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Lucid Umbra People: Lucid Umbra People
Lucid Umbra People: Lucid Umbra People
Lucid Umbra People: Lucid Umbra People
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Lucid Umbra People: Lucid Umbra People

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About this ebook

 Have you ever had your entire life be a lie? Have you ever had to hold in your emotions to the point, when you release them they are deadly? I’m Emma, and those two things happened to me, and changed my life forever.

    I wish this had a happy ending, if that’s the story you’re looking for then this isn’t for you. This is a dark story that leads to a dangerous thing, created from dangerous beings, who knew what they were doing. They once had a name; Umbra People.  This is my journey to becoming one.

Emma Somnward's life gets turned upside down when she discovers she belongs to a species known as Umbra People.

*Also get a sneak peak of the sequel The Verum when you buy Lucid Umbra People Ebook 

PublisherAmelia E. S.
Release dateOct 7, 2016
Lucid Umbra People: Lucid Umbra People

Amelia E. S.

Amelia E. S. is an indie writer, who writes both scientific fiction. But, also YA Romance, poems, and modern poem books.  Amelia E. S. says she's been a very creative person since she was a young girl.  She's very artsy, and has been doing different forms of art, for as young, and as long as she can remeber. But, she never imagined writing series books, or writing in general. But, now she's obssesed, and has a passion to write.

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    Book preview

    Lucid Umbra People - Amelia E. S.

    Chapter 1

    Have you ever had your entire life be a lie? Have you ever had to hold in your emotions to the point, when you release them they are deadly? I’m Emma, and those two things happened to me, and changed my life forever. It changed my life forever, but I never said for the better. Because those two things kill a lot of people. I wish this had a happy ending, if that’s the story you’re looking for then this isn’t for you. This is a dark story that leads to a dangerous thing, created from dangerous beings, who knew what they were doing. They once had a name; Umbra People.  This is my journey to becoming one.

    Have you ever heard the saying, When you go to sleep you die? What if I told you both dreaming, and reality aren’t much different? I feel dead when I’m asleep, and awake.

    When I am awake, I’m this dead being that never cares about anything, and only keeps my thoughts to myself.

    I’ve been like this for 7 years, but things started getting worse, about 3 years ago. This is for many reasons, but the main one is my condition.

    I suffer from a sickness known as Umbrazala. It’s from the Latin word Umbra; its English for shadow.

    That term now makes sense but before I knew the name, the history. All it was to me was a sickness, my sickness.

    Umbrazala. My knowledge on this sickness was that it causes you to not show affection, or feel emotions. You hide behind society, unwilling, like a shadow. But not too long ago, I found out what that term really meant.

    This sickness also takes a physical effect on you. This sickness attacks the immune system and causes the body to produce blood, out of your mouth, and nose. But, that’s not even the worse part.

    Hallucinations, and blackouts are the worse.

    They’re uncontrollable, your body can even shut down completely. They happen when you least expect it. You see things, hear things. Your biggest fears comes to life, but you don’t even realize it’s a hallucination until you wake up from it. Facing the laughs, taunts, and odd stares that follow.

    But for me I do nothing when I wake up from those hallucinations or blackouts, I can’t. That’s what the illness does, you’re emotionless... or so I thought.

    Every day it worsened. 

    I experienced all of these symptoms daily, but took medicine every day, to minimize the symptoms.

    My mother caught the virus before it got really bad, she started me off young, taking the medicine before the virus could spread.

    But the medicine wasn’t strong enough, the virus was fighting the drug. My mother said, it was winning. I was becoming more selfless, and darker each day.

    My life was the sickness. But I was the real sickness living the shadow, letting the sickness shine.

    I thought I hit rock bottom, but she said it’ll worsen. 16, my mother would always say.

    She said, once I turned 16 all of these thing are supposed to heighten, I’ll reach my peak. She said everything will become darker, dangerous, and that taking my medicine every day is vital.

    My dark emotionless mind would never admit this, but I’m scared.

    That emotion is gone, but memories still peek through of it; fear.

    I could die from this illness, but that’s not even what I’m scared of. The one thing she described that will come when I reach my peak is something far worse than hallucinations, or blackouts.

    This is the most important thing.

    This new part of the illness will cause terrible thoughts, dark, un-humane thoughts. You’ll feast on something not natural, something horrid.

    I know what you’re probably wondering, Is this disease deadly? Can I die from it? Is it contagious?

    A simple answer would be yes. It’s also hereditary. My father had this illness, and died from it.

    I try to not let these type of things get to me, even though I know that if I wanted to care, I couldn’t.

    But, if I let this sickness consume me, like it did my father, it could do a lot more then just kill me, I could kill.

    I never gave up hope, one day my sickness would fade, and my normal human mind, and body will come back to me. I’ll smile again, my face will feel alive, and it did. I felt emotions, I was normal. But, there was no celebration for that.

    But before that occurred something else happened one night. It was like nothing I’ve experienced before.

    At the time I didn’t know it, but, this was the first stage of turning into an umbra. The dream test.

    As a simple odd sick girl, I thought nothing of it in that moment, but I had a dream.

    I know, a dream isn’t so special to you, but for me, it’s like a little kid watching a magician for the first time. Because oddly enough this illness doesn’t allow you to dream. I haven’t dreamt in years, the sickness causes you to lose that as well. So, dying when I went to sleep was quite literal.

    But I wasn’t 100% sure if it was a dream, because I never recalled falling asleep. Which worried me, because many things in this dream died, even I almost did. Which would’ve been okay, if I knew this was a dream, or not.

    Dreams don’t come to life, or at least they shouldn’t. If they do, you better run, because I brought something lethal, and dangerous with me.

    This dream changed everything.

    Chapter 2

    Iwas in this asylum , it looked old, and vacant. It felt so real, so lucid.

    My body was completely mobile, so I could walk, feel, and smell everything.

    I began to walk down a hallway, it was a dirty checkered tile floor. The place was quiet, and still, but the air was cold.

    As I’m walking down the hall, I hear something in the distance, low murmurs. I looked around curious, but seen nothing.

    It smelt horrible, like something rotten.

    I look at my surroundings, but didn't see anyone. Then out of nowhere I hear rattling and begin to call at the sound.

    Hello, hello is anyone there? I sigh because no one responded, and the sound was getting further, and further away.

    But, when I turned back around, something was in front of me. A women was in front of me.

    She looked in her mid-20’s, she had black short hair, and looked greeting.

    Hello Enitha, Welcome, we’ve been expecting you Her voice stayed monotone, she sounded tired.

    Enitha? That wasn’t my name, nor has it ever been used or spoken before, so this had to be a dream.

    Her attire was business, and she had on a black suit. The top was a black blazer, and then the bottoms were a black formal skirt, that had a company’s name on it.

    This surprised me because it didn’t match my dream at all. My dream was dark, and I was wearing an infirmity blue garb.

    The setting was dark, and not much brightness shined through anywhere. We were in this long, narrow hallway, and there were many windows on both sides, looking onto gardens.

    She then held out her left arm, and I grabbed onto it.

    From there, she guides me to a grand dining room.

    This dining room had to be a different place then where my dream opened up, because this was formal, and fancy, and the hallway we came from was dark, and scary.

    There were many chairs, a large chandelier above our heads, and 2 sets of large grand stairs to the right of us.

    I was so intrigued, because this was so realistic, and vivid.

    She takes me to an end chair at the large dining room table.

    She overly smiles, and tells me to wait, and stay in my chair.

    When she comes back, there’s a butler with a tray, and a metal shiny dome lid covering the tray.

    She takes her seat right next to me, smiling hard.

    Thank you Henry she nods to him, and he nods back slowly walking away.

    When I turned to see where he’d gone off to, I quickly glance at his legs. He was limping, and a trail of liquid followed him.

    Once I put it all together, I quickly turn back to my plate.

    Fear fills my face, something I was surprised to feel.

    Even though this was a dream, I thought the sickness stopped me from feeling anything.

    I quickly gulp dreadfully. The sound was emphasized, by how quiet it was, and how large the place was.

    I lead my eyes back to the women, who’s still looking straight at me. She was waiting for me to open my tray. So, I look at her, and slowly lift my plate, and tense up with so many resurfaced emotions, and thoughts.

    Enjoy Enitha The lady spoke.

    On my plate was an inhumane thing, a horrid image. I just glance at the site, and droplets of the blood all over the table.

    It was happening in the first dream I had in a while, and what was even odder is that I didn’t dislike the thing on my plate.

    I felt an impulse, but knew myself, whether this was a dream, or not.

    I wouldn’t lose myself, I wouldn’t eat this thing on my plate. Would I?

    I break my focus, when the lady at the table spoke again.

    Eat up, Enitha her face still forced a smile, but now she looked impatient.

    I’m not eating this I look at the lady angered.

    This felt nice, I had feeling again, and I felt normal.

    But, the lady didn’t like my decline, and suddenly her whole demeanor changes and her face wasn’t greeting anymore.

    Wrong answer Enitha, it’s always wrong. Here’s what you’re supposed to do. She picks up the horrid piece of meat and begins eating it.

    I stare at her mortified, as her skin begins to change. She was no longer a greeting lady, she was horrid.

    Her skin turned rotten, it was dry, and her skin turned a grey, bruised color.

    Her skin wasn’t human.

    Her teeth were blackened, and looked sharp.

    The lady stood no more.

    See Enitha, see the truth! Your one of us now, forever!  It’s too late! She vigorously laughs sending splats of the liquid onto my face.

    The smell was alarming, and signaled an odd interested, but I tried to shrug it off.

    I began to get fed up with her, and stand up from my chair.

    That’s not my name, stop calling me that! I said in anger, and fear, but still making eye contact with the scary women.

    She stares at me for a second contained now, she felt something in my voice. And for a moment her human personnel showed through before returning to her distraught manner.

    I break focus from the women when I hear a sound from the hallway we just came from.

    There were un-natural sounds coming from the hallway. They were gurgles, and high pitched screeches. Though nothing was present.

    My body tenses, and chills coat my skin from the eerie sounds that creeped down the hall.

    I turn my focus to the lady now, who finished eating, and is now staring at me again. She didn’t speak, she only stared with her grey coated eyes.

    I felt sympathy for her, but something in my mind saw nothing more than an animal.

    She stood there, heavily breathing, and making odd noises. Very similar to the ones, I was still hearing in the dark hallway, which made me worried.

    Worried. Another reason I knew this was a dream, was because of my emotions.

    Sor-ry En-it-ha, I’m so sorry. The lady’s muffled voice trails off.

    Those were the words I heard, they were sincere, and this time they were the ladies.

    Her monstrous face still stood, but I could see some of the ladies face through it.

    Something was odd here, something was going on. She was apologizing like she was being forced to do something, unwillingly.

    What are you talking about?! My strong voice asked her, seeing through her monstrous face.

    The room was silent after I asked her. She looked like she wanted to tell me something, but was holding it back.

    Sh-e’s making me, I’m sorry-.." Her words are cut off by the sounds that I heard earlier coming from the hallway.

    I wanted to know what she meant, but the sound was growing louder.

    Who’s making you?! Hey?! Answer me...please... I was worried, everything was happening so fast.

    Her low voice clicked, and bubbled, but no words could come out.

    My angered human ignorance was beginning to get fed up, so I was preparing to yell, or get up and leave, when something happened.

    The plate, and everything on it begin to shake, and the floor begin to rumble under my feet. The ground was shaking, it was like an earthquake.

    I have no idea how all of these things were happening in my dream, it all felt so real.

    The women still stares at me, ignoring the room shaking.

    I knew that those noises weren’t growing louder for no reason, and knew I had to leave.

    So I slowly begin to walk away from the grand dining area.

    My dream opened up from the hallway that now had echoed screams, and odd sounds escaping it. So I didn’t want to go that route, instead I tried to slowly walk towards the dark kitchen Henry came from.

    But, suddenly the noises from the hallway had a face.

    Monstrous figures, just like the women came from the dark hallway.

    The lady still looked at me, in fear now.

    I needed answers.

    So, I run quickly towards the women, who is still this grey odd being.

    Come on, you’re coming with me...I need answers I yell to her, but she didn’t move.

    So I went for it, and grabbed the ladies monstrous, leathery hand. But she still didn’t move, and the figures were so close.

    I see the dark figures coming towards me now. Some were humans, and some were just like the women, rotten, and grey.

    I tried to get a closer look at the figures, but then many started coming towards us, some were limping, and some were running, fast.

    There words were unrecognizable, and dry, it sounded muffled. My body slowly stepped away from the women, and the crowd. I was now watching from a distance.

    I look behind me, to quickly see where I could run. But, when I turned back around the crowd was a few feet away.

    They stand there for a moment observing me, and then one figure makes a loud screech, almost a yell with its voice that sent chills through my body.

    It was like a charge that went through the figures, and they started charging at me, faster now.

    The lady injects herself with something, causing her to change again. Her human body was slowly coming back, and the women’s voice turns heroic.

    Run Enitha! Run! They were her words, they were shaky...she was scared.

    She turns back into the human women, ignoring the large crowd running towards her, and still stands there.

    They bump her, and push her, but she still stands, laughing now.

    I’m free! The human women says, before the large crowd tramples her. Feeling no sympathy.

    They continue running towards me now.

    I didn’t know if I should’ve saved her or not, but I knew this was all just a dream, so I run.

    I run in confusion, and fear.

    I didn’t know my way around, but ran the opposite way of the crowd, scared.

    I run straight to the kitchen Henry came from.

    But, when I entered the room there were no lights, and it was dark, and cold.

    It looked vacant, and dust appears to be present along everything, and Henry was nowhere to be found.

    The kitchen door was an old flip door, so I could sense the beings were getting closer.

    Henry...Mr. Henry I call for him in confusion.

    This was the only room I seen him enter, but he wasn’t in the kitchen. So I look, searching for anything I could use to defend myself from these beings.

    It was so odd, there were no forks, no spoons, or knifes. Everything was empty...

    I was about to leave, and look for another room, when I hear a noise in the kitchen.

    Out of the darkness comes Henry, who wasn’t human anymore.

    His skin was grey, and his eyes were grey. He was transforming into the monstrous things that are chasing me.

    The liquid followed him, and I could now see why.

    His leg was missing a large portion, the other portion was probably on my plate. So...he served me his.....I lose my thought.

    Run Enitha! His voice ached, it had some power.

    Those were the last words he said before taking a knife he had, and stabbing himself.

    My human body jumped, my human mind panicked.

    I walk over to Henry, hearing the distance faint yells from the beings looking for me.

    I grab the knife from Henry for protection, and approach the kitchen door I once entered.

    I lay my left ear to the door, in hopes of hearing how close the monstrous things were.

    Nothing, not a sound was present, so maybe they’d gone off somewhere else. So I leave the kitchen.

    This dream was a never ending dream. I wanted to wake up now.

    When I use to dream they’d never be this long.

    Once I leave the kitchen again the room was cold, and dark.

    All of the fancy lights, and the grand table was now hidden in the darkness, which now coats the room.

    The screams from the figures where growing.

    The grand stairs still stood, so I made my way up the right one, because it was closer to the kitchen door.

    I try to be quiet, because the quiet room would echo off of anything.

    So, I slowly tip toe, and walk along the stairs.

    There was an old, dusty, elegant rug that lay upon the fancy marbled stairs. I place my hand on the wooden wall to steady my balance.

    I’m halfway up the stairs, when I see 2 figures limping along the bottom of the stairs. They couldn’t see me yet, and just kept walking.

    I was about to pass them, and find a way to escape these things once and for all, and wake up, but something happened.

    The wall my hand was placed on made the slightest squeak, and sent an alarming echo throughout the place.

    The one figure screams sending a calling to the others.

    But the other one, grabbed him and covered its mouth. He was dragging the screaming figure somewhere, and left.

    When he returned, the other figured that was screaming stood no more.

    I look at the being to see if he was coming after me, but he just stood there. Nothing was making sense, were these things on my side, or not.

    The floor starts rumbling again, signaling the beings were approaching now, and fast.

    Various amount of these things approach the button of the stairs, and they look at each other.

    Run Enitha! Was the words I heard from the one being.

    After he screamed those words, all of these beings went to war.

    Some were fighting each other. The ones that weren’t slipped through, and were coming towards me.

    I turn my head, when parts, and blood began to splatter. From there I run up the stairs.

    I only had a few more steps left, and I was going to make it.

    I was running, and had one more step when a one of the monstrous things grabs my leg, and pulls me.

    My body jerks, and my leg collides into the pointy, marbled stairs. This sent sharp pain up my leg, and into my bone, but I had to keep running.

    This could’ve been real, this could’ve been all a dream. But this never happened before, so I treated this like it was real.

    The being is now crawling on me, its body is heavy, and it smells rotten.

    It was grey, and its teeth were rotten. Dark black bubbles, and black blood protrude from his skin, sending it onto my clothes.

    Its finger nails were sharp, and long and human like. And bubbles, gasp, and loud screeches comes out of its mouth.

    I now try and grab my knife that I took from Henry, but it was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, sharp pains shoot through my upper back, like needles.

    I thought it was the sharp marble, but this felt much sharper, and the rug covered the stairs.

    I sway back, and forth fighting off this one being, and more pain shoots through my body.

    I scream loudly, which makes the being jump a little.

    Something was stabbing my back, and it wasn’t this being.

    My shirt was wet now, it must’ve been blood, which only made it worsen. The blood smell made these being go crazy. They begin to scream, and screech.

    I began to lose consciousness, I was finally waking up from this nightmare.

    I scream again piercing the beings ears, and my own.

    I yell trying to get this thing off of me.

    I wanted to cry from the pain, and frustration, so I did.

    For a moment I thought I was still emotionless, but then it happened. I shed a tear.

    It’s been years, and even though this was a dream, it meant so much, whether I was going to remember this when I woke up, or not.

    I let my tears fall down my cheeks, onto the stairs, and on the being. I was tired of this nightmare and just wanted to wake up.

    My eyes slowly close, I was waking up.

    But then out of nowhere a loud boom sound throws off some of the beings.

    Another boom sound, and I watch the lower floor go up in flames. This causes the room to jolt, and shake.

    This time I see something fly in the air, landing below the stairs I was on. It was quite small, no bigger than my hand. It must’ve been an explosive. It must’ve been a bomb.

    Another boom but this time, the stairs came to a rough jolt, and didn’t stop.

    Everything just starts to fall through the ground.

    The figures at the bottom went first, as the floor collapsed. Then went the stairs, they shook before coming down, and sent one last sharp pain to my back, this one hurt the most.

    The stairs at the bottom fell, then the middle of the stairs, and then it reached me.

    I was still pinned by the being, so I couldn’t run, or escape the stairs that were now caving in.

    I then fell through the stairs, grasping the rug, trying to stay above ground, but that eventually caved in through the floor too.

    I felt my sore back hit a cold surface, before having all the air escape me, from the fall, and everything went black.

    I thought I was waking up.

    When I opened my eyes now, my back still hurt, but I wasn’t on the ground anymore. I was being carried, and could see the beings on the ground now, but their bodies didn’t move. No one.

    There was no one left alive. Just me.

    I couldn’t feel anything for them in that moment. Not because of my illness, but because of how realistic the pain felt, that was where all of my attention was in that moment. It was agonizing.

    I try to look up at the person carrying me, but this only made my back feel worse.

    The only glimpse I got was a man wearing a black suit, with a familiar voice.

    Hang in there Emma...You’ll heal was the last words I heard before everything went black. This was odd, because in it was just Enitha, in this dream...

    Why would she do this to aren’t ready.

    This may hold the answers Adamien....we might’ve found a cure. My eyes were still closed, but those were the words that I picked up.

    When I woke up again, my back was being tugged.

    She’ll need stiches....-she’s waking up a younger man said, his voice was strong.

    I close my blurry eyes again.

    The next time I wake up, I’m lying on a cold object, in a cold room, still curious if this is a dream, or not.

    The two men sit at a dated computer, chatting.

    They were blurry, and only shadows to me because my vision was bad now.

    But, I get up, and walk carefully to the shadow men.

    One turns to me, catching me because I was going to fall.

    Let’s get you back to bed, before morning. One of the men say to me, his voice sounded sad.

    I wanted to say something. But my mouth wouldn’t produce anything, and my eyes were too blurry to see either of the men features.

    The last two words in that dream before everything went black came from both of the men. They were.

    Happy Birthday.

    Chapter 3

    When I’ve awaken from my dream, I’m lying in my bed, in my dark cold room, staring at the ceiling.

    I wait a few minutes to finally sit up with feeling, because of what just took place. A dream.

    I thought I’d only see darkness forever.

    I position myself towards the edge of my bed so I can stare outside.

    I wait for the sun to finally peak its way through my rusty chipped paint window, and blind my eyes with orange, and yellow.

    Time passes, and my mother enters my room to remind me what day it is.

    Happy 16th Birthday Emma....I made you breakfast. She says with her broken voice, looking frail.

    She expects the same answer every day, but still enters my room in hopes of a different response.

    She was the one who diagnosed me. She was a nurse before all of this. She knows I’m slowly losing myself, and told me that if I have one more blackout she’s going to send me somewhere.

    Not the place my father went to, it’s shut down now, but she told me somewhere I can get help.

    She doesn’t know that these blackouts are occurring multiples times a day, but I won’t tell her that for my own safety.

    Thanks Mom, but...I’m not really hungry. I said under my breath, my voice was hoarse, and sore somehow, but loud enough for her to hear.

    I tried to make my answer believable, even though I was hungry, and haven’t eaten in a day. Also the dream was so gory, I didn’t have an appetite.

    My thoughts stayed with me. I talked, but no personality came out, no feeling. I did this purposely in the beginning, to shut out the world 7 years ago, but now it’s hard for me to even smile. So, my mother started looking into it about 3 years ago, and gave me a diagnosis.

    After getting a faint memory I feel a sharp pains at my back. I quickly grab at my back, and freeze. There was a large bandage wrapped around me.

    As soon as I freeze, my mother sees it, and responds to it.

    Last night, you were sleep walking, and fell down the stairs. You were bleeding, and everything. I had to bandage you up, but you were surprisingly still fast asleep doing all of these things. I told you, new things were going to come now that you’re 16 Emma. She releases a soft sigh, now standing in silence.

    I didn’t understand, was this true?

    But, it felt so real, the pain didn’t feel like a fall from a few flights of stairs.

    I look up at her, with feeling. It was there, yet very short, but there.

    After having feeling, I quickly turn away from her, looking back outside my window again.

    Okay, well hope you have a wonderful day at school. Love you... Her forced smile slowly fades to a muffled frown.

    Her words were forced, especially the last two, I could hear it.

    Before trying to second guess my answer in my mind, she leaves my room, and closes the door behind her.

    I wanted to just run up to her, and say so much, but...couldn’t.

    My dark mind wouldn’t let those emotional words pass through. So instead, I forced myself to get up, and go into the bathroom.

    I walk past the mirror, and straight to the shower. I moved slowly to the shower, not caring about the time, not caring about school, not caring about anything.

    I stand there for a moment, gazing before dropping my clothes, and heading in the shower.

    I turned the rusty handle pointing at C, to H, waiting for the temperature to change. It took a while for the hot water to come on. Once it did I slowly made my way inside.

    When the warm water finally hit me in the shower, my cold body left me. My mind was active, and alive with thoughts. But my body wasn’t.

    I’d just stand there thinking, letting the warm water hit my face, and my bare eyes, without feeling a thing.

    A few times my hands glide over my back, colliding with the cuts. Causing me to jump at the pain it caused.

    Another thought was school. I don’t ever think about much, but today I had a lot to think about.

    Not that it mattered.

    Realizing I’d be late if I didn’t get out of the shower at that very moment, so slowly made my way out.

    After getting out of the shower the cold air ached my body, and brought me back to reality...real life.

    The only thing stopping me from catching hypothermia, was my dry towel, and the hot rusty heater next to me.

    My cold body slowly walks to the mirror, and stands at it staring.

    When I look at the mirror, I see two people.

    My human self, and then the darkness, the hopelessness part of me.

    I stand there, and wait for the same thing that happens to me every day.

    I throw up, or my nose bleeds in the sink.

    But today that didn’t happen.

    I think nothing of it, only that it might come while in school.

    I sigh, and look at my drenched long black hair. There’s never any motivation to brush my long black hair so I didn’t, and really couldn’t if I wanted to.

    From the illness, I shed more often than a normal human, so I leave it alone and get dressed instead.

    My attire never changed for things like this either. Just kept it simple with; old hoodies, and black colors.

    I put on some hammy down dark colored denim jeans, with a long sleeve black shirt, and a black jacket.

    There is never much personality in my clothes, or myself. Usually my clothes are my mom’s old clothes when she was in high school.

    After trying to think about her past she never discusses with me. I realized I still needed to get dressed.

    When I’ve finished putting on my clothes, my sluggish body finally makes its way downstairs.

    As soon as you finish walking down the squeaky stairs, you enter two split rooms.

    Half the room is the dining area, and the other side is the kitchen.

    The lights are always dim in my house, whether it’s night time or during the day.

    And the smell. It’s always the same strange smell in my house, it smells like medicine.

    Aside from it feeling like Antarctica all the time for no apparent reason, this house has some problems.

    I don’t express this to my mom, as she needs it to function or something, and I didn’t really care....but did.

    It’s been cold like this since I could remember, never changing temperature in the slightest.

    Another reason I wouldn’t tell her, is because, we never actually talk. It’s never an actual conversation between us, its only health related.

    She has always been this way, but since everything happened with my dad. She’s been keeping a close notch on me, a way too tight notch.

    As I walk down the stairs to our dated kitchen, my mother greets me at the stairs, like always.

    Here Emma, take one of them before you get to school. I upped the dose, since your 16 now, so you should feel much better! Now remember, you have to take this on time, to keep your symptoms at a low. Her smile was weakened, and her voice sounded robotic.

    She repeats these words to me every day, it feels like I’m being brainwashed sometimes. Maybe she doesn’t want to let history to repeat itself.

    We don’t exchange eye contact, or words, so instead, I just hold my hand out, and she just place the pills in my palm.

    There pills are average size, with a clear gel film over the black sand like substance inside.

    As she’s digging in the pill bottle here was my moment to tell her I had a dream, but stop myself when something catches my attention.

    Attention? Was that back? Was that an emotion?

    I look at the room not my mother’s room, but the room we usually don’t enter.

    It was my father’s room.

    He went in there to do his studies. He was a professor, and used that room as his office.

    I look around there, and see boxes scattered by the door, she must’ve been throwing stuff out... I guess.

    I wanted to feel something, anything, but turn back to her, when I feel nothing.

    I was use to this...miscommunication, she never really talks to me about normal stuff.

    If I ever for a second felt normal, she made sure to seal the boundary of that.

    She finally has taken out enough pills, and placed them onto my cold hand. She gave me 3 total.

    Before she could turn to me, and say something repetitive I head for the door, and put on my dated headphones.

    It was cold enough inside my house, but the weather outside made me ache more.

    The cold air almost matched my house but it was a little colder, and the foggy air made it impossible to see anything.

    I let out a sigh, aching, seeing the cold cloud escape my mouth, and vanish in the air.

    As soon as I prepare to walk, I turn my attention to a noise I hear near the house. It was a faint rustling of leaves. When I turned to the noise, I was able to find out the noise had a face.

    It was a boy on the left of me, a few houses down. He just kept staring at me.

    Even though the gesture was kind of odd. I push that aside, and walk out of the house like usual, just in case this was a hallucination.

    I make it a few feet past my house, and see him begin to follow me.

    Thinking this was a hallucination, but since I wasn’t sure I cross the street, and the boy followed again.

    I wasn’t able to see who it was because he was wearing a hood. And his face was hidden with his curly hair covering it, also the fog didn’t help it at all.

    I look behind me again, and this time I see him approaching even faster.

    I’m now running across the street trying to get away from this boy. Not

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