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Brotherly Love: An Anthony Carrick Mystery
Brotherly Love: An Anthony Carrick Mystery
Brotherly Love: An Anthony Carrick Mystery
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Brotherly Love: An Anthony Carrick Mystery

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Brotherly Love is An Anthony Carrick mystery.

There's a small park in the tony Holmby Hills, not far from Beverly Hills, called De Neve Square Park, where a man (Ray Hope) lies dead.

Capt. John Robers of the LAPD Homicide Unit is investigating and he calls in his old friend, Anthony Carrick to help.

Behind the rich facade of the Holmby Hills neighborhood, lies a rotting core. The rich men and women have a seedy side, and it's this seedy side that caused Ray's death.

Married men are known for meeting other married men discreetly at parks around LA like De Neve Park. But was this the reason for Ray's tragic end?

Length: 14,500 words

PublisherJason Blacker
Release dateMay 5, 2013
Brotherly Love: An Anthony Carrick Mystery

Jason Blacker

Jason Blacker was born in Cape Town but spent most of his first 18 years in Johannesburg. When not grinding his fingers down to stubs at the keyboard he enjoys drinking tea, calisthenics and running. Currently he lives in Canada.  Under his own name he writes hard boiled as well as cozy mysteries, action adventure, thrillers, literary fiction and anything else that tickles his muse. Jason Blacker also writes poetry and daily haikus at his haiku blog.  You can find his haikus and other poetry at his website  For FREE books and to stay up to date and learn about new releases be sure to visit where you can find more information about his writing and upcoming projects.  If you enjoy space opera in the tradition of Star Trek then take a look at Jason Blacker’s pen name “Sylynt Storme”. It is under the name Sylynt Storme where you can find both sci-fi and vampire fiction written by Jason Blacker.  “Star Sails” is the space opera series and “The Misgivings of the Vampire Lucius Lafayette” is his vampire series.

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    Brotherly Love - Jason Blacker

    COPYRIGHT © 2016 Jason Blacker

    PUBLISHED BY: Lemon Tree Publishing

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    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.

    Editing: Andrea Anesi


    Brotherly Love

    WHAT I like about living in The Big Orange is the number of people. The city has around 4 million lost souls. And when you have that many lost souls bumping into each other, sparks are gonna fly. And when the sparks fly, the knives and the guns come out to play. That means there’re a lot of murders in this juicy orange. It keeps a guy like me busy. Last year for instance, 203 lost souls took the boat to the other side. Every forty-something hours another one bites the dust.

    There’s plenty of work in this seedy little city of mine if you make your living off the dying. Which is what I do. Indirectly. I’m a private investigator for hire. But there hasn’t been a lot of work coming around for me lately. In fact, this past week was as dry as the empty bottle of scotch that stood on my kitchen counter.

    Seven days of nothing to do but cultivate belly button lint. I was getting bored. Hell, I was even contemplating committing a felony, just to have something to do. Don’t get your knickers all in a bunch, I joke, okay.

    But, here I was sitting at my kitchen table staring at a day old strudel so tough it was staring me back. I dangled a finger around my coffee cup, the steam still dancing up from its mouth. I was thinking about the last seven days. I figured a quick back of the napkin run of the numbers meant I’d missed out on about 4 murders.

    Not that I always enjoy this line of work, you understand. But somebody’s gotta take out the trash. And well, might as well be me. I’m not that good at much else. Ask Pirate, he’ll tell you. He was lying there flat out on his side in a square of warm sun that had tossed itself on the kitchen floor. My mobile started vibrating and I picked it up to have a look at it. It was my good friend John Roberts.

    911, what’s your emergency? I asked.

    I heard a chuckle on the other line.

    Sorry, wrong number. I was looking for someone who could actually help.

    I’ve been waiting for your call all week, Johnny Boy, where you been?

    I’ve been looking at dead folk mostly. Listen, Anthony, how are you doing?

    Bored to tears actually, John. You have something for me to alleviate my boredom?

    Funny you should ask. I’m standing here in De Neve Square Park and I’m looking down at a dead man. Would you care to join me Anthony?

    Love to, but I have no idea where De Neve Park is.

    You’ve got one of them fancy new smartphones, right? Find it on a map. You were a detective, right? I mean, we did work together, or am I thinking of somebody else?

    You must be thinking of a different Anthony Carrick.

    Okay, I’ll see you in about, what, fifteen or so? I’ll give you a hint ’cos I’m feeling soft. It’s in Holmby Hills.

    Right, just down the street from my house.

    If you say so, pal. Listen, the coroner’s gonna be here any minute so get down here as quick as you can if you want to take a look at the corpse.

    I hung up with a huge grin on my face. I was getting back in the game. Now, I was hoping for a private gig. A private gig pays double the rate that I can get as a contractor with the LAPD. But beggars can’t be choosers. Two hundred and fifty a day is better than a kick in the teeth.

    I did as John suggested and I searched for De Neve Square Park on my app. It wasn’t going to take me more than fifteen minutes or so to get there. But I had a breakfast to finish first. I took a bite of the strudel and it wasn’t too bad for a day old. But I wasn’t gonna fight with it to get it down into my belly. A swig of coffee

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