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Chasing the Wolf
Chasing the Wolf
Chasing the Wolf
Ebook208 pages4 hours

Chasing the Wolf

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

When a young artist and the woman he loves find themselves imprisoned within a moment in time between present day New York and Mississippi 1938, they attempt to make sense of a world in which they can’t seem to fit and find their place in the “center of the Universe.” But there are stones in their pass way, and hellhounds on their trail. At times both bleak and redemptive - much like the Blues itself - Chasing the Wolf is a surprisingly tender look into the madness of love, the madness of hate, and the dark secrets that lie along the banks of the muddy Mississippi.
PublisherGallery Books
Release dateJul 1, 2011
Chasing the Wolf

Nathan Singer

Nathan Singer is a novelist, playwright, composer, and experimental performing artist. He is also the lead vocalist and guitarist for award-winning band The Whiskey Shambles. His published novels are the controversial and critically acclaimed A Prayer for Dawn, Chasing the Wolf, In the Light of You, The Song in the Squall, Transorbital, and Blackchurch Furnace. He currently lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he is working on a multitude of new projects.

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    Chasing the Wolf - Nathan Singer



    It was enough to make yo’ son, mama, wish he’s dead and gone.


    WHEN I’M UPSET, BLOOD LEAKS FROM MY HEAD. That’s the truth—I’m not trying to bullshit you. I don’t know if you folks even use bullshit as a verb. At all. Oh well. When I’m over the edge, my gums bust open and my nose bleeds and the whites of my eyes get little red polka dots on them. I only mention that because my eyes really hurt right now. They probably look like crimson marbles with black holes in the middle. It’s been a stressful couple of days. I’ve been hiding out in these woods since I got here. I stole this paper and these pencils from a schoolhouse two miles that way. I wish there had been paints instead. Don’t really write normally. Just writing this to keep from going totally Bellevue. I don’t even know if anyone will ever read this.

    My name is Eli Cooper. I’m a twenty-seven year old neo-postimpressionist, or so I’m told. If Edvard Munch and Jackson Pollock had a child and so on. Anyway, I am—was—the toast of the Village back home. I had the freshest agent, the dopest shows in the choiceest galleries, the flyest reviews … I could clean my brushes on an old T-shirt and the Voice would call it "The boldest statement in art since Piss Christ." I had the smartest friends. I had the prettiest wife—

    My nose is bleeding.

    So you’re probably wondering what NYC’s flashiest flash-in-the-pan of the new millennium is doing stranded in the backwoods of Mississippi in 1938. So am I. So am I. So am I. So am I. There goes my nose again.


    BACK HOME I had just been hired to do a jacket piece for this noise punk outfit, The Sleepy October. I hate them. I hate that whole bullshit scene. No-talent fucks.

    We’re all about shifting into a new punk paradigm, their junkie slut lead singer told me. Horrid. HORRID!

    But my agent Marcus pushed it on me.

    "We can reach the teen market, Eli! he’d say. Like street cred with bigger payoff." Like that means something to me. I’m a tortured artist or whatever. I’ve got a reputation to think about.

    I only took the whore job because Jessie wanted a bigger apartment. Jessie’s my wife. Jessie Davis-Cooper. My mahogany queen. My little bitty pretty one. She’s a dancer with an African drum and dance troupe. Neo-tribalist. Everybody’s neo in NYC. Go figure.

    You should grab this opportunity, she’d say. You’d be a crazy not to. We can have a whole new life. We deserve it, Li-la. Li-la. Miss that already.

    So yeah, I detest the New York noise scene. I love the old stuff (well … I guess it’s not old to you). Big Mama Thornton. Duke Ellington. Billie Holiday. Son House … Howlin’ Wolf. (Howlin’ Wolf. Something weird about Howlin’ Wolf …) I’d put on some scratchy old jazz or blues compilation LP and Jess would laugh at me.

    But after a refrain or two, hell yeah, she’d start to dance. God. Her dancing … like no one else. Wish I could see her now.

    GODDAMN BOILING fucking hot here. Covered in a layer of slime and grit. The air is not even humid. It’s solid. Like breathing casserole. Try to sleep. Sleep it off. Sleep it away. Maybe wake up somewhere else. Good night, Jessie. I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to say good-bye.

    THE EMPEROR’S FUCKING NAKED, BABY! That’s what I told her.

    The emperor is fucking naked.

    Li-la, don’t be such a dramatic. Do this cover art, and—

    —And what? Burn in Sell-out Hell for all eternity?

    You call it Sell-out Hell, I call it a phat Soho co-op and no worries. Tomato, tomahto.

    "Jess, have you heard this music?"

    Oh, let me guess. It doesn’t sound like Bessie Smith or Robert Nighthawk or Skip James and they don’t record in mono into a tin horn. Right? I swear, Li-la, you are an old man trapped in a young man’s body. No, scratch that. You are an old BLACK man trapped in a white boy’s body.

    Marcus is just trying to turn me into the next—

    "Marcus is a good agent and he wants what’s best for you and you know it. I’m asking you, please, just this once. Take this one whore job and I’ll never ask for anything ever again. You’d be a crazy not to grab this opportunity."

    ‘Crazy’ is an adjective, sweetheart. Not a noun. She always did that. No idea why.

    It could be the start of something great. This could be your chance. We could have a whole new life.

    I know.

    I know.

    We deserve it. It’s just … shallow. What is?

    All this stuff. Meaningless. Hipper-than-thou drivel. Fake plastic hash. Gives you cancer of the spirit. I hate it.

    You hate everything. You want to leave New York? I didn’t say that.

    Where would be ‘deep’ enough for you, Mr. Neo-post-impressionism?

    Deep enough for me. Where would be deep enough for me …

    You’re my angel, Jessie. My little bitty pretty one.

    You’re my little school boy. Inlovewitchoo, Li-la Delila. Inlovewitchoo too.

    THE NIGHT I WAS WORKING on the album art for those Warhol-loving twats The Sleepy October, Jessie had a gig down at the Burroughs Theater. Two weeks past my deadline, you know? She understood.

    I should be there. It’s opening night.

    There will be plenty of other shows. There will be plenty of other opening nights, Mr. Takin’-My-Time.

    The piece was turning out pretty decent. Sort of Baconesque, but not overtly derivative. (Anybody who can accept a concept like neo-post-impressionism should be able to accept any bucketful of dog snot splattered on a canvas.) I fell asleep on my tarp sometime after midnight. I was awakened all covered in paint by the sound of the phone ringing and my friend Serj screaming on the answering machine—

    Li?! Oh shit Li! You gotta get down to St. Luke’s!!! It’s Jess! There’s been a terrible—

    I grabbed the first cab that stopped and busted ass to the hospital.

    But I—

    was too late.

    always too late hours too late I was two hours too always too late

    Backstage at the Burroughs Theater, a riser had fallen on Jess and broken her spine.

    My baby’s dead.

    My baby girl’s dead.

    My little bitty pretty …

    I don’t fucking feel like writing anymore

    THEY COULDA KEPT THE WHOLE GODDAMN THING the whole fucking piece of shit goddamn art crowd nonsense didn’t mean a goddamn anything. I’d do anything … never needed to be an artist wasn’t a calling it was a skill a trade like jack hammering or something I’d work a day shift at Dunkin Donuts + a night shift dishing out blowjobs at the Manhole in Chicago to HAVE HER BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    please goddamn it


    please anything


















































    Calmer now.

    When I finally got to the hospital … they said she never felt a thing because she never woke up. I started spitting and screaming like—

    I was possessed. I tried to strangle myself with my dreadlocks and I tried to bash my head into a wall but Serj and Amie and these two big orderlies grabbed onto me and I finally wriggled free and went screaming out into the streets.

    I was hoping a car would hit me.

    No luck.

    I ran in whatever direction my boots would lead me. Somebody fucking kill me.

    I finally fell over and passed out in the grass. I thought I was in Central Park.

    Don’t know if I was or not.

    When I woke up, it looked like I was right smack dab in the middle of Monet’s Poppy Fields. I wandered into the woods and found a noose hanging from a tree branch. I tried reaching for it. Too weak.

    Gave up.

    I slammed my left temple into the tree trunk, but that only made me nauseous.

    As I sat there crying like a damn infant, this little kid wanders up to me. Little Black kid in brown rags that looked at least two sizes too small for him. I said Hi and he ran off screaming about a monster a monster.

    I probably do look like some sort of Medusa-creature with these long knots hanging off my head. And the piercings and all. Well, figuring somebody with a shotgun would probably be following the kid back, I took off. Don’t know why. So eager to end it all just minutes before. Go figure.

    Night after night I would sneak around trying to find a decent place to sleep and figure out where the fuck I was. During that thunderstorm a couple of nights ago, after completely freaking out some horses sleeping in a barn up by the creek, I found the schoolhouse where I got these pencils and whatnot. Under the teacher’s desk was a newspaper. Clarion-Ledger.

    Under the header, it read:

    Thursday, July 7, 1938.

    That’s how I found myself here with you good people.

    I don’t understand it either.


    My grandparents are teenagers.

    I think I’ll go hunt them down and kill them.

    Just to see what happens.

    I KNOW IF ANY OF YOU FIND THESE PAGES, you’ll hunt me down and string me up. Or put me in the nervous hospital. Fine with me. But you’re gonna have to catch me first.







    Fell asleep on the tarp. In the paint. Tripped when I heard Serj on the machine.


    Tripped again running down the stairs. Cabs won’t stop.


    I was two hours too always too late.


    It will never never never never go away!! I’m fucking trapped in it!!!!!!!

    This one moment. I’m trapped forever in this moment. oh god gotta get it together gotta gotta get it get it—

    ALL RIGHT NOW. I. Am. Adequately. Chilled. Out.

    When I finally got a cab to pick me up, this bag lady walked right in front of the car and stopped and stood there. Just stopped and stared at our brownstone. She was carrying boards or canvas or some shit and I’m screaming at the cabbie and he’s screaming at the lady—

    Move yer black ass, heifer!

    DRIVE YOU BASTARD DRIVE!!! White—bonnet—thing.

    She was wearing some white and brown smock lookin’ dress and a little white head-wrap bonnet lookin’ deal.

    She ran off and this bearded guy starts spraying and wiping the windshield.

    The bearded guy had on a green slicker.

    Of all the things to remember.

    I tripped on the stairs at the hospital too.

    Never even got the chance to say good-bye.

    MISSISSIPPI. Center of the universe.

    JULY 10, 1938

    May as well make this a journal. Nobody will ever read this shit anyway. I appear to be just on the outskirts of West Point, Mississippi. Right outside of the downtown area which sure as hell doesn’t look like much. B and E is getting to be second nature. There are no alarms on anything and I don’t take enough to arouse suspicion. Some soap here, some shoes there. A shirt here, the pants somewhere else. Little bits of money at every stop. Last night I stole a suitcase. Also made off with a state map. Looks like ferries run out of Natchez. Could be useful. How many goddamn towns are in this state? I’ll probably get rid of the map. Can’t read it too well anyway. Gotta try and find a national map. See what’s north.

    I’ve made the decision to try and make my way during the daylight when there are folks around. Blend in. Assimilate. When I get my moxie up, of

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