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Danger Dan Confronts the Merlion Mastermind: Danger Dan, #1
Danger Dan Confronts the Merlion Mastermind: Danger Dan, #1
Danger Dan Confronts the Merlion Mastermind: Danger Dan, #1
Ebook84 pages47 minutes

Danger Dan Confronts the Merlion Mastermind: Danger Dan, #1

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Psst! Pay attention: eleven-year-old Danny is about to start his secret life. And you are not allowed to tell anyone, or who knows what will happen? A mysterious time warp is already messing Singapore up. Big time. But don't worry. Danny is about to transform into Danger Dan–the only boy superhero who can save us all! In Danger Dan Confronts the Merlion Mastermind, Danger Dan has to race against time to ensure the merlion doesn't end up with orchids around its head! Sounds easy? Not when you see the odds he's facing…

PublisherEpigram Books
Release dateSep 21, 2016
Danger Dan Confronts the Merlion Mastermind: Danger Dan, #1

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    Book preview

    Danger Dan Confronts the Merlion Mastermind - Lesley-Anne Tan

    Danger Dan scans the terrain. The volcano is close to erupting and lava has already started flowing down the mountain. His headquarters is in sight, its anti-lava force field forming a pulsating blue orb. Clinging precariously to the side of the volcano, he inches forward slowly, moving sideways like a crab along the narrow rocky ledge. Every few minutes, the volcano rumbles, sending showers of rocks his way and threatening to knock him off balance. He is in a dangerous situation.

    But Danger Dan is no stranger to danger.

    His watch beeps and shows a glowing red number ‘5’. Five minutes! Only five minutes to disaster! He is horrified to realise that lava has flowed right in front of him, blocking his path to the headquarters. Danger Dan glances around frantically. Then he spots it—a floating rocky island in the middle of the stream of lava. He springs away from the ledge, which crumbles immediately after his great leap. He lands expertly on the floating island and braces himself for one final jump towards his headquarters. If he aims well, he should make it safely onto the roof. Unfortunately, a huge boulder smashes into the floating island right at that moment, causing Danger Dan to fly through the air.

    Will this be the end of Danger Dan?

    Danny flopped onto the study table, sending pens and paper hurtling in all directions. Yes! Danger Dan does it again! rejoiced Danny, striking a Superman pose.

    You are such a wretched boy! yelled Amy, Big Sister Number One who was 18 years old and trying to study for her ‘A’ level exams. She lunged at Danny’s arm, but he dodged just in time by rolling off the table. Amy didn’t exactly have the fastest reflexes. Her special feature was her Big Mouth. Amy was the star speaker on the school debating team which had won all the national debating championships for the past two years. Her motto was: If you can’t convince them, confuse them. She could talk circles around anyone.

    Stop bothering us, you pest! squealed Betty, Big Sister Number Two who was 16 years old and trying to study for her ‘O’ level exams. She threw an eraser at Danny but missed completely. Betty didn’t exactly have the best aim. Her strength was her Big Brain. Every year for the past four years, Betty had been the winner of the National Mathematical Olympiad, Science Olympiad and History Olympiad. She had also won the Home Economics Olympiad by whipping up a delicious bowl of fishball noodles using only her chemistry kit and some soya sauce.

    Why must you be such a pain? growled Candy, Big Sister Number Three who was 12 years old and trying to study for her PSLE. Candy didn’t have a Big Mouth or a Big Brain. She was just…BIG. She represented her school team in judo and her opponents often prayed that they wouldn’t have to compete against her. She was as strong as a weightlifting elephant and had a terrifying flip that people commonly referred to as the ‘Candy Crush’.

    The three of them looked around the room in disgust. Books were strewn across the floor having fallen off the bookcase that Danny had leapt from. A bulky volume of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare lay in the centre of the room. The rug that Danny had slipped on was scrunched up in a corner.

    The only things that had escaped unscathed were the three display

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