His name was Aronsin, but everyone just called him Aron.

Must I tell you? asked the young nomad. It was an odd question, said as if she was uncertain of the etiquette involved, or unfamiliar with dealing with other people in general.

It would be a start, said Aron. He glanced at Haral, sensing her suddenly straighten up. She was peering out into the falling snow, looking into the distance, not at the nomad below.

Thought I saw movement, said Haral. She took a perspective glass from her belt, extended it, and held it to her eye. Having one nomad pop up almost at the gate could be blamed on the snow and the fading light, but to have any more get so close would be a dereliction of duty.

So who’s the message for? asked Aron. He smiled down at the mountain girl, because he liked the look of her and he couldn’t help himself. And what’s your name?

The message is for the witches who live in the ice and See what is to be, replied the mountain nomad reluctantly. My name . . . I don’t really have a name.

People must call you something, said Aron. He glanced over at Haral again, who had lowered the perspective glass but was still looking out, her eyes narrowed. With the snow beginning to fall more heavily, and the light fading with it, visibility was ebbing.

Some call me Ferin, said the nomad, the faintest hint of a smile quirking in the corner of her mouth, sign of a fond memory. Now, can you let me in?

I guess— Aron started to say, but he stopped as Haral laid a hand on his shoulder, and pointed with the perspective glass.

Three figures were coming into sight out of the swirling snow and the lowering darkness. Two of them were on horseback, nomads clad in the typical long woolen tunics of black and grey, slit at the sides for riding, and wound about the waist with multicolored silk sashes. Those who knew could tell the tribe from the pattern of colors in a sash.

But they were not common nomads. One was a shaman, with a silver ring around his neck, and from that ring a chain of silvered iron ran to the hand of the second nomad, the shaman’s keeper.

Even without seeing the neck-ring and silver chain, Haral and Aron knew immediately who . . . or what . . . the nomads must be, because the third of their number was neither on horseback, nor was it human.

It was a wood-weird, a creature of roughly carved and articulated ironwood, twice as tall as the horses, its big misshapen eyes beginning to glow with a hot red fire, evidence that the shaman was goading the Free Magic creature he’d imprisoned inside the loosely joined pieces of timber fully into motion. Wood-weirds were not so terrible a foe as some other Free Magic constructs, such as Spirit-Walkers, whose bodies were crafted from stone, for wood-weirds were not so entirely impervious to normal weapons. Nevertheless, they were greatly feared. And who knew what other servants or powers the shaman might have?

The Guard! Alarm! Alarm! roared Haral, cupping her hands around her mouth and looking up to the central tower. She was answered only a few seconds later by the blast of a horn from high above, echoed four or five seconds later from the mid-river fort, out of sight in the snow, and then again more distantly from the castle on the southern bank.

Let me in! shouted the mountain nomad urgently, even as she looked back over her shoulder. The wood-weird was striding ahead of the two nomads now, its long, rootlike legs stretching out, grasping limbs reaching forward for balance, strange fire streaming from its eyes and mouth like burning tears and spit.

The shaman sat absolutely still on his horse, deep in concentration. It took great effort of will to keep a Free Magic spirit of any kind from turning on its master—a master who was himself kept in check by the cunningly hinged asphyxiating ring of bright silver, which his keeper could pull tight should he try to turn his creatures upon his own people, or seek to carry out his own plans.

Though this particular keeper seemed to have little fear her sorcerer would turn, for she fixed the chain to the horn of her saddle and readied her bow, even though she was still well out of bowshot, particularly with the snow falling wet and steady. Once she got within range, she would get only two or three good shots before her string grew sodden. Perhaps only a single shot at that.

We can’t let you in now! called down Aron. He had picked up his crossbow. Enemies in sight!

"But they’re after me!"

We don’t know that, shouted Haral. This could be a trick to get us to open the gate. You said you were a messenger; they’ll leave you alone.

No, they won’t! cried Ferin. She took her own bow from the case on her back, and drew a strange arrow from the case at her waist. The arrow’s point was hooded with leather, tied fast. Holding bow and arrow with her left hand, she undid the cords of the hood and pulled it free, revealing an arrowhead of dark glass that sparkled with hidden fire, a faint tendril of white smoke rising from the point.

With it came an unpleasant, acrid taint, so strong it came almost instantly to the noses of the guards atop the wall.

Free Magic! shouted Aron. Raising his crossbow in one swift motion, he fired it straight down. Only Haral’s sudden downward slap on the crossbow made the quarrel miss the nomad woman’s gut, but even so it went clear through her leg just above the ankle, and there was suddenly blood spattered on the snow.

Ferin looked over her shoulder quickly, saw Haral restraining Aron so he couldn’t ready another quarrel. Setting her teeth hard together against the pain in her leg, she turned back to face the wood-weird. It had risen up on its rough-hewn legs and was bounding forward, a good hundred paces ahead of the shaman, and it was still accelerating. Its eyes were bright as pitch-soaked torches newly lit, and great long flames roared from the widening gash in its head that served as a mouth.

Ferin drew her bow and released in one fluid motion. The shining glass arrow flew like a spark from a summer bonfire, striking the wood-weird square in the trunk. At first it seemed it had done no scathe, but then the creature faltered, took three staggering steps, and froze in place, suddenly more a strangely carved tree and less a terrifying creature. The flames in its eyes ebbed back, there was a flash of white inside the red, then its entire body burst into flame. A vast roil of dark smoke rose from the fire, gobbling up the falling snow.

In the distance the shaman screamed, a scream filled with equal parts anger and fear.

Free Magic! gasped Aron. He struggled with Haral. She had difficulty in restraining him, before she got him in an armlock and wrestled him down behind the battlements. She’s a sorcerer!

No, no, lad, said Haral easily. That was a spirit-glass arrow. It’s Free Magic, sure enough, but contained, and can be used only once. They’re very rare, and the nomads treasure them, because they are the only weapons they have which can kill a shaman or one of their creatures.

But she could still be—

I don’t think so, said Haral. The full watch was pounding up the stairs now; in a minute there would be two dozen guards spread out on the wall. But one of the Bridgemaster’s Seconds can test her with Charter Magic. If she really is from the mountains, and has a message for the Clayr, we need to know.

The Clayr? asked Aron. Oh, the witches in the ice, who See—

More than you do, interrupted Haral. Can I let you go?

Aron nodded and relaxed. Haral released her hold and quickly stood up, looking out over the wall.

Ferin was not in sight. The wood-weird was burning fiercely, sending up a great billowing column of choking black smoke. The shaman and his keeper lay sprawled on the snowy ground, both dead with quite ordinary arrows in their eyes, evidence of peerless shooting at that range in the dying light. Their horses were running free, spooked by blood and sudden death.

Where did she go? asked Aron.

Probably not very far, said Haral grimly, gazing intently at the ground. There was a patch of blood on the snow there as big as the guard’s hand, and blotches like dropped coins of bright scarlet continued for some distance, in the direction of the river shore.

Chapter Two


Belisaere, the Old Kingdom

The hawk came down through the clouds, dodging raindrops for the sheer fun of it, despite having already flown more than two hundred leagues. Born from a Charter-spelled egg and trained for its work since it was a fledgling, the hawk carried a message imprinted in its mind, and with it the burning desire to fly as swiftly as possible to the tower mews in the royal city of Belisaere.

The rain-dodging hawk from the south beat another bird flying in from the north by half a minute, so it was the first to get to Mistress Finney, the chief falconer, while the later hawk had to be content going to the fist of an apprentice.

As a matter of procedure, Mistress Finney checked the anklet on the bird, to see where it had come from, though she already recognized him. She knew all the message-hawks of the Old Kingdom, having raised them herself, even if they were later assigned elsewhere, and became only occasional visitors to the capital.

From Wyverley College, my lovely, she said softly, making her own peculiar tongue-clicking sound, one all the hawks knew from the egg. What a long way, and over the Wall too, my brave one. What’s your message, dear?

The hawk opened its beak and spoke with a woman’s voice, that of Magistrix Coelle, who taught Charter Magic at Wyverley College, in that strange land beyond the Wall, where magic waned and then disappeared entirely, once too far south.

Telegram from Nicholas Sayre for the Abhorsen. Extremely urgent, said the hawk.

Ah, for the Abhorsen, said Mistress Finney. Messenger!

A seven-year-old page who hoped to become one of the falconer’s apprentices leaped up from the bench where she sat with three others, waiting to take the messages the hawks brought in on the next part of their journey.

Yes, Mistress!

Find out where the Abhorsen-in-Waiting Lirael is. Tell her I am transcribing an urgent message from Ancelstierre calling for the Abhorsen, and ask her to either come here for it, or to stay wherever she is and you come back and let me know and we will send it on.

Yes, Mistress, said the girl, with a slight hesitation that suggested she didn’t know where to look for Lirael, or why she was looking for Lirael instead of the Abhorsen herself.

Try Prince Sameth’s workshop first, said Mistress Finney, after a moment’s thought. I believe she is often there, for he is making her new hand.

The girl bent her head in acknowledgment, spun on one foot, and dashed to the stairs.

Slow down! called out Mistress Finney after her. You’ll do no good if you fall to the bottom!

The clatter of footsteps slowed a little. The falconer smiled and lifted the hawk to the perch that sat on her writing desk. The bird stepped off onto it, watching the woman as she took up her quill, dipped it in the inkwell, and made ready to write.

Now, my dear, give me the message, said Mistress Finney to the hawk, who once again spoke, clear and loud in the voice of Magistrix Coelle. Wyverley College, though it lay across the Wall, was close enough that Charter Magic could be wielded there. Though its location meant Ancelstierran technology could not always be relied upon, a telegraph boy’s bicycle would not fail. So it had become the de facto place for Ancelstierran telegrams to be transferred to Old Kingdom message-hawks for onward delivery to authorities in the north.

Abhorsen, I’ve just received a telegram. It reads ‘TO MAGISTRIX WYVERLEY COLLEGE NICK FOUND BAD KINGDOM CREATURE DORRANCE HALL TELL ABHORSEN HELP STOP THIS FROM NICHOLAS SAYRE STOP VIA DANJERS VALET APPLETHWICK END.’ Now, Dorrance Hall is several hundred miles south, so this seems very unlikely. But I have heard it is some sort of secret government place, so perhaps should be investigated. I have sent telegrams to the Bain Consulate and the Embassy in Corvere, but have not yet had an answer—

The message ended suddenly. The message-hawks were invaluable, but their minds were small and could not hold very long communications, and their capacity also varied from bird to bird. Unless you knew the particular hawk in question and counted out your words beforehand, it was easy to be cut off in mid-flow. Senders often forgot this in their eagerness to pass on important information. Nor, once a message was impressed, was it an easy matter to start again.

Well done, my dear, said Mistress Finney softly to the hawk, carefully drawing a line below the message she had just transcribed and initialing it MF. She gestured to one of her apprentices, who came and took the hawk over to its own perch, to be fed some fresh rabbit and to have a drink.

The apprentice who had heard the message from the northern hawk approached her, passing over the paper where he’d written down that bird’s missive.

This one’s for the King, he said. From the Greenwash Bridge Company, at the bridge. Not marked urgent. Follow-up to their earlier report.

Spike it for Princess Ellimere, said Mistress Finney, gesturing at a table adorned with numerous spikes, most of them already impaling message sheets. She’s coming up this morning, I saw her at breakfast.

Not taken to the King immediately?

Does no one here pay attention to what is happening in the court we serve? asked Mistress Finney. It was a rhetorical question, and no one in the mews dared to treat it any other way, remaining silent while hoping they looked suitably attentive. The King and the Abhorsen left for their holiday this morning. A well-deserved one. Their first holiday! Ever! You could all learn from their example. Hard work—

She broke off as another hawk flew in, briefly settling on the landing perch before spying Mistress Finney. Upon seeing her, it immediately flew to her fist.

Hello, my beauty, said the falconer, forgetting her rant. Come in from High Bridge, have you?

Lirael hurried up the steps to the mews. She flexed her replacement hand as she did so, marveling at how well it worked. When her own hand had been bitten off by the Disreputable Dog almost seven months before in order to save her life from the ravening power of Orannis, Sameth had promised to make her a replacement. He had lived up to that promise, and shown he was indeed a true inheritor of the Wallmakers’ engineering ingenuity and magical craft, though it had taken him a long time to get it right, with much tinkering and adjustment. It was only in the last few days that it felt entirely normal to Lirael, really just like her own flesh-and-blood hand.

It was mostly made from meteoric steel, but Sam had gilded the metal, and unasked had added an extra layer of Charter spells atop the ones that made the hand work and even feel like flesh, so it also glowed faintly with a golden light.

Already, many people were calling her Lirael Goldenhand.

Lirael didn’t like the name very much, or the soft glow from her golden fingers. She had worked out how to unravel the part of the spell which provided the light, and planned to do so as soon as she could without hurting Sam’s feelings. Having an artificial magic hand attracted enough attention as it was, without the soft golden light as well.

Though she had to admit to herself it was probably too late to avoid attention. It seemed everyone in Belisaere knew who she was. She’d gone out incognito numerous times, wearing a broad-brimmed hat and gloves and simple, unadorned clothes rather than her distinctive surcoat that bore the silver keys of the Abhorsen on a blue field, quartered with the golden stars of the Clayr on

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