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Enchanting Symbol Theory: where, within one sky, the modest and limited limits of modern science and Western medicine meet religion and find holism
Enchanting Symbol Theory: where, within one sky, the modest and limited limits of modern science and Western medicine meet religion and find holism
Enchanting Symbol Theory: where, within one sky, the modest and limited limits of modern science and Western medicine meet religion and find holism
Ebook41 pages33 minutes

Enchanting Symbol Theory: where, within one sky, the modest and limited limits of modern science and Western medicine meet religion and find holism

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About this ebook

This E-book was written to hopefully and somewhat, bridge the dualism seen in the West, between modern science, Western medicine, religion and holistic medicine. We hope it can be a useful tool on your journey.

PublisherPaul Joyce
Release dateMay 23, 2016
Enchanting Symbol Theory: where, within one sky, the modest and limited limits of modern science and Western medicine meet religion and find holism

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    Book preview

    Enchanting Symbol Theory - Paul Joyce

    Enchanting Symbol Theory: where, within one sky, the modest and limited limits of modern science and Western medicine meet religion and find holism.

    By Paul Joyce

    Copyright- This publication is subject to copyright laws that extend to all jurisdictions.The copyright that applies to this publication extends to, and bans, all unauthorised reproduction, email on-forwarding, distribution and exhibition of the purchased e-book by the purchaser or any other stakeholder. Any breach of the copyright law may lead to all significant penalties that apply. Please contact the author / publisher directly at [email protected] for any permission requirements.

    ISBN- 978-0-99455575-1-3

    Smashwords Edition



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    If possible, explain love scientist, without some macro limbic system simplification. Explain scientist (I am also a scientist) the logic of the vivid dream I had last night without some, I don’t know, inadequate REM (rapid eye movement) sleep theory explanation (the Chinese medicine [TCM] idea of the activity of the Hun is much closer and includes the eyes). You let us dream at night but we can’t dream in the day or we will get sectioned and medicated. Explain scientist, the rationality and logic of the devoted and deeply religious without using an escape clause like we don’t [or can’t] go there and it’s not part of what we do, or maybe the explanation is that they are all (billions) just delusional. Explain good and evil? Chinese philosophy can through the existing mutually dependant polar opposite forces of Yin and Yang. Okay; a simple one; can you explain why women live longer than men? Again the answer lies within the realms of Chinese thought where within Yin and Yang, Yin and its female water is the foundation of all life on earth (is a mother the binding force in a family?), I suppose just like those after our Darwin said. Also, Mr. or Ms. Scientist; on evolution vs. creationism which one is a more correct theory? As we may see, in symbol theory, are they both, equally firm, correct and pure and what is even a true-ish definition of evidence?

    Please don’t say the standard and disappointing line in every journal article; more research needs to be conducted as your research is costing governments and the community trillions, not to mention that the current evidence based scientific research model embraces and won’t let go of logic, despite what the quantum physics results from a hundred years ago said, that inferred that experiments may be directly affected by the intent of the researcher. Is the premise of science that relies on

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