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Four Steps to Business Planning for Plan-Phobic Creatives: Goose Your Muse Tips for Creatives
Four Steps to Business Planning for Plan-Phobic Creatives: Goose Your Muse Tips for Creatives
Four Steps to Business Planning for Plan-Phobic Creatives: Goose Your Muse Tips for Creatives
Ebook87 pages59 minutes

Four Steps to Business Planning for Plan-Phobic Creatives: Goose Your Muse Tips for Creatives

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I’ve heard many reasons why you might not like business planning. It inhibits your sense of creative flow. It takes up too much time. What would you put in a plan? Or you absolutely love to plan. Checking things off that to-do list is an obsession for you. Give you a color-coded system and you are over the proverbial moon. Or you’re in the middle, that place where you know you should plan, but you’re not sure why. People tell you it’s important to grow your creative life, but you don’t know where to start.

No matter where you fall in the continuum of planning for your creative life, you can take control and make things easier, simpler, and faster by designing the right kind of creative business plan. I’m not talking about the whole mission-vision-values and documentation that would make even the most organized person’s head spin.

This book gives you a useful tool to guide your best creative life. In an easy-to-follow four step process, complete with questions to ask yourself and forms to capture your answers, you will have the type of planning document that allows you to make the most of your scarcest resources – time, money and inspiration! Open these pages and rid yourself of plan-phobia forever!

About the GOOSE YOUR MUSE Tips for Creatives Series: Building blocks for your best creative self! Being creative can be the ultimate joy – or a disappointing challenge. What if you could eliminate the painful parts, like running the business side or running out of ideas? This series is designed for creatives types in any field, with advice on keeping the fun in our daily creatives lives.

Release dateSep 6, 2016
Four Steps to Business Planning for Plan-Phobic Creatives: Goose Your Muse Tips for Creatives

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    Four Steps to Business Planning for Plan-Phobic Creatives - Yvonne Kohano





    Goose Your Muse Tips for Creatives Series

    Y J Kohano

    Nanokas Press

    A Division of Kochanowski Enterprises

    Copyright © 2016


    Goose Your Muse Tips for Creatives Series

    Copyright © 2016 by Y J Kohano

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author.

    Nanokas Press/KE Press books may be ordered through booksellers or by contacting:

    Kochanowski Enterprises/Nanokas Press

    PO Box 1274

    Clackamas, OR 97015-9594

    [email protected]

    Cover design: John Kochanowski


    978-1-940738-12-3 (e)

    978-1-940738-13-0 (sc)

    Nanokas Press First Edition: 09-06-2016


    I know, I know. I've heard it many times. Planning makes you nervous. You feel it inhibits your creative sensibilities. You create when and what the muse tells you to, not to meet a preset plan. Planning takes up too much time. Besides, what would you put in a plan? You are con-plan-phobic! In other words, you really hate planning.

    Or you're at the other end of continuum. You absolutely love to plan. Your to-do list is your bible, and you study it every day. Checking things off that list is an obsession. Give you color-coding with a detailed filing system and you are over the proverbial moon. You are pro-plan-phobic! You would happily spend hours in a day on planning.

    Or you're in the middle, that place where you know you should plan, but you're not sure why. People tell you it's important to guide your creative life, but, like our friends in no-plan land, you wouldn't know where to start. You are mid-plan-phobic!

    Con-Plan-Phobic Pro-Plan-Phobic


    Planning is Scary! Planning is Fun!

    Are you more toward the A end or the B? No wrong answer!

    No matter where you fall on the continuum of desire in planning for your creative life, you can make things easier, simpler, and faster by designing the right kind of business plan. I'm not talking about the whole mission-vision-values-goals-objectives-tactics and documentation that would make even the most organized person's head spin. We want things focused, direct and supportive. FOUR STEPS TO BUSINESS PLANNING FOR THE PLAN-PHOBIC CREATIVE gives you a useful tool to guide your best creative life.

    Still not sure this kind of planning can help grow your creative life? Flip through the next few pages and see what resonates with YOU!


    Our creative lives are dynamic. Whether we create through photos, music, physical art or the written word, the flow – that moment of complete absorption in the work we're creating – is what we seek. You know that old saying, that you can have two out of three, price, quality or convenience? That applies here too. Creativity doesn't happen without three things – time, inspiration, and skills – and you only get to pick two of these!

    Here's an example. I am a writer. Some days, I sit down to create new words and I stare at that blinking cursor, empty of inspiration and ideas. All of my tools surround me, and yet – nothing happens. I've primed the pump in every way I know how (including caffeine) but...

    Let's be obvious – a writer needs to write! So I write. I might end up deleting every word, but in most cases, using that time means something will be salvageable. I have applied two out of the three – I had the time, and I applied skills. But inspiration? Not happening.

    My painter friend has loads of inspiration. She looks at a scene and thinks of six different ways to represent it, either in different painting mediums (like oils or watercolors) or even outside of her box in a textile form. She is a font of new ideas. However, she's also a busy mom with a stack of responsibilities, so she never has as much time to devote to her art as she'd like. Inspiration – check. Skills – oh yes indeed. But no time.

    What does this have to do with planning? Everything! If you have a plan for your creative life, you know how to create time in your calendar. When you have that time, you are prepared to use it wisely because you have invested in your craft (part of your plan) to develop your skills. And you have inspiration, because you have a stack of upcoming ideas to choose from. Oh yes, that's in the plan too!


    Here are a few reasons why we should plan:


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