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Digestive Problems: A troubleshooting guide to common childhood ailments
Digestive Problems: A troubleshooting guide to common childhood ailments
Digestive Problems: A troubleshooting guide to common childhood ailments
Ebook36 pages24 minutes

Digestive Problems: A troubleshooting guide to common childhood ailments

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For parents, few experiences provoke more anxiety than the thought of a sick child. The Everything® Healthy Living Series is here to help. These concise, thoughtful guides offer the expert advice and the latest medical information you need to understand your child’s ailments and provide the best possible care. Childhood illnesses are inevitable; the way you approach treatment is not.

Here you’ll find overviews of the most prevalent digestive problems from the least serious to issues of concern, advice for comforting your child, and when it might be time to see your child’s pediatrician.
Release dateMar 1, 2012
Digestive Problems: A troubleshooting guide to common childhood ailments

Adams Media

Adams Media, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, informs, instructs, and inspires readers across a variety of lifestyle categories by providing the content they’re looking for, from the experts they follow and trust. From New Age to Personal Finance, Cooking to Self-Help, Adams Media researches, identifies, creates, and distributes accessible content with implicit discoverability. Embodying a uniquely flexible “ground-up” publishing model, Adams Media navigates within or between consumer categories as market opportunity dictates. These are the books people are searching for. 

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    Book preview

    Digestive Problems - Adams Media

    The Everything Healthy Kids Series

    Digestive Problems

    A troubleshooting guide for parents

    Adams Media, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

    Avon, Massachusetts



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    Copyright Page


    For more than 10 years, millions of readers have trusted the bestselling Everything series for expert advice and important information on parenting and health topics ranging from pregnancy and postpartum care to asthma, dyslexia, and juvenile diabetes. Packed with the most recent, up-to-date data, Everything guides help you get the right diagnosis, choose the best doctor, and find the treatment options that work for your child.

    The Everything Healthy Kids Series books are concise guides, focusing on only the essential information you need. Whether you’re looking for information on how to treat ailments in children from infants to teenagers, advice on raising happy, well-adjusted kids, or suggestions for how to get your child to eat the right foods, there’s an Everything Healthy Kids Book for you.

    Childhood Illnesses

    Few occasions provoke more anxiety in parents than when a child is ill, and it is the duty of the pediatrician to calm those parental fears in times of distress. The goal of the Everything Healthy Kids Series is not to discredit the ancient wisdom of parenthood. The innate instinct of parents often proves uncanny. Indeed, much of the knowledge that has been passed down through the generations has proved to be both practical and life saving. Everything Healthy Kids books are designed to supplement experience and instinct to empower parents with the latest, most accurate medical information. This allows you to make the best decision for your children when they are not feeling well.

    While instinct and experience are often valuable, there are also numerous myths associated with children’s health. Though the origin of most of these misconceptions is obscure and lacking in supporting evidence, they

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