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Boding Evil
Boding Evil
Boding Evil
Ebook113 pages1 hour

Boding Evil

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Boding Evil – It WILL find you!

Evil lurks in the small town of Greer Springs, lying in wait for its next victim. Excited to fulfill a lifelong dream, nothing could have prepared Gene Mason for the horrors his family faced when they moved into a house with a dark and deadly past.

While Boding Evil is a fictional story, many of the situations portrayed were inspired by actual events told to the author. Some will say the events depicted in this book are merely objects of a fanciful imagination, but for those who lived through them, the events were quite real.

Included with the purchase of this book is a FREE bonus story titled: Sacrificing Souls.

Release dateFeb 1, 2017
Boding Evil

Linda L Barton

Linda L Barton is a Multi-Genre Author. Publishing her first book in 2011, Linda started out by writing Dark Thrillers. Since then she has branched out by writing YA Fantasy, Women’s Romantic Fiction, and even Children’s Books under the name Nana Barton. One of the high points of Linda’s writing career was when Next Move, You're Dead: The Trilogy Bundle was chosen as 1 of 100 pre-loaded Kindle Fire ebooks given away in the 2013 Emmy Awards VIP Swag Bags to over 600 of those in attendance at the awards that evening. Linda is also the Founder of Deadly Reads, Deadly Reads Author Services, and Host of the Deadly Reads Radio Podcast on Youtube. Linda is also blessed to be married to a wonderful man, Bob for more than 30 years. Bob is her writing muse and has created several of the plots for her books. Together they have a daughter and son, as well as 5 beautiful grandchildren; all of whom are the joy of their lives. Linda never thought she would become a published author, but now she cannot imagine doing anything else.

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    Book preview

    Boding Evil - Linda L Barton

    Boding Evil

    It Will Find You

    Linda L Barton

    Copyright 2016 © Linda L. Barton

    All Rights Reserved

    Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page, Copyright, Table of Contents,

    Special Acknowledgments

    Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2,

    Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5,

    Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8

    Sacrificing Souls

    Special Acknowledgments

    While Boding Evil is a fictional story, many of the situations portrayed in this book were inspired by TRUE events.

    I wish to thank those who shared their experiences with the supernatural and those things we all try to keep hidden in the dark recesses of our minds. I know some will say the events portrayed in this book are merely objects of a fanciful imagination, but to those who shared their stories with me, the events were quite real.


    Editing, Formatting, and Cover Design by

    Deadly Reads Author Services


    Charise noticed the man as he walked into the café. She had seen many of his kind walk through that door over the years, but something was different about this one. She watched as he walked to the end of the counter; away from the others gathered together as they shared their tales of life on the road. He did not say a word; he simply sat in silence as though the troubles of the world weighed heavy on his shoulders. Charise walked up to the man and said with a broad smile, Would you like a cup of coffee?

    Several moments passed until he nodded his head and looked up at her, What time is it?

    It’s four in the morning, why? Charise flipped the coffee cup over in front of him and filled it to the brim with the steaming hot coffee. You sure look like you could use some of this.

    He lifted the cup of hot coffee to his lips and took a sip, Thanks, was all he said as he set the cup down on the counter in front of him.

    Are you hungry? I must admit we have some great food here. Would you like a menu? Charise tried to lighten the mood, but he did not seem interested.

    No thank you. I’m not hungry, would you just leave me alone for now? He took another sip of coffee and then set the cup back on the counter.

    Sure, but if you change your mind…

    I’ll let you know. I just need a little time to gather my thoughts, he looked down into his cup of coffee, allowing his mind to wander...


    The day had started out like any other. Jeff Mason had arrived early at the warehouse in Little Rock to pick up his load going to St. Louis. He was pleased when it only took three hours for them to load his truck. All Jeff wanted to do was to get this load delivered and head home for some time off.

    Jeff had been out for several weeks and he always looked forward to his time off with his wife and children. Jeff had been an over-the-road truck driver for nearly fifteen years, like his father and grandfather before him. He loved life on the road but he always looked forward to his time at home with his family.

    Jeff knew he had an all-night trip in front of him, so he’d decided to stop for a shower, and then grab something to eat before his drive to St. Louis. Once he was back out to his truck, he’d decided to look at his atlas for the quickest route and was upset to learn it would take him near the one place he had hoped he would never see again.

    It’s been twenty-three years since I’ve been anywhere near that damn place, but I guess that all changes tonight. Jeff returned the atlas to the pocket on the inside of the driver’s door and started his truck.

    Things were going along fine until he turned onto Hwy 160 in southeast Missouri. The last time Jeff had been on this road he had promised himself he would never return. His family had gone this way when they moved back to California from the small town of Greer Springs, and it surprised him how the thought of being so close to where it had all happened made him feel.

    Jeff decided to listen to the radio, hoping it would take his mind off that time in his life and the terrible events that forced his family to leave. As he drove that familiar stretch of highway, he noticed how unusually dark it appeared outside and how the darkness seemed to swallow the light from his headlights making it difficult to see the road in front of him.

    Jeff knew he was nearly to the turn-off for Greer Springs by the uneasy feeling growing up inside of him, so he decided to turn the volume down on the radio and concentrate on the road. However, as he reached for the volume control on the radio, a deer bolted out in front of his truck and barely escaped being hit.

    Oh shit! Jeff shouted as he watched the deer disappear into the trees along the side of the road.

    He was thankful he had missed it because he couldn’t afford the downtime to get his truck repaired, let alone the cost of the repairs.

    Pull yourself together, you still have all night to drive, he moaned to himself as he tried to steady his nerves.

    Jeff took the last swallow of coffee from his cup and had reached for his thermos when he saw the sign ahead for Greer Springs. He felt his breath catch in his throat as he read the words on the sign with the arrow pointing to the left. Jeff knew it was foolish, but he found himself steering the truck closer to the right side of the lane and nearly over the white line on the shoulder.

    As the highway veered to the right and away from the road to Greer Springs, Jeff laughed at allowing a foolish childhood memory get to him in such a way. Now that it was behind him, Jeff decided to turn the volume back up on his radio and enjoy the rest of his trip.

    He had been driving for nearly fifteen minutes when suddenly, out of nowhere, another deer darted out in front of him.

    Damn it! They’re out thick tonight! He struggled to calm his nerves again, but what he saw next made his heart nearly stop dead in his chest.

    To his horror, caught in the glow of his headlights was the sign to Greer Springs.

    What the hell? Jeff grunted as he drove past the illuminated sign.

    Jeff knew there was no way he could have driven past the same sign. Hell, he was headed northeast which took him away from Greer Springs.

    Maybe I read the sign wrong, Jeff said aloud, trying to convince himself otherwise.

    This whole thing was impossible. There was no way he had ended up back at the turnoff because he never left Highway 160. Then a thought came to him. Jeff had heard over the years of driver’s seeing strange things at night from lack of sleep and driving too many miles, but that could not be the case because he was completely rested and ready for the trip.

    In spite of a foreboding sense of dread, Jeff decided to put it all out of his mind and listen to one of the audio books he had bought a few days ago.

    The miles seemed to fly by as Jeff found himself engrossed in the book. He found himself relaxed and relieved to have Greer Springs far behind him when out of nowhere, another deer ran across the road and barely missed the front of his truck.

    Damn! Jeff steadied himself, wondering how many more times a deer would bolt out in front of him this trip.

    Then Jeff saw it. He

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