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Winter/Christmas Collection: Short Stories & Poems
Winter/Christmas Collection: Short Stories & Poems
Winter/Christmas Collection: Short Stories & Poems
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Winter/Christmas Collection: Short Stories & Poems

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A collection ranging from meeting the Christ Child to meeting a guardian angel, and even being introduced to the steed of the angels, this collection takes you through every angle of the Christmas spirit, with a visit to the wintry aspects that come with this time of year, for the Northern Hemisphere. And though this is filled with stories of a winter wonderland, a white Christmas, there's a little something for those who don't get snow in December. Enjoy!

Release dateDec 23, 2016
Winter/Christmas Collection: Short Stories & Poems

Aurora Mandeville

Hi y'all! My real name is Amanda, and I was born in Louisiana. I've done some moving since then and now reside in colorful Colorado with my family. I've been interested in writing my own stories and poems ever since I was little, though I didn't actually start putting pen to paper until I was sixteen. Many of those stories will never see the light of day, and if they do, they have been thoroughly revamped until they are practically unrecognizable (seriously, my first attempts were not that good). I do write Fanfictions as well, most of which can be found here:, here: or here:, but I aim to have all of my original ideas out as soon as I can. I have so many ideas for both original stories and fanfiction, it can get nuts trying to keep some of it straight. But, let me warn you, though there are many creatures and names you may recognize, expect the unexpected. Imagine centaurs travelling in outer space with myrmidon (ant-shifters) superheroes. Think of a world where fofi (spider-shifters) must rise and save not only the humans, but stories as well. Think of a universe guarded by genies, who must fight even their own kind at the cost of a curse to protect us all. These are just the tip of the iceberg, with a universe of 40 known worlds inhabited by the creatures of myths, anything can happen.

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    Book preview

    Winter/Christmas Collection - Aurora Mandeville

    Winter/Christmas Collection:

    Short Stories & Poems

    By Aurora Mandeville

    Published by Aurora Mandeville at Smashwords

    Copyright 2016 Aurora Mandeville

    Signs of Winter

    Bright, frosty white and dark, stormy grays

    Clear, frozen lakes and cold blustery days

    The signs of winter are not hard to see

    As snow is softly frosting the trees

    A fire is burning amid the snow

    Spreading love and cheer with its warm glow

    Everything will wake up when it is time

    Since spring is the season next in line.

    A Winter Night

    Up in the north, the moon hangs high

    The brightest light in the still, frosty sky

    Whites and blues color the scene below

    As all has been hushed by the newly fallen snow

    Whites and blacks hang about in the air

    As snowflakes cascade down with a flair

    For now it’s all so quiet out on the lawn

    Awaiting the bustling of the warm, spring dawn.

    Winter Wonderland

    The snow has fallen in mounds and mounds

    The stillness broken by such cheerful sounds

    Of children laughing and frolicking in the snow

    Throwing snowballs at the fortresses of their playtime foes

    Some are skating where the ice is thick

    While a snowman is finished with a carrot stick

    Couples stroll through while holding each other’s hands

    Everyone enjoying the scenery of a winter wonderland

    It’s That Time of Year

    It’s that time when the year is about to close

    Bringing with it flushed cheeks and red noses

    Proof that there is a chill in the air

    Covering the land with a frosty flair

    Strands after strands of snowflake lace

    Falling to the ground with a skater’s grace

    Sipping hot chocolate when you get in

    Finishing up before you head out again

    For snowball fights and some winter fun

    Having a blast before the day is over and done

    Then go out and have some fun!

    Christmas Joy

    The lakes are frozen this time of year

    The carolers are out, singing of joy and cheer

    For happy times are now so close at hand

    With celebrating this holiday throughout the land

    Old memories are shared, and new ones made

    As each year in a manger, a Baby is laid

    Like wise men and shepherds of old we come

    Bringing gifts and smiles to a place we call home.

    Season of Peace

    The snowflakes fall over everything so stealthily

    Like dainty flowers from the top of a tree

    While candles burn brightly before a manger

    Giving souls a rest from fighting so much danger

    When faith is steady and hope is strong

    While love is powerful, you’ll know right from wrong

    As now it’s the season of peace and tranquility

    A time of calm reflection for you and me.

    Winter Lady (Snowdrop)

    The crystalline stars fall from the cloudy skies

    Covering her and all else that in stillness lies

    She looks up above as her thoughts drift into space

    Of thoughts old and memories buried in cold lace

    As the cold stars known as snow continue to descend

    Her jumbled thoughts and feelings begin to blend.

    The silence around her shows her the way

    The path she was following before she went astray

    Listening to the loud noises instead of the whispers

    Kept her from knowing her weaknesses and her fears.

    Now she realizes what it is that she has to do

    Though how to do it, the clues are so few

    Thus she waits patiently for the time

    When she will be led across the starting line

    Back to where she needs to be

    To earn her happiness and prosperity

    She has to keep going down the path;

    Her worst enemies will be greed and wrath.

    But she does not worry for she knows

    All she needs is to think of the silence of snow

    To help push through any obstacles and never stop

    Being the winter lady, the strong, sturdy snowdrop

    Carol of the Bells

    Bells are ringing

    Choirs are singing

    All is joyous and bright

    Make some noise

    Both girls and boys

    For heaven has sent its light

    Look in the sky

    Angels sing on high

    Adding their voices to the bells

    For Christ has come

    To bring us home

    To raise all who fell

    Ding a ling dong

    Hear the bells’ song

    Ringing out far and wide

    Big and small bells

    Even the jingle bells

    Bring joy for the countryside

    Celebrate today

    And make way

    For good times and cheer

    Listen well

    For a swell

    Of bell chimes coming here

    Ding a ling dong

    Hear the bells’ song

    As they go up and down

    Sleigh ride jingles

    And frosty air tingles

    For people going to town

    Know it’s time

    When bells chime

    Santa Claus is on his way

    When bells ring

    And choirs sing

    Rejoice, it’s Christmas Day!

    The Tonttu

    The tonttu are a colorful race

    And walk around with a dancer’s grace

    Swift and silent they can move

    But oh, how they can certainly groove

    Holidays are a very special treat

    As it’s another excuse to tap their feet

    And show off their colorful outfits

    Their parties are always a great hit

    They love to love and give and share

    Always handing out presents here and there

    Or throwing a party in honor of someone

    Always seeking the balance between work and fun

    With their pointy ears and jeweled eyes

    They’re hard to miss with their dwarven size

    And their outfits in every shade of the rainbow

    Letting them match every gemstone’s glow.

    Jack Frost

    A long time ago, when the genies brought the five races to Alixandria, the world was wild and chaotic. To bring some order to nature, four nasnas, part human and part genie beings, were assigned the tasks of bringing each season on time. The nasna to whom the season of winter was entrusted is known as Jack Frost, a high-spirited, rather mischievous lad with a penchant for trouble. He was artistic, to be sure, but his art was a bit strange, no two pieces of his art, no matter how similar they may look at first glance, were never quite the exact same, there was always one or two things about each picture that was different. He could never recreate a painting from memory, there was always something missing or added. Whatever the case may be, he was perfectly delighted upon receiving the task of taking care of winter. He was planning all kinds of mischief the instant he got his assignment, and he began with the genie who gave him his assignment. It started off being a simple snowball fight, but it soon escalated into a snowball war that carried on for many years. The reason why it finally stopped is a tale worth repeating indeed. Winter that year began like any other winter, Jack Frost simply going around bringing snow and playing pranks. He and the genie had agreed to avoid each other until Christmas, but Jack always itched to begin throwing snowballs again, so sometimes he would get a group of kids going just so he could join in.

    One year, he set out to find some players for a snowball fight when he chanced upon a young girl freezing and starving in the snow. Jack tried everything he could to relieve her pain, but all he could do was make things colder, and all the food was gone. Worried, Jack rushed off to find his sparring partner and explained everything to him. The two rushed back to the girl, very near to death’s door. The genie worked quickly and built a little house around her, supplying her with food and warmth. The two stayed with the girl for about a week, until she was feeling much better. As soon as she was

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