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Sea Breeze
Sea Breeze
Sea Breeze
Ebook178 pages2 hours

Sea Breeze

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Brought up under the strict regime of business first and personal relationships a waste of time and effort, Reginald followed in his father’s footsteps—until now. Like a bee to honey, he is drawn to a mysterious lounge singer. Her poise and elegance lift her above the crowd. Despite his looming engagement to further the family empire, he can’t stay away. After the death of her mother and falling out with her father, Elleah flees to escape the shackles of matrimony as a business deal. In 1950 post-war America, she will not settle. She can’t deny the attraction to Reginald, but he is everything she has sworn off—a drinker, hardcore businessman—the embodiment of New York society, never mind being as close to engaged as a person can be without the ring. Only with each other do their masks come down. Can Reginald step out from the shadow of his family and become the man he was meant to be? Will Elleah see through her misconceptions to give him a chance?
Release dateMar 15, 2017
Sea Breeze

Lori Power

Lori Power is an independent group benefit consultant, specializing in designing strategic employee group benefit plans to align with the corporate, compensation, culture, and wellness policies of each organization she serves. Their diverse needs, combined with engaging with employees from all walks of life, backgrounds, cultures, provide inspiration on the moments and stories which are the tapestry of life. This ability to help and engage is the “why” she does what she does and how this book came into being. Lori Power is the author of several fiction and non-fiction books, a public presenter, educator, creator, zoom caster, blogger and so much more.

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    Sea Breeze - Lori Power


    Arthur followed her

    and then paused briefly on the threshold, pulled her tight against him, and kissed her brow. Then his heavy step echoed down the corridor.

    She watched him depart. Elleah lingered, one foot in the hallway, hand on the door, and waited. He didn’t look back. Once he had taken the turn to the stairwell, with a heavy heart, she turned back to her hotel room. Mid-stride, she stopped, surprise making her gasp.

    Across the hall, another door stood open. Just inside the doorway, a tall man with heavy brows and a stern chin stared with open curiosity. Thick hair, bed tousled, made her wonder if he’d just woken up. His forearm braced against the jamb while he raised a glass with amber liquid to his mouth. Lips upturned in a casual smirk, he sipped. Over the crystal brim, his daring gaze coldly travelled the length of her flowered silk robe in frank appraisal.

    Without confirming the robe had indeed fallen open to drape loosely across her breasts, Elleah turned on her heel and closed her door with a decisive click.

    Praise for Lori Power

    Amazing from page one. I absolutely loved this book.

    ~Kayti Nika Raet for Readers’ Favorite


    I enjoyed the story line of this novel and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for an entertaining read.

    ~Ed Fedun


    "The author did an excellent work on getting me wrapped up in it! The dynamic of the characters was great, and the backdrop well described, which make the story more believable.



    Amazing!! I enjoyed every minute of this book. I could not read it fast enough.

    ~My Book Addiction and More

    Sea Breeze


    Lori Power

    The Gentle Surf Series, Book One

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    Sea Breeze

    COPYRIGHT © 2017 by Lori Power

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Contact Information: [email protected]

    Cover Art by RJ Morris

    The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

    PO Box 708

    Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

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    Publishing History

    First Vintage Rose Edition, 2017

    Print ISBN 978-1-5092-1303-0

    Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-1304-7

    The Gentle Surf Series, Book One

    Published in the United States of America


    To my mother—Joanne—who inspired this story

    Happy Birthday!

    Chapter One

    Elleah spanned her hand across her brow to massage her temples. Breathing through her nose, she struggled to maintain her calm as she faced her brother’s misguided indignation. In her quest for independence, she had chosen to use their mother’s maiden name as her own.

    Jaundoo, Arthur barked and marched toward the hotel door. He paused, hand on the brass knob, turned, and trod back into the room to face her. You’re a Mellon, Elleah, and should be proud of it.

    His temper reminded Elleah of when they were kids—arms overlapped across his barrel chest, nostrils flared. Red splotches colored his cheeks and her brother’s yellow-flecked, deep green eyes burned with passionate indignation. His golden irises—like a sun shining through the branches in the forest—bored into her, willing her to bend to his command. But she would not bend. Not this time.

    Some things never changed, and a part of her was glad. Placing her hands on her hips, not bothering to mince words, she leaned in closer to her older sibling. "Mama was a Jaundoo. I am proud of my name."

    Arthur stood straight and dropped his arms. Hands fisted, he crossed the small suite, skirting the bed to pull the curtains aside and stare out the window to the expanse of golden beach beyond. The Mexican coastline was a shimmering mass, just visible on the horizon. The air heavy with heat and moisture, leaving everything the breeze touched with a tropical fragrance. Mid-morning sun blazed into the dim suite, casting a prism of color across the carpeted floor. His palm lay flat against the glass.

    Did independence mean isolation? Elleah cursed the tightness of remorse rising in her chest, and tamped it down. She would be strong. But, frankly, she missed her family. The loss of her mother a little more than two years ago ached like an amputation.

    To Elleah, who watched his rigid back, Arthur stood like a statue flawless—the ideal cosmopolitan man of 1950—tall, broad-shouldered, cultured, and precise. Picture perfect of a classic New Yorker. Groomed to be the man he’d become, he was fit and ready to take the reins of the Mellon family business.

    She saw no future for herself in the banker’s life.

    Finally, he huffed and faced her. Pain stretched his features and caused his wide-set eyes to turn down. "Jaundoo’s not your name. It’s not the name she gave you."

    Elleah, too, dropped her hands and changed tactics. Her affection for their proud heritage warred with her turmoil, the need for her own escape from the pain of loss. What does the name Mellon mean to the likes of me? What did the mantle of Mellon ever do for Mother, God rest her soul, her whole life spent trying to fit in with a bunch of snobs who would never—will never—accept us for who we are?

    Leave Mother out of this—

    You brought her up, Elleah countered, legs braced and shoulders squared for argument.

    Arthur’s eyes misted slightly, and he bit his bottom lip. He raised his palms. Father is a well-respected businessman. Our name means something in New York.

    Her shoulders slumped. Which is why I’m here. As far from New York as I can get. She swung toward the veranda, wrenching open the heavy patio door. Now I’m Elleah Jaundoo, a jazz singer. Evening entertainment. No one knows me. No one expects anything from me. I don’t have to be accepted, presented—or married, for that matter.

    If her mother were still alive, Elleah would never have had to run away to escape her father’s back room deal of foisting her off as just another contract. Her mother always stressed she had a choice.

    Arthur’s dark stare pinned her with its intensity. You’re everything to Father. You broke his heart when you left.

    Elleah stepped out into the shade on the balcony. The fresh scents of the flowers below surrounded her, reminding her of grandmother’s garden on the island of Trinidad. The tangy scent of the gardenias mixed with the earthy herbs and citrus, with an undercurrent of salt and seaweed. She pulled the weight of her hair off her neck and allowed the breeze to sweep away the heat. Pulling a large bloom to her nose, she sniffed. Like so much regret mounting within her, she recalled how long it had been since she’d been to the islands. Don’t tell him.

    Arthur’s face sagged, his mouth dropped and lost its light.

    Her golden brother, the heir apparent, her childhood companion and confidant, looked much older than his twenty-eight years. Were those lines around his eyes new? She hadn’t noticed them before, or the deep etchings to the sides of his full lips. Two years her senior, Elleah felt sorry for him. His normal cheerful appearance had deserted him. He’d tracked her all the way to California, only to be disappointed in his pursuit. His distinctive, squared features read like a novel to Elleah and stated quite clearly what he couldn’t fix. For once, he couldn’t make their father happy and make the situation right for the betterment of the family.

    She stepped back into the room and faced her dressing table. She needed to be strong and hold back the tears that threatened. Bubbles of emotion churned in her stomach, and she was sick with despair. But this was the only way. Sighing with resolve, she crossed her arms over her chest.

    Arthur’s soft tread stopped behind her. His gentle hands rested on her shoulders.

    Meeting his gaze in the mirror, she smiled. She noted how they shared the same narrow bridge of their nose and straight, uncompromising brow. Their eyes, too, were of a similar shape and color. However, two definite differences set them worlds apart. That he wore his features on a male body shrouded in creamy copper skin distinctly countered her café au lait complexion, proving the boundary of his acceptance and her isolation.

    Her brother’s countenance offered pride in family heritage: his elegant stance, trim figure, deep-set intelligent eyes, dark brows, and wavy black hair.

    She, too, was blessed with a lot of her father’s traits—emerald eyes, a determined and stubborn personality; however, she also carried her mother’s petite, slender frame, throaty voice, and Caribbean heritage.

    Since her mother’s death a little over a year ago, Elleah endured a continuing quarrel with her father over marriage and her place in the community. Elleah was done with the pretense. If I’m not accepted by them, Arthur, I won’t accept them, either.

    "You’ve not even given them a chance. Heaven’s sake, you refused to be presented. He sighed. His fingers tightened on her shoulders. Not even for the sake of our father?"

    To honor the memory of our mother. Elleah stepped away from his touch. I will use the gifts she had me cultivate since I was a little girl. I will sing and play the piano, as she taught me. I will earn my living and establish my place through the talent she provided, not from the privilege afforded me.

    Arthur turned her to face him and placed a thumb under her chin so she met his gaze. He made her happy, you know. They were happy together…right to the end.

    His gesture easily broke the walls she erected around her heart. Elleah took his hand and squeezed. Yes, he loved her and she him, but the life killed her. The constant disappointment. The ever-present need to prove herself worthy.

    Their mother never complained, but Elleah remember the painstaking care her mother took before each outing, every dinner party, business engagement and for what. When it came time to present Elleah into this polite society, her mother had to grovel for a place for her daughter. Right to the end, her mother seemed to beg for a position which should have been established and not have to be constantly earned.

    You’re wrong, you know. He lowered his brow to touch hers. You’ve created memories based on assumptions.

    Have I?

    Gossip, Arthur countered.

    Like a knife, words wound, too.

    Arthur lifted his head and nodded.

    Was he done with the argument he realized he couldn’t win?

    She was better than all of them. He pulled her into a hug and rested his cheek on the top of her head. You’re better than all of them.

    Elleah melted into his familiar embrace, the fight dissipating. "Then leave, Arthur. Forget you found me. Make him understand I had to go. I need a life of my own where I am judged for who I am really. Not who I am because of a name. Not the badge of our father’s business mistake."

    Arthur jumped back and held her shoulders at arm’s length. Mother was never a mistake, don’t say that. Not ever!

    Throat tight, Elleah hung her head, her hair swinging forward. I know, she whispered. I’m sorry.

    Arthur shook her slightly. Don’t say that again. Not ever. Don’t even think it.

    She met his gaze and nodded. The lump of emotion clogged her breath and the words wouldn’t form.

    He won’t give you up, Arthur said, gripping her shoulders hard enough to bruise. You’re his daughter. He loves you. He won’t walk away.

    She wouldn’t flinch. Inhaling deeply, she filled her lungs and again stepped back from his touch. Head high, she strode across the room, stopped at the heavy door and swung it open. Swallowing back the thickness in her esophagus, she locked gazes with her brother. He has to. Forget about me. Leave me to live a life I carve out for myself. Independent. Free.

    Arthur followed her and then paused briefly on the threshold, pulled her tight against him, and kissed her brow. Then his heavy step echoed down the corridor.

    She watched him depart. Elleah lingered, one foot in the hallway, hand on the jam. He didn’t look back. Once he had taken the turn to the stairwell, with a heavy heart, she turned back to her hotel room. Mid-stride, she stopped, surprise making her gasp.

    Across the hall, another door stood open. Just inside the doorway, a tall man with heavy brows and a stern chin stared with open curiosity. Thick hair, bed-tousled, made her wonder if he’d just woken up. His forearm braced against the jamb while he raised a glass with amber liquid to his mouth. Lips upturned in a casual smirk, he sipped. Over the crystal brim, his daring gaze coldly travelled the length of her flowered silk robe in frank appraisal.

    Without confirming the robe had indeed fallen open to drape loosely across her breasts, Elleah turned on her heel and closed the door with a decisive click.

    Chapter Two

    The breath of a husky musical note carried across the sea breeze and drew Reginald Cavanaugh back from the ocean’s edge. His toes squelched in the soft sand. He reached a hand to sweep his hair out of his eyes and back under his fedora. The surf

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