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A Girls Guide To Guys
A Girls Guide To Guys
A Girls Guide To Guys
Ebook107 pages1 hour

A Girls Guide To Guys

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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The unknown world of boys has been a problem that has plagued girl-kind for many a century. What do you say to them? Which ones should you avoid? And what is going on in that little brain of theirs when they look at you? If only they came with a manual or something...Well now they do! A lovely step by step guide that's split into easy stages, taking you from finding the right kind of boy for you right up to ending a relationship and starting all over again. Wave goodbye to worrying about what kind of shoes to wear for a date or how to make the first move; it has all been covered. But how do you use this brilliant little tool? Well, if you want you can read through each chapter and follow the advice you find in it step by step. But there's also a handy content list at the beginning of each stage so you can skip to any section you want to read about. Keep a look out for sections called friends; these bits are dedicated to how to keep the balance between boyfriends and girlfriends. Also included is Outfits for all occasions, your very own boutique complete with personal stylist to make sure you get your right look every time. To begin with it would help if we found out a little bit more about those strange creatures we call boys. They can be a bit tricky to understand so it's best to liken them to something most girls know a little bit more about. Like shoes. Yes, boys are a little like shoes. Why? Well...They can be useful. But mainly...They are nice to look at. Getting the right one can be a lovely accessory to an outfit. There are times when you couldn't do without them. And there are times when you'd rather do without them. Get the wrong ones and they can hurt. There are many types and often the ones that look the nicest are completely unpractical. Like shoe shopping, you need to get to know what's out there before you make your final purchase. Your first task, should you choose to accept it, is one of girl kind's most notable hobbies...with a twist...boy shopping! To make things even easier, included here is the very first boy catalogue giving you an extensive look into all the boys on the market. Good luck and happy shopping!

Release dateFeb 2, 2015
A Girls Guide To Guys

Amy Mah

About the Author The Author Amelia Mah is a 20 something snarky, sarcastic and cynical author who has a very popular blog of how she sees the world from the point of view of a modern teenage vampire Following the success of her first book "FANGS RULE A girls guide to being a vampire" she had now expanded the idea of life as a teenage vampire into a full novel Amelia has given her avatar her own name so you can see the world first hand from a very bored teenage vampire that has been forced to remain a teenager for far too long She may have very good teeth and the ability to hang from ceilings but life is far from easy. Today's world is difficult for everyone, especially teenagers. They face the stresses of school, deciding whom to date, and the biggie of sex, just to name a few. Imagine all of those things ten times worse, and you might get an idea of what it's like being a living, breathing teenage vampire. At last, the world can read about the life of a girl with good teeth, her problems with strong sunlight that gave her spots, and the sunblock that made her hair go yucky and produced more spots. Yes, sunlight was dangerous, as she could be the first teenager in history to die from terminal acne! In her everyday life, older vampires expected her to walk about at night in the traditional female uniform, a see-through, 18th-century nightdress, without undies! Well, this female vampire knew why the cold winds blowing along the corridors were called, "male winds," so she wore her see-through nightdress over jeans and a very thick jumper. To be sure that people would still know she was a vampire, the jumper had a very large, pink bat on it. At last the world can read the diary of a girl with good teeth and Amy does have very good sharp teeth. She knows that the world is personally out to get her. You could say that life sucks for her. Everyday she faces death in many horrible ways and it's called going to High School.

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    Book preview

    A Girls Guide To Guys - Amy Mah


    Title: This is where it all begins!

    Difficulty level: Rather difficult.... certainly not for the faint-hearted!

    Description: whilst this could possibly be the most exciting area of your journey it’s also one of the most nerve-racking because it involves talking to hot guys! Luckily there are some sneaky tips to make things easier and it’s recommended that tasks are carried out with the help of your friends! By the end you’ll be an expert in spotting potential boyfriends, starting conversations and making a winning first impression.



    The Boy Catalogue

    Brain training

    Grabbing his ...attention

    Outfits for all occasions

    Putting together a winning team

    Quick re-cap



    To begin with it would help if we found out a little bit more about those strange creatures we call boys. They can be a bit tricky to understand so it’s best to liken them to something most girls know a little bit more about. Like shoes. Yes, boys are a little like shoes.

    Why? Well... They can be useful. But mainly...

    *They are nice to look at.

    *Getting the right one can be a lovely accessory to an outfit.

    *There are times when you couldn’t do without them.

    *And there are times when you’d rather do without them.

    *Get the wrong ones and they can hurt.

    *There are many types and often the ones that look the nicest are completely inpractical.

    Like shoe shopping you need to get to know what’s out there before you make your final purchase. Your first task, should you choose to accept it, is one of girl kind’s most notable hobbies...with a twist... boy shopping! To make things even easier, included here is the very first boy catalogue giving you an extensive look into all the boys on the market.

    Good luck and happy shopping!




    If there’s anything that makes a boy instantly attractive, it’s being in a band. There’s something about a long-haired rocker with a guitar in his hand that can turn any girl’s legs to jelly. But they’re not the easiest of guys to catch so read on to find out how to get your hands on one!


    Band guys are easy to spot because when they’re not on stage performing their latest big hit they can be found perusing the local music shop for their fave bands new album. However, unfortunately they’re not just going to land at your doorstep, so here’s the three top places to find yourself a band guy:

    *GIGS! These places are a goldmine when looking for the band type. You can find them onstage or in the crowd and it’s the perfect place to strike up a conversation about things you’ll have in common.

    *All bands need decent instruments to start off so head down to your nearest instrument shop and you’re bound to find a couple of hotties.

    *Bands also need some inspiration for their songs so they’ll be likely to be checking out the CD aisles so give the music shop a try.

    *For the shy girl the Internet is an absolute lifesaver when it comes to dating. Sites like Facebook and Myspace let you set up your own profile page where you can make the perfect first impression. Band guys especially love these sites because they can promote their band so you’ll be spoilt for choice! Just remember to be safe in case the person you’re talking to turns out not to be who you thought they were.


    This is probably the easier type of guy to strike up a winning conversation with because you already have a heads up on what they’re interested in! But talking to any guy can still be hard so here’s a few tricks to help you get started:

    *Just after his band have finished performing, run up to him and say how much you love his music and if they have any demo CDs. Any boy loves to hear how great he is so he’ll be dying to talk to you.

    *If you spot him looking through the CD racks casually walk over to where he’s standing and start looking through the CDs beside him, make sure it looks genuine though. After about 30 seconds or so sigh loudly and ask him if he knows where insert name of popular band new album is. He’ll be so glad he can finally put his extensive music knowledge to use there is no way he’ll say no when you go to ask for his phone number.

    *If you’ve got an instrument handy ask him if he does music lessons. What better chance to get to know each other than in an hour of one on one teaching?

    *Start up your own band. Its great fun and once you start gigging you can ask if his band wants to do a gig with you, and as a bonus you’ll finally get to see what it’s like to go backstage!


    He’s cute, loveable and ever so sweet but not everyone can see past his not-so cool exterior so he’s labelled a bit of a geek. But sometimes it can be fun to let out your inner nerd and there comes a time in every girl’s life when she can no longer resist the boyish charms of a geek. And what’s the big deal anyway, as long as you’re happy with him who cares what everyone else thinks!


    *Hmm, these guys can be hard to find because they tend to prefer staying at home, finishing homework, which can be a problem. But be patient and it’s only a matter of time before one of them dares to venture out!

    *You’re most likely to find a geek huddled in the corner of the library. It’s a geek haven, full of books, computers etc.

    *The next best thing is any form of after-school club. A few of the best ones to try are chess club, computer club, and science club.

    *Join a study group or reading group, just make sure you’ll be willing to sit through hours of lectures without falling asleep!

    *Take up a new interest in modem art and visit galleries or take a trip round all the museums nearby.

    *As a last resort, try any of the following: Internet cafes, bookshops, game shops or

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