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The Dark Fae: Book 3
The Dark Fae: Book 3
The Dark Fae: Book 3
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The Dark Fae: Book 3

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Scarlett’s life suddenly becomes more complicated when she meets Liam and Zander. They claim to know more about her pregnancy than anyone yet. Scarlett has to decide whether or not to trust the newcomers, who claim the people she cares for may be a threat to her.

Laurie continues to fight to earn Scarlett's trust. He’s determined to keep Scarlett safe, despite the barriers that continue to come between them.

Elijah is a complication Scarlett isn't ready to face. His change of heart has her trying to decide who she belongs with. Elijah’s determination only makes Scarlett's choice more difficult.

The changes Scarlett is facing with the impending birth has her scrambling to figure out who she can trust and who she should be with. In the final installment of The Dark Fae series, Scarlett will face her darkest fears. She will have to make decisions that could mean the difference between life and death. Her future as The Red Queen and the fate of the Fae race hangs in the balance.

PublisherElla Price
Release dateNov 19, 2016
The Dark Fae: Book 3

Ella Price

I have been writing since I was eight. I started out with poetry. Eventually, I moved on to short fantasy stories, then eventually books. I have always loved books, whether I was reading them or writing them. Books have always been a perfect escape from reality. When I was growing up, I admired authors and I always imagined I would eventually be one. The primary genre I write is fantasy romance. I love creating tough heroines and sexy vampires, werewolves, Fae, and every other supernatural creature I can come up with. I also write new adult romance when I am in the right mood. I want my readers to get the same joy from reading my stories that I do when I read some of my favorite authors.

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    The Dark Fae - Ella Price

    The Dark Fae

    Book 3

    Ella Price

    This book is a work of fiction and does not represent real events. Characters, names, places, and incidents are works of the authors imagination and do not depict any real event, or person living or dead.

    Copyright © 2016 by Ella Price

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form.


    Chapter 1

    I couldn’t fight him. I had no power and my current condition made the traditional means of fighting dangerous. I had to stall him. It was the only way I could buy time to come up with another plan. What’s your name? I could immediately tell my question caught him off guard. He didn’t think I would start talking. I was sure he thought I was going to start fighting.

    He watched me curiously for a minute, then he relaxed. Liam. Don’t think you can distract me.

    I smiled slightly. He caught on a lot quicker than I thought he would. Why would I need to distract you? I couldn’t get away from you even if I tried.

    True, but I can tell you’re planning something. He narrowed his eyes even more. His guard went back up as he looked around the woods. He acted like he was expecting an attack. He suddenly stepped forward and grabbed my arm. We need to go now. His voice was a low whisper. He was trying to avoid being overheard.

    I halted, trying to keep him from pulling me along with him. I’m not going with you.

    He scowled down at me. The people that are in these woods right now are far worse than I will ever be. They won’t take the time to talk to you. They just want you dead, so if you want to stay alive, you’ll quit being stubborn for once.

    My eyes locked with his. I was trying to decide if he was trustworthy. I didn’t want to just leave with him, but what if he was right? He was the only one of the two of us that could fight. I sighed in defeat. Fine, I’ll go with you for now.

    He didn’t waste any time. He pulled me along with him. His grip on my arm was slightly painful.

    I debated pulling away from him again, but I didn’t want to give whoever was in the woods time to catch up. You could hold my hand instead of my arm. You’re hurting me.

    He glanced around barely paying any attention to me. I’m not your boyfriend.

    I made an annoyed noise and pulled my arm out of his grasp. I never said you were, and I would never date you even if you were the last man on earth. You’re hurting my arm holding it like that.

    He rolled his eyes and snatched my hand. Fine, your highness, I’ll hold your hand. Happy?

    Yes, I am. Thank you for not being the brute you are for five seconds. I was pretty sure I was annoying him as much as he was annoying me.

    He muttered under his breath and continued through the woods. I let him lead me, trying to listen for anyone approaching as he did. He had me on guard. I only hoped I wasn’t being a fool for trusting him.

    We made it to the road. It was a dark, desolate stretch. He led me across the road, over to a truck parked in the shadows. He opened the passenger door and pushed me inside. He retrieved the keys from his pocket as he hurried around the front of the truck. He climbed in and started the truck. Several shadowy figures appeared on the other side of the road. He hit the gas, squealing the tires.

    I watched the figures shrink as he continued to drive. Who are they?

    He glanced in his rearview mirror a couple more times. They’re people who want you dead. That’s all you need to know.

    I scowled. Who are you to tell me what I need to know? I was starting to get annoyed with his attitude. He was treating me like I was an idiot that needed to be protected.

    He glanced at me, then turned his attention back at the road. You aren’t my queen. You don’t need to know everything.

    It has nothing to do with being the queen. You’re just an ass. I crossed my arms and looked out the window. I wasn’t going to talk to him if he was going to be rude. I was still weighing my options. I wasn’t really sure I had any options. I already let him take me away from the others. I doubted I would be able to get away from him now. All I could do was try to find out as much as I could. Where are you taking me?

    Somewhere safe. He kept his tone gruff and uninterested.

    That’s not an answer. I was trying extremely hard to keep my temper in check. He was being vague and giving me no information at all.

    That’s all you’re going to get from me, he countered as he continued to look straight ahead.

    I pressed my lips together to keep from saying something rude. I turned my attention to the scenery. I wanted to at least try to memorize all the turns he was taking, so I could find my way back if needed.

    A phone started to ring. He quickly retrieved a cell phone from the center console. I’ve got her. We’ll be arriving in a few hours. He hung up without waiting for a reply.

    I started to wonder who he was talking to. Suddenly, I had a feeling he wasn’t working alone. I highly doubted he was even in charge. I looked back out the window wondering who he would be answering to.

    After several minutes of silence, he glanced in my direction. Don’t bother scheming. You won’t get away from me.

    I didn’t even bother looking at him. So you think.

    He laughed. I know. I’m very good at what I do.

    I scoffed. No you aren’t. If you’d done your job in the first place and killed me, neither of us would be here.

    He glared at me. You’re lucky I didn’t kill you.

    I am, or are you? I teased. I had a feeling he was following orders. I didn’t see him as the kind of man that was in charge completely. He struck me as the type that was always working for someone.

    He glared at me. What’s that supposed to mean?

    I shrugged as I continued to look out the window. It means you have someone you answer to.

    He scoffed. I don’t answer to anyone.

    I smiled as I looked over at him. Who was on the phone then?

    His expression darkened even more. None of your damn business.

    I rolled my eyes and went back to ignoring him as I looked out the window. I was starting to regret leaving with him. I didn’t know who he was working for or with, and I had no way of letting the others know I was okay.

    Chapter 2

    I felt someone lift me, and it startled me awake.

    Clam down. Liam’s gruff voice made me relax a little.

    I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times. Liam was carrying me toward a huge house. I had no idea where I was. I must’ve fallen asleep sometime during the drive. It was a little annoying because I wanted to try to memorize where he was taking me. I wiggled again. I can walk.

    He didn’t speak, and he didn’t stop walking. It was obvious he was silently telling me he wasn’t going to let me walk on my own. I decided there was no point in fighting him. We were just about to the door anyway.

    The door opened without Liam even knocking. A woman dressed in a maid’s uniform stepped aside, so Liam could enter the house. He stepped past her and walked through the foyer, toward the back of the house. He walked into a parlor and set me down on a couch. The house reminded me of Erik and Laurie’s houses. Whoever owned this house had some Fae lineage; I was sure of that. I didn’t see Liam having a house like this. It had to be the person he was speaking to on the phone.

    Where are we? I looked around trying to find any indication of who might own the house.

    You’re safe. Don’t worry about where you are. Liam’s tone was clipped.

    I was starting to get tired of how he was talking to me.

    Before I could say something rude, a smooth male voice spoke. Liam, perhaps you can lighten your tone a little. I’m sure Scarlett is confused. She isn’t trying to annoy you.

    Liam scoffed and muttered under his breath. I didn’t pay much attention to him because the newcomer piqued my interest. His tone reminded me of Elijah. I immediately got the feeling he was a vampire, but I didn’t recognize his voice. I turned to look at who spoke. I was right; he was definitely vampire … at least partly. My eyes locked with his brilliant green gaze. He had the eyes of a Fae, but it was obvious he was a vampire as well. He had to be one of the five Liam spoke of, part Fae and part vampire. The man’s shiny, smooth, black hair fell almost to his waist. He was tall and slender. His body was toned, and he was obviously proud of it because he was going shirtless. He was wearing a pair of leather pants and soft leather boots but nothing else. His dark hair complimented his tan skin and gave him an exotic appearance.

    It’s an honor to meet you, Scarlett. I’ve heard a great deal about you. The man smiled as he spoke. He was so elegant and polite; his demeanor didn’t really fit his appearance.

    And I’ve heard nothing about you. Who are you? I wasn’t going to let his appearance or tone distract me. I wasn’t a silly human. I was smarter than that.

    He smiled as he sat down in the chair across from me. My name is Zander. I’m one of Liam’s friends.

    His friend or his boss? I was intentionally trying to annoy Liam. He was so offended when I mentioned him having a boss earlier, I figured I would take a dig at him.

    I don’t have a boss, Liam cut in.

    Liam and I work together, Zander clarified as he looked at Liam. Liam seemed to immediately silence when Zander looked at him.

    What do you want from me? I decided getting straight to the point would save a lot of time.

    Simply to protect you. Zander looked over at Liam as soon as he spoke. Liam, would you please get Scarlett something to eat and drink.

    Liam nodded, and walked out of the room. I looked back at Zander as soon as Liam was gone. You’re more vampire than Fae. Why do you care what happens to me?

    I only appear to be more vampire, but that doesn’t mean I am. What I am is beside the point. What’s important is what your children are. He was so at ease. He was starting to make me nervous. He was too calm and collected.

    And what are my children? I was a little worried about the answer he would give.

    He smiled slightly. They are the future. That’s why they need to be protected. I’m sure Liam explained that your people would be inadequate protection for you and your children. We are not here to hold you against your will. We simply want to offer you our protection.

    I scoffed. Liam made it clear I didn’t have a choice.

    He sighed. Liam can be a little … abrasive.

    I laughed. That’s the nice way of putting it. I stood and started looking around the room. I was trying not to seem too nervous. This house reminds me of the ones the other Fae keep. Do you relate more to your Fae side?

    He watched me like he was trying to choose his words carefully. I wouldn’t say I relate completely with either side. I suppose you relate more with your Fae side than your werewolf side.

    I laughed harshly. I was forced to relate more with the Fae. I didn’t really relate with either.

    But you chose the Fae? He sounded curious.

    I wasn’t sure if I liked his curiosity. I didn’t know how much I should really tell him. I wasn’t sure if I could trust him yet. He didn’t seem like he wanted to hurt me, but I didn’t want to be overly trusting. I didn’t really choose. They needed me more.

    I see, he said thoughtfully. And where did the vampire come into all of this?

    I shrugged as I examined a painting on the wall. He just did. Are you and Liam related in any way?

    He slowly got to his feet. No, he’s much younger than me. We just share a common cause. He came to stand next to me. "I understand you’ve been pushed into doing a lot in the name of your people. I’m not here

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