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Biloxi: Fleur de Lis Brides
Biloxi: Fleur de Lis Brides
Biloxi: Fleur de Lis Brides
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Biloxi: Fleur de Lis Brides

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Biloxi Dutrey is finally getting married. She’s found forever love, and she’ll host the finest reception at fully restored Fleur de Lis. Everything is set—until only days before when her fiancé, Nick Trahan, demands last minute changes. Biloxi panics, fearing his decisions will revive the old Dutrey-Trahan family feud and ruin their future. While Nick wants Biloxi to have a drama-free wedding, he insists his estranged father replace her brother as his best man. He’s also adding one more to the guest list—his long-lost mother sharing a shocking revelation. After all, every family wedding photo needs both sets of parents. To get to the altar, Biloxi and Nick face a battle where the family loyalty lines are murky. Will they ever say “I do” and have a true happily ever after?
Release dateJan 11, 2017
Biloxi: Fleur de Lis Brides

Linda Joyce


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    Biloxi - Linda Joyce


    "Oh, Nicholas, I can’t handle more conflict.

    Camilla is grumbling about going back to Wyoming for the summer. She and Jared are arguing about it. My parents are thinking of selling their home—I love visiting it in the Garden District—and buying an RV, like the one James’ grandparents own. Aunt Macy constantly bickers with Momma, they’re like pecking hens…I’m tired with a capitol T."

    Which is why, I want my mother to come to the wedding. If my father is my best man—maybe there’s a chance of reconciliation. He’s been sober for a long time…but she could be the catalyst for even more change. It’s a risk I want to take to bring my family together again. You, of all people, understand that.

    Biloxi rose and paced. Do you understand the explosion that could take place? Your mother materializes out of nowhere, just in time for the wedding. Then you want to change who represents you as best man? All so close to the wedding. It’s a slap in the face for my brother. My mother will be so insulted. Grandmother Elise will be so disappointed.

    I’ll tell them. I’ll shoulder the responsibility for this.

    Throwing up her hands, Biloxi shouted, You don’t understand. The minute after you tell my mother, Hurricane Deidre will be on the phone calling me to demand to know why I didn’t warn her. I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Damn it to hell! Is all of this worth it? I just don’t know anymore.

    Praise for Linda Joyce

    Southern writers have their own unique vibe; Linda Joyce conveys that oh-so-genteel, tradition-bound warmth with her Fleur de Lis romance series, while maintaining the fiercely independent fervor of the Southern lass in star-crossed love.

    ~Susan Coryell, author of A Red, Red Rose


    When I read Linda’s books, I am swept away. I don’t follow along with her characters, instead I become those people. Linda writes with such emotion and clarity, you can’t help but fall in love. Dedicated, goal-oriented, overcomes struggles, hope, joy, love. These are a few of the words I would use to describe her people. They are real individuals. Her books are a refreshing escape!

    ~Taylor Anne, author of Smoke and Mirrors



    Linda Joyce

    Fleur de Lis Brides, Book 2

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.


    COPYRIGHT © 2017 by Linda Joyce

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Contact Information: [email protected]

    Cover Art by Diana Carlile

    The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

    PO Box 708

    Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

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    Publishing History

    First Mainstream Women’s Fiction Edition, 2017

    Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-1214-9

    Fleur de Lis Brides, Book 2

    Published in the United States of America


    This book is dedicated to those

    who seek to do the right thing,

    sometimes against all odds,

    just like Biloxi Dutrey.


    Biloxi Dutrey pushed the kitchen screen door open with her foot while steadying a tray in her hands. The late afternoon April sun warmed her. She breathed in the rich aroma of coffee as she placed the tray on a side table. On the back gallery at Fleur de Lis, she relaxed after the monthly family meeting.

    I brought cream, sugar, and those green packets you like, Branna.

    Biloxi sank into an empty rocker and gazed at her family. Her cousin, Branna, rocked Anaëlle in her arms. The sleeping baby had been the constant topic of conversation. It was amusing to watch grown men, her father, uncles, and cousins, reduced to soppy messes over a one month-old’s tiny fingers, toes, and cupid-bow mouth.

    Camilla, her other cousin, nodded to Branna. Do you want a blanket or anything? Is there something I can get for you?

    Coffee and all y’all is what I need.

    May I join in? Nola, Biloxi’s sister, stepped closer to the group.

    Of course. Biloxi motioned her over to the last empty chair. Her younger sister’s interest in family affairs had grown since she experienced all the work it took to repair their home and gardens after Hurricane Katrina for the last eight months.

    Biloxi relaxed more. Home and family meant everything. Safety, creativity, love, and food. All were intertwined into the fabric of Fleur de Lis. She especially enjoyed the chats with her female relatives and looked forward to catching up with them each month.

    We’ve been fortunate, Camilla said. We have each other. Not everyone in our community has been so lucky. But I think we’re doing our best to reach out to those in need.

    With the conversation going on around her, Biloxi’s thoughts drifted. The family had managed Christmas and New Year’s Eve with a subdued spirit four months after the storm. Instead of buying gifts for each other, they bought gifts for others in need. They hosted a holiday open house in the same tent that served as a marriage chapel for Branna and James last October. Aunt Macy insisted they host the annual Valentine’s Ball, not the formal affair of years gone by, but a bonfire, music, and community potluck to bring everyone together. Dancing had allowed everyone party and laugh.

    Yet, the first Mardi Gras after the storm had been dismal. A half-dozen pickup trucks pulled small, barely decorated trailers. Only one marching band participated. There was no second line. However, it gave everyone a reason to celebrate and look forward to good things to come. Sticking to tradition provided a normalcy everyone craved.

    The big family news—the early arrival of Anaëlle in March. Branna and James were ecstatic, but exhausted parents. They’d also decided to stay longer in Lakeview since the economy in Bayou Petite was nowhere near what it was before the storm. Jobs remained scarce.


    Oh. Sorry for drifting off. Biloxi took the offered cup of steaming coffee from Nola. We’ve had some uplifting moments to keep us moving forward. We need to find something to celebrate in April and May.

    In June, we have your wedding, Nola said. I’m so excited to be a bride’s maid.

    Your wedding will be the crowning jewel for the year. Branna smiled.

    "I know brides are supposed to be the star of the show, but for me, all the work we’ve done at Fleur de Lis—it’s the show-stopper. Just to have everyone home, including the Old Aunts and all their sweet

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