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Empowerment by Virtue of Golden Truth, Human Cloning: Specifically, REM Driven Human Cloning, Full Disclosure
Empowerment by Virtue of Golden Truth, Human Cloning: Specifically, REM Driven Human Cloning, Full Disclosure
Empowerment by Virtue of Golden Truth, Human Cloning: Specifically, REM Driven Human Cloning, Full Disclosure
Ebook264 pages2 hours

Empowerment by Virtue of Golden Truth, Human Cloning: Specifically, REM Driven Human Cloning, Full Disclosure

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Just read it. Every word in this document is true, and it is the most important document to ever reach the internet. This document is written to empower good people of the world against the tyranny which exists all around us in our world today. Effectively, the document presented here discloses concealed information about the extent to which medicine, science, and technology has advanced in our current era. Moreover, I am disclosing this information because I have been extensively abused, and I am victim of current advances in medicine, science, and technology, which I describe in detail below. There are many, many, other victims of abuse, including myself, and therefore it is our plea that you read this document with an open mind and you investigate ALL statements which may initially irk you and appear 'suspect' to begin with (the circumstantial evidence is available all around you); because as a victim of abuse, I can honestly say, there is nothing worse than experiencing abuse, and those who have the power to protect you from your abusers, ignore you.

I will now discuss what qualifies as whistle blowing disclosure. After detailing the criteria which qualifies for whistle blowing disclosure, I will detail aspects of the Serious Crime Act, and preface a foundation which defines, explains, and references key information for the reader to understand as well as explore the extent to which medicine, science, and technology has advanced today; all for the express purpose of compelling the reader that medicine, science, and technology, has advanced at an incredible rate; that current advances in medicine, science and technology are withheld from public knowledge; and finally these advancements in medicine, science, and technology, have been and are currently used to commit serious unspeakable crimes against humanity and our environment here on earth. Moreover, it is my aim to present this information as coherently as possible to assist the reader to save me, and save many, many others who experience abuse daily resulting from concealed advances in technology.

PublisherGolden Truth
Release dateOct 29, 2015
Empowerment by Virtue of Golden Truth, Human Cloning: Specifically, REM Driven Human Cloning, Full Disclosure

Donald Marshall

Don never expected to see his name featured as the author of a book. Not that as a school teacher with a bachelor’s degree in zoology and a master’s in science education he didn’t do plenty of writing. But his audience was his students and fellow educators. Nevertheless he does seem to have a gift for approaching subjects from unique angles with a mixture of scholarship, humor, and encouragement. And with a can’t miss format and his family and friends begging for more, this book is the rest of the story.

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    Empowerment by Virtue of Golden Truth, Human Cloning - Donald Marshall

    List of Images

    Image 1: Stages of sleep

    Image 2: The ionosphere's relationship to earth.

    Image 3: Megadeth Album Cover: The World Needs a Hero (2001)

    Image 4: Donald Marshall’s original body compared with his REM Driven Duplicate Clone.

    Image 5: Britney Spears Japanimation: Britney Spears grown as a duplicate clone.

    Image 6: Britney Spears Japanimation: Britney Spears walks into the Cloning Centre.

    Image 7: Britney Spears Japanimation: The Cloning Centre depicted from an aerial view.

    Image 8: Possible H.A.A.R.P. Locations.


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    Just read it. Every word in this document is true, and it is the most important document to ever reach the internet. This document is written to empower good people of the world against the tyranny which exists all around us in our world today. Effectively, the document presented here discloses concealed information about the extent to which medicine, science, and technology has advanced in our current era. Moreover, I am disclosing this information because I have been extensively abused, and I am victim of current advances in medicine, science, and technology, which I describe in detail below. There are many, many, other victims of abuse, including myself, and therefore it is our plea that you read this document with an open mind and you investigate ALL statements which may initially irk you and appear ‘suspect’ to begin with (the circumstantial evidence is available all around you); because as a victim of abuse, I can honestly say, there is nothing worse than experiencing abuse, and those who have the power to protect you from your abusers, ignore you.

    I will now discuss what qualifies as whistle blowing disclosure. After detailing the criteria which qualifies for whistle blowing disclosure, I will detail aspects of the Serious Crime Act, and preface a foundation which defines, explains, and references key information for the reader to understand as well as explore the extent to which medicine, science, and technology has advanced today; all for the express purpose of compelling the reader that medicine, science, and technology, has advanced at an incredible rate; that current advances in medicine, science and technology are withheld from public knowledge; and finally these advancements in medicine, science, and technology, have been and are currently used to commit serious unspeakable crimes against humanity and our environment here on earth. Moreover, it is my aim to present this information as coherently as possible to assist the reader to save me, and save many, many others who experience abuse daily resulting from concealed advances in technology.

    Whistle Blowing: Qualifying Disclosure

    In the United Kingdom under the Public Interest Disclosure Act (1998) (PIDA) section 43B, a qualifying disclosure (whistle blowing disclosure) implies "any disclosure of information which in the reasonable belief of the worker, tends to show one of the following:

    a)  That a criminal offence has been committed, is being committed or is likely to be committed,

    b)  That a person has failed, is failing or is likely to fail to comply with any legal obligation to which he is subject

    c)  That a miscarriage of justice has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur,

    d)  That the health or safety of any individual has been, is being or is likely to be endangered,

    e)  That the environment has been, is being, or is likely to be damaged, or

    f)  That information tending to show any matter falling within any one of the preceding paragraphs has been, or is likely to be deliberately concealed"

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    Furthermore, under the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act (ERRA) 2013 section 17 (The new ‘public interest’ test) is added for whistle blowing disclosures, amending section 43B of the Employment Rights Act (ERA) 1996 and therefore now reads as such (new words underlined):

    "(1) In this part a 'qualifying disclosure' means any disclosure of information which, in the reasonable belief of the worker making the disclosure, is made in the public interest and tends to show one or more of the following—[criminal offence, breach of legal obligation, etc]." (Halliday 2013, p. 2).

    The following information is presented with the express intent that it is made in the public interest, and meets the all criteria set out in section 43B (a-f) of PIDA as well as the ‘public interest test’, ERRA section 17. Furthermore, in order for the reader to perceive the credence of my statements, so that (s)he has impetus to research the validity of my statements and not dismiss it as folly supplied by an internet troll who has nothing better to do than waste peoples’ time, I will cite the Serious Crime Act 2015 here for the express purpose of convincing the reader that all statements made in this document and my original document are indeed FACTUAL!  THIS IS NO HOAX. THIS IS NO JOKE. This is simply what is happening in the world today.

    The Serious Crime Act 2015

    The Serious Crime Act 2015 (UK) section 41, 3ZA, amends section 3A of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 which previously read [under Computer Misuse Offences]:

    [F13A Making, supplying or obtaining articles for use in offence under section 1 or 3

    1)  [That] A person is guilty of an offence if he makes, adapts, supplies or offers to supply any article intending it to be used to commit, or to assist in the commission of, an offence under section 1 or 3.

    To: [The Serious Crime Act 2015, section 41, 3ZA]

    3ZA Unauthorised acts causing, or creating risk of, serious damage

    (1)  A person is guilty of an offence if—

    (a)  the person does any unauthorised act in relation to a computer;

    (2)  Damage is of a material kind for the purposes of this section if it is—

    (a)  damage to human welfare in any place;

    (b)  damage to the environment of any place;

    (c)  damage to the economy of any country; or

    (d)  damage to the national security of any country.


    3)  For the purposes of subsection (2)(a) an act causes damage to human welfare only if it causes—

    (a)  loss to human life;

    (b)  human illness or injury;

    (4)  It is immaterial for the purposes of subsection (2) whether or not an act causing damage—

    (a)  does so directly;

    (b)  is the only or main cause of the damage.

    (5)  In this section—

    (c)a reference to a country includes a reference to a territory, and to any place in, or part or region of, a  country or territory.

    (6)  A person guilty of an offence under this section is (unless subsection (7) applies) liable, on conviction on  indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years, or to a fine, or to both.

    (7)  Where an offence under this section is committed as a result of an act causing or creating a significant risk of—

    (a)  serious damage to human welfare of the kind mentioned in subsection (3)(a) or (3)(b), or

    (b)  serious damage to national security,

    a person guilty of the offence is liable, on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for life, or to a fine, or   to both."

    In laymen’s terms it is a serious crime (Serious Crime Act 2015), punishable by imprisonment, a fine, or both, to cite hatred or spread hoaxes by use of a computer which would cause mass hysteria or public dissension.  I have been condemning public figures, high profile individuals, celebrities, singers, movie stars, directors, politicians, world leaders, royalty, anti-secret society ‘truthers’ (who are really misinformation agents, and agents of deception) etc. –the list is long - since 2011 and NOT a single one of these high profile people has issued a public statement saying I do not like how you have tarnished my name or filed a law suit against me. Why you may ask? Because every word I have stated and will state again (in this document) is true.


    Before I describe the heinous crimes committed against me and many others (including unsuspecting civilians of the world) it is important that I explain, define, and reference:

    Key figures such as Phil Schneider, George Green and Aaron Russo, so that the reader has reference points to verify the extent to which technology has advanced in our present era (and continues to advance);

    Define and briefly explain the transhumanist / post human agenda (for those who may be unfamiliar with their aims).

    Define and explain rapid eye movement (R.E.M) sleep, the phases of sleep, and what happens to the (original’s) body during sleep.

    Reference advances in technology, with particular attention to: Memory suppression technologies; Mind-voice technology; H.A.A.R.P technology, RFID microchip technology, and MK Ultra technology (CIA’s mind control program);

    Define and explain cloning; the different types of clones; cloning centres and cloning technology;

    Define drip feed disclosure / evaluative conditioning and explain why it occurs;

    Explain what ‘consciousness transfer’ is to the best of my knowledge, and cite drip feed disclosure articles with the express intent to allow the reader to grasp the abuse I have suffered daily at the hands of my tormentors.

    Key Figures

    Phil Schneider


    Phil Schneider (pictured) had 17 years experience working in government black projects carrying a level three security clearance. He was a geologist and engineer who worked in the black projects underground bases at Area 51, S-4, and Los Alamos. 

    He is most notable for disclosing (Schneider 1995; 1996; Open Minds 2011):

    The ‘black budget’ expenditure of the United States, which Schneider claims to be between 1.023 trillion U.S. dollars every 2 years ( over $500 billion per year);

    Deep Underground Military Bases (also known as D.U.M.Bs -dumbs), and at the time of his lecture (Schneider, 1995), –that there are 131 active Deep Underground Military Bases present in the United States, and 1477 Deep Underground Military Bases worldwide;

    Each D.U.M.B costs on average 17-19 billion U.S. dollars; paid for by the taxpayer; and it takes approximately a year-and-a-half to 2 years to build D.U.M.Bs with sophisticated methods.

    That military technology outstrips the general public’s technology at a rate of 44 to 45 years of technology for every calendar year which passes. In other words for every 12 months which passes military technology will have advanced by 44 years than what we as the general public is currently accustomed to. Therefore as a rough example if we were to take the year Facebook was founded (2004) as a base year, then the military technology since the creation of Facebook will have outstripped what the general public is accustomed to by as much as 484 years(!) (2015 - 2004 = 11. 11 x 44 = 484). Similarly, if we are to use the year which YouTube was founded as a base year (2005), once again, military technology would be 440 years more advanced than what the public is currently accustomed to today.

    For the purpose of disclosing current advances in medicine, science and technology, and how such advances are used against me and the people of the world to commit monstrous crimes I will use 1945 as a base year. Everything will become apparent including why I use 1945 as a base year for my disclosure, but for the express purpose of compelling the reader to investigate my disclosure I must present everything, logically, sequentially, methodologically, and provide references for the reader in a coherent way to enable him or her to pay serious attention to my eye witness accounts. Therefore, at this present stage keep in mind the year 1945, and the fact that military technology outstrips the general public’s technology at a rate of 44 years for every 12 months which passes.

    George Green


    George Green (pictured) was affiliated with U.S. Presidential candidates, and was once asked to be the Finance Chairman for the next President of the United States. Green would later decline the offer of Finance Chairman when a comment made by Ted Kennedy regarding sleeping with Green’s 14 year old daughter caused George Green to re-evaluate his associations with this in-group.

    During his 2008 interview with Project Camelot (2008a; 2008b), Green disclosed the following noteworthy information:

    U.S. presidents are selected and not elected. This is clearly expressed in a story Green recounts, when Green asks:

    Who is going to be the next President of the United States [for him to overlook their finances]?

    And the reply was: Jimmy Carter

    Green responds: Jimmy who?

    The reply Green received was: Well, he's the Democratic Governor of Georgia.

    George Green: But I've been voting Republican.

    Green was then confronted by a tall man, Paul Volcker (American Economist, and

    Chairman of Federal Reserve under Jimmy Carter and Ronald Regan), who walked over and said, Son, don't worry about it [Republican or Democrat], we control 'em both.

    U.S. scientists learned how to make people (clones) since 1938 -walking talking ones –and the scientists call these people synthetics or the others.

    Cloning technology is relatively advanced. All that has to be done is take two cells from the original, give the cells a small electrical charge (retain a fertilised egg), then all one needs is a receiver (a womb / artificial womb for the fertilised egg to grow).

    Scientists were excited by the synthetic technology because it meant that spare organ parts could be grown for an original human without rejection, because theoretically speaking, the DNA of the synthetic is the same as the original.

    Green gives an example of a cloned Politician: George Walker Bush. Green advices the viewer to seek old video recordings of George W. Bush, and compare the old George W. Bush, with the George W. Bush during Bush’s second term,

    -in terms of mannerism, speech pattern, body language etc. (old videos of George Walker Bush (Boringest 2006; Fox 4 News - Dallas-Fort Worth 2014) are presented in the References section).

    Scientists have also learned how to make these synthetic people within a few months, to the point where the synthetic can be a walking, talking duplicate of the original, intact with all the memories and experiences of the original. The only problem is that the memory, experiences, and functioning capabilities of these synthetics are like: A DVD recorder. Sometimes you have glitches, and you have to take the synthetics to Camp David occasionally [every 6 months to a year] to get them tuned up.

    Remember these synthetics are people too, they can think and act just like you can, but they do not have a soul.

    Most of the world leaders have been bought and paid for [by men in the background] and are created to think a certain way –to meet the agendas of these men who remain in the background.

    The global elite plans on depopulating the current human population of over 7 billion to 500 million people. This is corroborated by the Georgia Guidestones (WorldTruth 2014).

    Vladimir Putin is executing plans to bring the United States down and into a massive depression. Furthermore, China agrees with Vladimir Putin’s plans; stating that the Chinese government has not been a Superpower for over 5000 years and "It is their

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