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A Joosr Guide to... The Power Broker by Robert Caro: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York
A Joosr Guide to... The Power Broker by Robert Caro: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York
A Joosr Guide to... The Power Broker by Robert Caro: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York
Ebook24 pages20 minutes

A Joosr Guide to... The Power Broker by Robert Caro: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York

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Robert Moses is America's most famous-and infamous-city planner: for decades, he dictated the way one of the world's greatest cities developed and the impact of his decisions is still felt today. But how did he become such an influential figure, and does he truly live up to his reputation as the "master builder of New York"?

The Power Broker explores this complex and controversial figure and the ongoing effects of his divisive approach to urban development. Examining Moses's life and legacy provides both a fascinating portrait of twentieth-century New York and a valuable insight into the man who helped make it what it is today.

You will learn:

· How Moses managed to control New York's development despite never holding an elected office

· How Moses learned to compromise his idealism to achieve his aims

· How a desire for power shaped both the rise and fall of Moses's career.

Release dateJul 30, 2016
A Joosr Guide to... The Power Broker by Robert Caro: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York

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    A Joosr Guide to... The Power Broker by Robert Caro - Joosr


    What’s it about?

    Few people could ever claim to have shaped an entire city. But one who could was Robert Moses, hailed by many as the master builder of New York. For decades, he oversaw the planning and development of one of the world’s greatest metropolises, shaping much of the city as we know it today. But how did a man who never held an elected office become so influential? And is his reputation truly deserved?

    Robert Caro argues that it both is and isn’t: Moses was certainly instrumental in the shaping of twentieth-century New York but, prolific and productive though he was, his legacy remains contentious. For many, Moses’s decisions did little to improve life in the city, and may, in fact, have made conditions worse, causing ongoing transportation issues and even ousting residents from their homes. More worryingly, some construction projects seem to have been embarked upon not to serve the citizens of New York at all, but instead to serve Moses’s own interests and satisfy his desire for power and control. And yet Moses remains on some levels an impressive political figure who found inventive ways to navigate the complexities of urban planning and rise to a position of great strength through his own ingenuity and resourcefulness.

    The Power Broker examines these sometimes contradictory perspectives,

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