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Rebellium: Chandler Scott, #2
Rebellium: Chandler Scott, #2
Rebellium: Chandler Scott, #2
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Rebellium: Chandler Scott, #2

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Rebellium: A realistic thriller, alarmingly true to our times.  The 2nd book in the Chandler Scott series.


The President of the United States issued a shocking Executive Order to freeze the 2020 election.  The nation is pushing back in unprecedented ways.  Journalist Chandler Scott, after being fired as an international TV reporter, is approached by an old friend to navigate the dangerous world of secessionists and patriot groups.  

He encounters a mysterious cyber character sowing chaos.  A government whistleblower leads Chandler to a chilling discovery of a sinister operation that will shock the nation.


In a fast-paced thriller, Chandler Scott continues his quest for the dream story.  But his mentors may not be able to save him.  Will he sacrifice his career, his love, and his life?


Fans of Tom Clancy, Stieg Larsson, The Black Mirror, and The Man in the High Castle will love the Chandler Scott series.  As the USA faces tumultuous social, political, and economic challenges, readers will connect with the alarmingly realistic plight of Chandler's world.

PublisherThe Sentinel
Release dateNov 15, 2016
Rebellium: Chandler Scott, #2

Jim Mosquera

Who? Jim Mosquera is a published author of fiction and non-fiction and a business professional.  He wants people to understand the world around them and think for themselves. Early Life Born in Panama City, Panama, he spent his formative years in Panama City and St. Louis, Missouri.  He graduated near the top of his class from the University of Missouri-Columbia with Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Industrial Engineering.   Professional Career After graduation, he studied economics and the markets.  He worked in telecommunications serving in a variety of roles including engineering, sales, sales support, product development, and training.  In 2004, he received a patent for a software application he developed with a colleague. He continued his education by completing a Series 3 license (Commodity Trading Advisor).  Mr. Mosquera also developed proprietary software programs used in options and futures trading.   He founded Sentinel Consulting, a business restructuring and capital acquisition firm.  He also operates the economic and financial web site called The Sentinel.  Currently he's a Vice President at Alliance Advisors Non-fiction With the knowledge gained over years of study, he created The Sentinel Financial Report.  This publication inspired the creation of a book on the financial crisis of 2008 called Escaping Oz: Protecting your wealth during the financial crisis, published in 2011.  He published the successor to that book, Escaping Oz: Navigating the crisis, in 2015.  For Jim, the financial crisis never really ended. Fiction As a result of his non-fiction writing,  Jim wrote a realistic fictional novel titled, 2020 that he published in 2016.   The story is a political thriller with financial crisis, cyber terror, and alternative parties challenging the two-party status quo, culminating in the presidential election of 2020.  The second book in that series, Rebellium, continues where 2020 left off.  The third novel in the series, Division is a wild tale.  Most recently, he published Hope, at a time when the nation desperately needs it.

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    Book preview

    Rebellium - Jim Mosquera

    Jim Mosquera

    Sentinel Photocopy


    The second book in the Chandler Scott series.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher.

    Copyright © 2016 by The Sentinel / Jim Mosquera

    All rights reserved.

    Mosquera, Jaime (Jim) Jr.

    Rebellium / Jim Mosquera

    ISBN: 0-9832966-4-2

    ISBN-13: 978-0-9832966-4-5

    This work contains historical references to events and people.  The story, names, and characters portrayed are fictitious.  No identification with actual persons should be inferred.

    No disrespect is intended towards the flag of the United States as depicted on the cover.

    The text type was set in Adobe Garamond Pro


    To Kate and Boo.

    Part I

    New Beginning



    W here the heck were you?  A sleepy-eyed Arianne, her flannel pajama pants dragging on the wood floor, shuffled out of the bedroom when she noticed Chandler tiptoe into his Manhattan apartment.  The apartment sat near the corner of West Street and Battery Place, within walking distance of Battery Park, or The Battery, as the park near the southernmost tip was known to locals.

    Chandler stammered, though he responded quickly. Ahh, um, I was, was just out for a morning walk, no big deal.  The morning walk included another chance encounter with the mysterious Habakk.  He’d told Arianne about his previous encounters with Habakk, but now was not the time to get into that.  The weighty subject just discussed in The Battery with the mysterious one, required more time for contemplation.  Habakk told him he needed to work on the little things.  Intellectually he knew and understood this, though how he sowed those seeds remained unclear.

    They’d enjoyed a quiet dinner the night before on New Year’s Eve, though without the ball drop in Times Square.  With the country being very much on edge, law enforcement could not guarantee everyone’s safety.  It was a different country now.  The 2020 presidential election produced no winner—no candidate had the required number of electoral votes.  The Constitution mandated that the House of Representatives cast votes for president, with the Senate doing the same for vice president.  Since those votes would be contentious, President Benjamin Jefferson froze the election results.  He and others in the administration feared the country would spiral into another economic abyss during the bitter debate in the legislative bodies of government.  There were already legal challenges to his freeze by the opposition parties, the Independent American Party (IAP) and the Theocracy Party (TP).  Talk of impeachment swallowed the oxygen in the Capitol.

    Arianne hoped her forthcoming conversation wouldn’t suffocate her man.

    She folded her arms behind his neck, tiptoeing to reach his lips. We should do something today.

    And what would you have us do? he asked with a Cheshire smile, pulling her in tight.

    Get that look off your face.  I thought last night would be plenty for you, she grinned.  Honestly, I want us to sit down and do some relationship planning.

    Huh? he furrowed his brow and walked toward the kitchen to start the morning brew.  She followed.

    Yeah, Chan.  We need to talk about our future.  I’m not sure how long I want to stay at State, and you’re ready for a career change, anyway.  I just think we need to talk about this.  Living apart most of the time is not easy for me.  We both love each other and there’s no reason we shouldn’t be together. 

    Journalist Chandler Scott’s life had always swirled around significant political or financial events.  Born on October 19, 1987, Black Monday in the stock market, to a single mother, he’d spent his professional life working for an international TV news organization based out of Argentina, known as El Mundo.  That would be his employer until just prior to the presidential election of 2020.  Chandler had spent the better part of a year working to uncover an economic plan known as the Global Financial Union (GFU), which would have profound effects on governance in the U.S. and abroad.  The infamous hacker group, Omni, released a rogue video, unsanctioned by El Mundo, where Chandler detailed the GFU.  The video’s release led to his ouster from El Mundo.  The United States felt the initial impact of the GFU on governance with the President’s historic decision in December 2020 to freeze the presidential election results.  The President’s action would unleash a new instability for which the nation was unprepared.

    Arianne served as legal counsel at the State Department.  Unlike Chandler, she enjoyed stability and wealth during her upbringing.  After a chance meeting at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner in the spring of 2019, their relationship blossomed.  She was ready to take the next step in their relationship, which her biological clock suggested lay close at hand.

    On this morning, her voice expressed a frustration that had been building for several months.  The previous year had strained her career primarily due to her desire to help him in his journalistic adventures. Her time for adventure had ended. 

    Chandler directed his personal assistant, the digitally minded Venus, to brew the morning’s java.  Venus, brew coffee.  The coffee machine began percolating.

    Chan? she tried to get his attention by tugging on his shirt.

    Okay! Okay!  Let me take care of this.  He grabbed two coffee cups.

    Emotionally, he knew she was right.  Intellectually, he felt a professional void.  Fired last year from his dream job, he had to figure out what to do next.  The El Mundo television network had a non-compete agreement in his contract, prohibiting him from working for a national or international network.  Even without the non-compete, he’d encounter difficulty finding work with the big networks.  His rogue video filmed shortly before his ouster revealed the Global Financial Union (GFU) that would be the blueprint for managing the U.S. and world economy.  The big networks considered him a tad radioactive at the moment.  His revelation about the GFU did not have a material effect on the election’s outcome, given the public’s exhaustion from years of financial suffering, political corruption, and cyber mischief.  While many took exception to another layer of financial controls imposed by the GFU, just as many wanted everything fixed.

    When Venus finished her task, Chandler poured two cups and moved to the living room with Arianne in tow.  They sat on the sofa in front of the large video screen and he commanded Venus to turn on the large video monitor.  The New Year’s headlines were troubling.

    The FBI is reporting that they have uncovered an extensive effort by an unidentified criminal hacker organization that compromised thousands of cell phones.  In the sophisticated attack, the criminal group targeted users of the popular application known as ‘My Pix’ that allows members to instantly share photos and videos publicly or privately.  In the attack, fake personas bombarded phones with so many pictures that the receiving user had to reboot to restore operation.  The reboot allowed the criminal group to be able to use the attacked phones in a botnet attack planned against the Financial Stability Board.

    A botnet?  We can’t get through a day without something about a hacker.  Great way to start the year! she exclaimed.  She would know after she became the unwitting target of a serious attack against her and her father’s company last year.

    The Financial Stability Board, I’m sure, has a bunch of people who hate them.  They’re really weighing businesses down with all the regulation and paperwork, Chandler added.  The Financial Stability Board, or FSB, was a cabinet level entity responsible for implementing the Global Financial Union in the United States. 

    She placed her legs across his lap.  Ok, so can we talk about us now?  Tell your girlfriend Venus that it’s my turn. 

    He gave the command to shut down the monitor.

    They spent the rest of the day in his apartment discussing their relationship plan, she more interested in the topic than he.  He periodically got distracted, contemplating six months of idleness.

    Later, he achieved the ultimate distraction when the Cheshire cat indulged in his mischief.  They both slept well.

    He walked, barefoot , from the bedroom towards the kitchen, giving a quick glance towards the coffee maker. 

    Venus, time and temperature.

    January 2, 2021.  The time is 7:32 am.  The indoor temperature is 72 degrees Fahrenheit.  Outdoor temperature is 29 degrees Fahrenheit.

    He was so happy she didn’t give him a Celsius reading too.  Maybe I’m getting better at programming her?

    Venus, brew coffee.  The coffee machine, awakened from its overnight slumber, percolated.  Venus controlled more than just the coffee maker.  She had control of other appliances and climate control.  Chandler could give Venus commands from anywhere in the world he had connectivity.  The brave new world of the Internet of Things (IoT) sought to eliminate domestic effort.  Chandler had a nagging fear that one day the machines would rise up and forbid him from consuming his favorite food or drink.

    Arianne remained in the arms of Morpheus and he dared not wake her, especially after last night’s indulgences.

    Venus, load news and sports feed.

    He positioned himself in front of his monitor in the living room, reviewing foreign and domestic news and sports streams.  There was little in the way of sports, not unexpected for the holidays.  The regular news was mostly a repetition of the New Year’s Day headlines.  Parts of the country had not reacted well to the President’s decision to freeze the election results.  That said, there were many, maybe even a majority of citizens, who agreed with the President.  The public had taken it on the chin for several years with economic stagnation and financial volatility. 

    The Fed was thoroughly discredited with their financial machinations and President Jefferson was the only one who stepped up with a solution, albeit with substantial input from outsiders like the International Relations Council (IRC) and the Global Settlement Bank (GSB).  Though the economy remained ill, the bleeding proved to be under control, control being the operative word.  The battle waged between those comfortable with government’s authoritarian control and those who wanted Washington to loosen the reins. 

    President Jefferson and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) developed a 10-point plan over the holidays that they called the Plan for Prosperity or PFP.  Ensconced within the PFP was the slogan We Are the Future, meant to inspire hope.  The slogan’s pictorial representation depicted a man, woman, and child standing in front of the Stars & Stripes confidently looking upward and right.

    As he walked back to the kitchen to pour his coffee and rustle up some grub, the distinct sound of Jimi Hendrix’s Voodoo Child filled the air, his cell phone’s ring tone.  Fortunately, Voodoo Child clocked in under 100 decibels, lest he wake the sleeping beauty.  He rushed back to the living room to grab the phone from the coffee table before the third ring, then promptly executed a shallow roll onto his couch.

    Hello, he said, breathing a little quickly.

    "Chandler!  Buenos días."

    Chandler did not expect a greeting in Spanish.  The voice now speaking evoked a memory.  His deceased boss at El Mundo, Rafael, frequently addressed him this way given his Argentine ancestry.  Rafael Rafa Mendoza had taken his life last year shortly before the election, and not long after the enigmatic hacker group, Omni, released Chandler’s rogue video to the public.  In yet another journalistic confrontation, Rafael refused to air Chandler’s video where he detailed the Global Financial Union (GFU). 

    By that time, Chandler knew that Rafa was knee deep in a larger movement to further the GFU’s goals, using the El Mundo network as a mouthpiece.  An El Mundo employee passed the video file to Chandler on his last day of employment.  Chandler delivered it to his mentor, Axel Schultz, who eventually gave it to Omni.  As far as the public knew, Omni had hacked into El Mundo to get the video.

    He pulled the phone away from his ear to look at the unfamiliar calling information.

    Hello.  Chandler? the caller asked.  You there?

    Yes, this is Chandler Scott, he answered, thinking it best to sound professional since it could be a potential employer.

    Chandler, it’s me Arty!

    Arturo?  I mean, Arty! Chandler had partially solved the caller mystery.  The caller’s light Spanish accent belied his name, Arty, which had Celtic origins.

    Chandler, sorry to call you so early in the morning, man, and especially on a holiday weekend, but it’s important.

    Yeah, sure, no problem, dude, Chandler responded.  It wasn’t a problem until Arianne woke up.  In the early morning mental haze, pre-caffeine, he tried to draw the connection to Arturo.

    A few years back, Arturo Arty Dutari sold a documentary film to El Mundo about the Shining Path guerillas of Peru or as they were known in South America, Sendero Luminoso.  El Mundo always wanted to put together a film about this group, but no one relished being embedded with them in the Andean mountains.  Critics lauded the documentary and showered praise on Mr. Dutari, who dedicated a few weeks of his life in the Peruvian Andes.

    Ok, listen.  The reason I’m calling you is I thought that you might be interested in this project.  After the work you did last year, you should like it.  Here it is.  With all the civilian unrest going on with Jefferson’s freeze, you probably know this, but there have been rumblings about people just wanting to drop out of the system.  They don’t want any part of all the regulation.  Some are being militant.  Others just want to leave the United States and others just want to take over the government.  I know you’ve heard of this, right?  Chandler did not expect the onslaught of information from an early morning caller.

    Ahh, yeah, I mean I heard some of this stuff last year especially with people wanting to get out from under the FSB, but honestly I was spending so much time on stuff for the election that I didn’t get too deep into this other stuff, Chandler responded, overusing the word stuff since his vocabulary lagged. 

    Ok, listen.  I want to put together a documentary on all these movements! Arty stated excitedly.

    That project’s gonna be as big as a Brahma bull, Arty, Chandler responded, awakening more now with the addition of his Texas slang.  Being a native Texan, he reverted to the expressions he heard during his youth whenever he got emotional or excited.

    "I see you haven’t lost that Texas charm.  Yes, it is a big project, but now’s the time for it.  And what else are you doing, amigo?" 

    Well, I can’t work for a national or international network for another six months and I don’t want to work for any local network—not that anyone has called me, anyway.  I could go work for one of those online outlets, but I don’t know that they have the budget to do the things I like, Chandler explained.

    Yes sir.  Forget about those El Mundo days.  They’re gone.  What I want is for you to help me with the documentary.  You’re good in front of the camera and after last year, you’ll add credibility to this project.  Arty hoped the compliment would soften him up.  Oh, and I’ll pay you installments throughout the project.  I’ll also give you a share of the documentary fee after I sell it. 

    Arturo Dutari, a journalist, could always get himself out of tight spots.  Born in the mid-1970s in the Las Tablas province of Panama, he moved to the capital as a young boy growing up in the impoverished Chorillo section of the city.  During the U.S. invasion of 1989 to oust General Noriega, his wooden shanty building caught fire and eventually the government resettled his family in a tall structure nearby, built after the military incursion.  Living in Chorillo, he witnessed prostitution, low-level drug trades, and small gang conflicts.  There were plenty of fist fights on the streets.  He did just enough to get by as a student in the country’s public school system, falling in and out of trouble with regularity.  He seemingly had nine lives, always being able to extricate himself from one imbroglio after another.  After winning two small jackpots in the country’s lottery, the Lotería Nacional de Beneficiencia, he earned the nickname Señor Suerte or Mr. Luck.

    In another stroke of good fortune, the U.S. government had allocated educational funding for families affected by the 1989 invasion.  He received a scholarship to Universidad de Santa María La Antigua (USMA), a Catholic university in the suburbs of Panama City.  There, he got serious about his studies.  The Panamanian government helped further his education by awarding him a scholarship to attend USC’s Annenberg journalism school. 

    After attending USC, he worked for stations in Panama City and New York as a special investigative reporter, usually covering the War on Drugs.  A few years earlier, he branched out on his own and produced independent films.

    I’ve got to think about this, Arty.  Chandler had much to think about, especially given his relationship planning session with Arianne the day before.  There’s someone else to consider now besides myself.

    "That can only mean one thing, mi amigo.  What’s her name?" Arty inquired.


    "You mean Ariana?" Arty retorted.  Like Chandler’s father, Gustavo, Hispanic men always wanted to alter her name to their liking.

    Sure.  My father calls her that too.  What is it with you guys, always changing her name?  Chandler feigned dissatisfaction.

    Arty laughed.  "It’s a Latin thing.  You wouldn’t understand.  Think about it for a few days and call me or I’ll call you.  I don’t want to take you away from Ariana any more today.  I hope to meet her soon.  Have a good weekend."

    We’ll stay in touch.  Talk to you later, Arty.

    He didn’t see this coming.  On the one hand, he knew he needed to find work.  His severance from El Mundo was not very generous, and he had bills to pay like anyone else.  Money did not drive Chandler’s behavior, although his debts still needed attention.  Asking Arianne for help was not an option either.  Arty’s offer, however, was about as close as he would get to his role at El Mundo and he would not have to travel to the far-flung corners of the globe.  Covering the growing internal dissatisfaction would be important in his role as a journalist.  The Presidential election of 2020 served as a catalyst for domestic events that had been brewing for some time.  He knew the country found itself at a crossroads and he wanted to be part of it, covering it somehow.  Arty’s project would place him in the middle of it.

    He remembered what Habakk had told him on New Year’s Day at The Battery about doing the little things.  The mysterious Habakk always seemed to appear at moments in his life when he needed guidance.  The potential impact of this project surely had to count as doing the little things. 

    Chandler struggled with the decision.  The love of his life slept nearby.  Committing to someone long-term had never been part of his DNA.  Being the peripatetic journalist, he could never commit out of fairness to the other party.  He walled himself off emotionally from all women except his mother.  Tearing down that wall and exposing himself to emotional pain would be the only path in giving Arianne the commitment she wanted.

    Mostly eschewing religion, he couldn’t pray about it.  Perhaps his mom’s exhortations about getting more spiritual were coming back to haunt him?  Luckily, he didn’t have to decide today. 

    Chan? Sleeping beauty emerged from Morpheus’ arms.  What are you doing?

    Hey, honey.  I’m in the living room, he yelled, popping up from the couch.  The coffee should be ready by now.

    The conversation with Mr. Dutari woke him up.  The coffee would stimulate him further.

    She walked towards the living room, the long pajama top covering to the upper part of her toned, bare thighs.  What did you want to do today?  She walked behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, nudging her chin between his shoulder blades.

    Temporarily distracted by her affection, he regained composure.  I don’t know.  Let’s have breakfast and we can figure it out.

    He thought it best to avoid discussion about Arturo’s call.  They departed tomorrow for D.C. and he wanted to avoid potential conflict.

    CHAPTER two

    congress battles

    Back on November 30 , 2020 in the Oval Office, President Jefferson announced to a few Congressional leaders his intention to freeze the election results until such time the country could fully assimilate his economic plan.  None of the four candidates for the office of president looked to receive the required 270 Electoral College votes.  Though the Electoral College met as required in mid-December 2020, the country’s leaders knew there would be no change to the final numbers, thus throwing the selection of the president to the House of Representatives.  The Senate would elect the vice president.

    President Jefferson urged the multi-party delegation that day to consider the division within the country and how the partisanship of electing the next President in the House would derail any economic recovery.  His plan involved suspending the election results for an unspecified period.  He urged them to support his decision.  Jefferson’s pronouncement that day met strong, yet polite opposition from IAP presidential candidate, Texas Senator Alfonso Chancellor and TP Congressman, Milton Wise of Mississippi.  The Senate Majority Leader, Democrat Michael Dean, and the Speaker of the House, GOP Congresswoman Janice Rossi, were silent during this meeting.

    Undeterred, the President addressed the nation on December 16th in front of reporters in the White House Briefing Room where he announced Executive Order 14666, freezing the results of the election.  He cited the stability his economic policies had brought and feared that the partisan divide in Congress would wreak havoc on the nation’s confidence and by extension, the economy, if they had to elect a new president.

    Chancellor and IAP Senator Matt Geringer of Colorado, the father of the party, mobilized forces to proceed with an Article 2 Section 4, an impeachment proceeding.  After Jefferson’s address to the nation concerning his executive order, Geringer and others demanded that the new members of the House of Representatives be sworn in immediately.  Geringer did not want a lame duck Congress taking part in a potential impeachment especially since there were more members of the third parties about to assume their roles in Congress. 

    Since the 2018 midterm elections, both the IAP and TP had seen their numbers swell in Congress and state legislatures.  The reluctance to run as a third-party candidate melted away after the 2016 election when much of the population expressed a strong aversion to presidential candidates from the GOP and Democratic parties.  It also became apparent that several candidates running in the GOP and Democratic primaries that year were really of a third party ilk.  Those candidates had little in common with the party under which they competed for the nomination and were not welcome within them. 

    Given money in politics, it would have been difficult for those candidates to raise the funding required for a presidential run, not to mention the relative obscurity of running under a third party banner.  The press would not have given these candidates the same attention, and joining the presidential debate stage was very unlikely.  The public demanded more choices and got them.  Congress had a different composition now.

    Speaker Janice Rossi, easily reelected in her district, was sworn in first and then new members followed.  This was a strategic move by Geringer, who wanted a greater representation of third party members for a potential impeachment proceeding. 

    The House Judiciary Committee had responsibility for considering an impeachment.  The quickly assembled committee comprised 20 Republicans, 11 Democrats, 6 IAP members, and 2 from the TP.  Congressman Javier Castro, a well-respected Mexican-American Republican from Texas, headed the committee.  By December 23rd, the committee had received formal resolutions by members of the House.  These resolutions were the catalysts to begin the impeachment consideration.  Congressman Castro and the rest of the committee would study allegations made in the resolutions and determine whether they merited further action in the full House for consideration of a formal impeachment inquiry.

    As he made his way from Room 2237 of the Rayburn House Office Building, Congressman Castro offered a few words to a crowd of reporters as he passed by the Capitol rotunda.

    The rotunda served as the nexus of corridors connecting the House and Senate sides of the Capitol building.  The rotunda sat under the Capitol dome, whose restoration was completed in 2017.  If one were to lie face up in the center of the rotunda, the canopy of the overhanging dome would rest 180 feet above.  In this canopy resided the Apotheosis of Washington, a fresco that depicted the first President of the United States becoming a god.  Surrounding the rotunda were a series of eight historical paintings, oil on canvas, measuring 12 feet by 18 feet, illustrating the American Revolution and the exploration and colonization of America.  A series of sculptures sat in front of the paintings representing presidents and other prominent personages of American history.

    Castro lured the reporters towards the painting of the Declaration of Independence to avoid a special tour group and other Capitol foot traffic.  His staff stood behind him along with two other House members.

    The diminutive Castro paused for a moment to gather his thoughts.  I know y’all are wondering what we decided in committee and I wanted to let you know that we received various resolutions by the membership.  Myself and the rest of the committee will review them carefully over the holidays and discuss in a closed session when Congress resumes on Tuesday, January 5, 2021.  Out of respect for the holiday season, we will not meet until then.  With the state of the country, we thought it more important to be home with our families. I realize some may not agree with that decision, but I personally would like to maintain a semblance of normalcy and enjoy Christmas with my wife and kids.  Thank you and we’ll see y’all in a couple of weeks. 

    He ambled away from the throng, his staff and other Congressional members in tow.

    The Congressman’s words made an impact with the gathered press, since none asked a follow-up question and let him depart quietly.  Perhaps the reporters were ready to go home.  For many, with the country in political disarray, family represented a bastion of sanity.

    Tuesday, January 5 , 2021 figured to be an eye-opening experience for the newly sworn members of Congress.  The 2020 elections in the House and Senate ushered in a small wave of citizen legislators.  There were teachers, law enforcement officers, businessmen, and technical managers among the ranks of the newly minted House and Senate members. 

    Adorning the Capitol rotunda were Plan for Prosperity (PFP) banners featuring the slogan, We Are the Future, written underneath the image of a man, woman, and child standing in front of the flag, confidently looking upwards to the right.

    Colorado IAP Senator Matt Geringer joined Congressman Castro in the rotunda for an impromptu session with the press on opening day for the legislators.  The men were side by side, with the statuesque Geringer towering over the diminutive Castro.  The 6’4" Geringer had a voice that could trail off into the low end of the audible range.  He could have enjoyed a great career doing voice overs in Hollywood, especially those requiring the deepest of bass.

    Geringer positioned himself intentionally in the center of the rotunda, making sure anyone within earshot could hear what he had to say.  After waiting for the reporters to settle, Geringer stepped forward to address them.

    I want to thank my colleague Congressman Castro for the expediency with which he assembled his committee before the holidays.  I also want to thank the entire committee, who I know undertook a thorough review of various resolutions during their holiday break.  Americans should know they have a responsible body working for them.  When I first arrived in Washington, the extent of partisanship and anger truly stunned me.  That partisanship also extended to government departments and agencies.  There didn’t seem to be any sense of decorum or partisan deliberation.  Hopefully, the American public will witness a better functioning legislative body throughout this process.  President Jefferson’s actions have crossed the boundary for what is acceptable executive action.  Our job now is to follow the Constitution and let the process play itself out.  I’d now like to turn it over to Congressman Castro.  Geringer took several steps back and Castro moved forward.

    Thank you, senator.  It is with great honor and conviction that I assume the role of leading the Judiciary Committee through this delicate process.  This legislative body has undertaken impeachment proceedings very few times in our nation’s history.  That statistic reflects the fine executive leadership of the United States.  We live in different times, however.  The nation is suffering economically, and terrorists of all stripes are making our lives more difficult.  Though he is a member of an opposition party, I have to admit that the President exercised his leadership when no solutions appeared forthcoming.  Our job is to determine if he has exceeded his authority.  There will be many competing opinions on the committee.  Today we begin that difficult task of sorting it out.  Thank you.

    As soon as Castro took a step back, the cacophony of the screaming reporters made the questions directed at both men unintelligible.  After the initial wave, a lone voice directed an intelligible question to Senator Geringer.

    "Senator, is it true that

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