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Eternally Timeless
Eternally Timeless
Eternally Timeless
Ebook33 pages21 minutes

Eternally Timeless

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About this ebook

Archibald Pearce fights the Germans, but he can’t fight his heart or destiny.

When an extraordinary Christmas gift from his French lover, Frédéric Lafont, triggers memories of lost love and holidays past; can the two men survive long enough to cherish their second chance at a timeless love?

A Christmas M/M romance paranormal short story.

PublisherH.L. Holston
Release dateDec 4, 2016
Eternally Timeless

H.L. Holston

H.L. Holston is a teacher by day and a sometimes author by night. She dreams up ideas with her writing partners A.J. Burke and Eleanor Bruce, but occasionally she ventures out on her own. She admits she is a horrible blogger, even worse in keeping up on Facebook and wishes she could retire to New Orleans and eat beignets every day at Café du Monde. Until then, she will teach U.S. and World History and write books about sexy men loving each other.

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    Eternally Timeless - H.L. Holston

    Copyright and Legalities

    This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and locations are either a product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious setting. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or people, living or dead, is strictly coincidental. No part from this book may be used or reproduced without written consent from these authors.

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    Copyright © 2016 by H.L. Holston & A.J. Burke.

    Cover Design by Sara York

    Formatting by Frostbite Publishing


    Copyright and Legalities

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    About the Authors

    Also By

    Many thanks to Kari Gregg and Adriana for looking over this story.


    Archibald Pearce fights the Germans, but he can’t fight his heart or destiny.


    When an extraordinary Christmas gift from his French lover, Frédéric Lafont, triggers memories of lost love and holidays past; can the two men survive long enough to cherish their second chance at a timeless love?

    November 6, 1914

    Archibald Pearce lined up for the bus with all the other young British soldiers he would join in the Great War. Ever since his father died, his mother depended on him, as the sole caretaker to provide for their family. He worked his knuckles to the bone to make sure his mother didn’t have to

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