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Edinburgh & its region: Discover Edinburgh, the beautiful capital of Scotland, as well as its region, in this special eGuide enriched with photos.
Edinburgh & its region: Discover Edinburgh, the beautiful capital of Scotland, as well as its region, in this special eGuide enriched with photos.
Edinburgh & its region: Discover Edinburgh, the beautiful capital of Scotland, as well as its region, in this special eGuide enriched with photos.
Ebook165 pages43 minutes

Edinburgh & its region: Discover Edinburgh, the beautiful capital of Scotland, as well as its region, in this special eGuide enriched with photos.

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About this ebook

Discover Edinburgh and its region, that abounds in history, traditions, culture, magnificent landscapes and warm people.

Release dateJun 2, 2016
Edinburgh & its region: Discover Edinburgh, the beautiful capital of Scotland, as well as its region, in this special eGuide enriched with photos.

Cristina Rebiere

Courte biographie:Cristina Rebière est auteure de nombreux guides et livres. Elle a dirigé une maison d'édition, un parc d'aventures et mené à bien de nombreuses missions dans la fonction publique européenne. Elle est aussi spécialisée dans la formation continue.Ses origines:Après la Révolution roumaine, Cristina interrompt de brillantes études pour entrer à l'université en France où elle suit tout le cursus en faculté de droit et obtient une Maîtrise en Administration Économique et Sociale. D'abord chargée de communication dans un Institut Français en Allemagne, elle devient statisticienne à Bruxelles pour un bureau d'assistance de la Commission Européenne. De retour à Bucarest elle est successivement contrôleuse de gestion, directrice de maison d'édition, experte européenne puis professeure de français. En Roumanie elle fonde avec son mari une entreprise de team building puis le premier parc d'aventures jamais créé dans ce pays - construit de leurs mains - qui attirera des milliers de personnes, écoles et entreprises dans la pratique du sport et d'activités de cohésion en pleine nature. Avec son équipe, elle conçoit et construit des parcours d'escalade dans les arbres pour d'autres clients.Au rectorat de l'Académie de la Martinique, Cristina prend en charge la coordination de la Cellule Académique des Fonds Européens et de Coopération où elle accompagne les porteurs de projet dans le montage des dossiers, assure la formation en ingénierie de projet, gère un réseau de plus d'une soixantaine d'enseignants référents à l'ouverture internationale. Elle assure la gestion opérationnelle de plusieurs projets de coopération. Elle assure l'actualisation du site internet de la Délégation Académique aux Relations Internationales et à la Coopération.La pédagogie de Cristina Rebière est basée sur le pragmatisme et l'efficacité.Domaines de compétence:management de projet, voyage, marketing social de contenu, team building, formation initiale et continue, expertise en fonds européens, budgétisation, planification, productivité et stratégie, coaching, ingénierie financière, webmestre, statistiques, procédures, web intégration, conception graphique, communication, conception et construction de parcs d'aventure

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    Book preview

    Edinburgh & its region - Cristina Rebiere




    Thank you for purchasing this eBook and welcome to your new " Travel eGuide: Edinburgh & its region "! We hope it will help you discover this region, which abounds in history, traditions, culture, magnificent landscapes and wild nature.

    Scotland is a fantastic territory that will content the most demanding travelers by the diversity of its treasures: magnificent castles, dynamic and modern cities where the history left its imprint, small charming villages in which time seems to have been stopped, surprising landscapes from the green meadows to valleys and painted hills in nuances ranging from brown to yellow via the ochre; beautiful gardens, vibrant bars and restaurants. The list could continue, but you will discover all these things in the following pages ... and later, directly on the spot :-)!

    While writing this eGuide I am dreaming about a warm cottage with a fireplace, the tranquillity and typically Scottish calm, the nice black-headed white sheeps, the so charming woolly cows, the pheasants walking freely in the countryside, the fields of narcissuses during the spring, gorgeous landscapes of Highlands. The palette of surprising sceneries colors offers so many reasons for making photos, delicious fish and chips in a small bar by the sea, magnificent castles, impressive fortresses, ruins of monasteries where you could still hear the echo of past, romantic lakes in a dream frame...

    It is difficult for me to stop enumerating all these marvelous things which attracted me and which undoubtedly will force me to return my steps towards Scotland. But in order to get a small idea of what I speak, glance on the dream photos from Scotland!

    This eGuide works almost like a website, and does not need to be used along with an Internet connection (unless you want to access the "OpenStreetMap" and other hyperlinks that we provide throughout the book, in real time).

    Depending on the capabilities of your eBook reader, you can enjoy zoom features on photos. You can also click on the hypertext links (or hyperlinks) underlined throughout the eGuide. We tried our best to make your reading experience as enjoyable as possible, despite the wide technology gaps between various reading systems.

    Be sure that we will propose to you more interactive versions, as the formats and eBook readers should be standardized in the future!

    Well, enough chatting. Let's go!


    Cristina & Olivier

    Scotland - practical tips

    Budget tips:

    How arriving in Scotland?

    Depending on your country of origin, the tips can be different to have cheaper flight tickets.

    Here are some advice which apply, no matter where you are coming from.


    Buy your tickets in advance (minimum of 3 or even 6 months) to get the best rates so you can choose the dates of your vacation. Look for promotions from different airlines.

    Do not buy your tickets at once, but test the market first. Look for the airline companies which offer your envisaged destinations. For Poland you have two big cities where you can arrive in: Edinburgh here or Glasgow here

    Buy your tickets towards one of these cities and then prepare your route or itinerary according to it.

    Pay attention because the tickets prices may vary on every hour and without any logic. Consequently, record in a file on your computer the prices you have found for several days before making your decision. This way, you can compare and know immediately when you will have an opportunity not to be missed. You can save more than 250 €/ticket.

    If possible, avoid traveling at holiday times (Saint Patrick, Christmas, New Year, etc.) to get the cheapest price for your airline tickets. If you however wish to go during these periods, put your departure a few days before those events.

    If you live in Europe and you have enough time to travel, you can go to Scotland by train: buy one InteRail Global pass which allows you to circulate by all the trains of the European Union at prices starting from 280 euro / adult / 10 days and even cheaper for children and young people. For other details and prices see here

    Better period to visit:

    The end of the spring and of the summer are

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