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Presentations with LaTeX: Which package, which command, which syntax?
Presentations with LaTeX: Which package, which command, which syntax?
Presentations with LaTeX: Which package, which command, which syntax?
Ebook157 pages3 hours

Presentations with LaTeX: Which package, which command, which syntax?

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About this ebook

Which package, which command, which syntax?
LATEX can be used to create high-quality presentations. Further more, the typesetting system TEX can be used to easily create an imatedslides. This books how show to create presentations with the two most important classes, powerdot and beamer. In addition to the basic functionality, examples illustrate how to realise a custom corporate design to create a custom document class or package.
Release dateJul 12, 2012
Presentations with LaTeX: Which package, which command, which syntax?

Herbert Voß

Herbert Voß beschäftigt sich mit TeX/LaTeX und PostScript seitdem es mit den herkömmlichen Systemen nicht mehr weiter ging. Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen rund um das Thema Informatik. 1949 bei Hannover geboren 1966 mittlere Reife 1969 Gesellenprüfung zum Starkstromelektriker 1973 Ing.grad. in Berlin 1975 Dipl.-Ing. 1978 Dr.-Ing. 1982 Studienassesor 1986 Studiendirektor 2002 Dozent

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