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Bite: Book 1
Bite: Book 1
Bite: Book 1
Ebook183 pages2 hours

Bite: Book 1

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Elise is a vampire on top of her game. At only 50 years old, she is one of the youngest in her coven. Her master, Christian, is the man she lost before she ever had a chance to have him. Elise has lived by Christian's rules since the night he turned her. Now ... it is time for Elise to become her own master...

PublisherElla Price
Release dateOct 19, 2016
Bite: Book 1

Ella Price

I have been writing since I was eight. I started out with poetry. Eventually, I moved on to short fantasy stories, then eventually books. I have always loved books, whether I was reading them or writing them. Books have always been a perfect escape from reality. When I was growing up, I admired authors and I always imagined I would eventually be one. The primary genre I write is fantasy romance. I love creating tough heroines and sexy vampires, werewolves, Fae, and every other supernatural creature I can come up with. I also write new adult romance when I am in the right mood. I want my readers to get the same joy from reading my stories that I do when I read some of my favorite authors.

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    Bite - Ella Price


    Book 1

    Ella Price

    This book is a work of fiction, and does not represent real events. Characters, names, places, and incidents are works of the author’s imagination and do not depict any real event, or person living or dead.

    Copyright © 2016 by Ella Price

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form.



    Fifty years ago …

    I don’t know what possessed me to go with the other girls. I knew I didn’t belong on this side of town. There were so many rumors about the people that came here. Maybe that’s why I went … there’s a small sense of adventure and danger here.

    I glanced around nervously, looking for one of the girls I came with. I just wanted to recognize anyone. I was standing up against the wall, out of the way. I lost sight of the others a while ago. All three of the girls I came with immediately wandered off with their male companions. The room was filled with cigarette smoke. Women were scantily clad and groups of men were enjoying the view.

    I wasn’t dressed like the other women. I was more conservative. The blue dress I was wearing matched my eyes. My hair was nearly pinned up, and I didn’t have nearly the amount of makeup on the others did. I was a shy girl compared to Missy and the others. I didn’t seek the attention of all the males in the room. Again, I started questioning why I was even here. It was something to do I guess.

    My eyes scanned the bar again. I’d done it several times now. I wasn’t looking for anyone in particular, at least I didn’t think so. My eyes settled on a man sitting across the bar. I noticed him because he was staring at me. It was the first man to notice me all night. I thought I was invisible standing in the shadows, but apparently I was wrong. I couldn’t tell much about him because he was across the room. The room was too dim and full of smoke. Something about him unnerved me. I wanted to look away, but I couldn’t. I was caught, unable to move.

    I finally managed to tear my gaze from his face. I briefly directed my attention to another part of the room. Movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention. I looked back in the direction of the staring man. My breath caught in my throat when my eyes locked with olive green eyes. He was right in front of me. He was close to me, almost touching me.

    His eyes were the most beautiful color I’d ever seen. I felt like I was falling as I looked into them. His golden blond hair was tied neatly behind his head. His attire seemed like it was an older style, but made from expensive fabrics.

    I attempted to swallow past the lump in my throat. I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t think straight let alone speak.

    What is your name? His deep voice sent shivers through me.

    I finally managed to fight the dryness of my throat and mouth. Elise, I said in a breathy whisper.

    He offered me his hand. Come with me, Elise. You are mine now.

    His words terrified and excited me. A rational girl would’ve run in the other direction. I always thought I was a rational girl, but something about him was different. I couldn’t escape his gaze. I could barely remember to breathe. I wanted this man more than I wanted anything in my life … and that scared the hell out of me.

    Chapter 1

    Present day …

    Blood … It was life for me. No matter how much I despise what I am, I cannot stop. I love the taste of blood. I loved the feel of a human’s heart pounding as he or she realizes what is happening. On occasion, I didn’t cloud their minds. I let them feel and experience everything. The fear they felt made the blood taste a little more exotic. I drink until their hearts slow. It’s hard for me to walk away. It’s in my nature to kill, but I resist. I don’t want to be a complete monster, although the thought has occurred to me once or twice.

    Blood and sex was even better than blood alone. My newest lover climbed on the bed toward me. He was completely nude. His body was toned. All the contours and dips of his perfectly muscled body were in exactly the right places. His blond hair fell carelessly across his forehead. His baby blue eyes glittered with excitement. He was looking forward to this as much as I was. I didn’t have to cloud men’s minds when it came to sex. Men wanted to please me. I picked this one up in a bar not far from the college campus. I couldn’t recall his name at the moment, but that didn’t matter to me. All that mattered was that he soothed my needs.

    He pressed his lips to mine in an aggressive, biting kiss. The anticipation of what was to come slowly started to roll over me. I met his kiss with enthusiasm. His hands found their way under my dress. He really was in no mood to wait. He wanted me. I loved the feeling that knowing that gave me. It was a high that didn’t disappear quickly. It made this life worth living.

    His lips slowly trailed to my neck. I could hear and smell the hot blood pumping through his veins. I closed my eyes resisting the urge to bite him. It was too soon. I would take too much, and he would be unable to perform. I had to wait until he pleased me physically, and then I would feed.

    He pulled my dress over my head. His hands went to my breasts. Men usually loved my breasts. I couldn’t say I didn’t like it. He smiled playfully as he lowered his lips to my breast. The gleam in his eyes promised what was to come. I closed my eyes as he rolled my taut nipple between his lips. He started with one, and then slowly moved to the other. He took a moment to tease my nipples, gently squeezing my breasts as he did. I wanted him to take his time. I wanted the high to last as long as possible.

    He fumbled as his hands went to my panties. I raised my eyebrows in amusement. I didn’t mean to tease, but it was hard to resist. A slight blush crept up his cheeks as he quickly recovered. He tore my panties off like they were made of paper. It was a show just for me. He was going to prove his worth after my teasing look. I loved seeing the aggressive side of human males. They thought they were so strong, and I was so weak. They had no idea what I was capable of. I let them show off. I liked watching them perform. They certainly tried much harder to impress me than my kind did. In fact, I couldn’t stand my kind. They were arrogant, self-entitled assholes.

    He grasped my wrists and pinned me to the bed, pulling me from my thoughts. I smiled at him; this was certainly getting amusing. My black hair pooled under me. I left it long because it gave me an innocent look. He looked down at me. He met my smile with one of his own. The glint in his eyes told me he loved what he was seeing. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He didn’t even bother removing my boots or thigh highs. Somehow, it made this encounter even hotter.

    He shifted forward, and buried his hard, throbbing cock inside me in one swift move. I cried out in excitement. He was exactly what I needed. My pussy clamped around him, accepting his girth. He wasn’t the biggest male I’d been with, but he was nicely endowed. He grasped my hips and started to thrust frantically.

    The door to my apartment opened, distracting me. Michael walked in. He was one of the arrogant, self-absorbed assholes I mentioned earlier. He grinned when he saw me pinned to the bed, with a man buried inside me. I thought I would come ruin your fun.

    My lover hesitated, like he was about to stop because of the intrusion. I caught his chin, forcing him to look at me. Ignore him; there is no one here but us. His eyes glazed as my words registered. He smiled and went back to thrusting vigorously. I closed my eyes and relaxed. Get out Michael. I knew my order would fall on deaf ears, but I tried anyway.

    He plopped down on the couch and watched my lover and me. I knew he wasn’t going to leave. He never did. This was the third time this month he invited himself into my apartment during one of my trysts. I was starting to get used to him watching me. It didn’t bother me much anymore, but I still made the attempt to make him leave.

    Michael got comfortable. Christian wants you to go to him.

    I sighed as I looked at the ceiling. I felt him calling, but I was ignoring him for a reason. Christian was the Master of the city. He was also my maker. I tried to ignore him as much as possible, but he would send Michael when I did. Michael was his second in command and personal errand boy. I was never sure if Michael liked me. I always had a feeling he was indifferent. For the longest time, he treated me like another one of Christian’s toys. It wasn’t until I left Christian’s coven that I actually earned some respect from Michael; not that I wanted it. I could care less what he thought; I could care less what any of them thought.

    I hated that I wasn’t able to focus on my lover like I wanted. Now, Michael wanted to talk. What the fuck does he want now?

    Michael laughed. He probably wants what you’re letting Romeo there have.

    I scoffed. He hasn’t fucked me since the night he changed me over fifty years ago. I hesitated when I thought about it. That must have been it. The anniversary of my change was tonight. I was exactly fifty years old today. I, of course, still looked like the wide eyed eighteen year old girl Christian claimed that night. I was young and naïve when he found me in that shithole bar. I didn’t even resist him; I couldn’t. I was caught in his gaze, instantly enamored with him. I fucking hated myself for surrendering so easily. If I knew then what I know now, I would’ve fought to the death against him. I never wanted this life. I didn’t ask for it, and he didn’t give me a choice. He claimed me as his and did as he pleased. I was no differed than any of the other girls he met; so why the hell he chose to change me escaped me.

    My lover groaned, and I felt him release. He collapsed over me, completely satisfied.

    Michael started laughing like a hyena. Well, he thought it was fun.

    I scowled and pushed the man off me. I would have had fun too if you didn’t interrupt. I was annoyed and even hungrier now. I straddled my lover’s hips. He watched me wide-eyed like he didn’t know what was happening. I buried my face in his neck and bit down.

    He cussed and started to struggle. I didn’t cloud his mind. I was too annoyed to focus. It pissed me off that Christian was calling me. I was sure he just wanted to rub it in my face that he was my maker. He liked to make sure I remembered my place. The thought of seeing him infuriated me. My lover tried to throw me off, but like an animal, I was trained to keep my prey. He wasn’t going anywhere. He resorted to trying to yell for help, but I pressed my hand to his mouth stopping his cries. I’d done this hundreds of times; I knew exactly what he would do. He was my prey and I was the hunter. He would never get the best of me, I was always ready. His heart slowed and he lost consciousness. He wouldn’t remember a thing when he woke.

    I sat up, licking the remnants of blood from my lips. I could feel his hot blood running down my chin. It was always messy when they struggled, but he tasted as good as I anticipated.

    Fuck, I don’t think I have seen anything that sexy in a long time. The excitement in Michael’s voice was evident.

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