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Angel Hamilton, Private Eye: Black Hawk Down
Angel Hamilton, Private Eye: Black Hawk Down
Angel Hamilton, Private Eye: Black Hawk Down
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Angel Hamilton, Private Eye: Black Hawk Down

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She came to him for help.

He couldn't refuse. How could he? She was beautiful. She was sensitive and oh yeah, she had black hawk wings.
What more could you ask of a client?

Angel specializes in the supernatural, the bizarre, the occult, the mystical and the magic. If you have a problem; he can fix it.

He's not the most successful private angel in the world; but he's honest, reliable and oh yeah he cares.

This time Angel's really in for it. Not only does this woman want his help; she wants him to marry her as well.

Oh my God! How much worse can it be?

Another wild, scary and wacky tale about a detective who goes where no wise man would dare tread...into the world of monsters!

PublisherJohn Pirillo
Release dateOct 17, 2016
Angel Hamilton, Private Eye: Black Hawk Down

John Pirillo

The author was born in Washington, Pennsylvannia. He loves animals and birds. Has two pet cockatiels that keep him company while he writes. He has a lovely daughter and a rascally grandson. He is rich in friends that matter and well adjusted to a life of challenges. He writes and draws every day. He loves anything science fiction, fantasy or extremely well written. Same goes for movies and TV. Not married currently, but has an eye and ear open to possibilities. :)

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    Angel Hamilton, Private Eye - John Pirillo

    Angel Hamilton, Private Angel

    Black Hawk Down

    John Pirillo

    Copyright 2016

    A Smashwords Publication

    Angel Files, Case #122

    I think the creepiest thing anyone can do is to close their hearts forever. What good does a heart do anyone, if it's always on vacation?

    I was beginning to see a trend in my own well worn path in life after several years of treading life between the hellbound and the angels, the living and the dead, the mortal and the immortal.

    Like names. I'm not good with them. Once I learn them, I forget them. Not because I want to, but because it's safer to forget, that way I don't have to feel rejected, lonely or miserable because my name is no longer important in their lives. I suppose that's a trap we all have to face during the course of our years; I just am not in any kind of hurry to get there. So I forget. Over and over.

    But then, considering some of the names I would have to remember are pretty downright freaky frightening and way out there in the deep, dark solids of insanity, I once more think it's probably for the best.

    You see I'm not just your average Private Eye, I'm a private angel. I try to make things right that weren't. Put things back into the right order of things. To get nature back into balance. Kind of like putting the cream back into milk once it's already been turned to butter. Hard. Sometimes extremely difficult. Painful. But a job I'm good at. Very, very good at.

    My work is never an easy task. This is why I get paid to be pissed off. Why pissed off?

    Because our world is not just Starbucks and Sprinkles, it's also heaven and hell. Not the heaven you read about or see in churches, and not the hell so many see in the movies. I'm talking about real angels; real demons. And it's the demons I usually have to deal with. And very rarely do they come packaged nice and

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