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Data Lake Development with Big Data
Data Lake Development with Big Data
Data Lake Development with Big Data
Ebook384 pages3 hours

Data Lake Development with Big Data

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This book is for architects and senior managers who are responsible for building a strategy around their current data architecture. The reader will need a good knowledge of master data management, information lifecycle management, data governance, data product design, data engineering, and systems architecture. Also required is experience of Big Data technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, Splunk, and Storm.
Release dateNov 26, 2015
Data Lake Development with Big Data

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    Data Lake Development with Big Data - Pasupuleti Pradeep

    Table of Contents

    Data Lake Development with Big Data


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    1. The Need for Data Lake

    Before the Data Lake

    Need for Data Lake

    Defining Data Lake

    Key benefits of Data Lake

    Challenges in implementing a Data Lake

    When to go for a Data Lake implementation

    Data Lake architecture

    Architectural considerations

    Architectural composition

    Architectural details

    Understanding Data Lake layers

    The Data Governance and Security Layer

    The Information Lifecycle Management layer

    The Metadata Layer

    Understanding Data Lake tiers

    The Data Intake tier

    The Source System Zone

    The Transient Zone

    The Raw Zone

    Batch Raw Storage

    The real-time Raw Storage

    The Data Management tier

    The Integration Zone

    The Enrichment Zone

    The Data Hub Zone

    The Data Consumption tier

    The Data Discovery Zone

    The Data Provisioning Zone


    2. Data Intake

    Understanding Intake tier zones

    Source System Zone functionalities

    Understanding connectivity processing

    Understanding Intake Processing for data variety

    Structured data

    The need for integrating Structured Data in the Data Lake

    Structured data loading approaches

    Semi-structured data

    The need for integrating semi-structured data in the Data Lake

    Semi-structured data loading approaches

    Unstructured data

    The need for integrating Unstructured data in the Data Lake

    Unstructured data loading approaches

    Transient Landing Zone functionalities

    File validation checks

    File duplication checks

    File integrity checks

    File size checks

    File periodicity checks

    Data Integrity checks

    Checking record counts

    Checking for column counts

    Schema validation checks

    Raw Storage Zone functionalities

    Data lineage processes

    Watermarking process

    Metadata capture

    Deep Integrity checks

    Bit Level Integrity checks

    Periodic checksum checks

    Security and governance

    Information Lifecycle Management

    Practical Data Ingestion scenarios

    Architectural guidance

    Structured data use cases

    Semi-structured and unstructured data use cases

    Big Data tools and technologies

    Ingestion of structured data


    Use case scenarios for Sqoop


    Use case scenarios for WebHDFS

    Ingestion of streaming data

    Apache Flume

    Use case scenarios for Flume


    Use case scenarios for Fluentd


    Use case scenarios for Kafka

    Amazon Kinesis

    Use case scenarios for Kinesis

    Apache Storm

    Use case scenarios for Storm


    3. Data Integration, Quality, and Enrichment

    Introduction to the Data Management Tier

    Understanding Data Integration

    Introduction to Data Integration

    Prominent features of Data Integration

    Loosely coupled Integration

    Ease of use

    Secure access

    High-quality data

    Lineage tracking

    Practical Data Integration scenarios

    The workings of Data Integration

    Raw data discovery

    Data quality assessment

    Profiling the data

    Data cleansing

    Deletion of missing, null, or invalid values

    Imputation of missing, null, or invalid values

    Data transformations

    Unstructured text transformation techniques

    Structured data transformations

    Data enrichment

    Collect metadata and track data lineage

    Traditional Data Integration versus Data Lake

    Data pipelines

    Addressing the limitations using Data Lake

    Data partitioning

    Addressing the limitations using Data Lake

    Scale on demand

    Addressing the limitations using Data Lake

    Data ingest parallelism

    Addressing the limitations using Data Lake


    Addressing the limitations using Data Lake

    Big Data tools and technologies


    Use case scenarios for Syncsort


    Use case scenarios for Talend


    Use case scenarios for Pentaho


    4. Data Discovery and Consumption

    Understanding the Data Consumption tier

    Data Consumption – Traditional versus Data Lake

    An introduction to Data Consumption

    Practical Data Consumption scenarios

    Data Discovery and metadata

    Enabling Data Discovery

    Data classification

    Classifying unstructured data

    Named entity recognition

    Topic modeling

    Text clustering

    Applications of data classification

    Relation extraction

    Extracting relationships from unstructured data

    Feature-based methods

    Understanding how feature-based methods work


    Semantic technologies

    Understanding how semantic technologies work


    Extracting Relationships from structured data

    Applications of relation extraction

    Indexing data

    Inverted index

    Understanding how inverted index works


    Applications of Indexing

    Performing Data Discovery

    Semantic search

    Word sense disambiguation

    Latent Semantic Analysis

    Faceted search

    Fuzzy search

    Edit distance

    Wildcard and regular expressions

    Data Provisioning and metadata

    Data publication

    Data subscription

    Data Provisioning functionalities

    Data formatting

    Data selection

    Data Provisioning approaches

    Post-provisioning processes

    Architectural guidance

    Data Discovery

    Big Data tools and technologies


    Use case scenarios for Elasticsearch

    IBM InfoSphere Data Explorer

    Use case scenarios for IBM InfoSphere Data Explorer


    Use case scenarios for Tableau


    Use case scenarios for Splunk

    Data Provisioning

    Big Data tools and technologies

    Data Dispatch

    Use case scenarios for Data Dispatch


    5. Data Governance

    Understanding Data Governance

    Introduction to Data Governance

    The need for Data Governance

    Governing Big Data in the Data Lake

    Data Governance – Traditional versus Data Lake

    Practical Data Governance scenarios

    Data Governance components

    Metadata management and lineage tracking

    Data security and privacy

    Big Data implications for security and privacy

    Security issues in the Data Lake tiers

    The Intake Tier

    The Management Tier

    The Consumption Tier

    Information Lifecycle Management

    Big Data implications for ILM

    Implementing ILM using Data Lake

    The Intake Tier

    The Management Tier

    The Consumption Tier

    Architectural guidance

    Big Data tools and technologies

    Apache Falcon

    Understanding how Falcon works

    Use case scenarios for Falcon

    Apache Atlas

    Understanding how Atlas works

    Use case scenarios for Atlas

    IBM Big Data platform

    Understanding how governance is provided in IBM Big Data platform

    Use case scenarios for IBM Big Data platform

    The current and future trends

    Data Lake and future enterprise trajectories

    Future Data Lake technologies



    Data Lake Development with Big Data

    Data Lake Development with Big Data

    Copyright © 2015 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: November 2015

    Production reference: 1241115

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street

    Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78588-808-3



    Pradeep Pasupuleti

    Beulah Salome Purra


    Dr. Kornel Amadeusz Skałkowski

    Commissioning Editor

    Priya Singh

    Acquisition Editor

    Ruchita Bhansali

    Content Development Editor

    Rohit Kumar Singh

    Technical Editor

    Saurabh Malhotra

    Copy Editor

    Trishya Hajare

    Project Coordinator

    Izzat Contractor


    Safis Editing


    Hemangini Bari


    Jason Monteiro

    Kirk D'Penha

    Production Coordinator

    Shantanu N. Zagade

    Cover Work

    Shantanu N. Zagade

    About the Authors

    Pradeep Pasupuleti has 18 years of experience in architecting and developing distributed and real-time data-driven systems. He constantly explores ways to use the power and promise of advanced analytics-driven platforms to solve the problems of the common man. He founded Datatma, a consulting firm, with a mission to humanize Big Data analytics, putting it to use to solve simple problems that serve a higher purpose.

    He architected robust Big Data-enabled automated learning engines that enterprises regularly use in production in order to save time, money, and the lives of humans.

    He built solid interdisciplinary data science teams that bridged the gap between theory and practice, thus, creating compelling data products. His primary focus is always to ensure his customers are delighted by assisting and addressing their business problems through data products that use Big Data technologies and algorithms. He consistently demonstrated thought leadership by solving high-dimensional data problems and getting phenomenal results.

    He has performed strategic leadership roles in technology consulting, advising Fortune 100 companies on Big Data strategy and creating Big Data Centers of Excellence.

    He has worked on use cases such as enterprise Data Lake, fraud detection, patient re-admission prediction, student performance prediction, claims optimization sentiment mining, cloud infrastructure SLA violation prediction, data leakage prevention, and mainframe offloaded ETL on Hadoop.

    In the book Pig Design Patterns, Packt Publishing, he has compiled his learning and experiences from the challenges involved in building Hadoop-driven data products such as data ingest, data cleaning and validating, data transformation, dimensionality reduction, and many other interesting Big Data war stories.

    Out of his office hours, he enjoys running marathons, exploring archeological sites, finding patterns in unrelated data sources, mentoring start-ups, and budding researchers.

    He can be reached at <[email protected]> and


    This book is dedicated to the loving memory of my mother, Smt. Sumathy; without her never-failing encouragement and everlasting love I would have never been half as good.

    First and foremost, I have to thank my father, Sri. Prabhakar Pasupuleti, who never ceases to be a constant source of inspiration, a ray of hope, humility and strength, and whose support and guidance have given me the courage to chase my dreams.

    I should also express my deep sense of gratitude to each of my family members, Sushma, Sresht, and Samvruth, who stood by me at every moment through very tough times and enabled me to complete this book.

    I would like to sincerely thank all my teachers who were instrumental in shaping me. Among them, I would like to thank Usha Madam, Vittal Rao Sir, Gopal Krishna Sir, and Brindavan Sir for their stellar role in improving me.

    I would also like to thank all my friends for their understanding in many ways. Their friendship makes my life a wonderful experience. I cannot list all the names here, but you are always on my mind.

    Special thanks to the team at Packt for their contribution to this book.

    Finally, I would like to thank my team, Salome, that has placed immense faith in the power of Big Data analytics and built cutting edge data products.

    Thank you lord, for always being there for me.

    Beulah Salome Purra has over 11 years of experience and she specializes in building highly scalable distributed systems. She has worked extensively on architecting multiple large-scale Big Data solutions for Fortune 100 companies. Her core expertise lies in working on Big Data Analytics. In her current role at ATMECS, her focus is on building robust and scalable data products that extract value from huge data assets.

    She can be reached at

    I am grateful to my parents, Rathnam and Padma, who have constantly encouraged and supported me throughout. I would like to thank my husband, Pratap, for his help on this book, his patience, love, and support; my brothers, Joel and Michael, for all their support.

    I would like to profusely thank Pradeep Pasupuleti for mentoring me; working with him has been an enriching experience. I can't thank him enough for his constant encouragement, guidance, support, and for providing me an opportunity to work with him on this book.

    Special thanks to David Hawke, Sanjay Singh, and Ravi Velagapudi—the leadership team at ATMECS—for their encouragement and support while I was writing this book.

    Thanks to the editors and reviewers at Packt for all their effort in making this book better.

    About the Reviewer

    Dr. Kornel Amadeusz Skałkowski has a solid academic and industrial background. For more than 5 years, he worked as an assistant at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. In 2015, he obtained his PhD. in the subject of machine learning-based adaptation of the SOA systems. He has cooperated with several companies on various projects concerning intelligent systems, machine learning, and Big Data. Currently, he works as a Big Data developer for SAP SE.

    He is the co-author of 19 papers concerning software engineering, SOA systems, and machine learning. He also works as a reviewer for the American Journal of Software Engineering and Applications. He has participated in numerous European and national scientific projects. His research interests include machine learning, Big Data, and software engineering.

    I would like to kindly thank my family, relatives, and friends, for their endless patience and support during the reviewing of this book.

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    The book Data Lake Development with Big Data is a practical guide to help you learn the essential architectural approaches to design and build Data Lakes. It walks you through the various components of Data Lakes, such as data

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