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The Tides of Truth Collection: Deeper Water, Higher Hope, Greater Love
The Tides of Truth Collection: Deeper Water, Higher Hope, Greater Love
The Tides of Truth Collection: Deeper Water, Higher Hope, Greater Love
Ebook1,360 pages27 hours

The Tides of Truth Collection: Deeper Water, Higher Hope, Greater Love

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Enjoy Robert Whitlow’s Tides of Truth series an e-collection!

Deeper Water

Leaving behind the farming life and her large, Bible-believing family, Tami Taylor accepts a job with a prestigious Savannah, Georgia, law firm. There, she quickly discovers the politics of a city with secrets that some will kill to keep hidden.

In the murky waters of Savannah's shoreline, a young law student is under fire as she tries her first case at a prominent and established law firm. A complex mix of betrayal and deception quickly weaves its way through the case and her life, as she uncovers dark and confusing secrets about the man she's defending—and the senior partners of the firm.  How deep will the conspiracy run? Will she have to abandon her true self to fulfill a higher calling? And how far will she have to go to discover the truth behind a tragic cold case?

Higher Hope

Tami Taylor faces impossible challenges in life, law, and love—until she discovers a higher hope.

Competition is tough at the Savannah law firm where Tami Taylor serves as a law clerk. But Tami's work sets her apart—and the firm's partners see something special in her. So they assign her to a libel case against an abrasive, outspoken preacher who is either a prophet or a lunatic.

On the surface it appears to be an open and shut case; the preacher seems fully outside the bounds of law. And Tami's strict religious upbringing could be the firm's ace-in-the-hole. But as the investigation continues, Tami is troubled by the preacher's uncanny prophetic abilities. And their client seems to be hiding something.

Tami returns to her hometown, struggling with several critical choices—as two very different men from the firm vie for her heart. Just when the challenges seem insurmountable, hope for Tami arrives from a surprising place. And it's a higher hope than she's ever imagined.

Greater Love

As the storm clouds gather, Tami does her best to weather the growing turbulence in every area of her life.

She's just accepted a job with a law firm but now wonders if she made the right decision. She has two strong men vying for her heart—and is about to lose them both if she can't determine which one is right for her.

And Tami's new case is anything but simple. When she first meets her prospective client, she immediately knows the rough young teen is lying, guilty . . . and utterly terrified of something beyond the charges she's facing. What she doesn't realize is just how far reaching the effects of the case will go. Or how close to home the deadly results will hit. For by the time the storm breaks, someone close to Tami will have paid the ultimate price.

Through it all, Tami will experience greater sacrifice, greater friendship, and greater love than she's ever known.

PublisherThomas Nelson
Release dateMay 2, 2017
The Tides of Truth Collection: Deeper Water, Higher Hope, Greater Love

Robert Whitlow

Robert Whitlow is the bestselling author of legal novels set in the South and winner of the Christy Award for Contemporary Fiction. He received his JD with honors from the University of Georgia School of Law where he served on the staff of the Georgia Law Review. Website:; X: @whitlowwriter; Facebook: @robertwhitlowbooks.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I read this book when spending time in Savannah and Tybee island. Because I am a native Georgian, I could picture the locations and because I was brought up in and around very strict fundamentalist churches, I could identify with her strict upbringing on many levels. The author does an outstanding job of writing about her religious faith and the settings. I look forward to reading the second and third books in this series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Whitlow brings a simplicity in style that is disarming in its ability to capture the reader, including a storyline that smacks of real world situations and dialogue. In addition, the values and ethics probed in the story resonated with me, and were quite different from the usual fare of sex and violence. The main feminine character, Tammy/Tami, was portrayed with such skill that I was surprised to discover the author was male. This was my first Whitlow, but it will not be my last!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Interesting main character but I found some inconsistencies in her character - she reminded me of one the Dugger children but with higher education and made difficult choices and yet she would become whiny and emotional over nothing. The mystery didn't really grab me either and I couldn't understand what would make her risk her future career for it. The two guys as possible love interests were inconsistent too - I think the author was trying to make them less predictable but they didn't make any sense.

    I have the rest of the series so I'll probably finish it but I've enjoyed other books by Robert Whitlow more.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The best way I can describe this story is imagine if one of the Duggar children decided to become a lawyer. For indeed the main character of the story is a young woman from a ultra-conservative family (she only wears skirts, doesn't cut her hair, has been home-schooled, etc.) who is pursuing her dream of becoming a lawyer. So she is off to the big city of Savannah where in addition to the challenges posed by working as an intern at a law firm she also struggles with melding her conservative values and faith into an entirely new setting. She ends up involved in a case where the further she investigates the more secrets she uncovers. She also gets involved with the young associates of the firm--one who wants to court her, one who wants to date her, and one who freely dispenses advice. It was intriguing to see how this character handled all of the challenges thrown at her, always viewing them through the filter of her faith and moral code. Themes of justice, judgementalism, etc. abound and combined with an enjoyable storyline make this one that holds your attention. Recomended for Christian fiction fans, especially those that like legal thrillers and/or the Duggar family.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I have never read anything by Robert Whitlow so I was wondering what I would find. Then I start it and find out the main character is a young woman in law school who was homeschooled by her mother until high school. And she was raised in a very conservative religious environment with a faith that is very real and very practical. Turns out the story is good, too!The setting is Georgia. First the western part where Tammy Lynn's family lives. Then Savannah where she gets a job as a summer clerk. The law story was interesting, and the law firm environment was well portrayed, even the other summer clerks. There are differences, but it isn't one Christian girl among an entire cast of heathens. There are differing levels of faith, different types of faith, and folks with enough money to think they don't need faith.The story is told from Tammy's perspective. We learn a lot about her and we see the other characters developed through her eyes. This means we don't always know what their motives are, but even then I came to a few different conclusions from Tammy when deciding who to trust and how sincere some people were.There is more room for growth and development in this series. I have not read much Christian fiction outside of Francine Rivers, but I have heard some common concerns with the lack of plot or believable characters. I found this a very believable book, watching a woman who is growing in her faith and learning to stand on her own with a firm foundation laid by her parents, and a family turning to God for the strength and wisdom to let her grow.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I've read and own several of Robert Whitlow's books and this one had been in my 'to read' basket for several years. Shame on me for not reading it sooner!Deeper Water was absolutely outstanding.Tammy Lynn is a second year law student, with very deeply held convictions about her Christian faith. She gets a job offer from a very prestigious law firm in Savannah to clerk for the summer. She understands that her beliefs will probably be held in scorn, but resolves to remain steadfast in her faith.She soon realizes that she must hold even faster to those beliefs when she has a practice case to try with longstanding concerns. Will Tammy be up to the challenge? What will her convictions mean for her?This is a wonderful novel, in the same vein as John Grisham, only much better. There is one scene in this book that makes the entire book worth reading.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Deeper Water by Robert Whitlow is book one in the Tides of Truth series. This is the first Whitlow book I've read and I came across it as a free kindle download via the Vessel Project.Tammy Lynn Taylor is from a devout Christian family with some rather strict beliefs: females wear dresses and skirts below the knee, no makeup except on rare and special occasions, children must consult their parents for decisions, and the Sabbath is strictly reserved for resting. She was homeschooled until high school when she was allowed to attend the public high school and play sports while wearing very modest sports uniforms. As a second or third year law student, she is preparing for an internship of sorts.Moses Jones lives in a shack on the Ogeechee River. When he goes fishing, he sees faces in the water. He wonders why they haunt him so and when they will pull him under with them.Normally I don’t care for a female main character, but Robert Whitlow has done an excellent job of not only creating memorable characters but also mystery and suspense. I became so emotionally wrapped up in the story that I wanted to sit down and talk to some of the characters and I cried through the last two chapters. Tammy, though in her second or third year of college, came across as much younger, but I’m sure that is due to her family’s beliefs and convictions and the more I read the more I could relate. While in some ways she comes across as shy and timid, at others, especially when her convictions are on the line, she has steadfast confidence. Though I find it hard to believe that a law firm would manage to take on 3 such religious summer clerks, I am not surprised that two rather different Christian men (Zach and Vince) would find her attractive. Moses and Tammy’s paths cross when Judge Cannon assigns each summer clerk with a misdemeanor case. Moses Jones is accused of twenty-four counts of trespassing. As she researches the charges, she discovers connections between Moses Jones and one of the partners of the law firm, Joe Carpenter and an unsolved missing child case. Zach Mays, her supervising lawyer, cautions against digging any deeper than the relevant charges. Vince Colbert, a fellow summer clerk, passes along any info he stumbles across, including warning her that he has overheard the partners talking about her and her case. Tammy believes that God put her in that law firm with that case to uncover the unresolved death of a little girl from years ago and to tie up the loose ends, even if it means the end of her career and possibly her life.This is one of the few Christian fiction books I have read that was not overly preachy except what fit each of the characters. While the main character is a young woman and two men are attracted to her, romance is kept as a shadow in the background. Whitlow’s knack for mystery and suspense are fantastic—one of the best Christian mystery/suspense I have ever read. I will definitely be reading the next one in this series and will look for more books by Robert Whitlow.

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The Tides of Truth Collection - Robert Whitlow


Deeper Water © 2008 by Robert Whitlow

Higher Hope © 2009 by Robert Whitlow

Greater Love © 2010 by Robert Whitlow

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc.

Thomas Nelson titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail [email protected].

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible the King James Version, public domain, and the New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.®

Publisher’s Note: This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. All characters are fictional, and any similarity to people living or dead is purely coincidental.

ISBN: 9780718082642

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

CIP data available upon request.

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Deeper Water
































Higher Hope


































Greater Love



























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To those who live to make the world a better place:

Ye are the salt of the earth.

—Matthew 5:13


MOSES JONES POLED HIS ALUMINUM JOHNBOAT THROUGH THE marshy waters where the Little Ogeechee River mingled with Green Island Sound. The snub-nosed boat rode on top of the water, a slight swirl marking its wake. A set of oars lay in the bow, but Moses preferred a long wooden pole. Quieter than oars, the smooth rod served double duty as a makeshift depth finder.

The old black man slipped the twenty-five-foot-long pole noiselessly into the water until it found the muddy bottom. He glided beneath the outstretched branches of a live oak tree draped in Spanish moss. Around the bend lay one of the best fishing holes on the brackish river. It was night, but the moon shone brightly, and his kerosene lantern sat unlit on the seat.

Moses lifted the pole from the water and balanced it across the front of the boat. He lifted his cap and scratched the top of his gray-fringed head. And listened. The only sounds were familiar night noises: the bullfrogs calling to each other across the channel, the plop of a fish breaking the surface of the water, the cries of crickets in the dark.

Sucking air through his few remaining teeth, Moses let out a long, low moan to let the faces in the water know he was entering their domain. The faces moved from place to place along the inlets and tributaries the old man frequented, from the Tybee River to Wassaw Island. With the water as their grave, they weren’t bound to one location. Their cemetery had no tombstones, no iron fences, no floweredged borders. They could be anywhere.

Moses feared and respected the dead. One day, he knew, he would join them. Whether his face would be young or old, he didn’t know.

He rounded the bend and measured the depth of the water. The pole didn’t touch bottom. He quietly lowered the concrete block he used as an anchor and let the boat find its place. The slow current took him to the center of the hole. He could bait his hooks by moonlight without having to light the lantern and attract the curiosity of a thousand insects. He lowered his trotlines into the water. A fivegallon plastic bucket set in the bottom of the boat would serve as a makeshift live well. He waited.

Within an hour, he caught five fish that included three keepers. He put the three fish in the bucket. It would be a good night. He felt happy. The hole was teeming with life. He pulled up his lines and rebaited the hooks. The fish bumping against the side of the bucket joined the sounds of the night. When he leaned over to place the lines in the water, she floated up to the surface.

It was the little girl.

Moses squeezed his eyes shut. He wanted to scream, but his lips were clenched. He longed to cry, but his emotions were paralyzed. Memories that couldn’t separate fact from fiction raced through his mind. What had he done that she would haunt him so?

He made himself breathe slowly. In and out, in and out. His heart pounded in his ears. Someday, the faces would grow strong arms and pull him into the water to join them. It would be justice. He continued to make himself breathe in rhythm. A bead of sweat escaped his cap and ran down his forehead. There was a jerk on the line he still held in his hand. Every muscle in his body tensed. Maybe tonight was the night of death.

He opened his eyes. All that remained was the dark water.

He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and pulled in the fish. It was the nicest one yet, fat and lively. His breathing returned to normal. His heart stopped racing.

Thank you, missy, he said softly.

He wasn’t sure if the little girl sent the fish or could hear his voice, but it didn’t hurt to be grateful, even to a ghost.


TAMMY LYNN! MAMA CALLED OUT. YOU’D THINK A FANCY law firm in Savannah would know how to spell your name.

I left the pantry beneath the staircase and came into the kitchen. With lots of windows, the large kitchen protruded from our woodframe house like Mama’s abdomen a week before the twins were born.

"And is there a new law against calling an unmarried woman Miss?" Mama added as she opened a quart jar of yellow squash she’d put up the previous summer.

I deposited two yellow onions on the scratched countertop and picked up the envelope. It was addressed to Ms. Tami L. Taylor, 463 Beaver Ruin Road, Powell Station, Georgia. I’d thought long and hard about changing the spelling of my name to Tami on my résumé. First impressions are important, and I didn’t want the hiring partner at a prestigious law firm to think I was a secondrate country singer who went to law school after she bombed out in Nashville.

T-a-m-i had a more sophisticated ring to it. It could even be short for Tamara. As long as I honored my parents in the important things, secretly changing the spelling of my first name for professional reasons wouldn’t be a sin. Or so I hoped. I rubbed my finger across the address. I couldn’t tell Mama the law firm made a mistake. That would be a violation of the ninth commandment. I kept quiet, trusting silence to keep me righteous in the sight of a holy God. Mama’s voice rescued me.

You’re doing well in school, and I’m pleased with you, she continued. But I’m afraid you wasted a lot of paper and stamps on those letters you sent out. You should have set your sights on working for Mr. Callahan. He might actually give you a job when you get out of school.

Yes ma’am.

Mama wanted me working close to home, the only secure haven in the midst of a wicked world. Her disapproval that I’d mailed letters seeking a summer clerk position to one hundred law firms across the state wasn’t a surprise. It helped a little when I reassured her I’d excluded Atlanta like the hole in the middle of a donut. To live in a place populated by millions of people after growing up surrounded by millions of trees wasn’t a step I wanted to take either.

I took the letter into the front room. Our house didn’t have a formal living room. The front room served as everything from homeschool classroom to temporary church sanctuary if the preacher stopped by for an impromptu prayer meeting. I plopped down on a sofa covered by a white chenille bedspread and closely examined the return address on the outside of the envelope. I was impressed. Braddock, Appleby, and Carpenter still used engraved envelopes. Most of the rejection letters I’d received arrived at my law school post office box in Athens fresh from a laser printer.

Mama was right. Trying to find a summer clerk job through unsolicited letters to law firms picked at random from a list in the placement office was not the best use of a first-class stamp. I’d already resigned myself to another summer working first shift with Daddy at the chicken plant. I opened the envelope.

Dear Ms. Taylor,

We received your résumé and appreciate your interest in a summer clerkship with our firm. You have an outstanding record of academic and personal accomplishments. If you have not already obtained employment, please contact Ms. Gerry Patrick, our office administrator, to discuss one of the positions available at Braddock, Appleby, and Carpenter.

If you have taken another job or no longer have an interest in working for our firm, the courtesy of a prompt response notifying us accordingly would be appreciated.


Joseph P. Carpenter

Mama, I screamed. I have a job! I rushed into the kitchen and tried to hand her the letter. Read this!

Calm down and wait a minute, she said, maintaining her grip on the large knife in her right hand. I’m in the middle of chopping onions for the squash.

I’ll read it to you!

I sat at the kitchen table, an oversize picnic table painted white, and in a breathless voice read the letter. Mama scraped the onions into the saucepan.

Read it again, she said when I finished.

Mama sat across from me and wiped her hands with a dish towel. I read the letter more slowly.

And here at the top it says the firm was founded by Mr. Benjamin Braddock in 1888.

Are you sure it’s a job offer? It sounds to me like they just want to talk to you about it.

They wouldn’t contact me this late in the school year if they didn’t have a job. Maybe someone backed out and a spot opened for me.

Mama repositioned one of the hairpins that held her dark hair in a tight bun. She hadn’t cut her hair in years, and when freed it fell to her waist. Mama and I shared the same hair color, brown eyes, tall, slender frame, and angular features. It always made her smile when someone mentioned how alike we looked. As a single woman, I was allowed to cut my hair, but it still fell past my shoulders. I only wore it in a bun on Sunday mornings.

Why would they offer you a job? she asked. They haven’t even met you.

I laid my hands on the stack of letters and prayed before I mailed them. Then I thanked God for every rejection that came in. He saw my heart and came through at the last moment.

Maybe, but I’m not comfortable with you claiming his approval so quickly. We need to talk about this. Savannah is on the other end of the state. How far away is it?

I don’t know. I looked up at the clock on the wall beside the refrigerator. It was 5:10 p.m. I should call right now and find out if this really is a job offer. That way we can talk it over with Daddy and not guess about anything.

Mama returned to the stove. I waited.

Go ahead, she sighed. You’re at the edge of the river and need to know what’s on the other side.

The only telephone in the house was in my parents’ bedroom. When I stopped homeschooling in the ninth grade and went to public high school, Mama never had to worry about me having secret phone conversations late at night. She needn’t have worried anyway. Most of my calls were about basketball practice and homework assignments.

I hit the numbers for the unfamiliar area code followed by the seven-digit phone number. The phone rang three times. Maybe the firm didn’t answer calls after 5:00 p.m. Then, a silky voice spoke.

Good afternoon, Braddock, Appleby, and Carpenter.

The sound made my mouth suddenly go dry.

Ms. Gerry Patrick, please.

May I tell her who is calling?

Tami Taylor. That’s T-a-m-i.

I couldn’t believe I’d spelled my first name. I stifled a giggle while the receptionist put me on hold and let me stew like Mama’s squash and onions. I rehearsed my next lines to avoid another long distance embarrassment. A more mature-sounding female voice came on the line.

Gerry Patrick.

Good afternoon, Ms. Patrick. This is Tami Taylor, a second-year law student at the University of Georgia. I received a letter from Mr. Carpenter about a summer clerk position. He told me to contact you.

There was a brief pause. I have your résumé, but all summer job offers go through my office. I’d know if the firm sent you a letter.

My mouth went dry. Could you check with Mr. Carpenter?

Yes, I want to get to the bottom of this myself.

A much longer pause followed. I counted the red tulips on the top border of the faded wallpaper in my parents’ bedroom and prayed that Mr. Carpenter hadn’t left for the day. Finally, Ms. Patrick spoke.

It’s fortunate for you that you called. I’d signed a stack of rejections this afternoon without knowing Mr. Carpenter made a copy of your résumé. Your turn down letter was in the mail room.

Thank you. I swallowed. Do you know why he offered me a job?

Not a clue. Mr. Carpenter isn’t here, but his assistant confirmed the letter. Are you interested in the position?

Yes ma’am.

I’ll e-mail the details.

Uh, I’m home on spring break, and we don’t have a computer with an Internet connection.

I felt my face flush. The only computer in the house was an outdated one used for educational programs with the twins. Powell Station didn’t boast a coffee shop with Wi-Fi.

Do you have access to a fax machine? Ms. Patrick asked.

I frantically racked my brain for a solution. No ma’am. Would it be all right if I called you in the morning? By then I’ll be able to track down a way for you to send the information.

I’m usually here by nine o’clock. These jobs don’t stay open for long.

Yes ma’am.

I hung up the phone. Challenges raised by my family’s lifestyle weren’t new. Daddy always said obstacles were opportunities for personal character growth. However, that didn’t keep routine problems from causing pain. I returned to the kitchen.

I talked to Ms. Patrick, the office manager. It’s a real job, I announced with reduced enthusiasm.

What details did she give you?

She’s going to send me information as soon as I figure out a way she can transmit it. I didn’t mention the disdain I sensed in Ms. Patrick’s voice.

And that won’t tell you anything about these people or their values, morals, beliefs, lifestyles.

I tried to sound casually optimistic. No ma’am, but it’s just a summer job at a law firm in Savannah. What could be wrong with that? I’ll only be there for a few months, and it will give me an idea what to expect in a real law—

We’ll talk it over with your father when he gets home, Mama interrupted.

I shut my mouth. When Mama invoked the title father, it meant nothing could be discussed until he arrived.

We would be eating chicken and dumplings for supper. Thick noodles, chicken broth, and a few chunks of chicken went a long way toward feeding our large family. The slightly sweet smell of the dumplings competed with the pungent onions in the squash.

Do you need help with supper? I asked, leaning on the counter and sniffing.

No, thanks. Everything is cooking. Why don’t you check on the twins? I left them working on an essay.

I WAS ELEVEN YEARS OLD when Ellie and Emma were born, and we’d shared a bedroom since the first day they came home from the hospital. With preteen excitement about everything related to babies, I welcomed them into my world with open arms and a room decorated with balloons and a white poster board proudly announcing the girls’ names in fancy script surrounded by flowers. My enthusiasm was instantly tested by a double dose of demands.

My first job was to change the girls’ diapers and take them to Mama for the middle-of-the-night feeding. For months, I slept in fits and starts as I listened to the tiny infants sniffle and snort while I wondered whether they were hungry or feeling an uncomfortable gas bubble. If one cried, the sound immediately became stereo. But I didn’t complain. Every child was a blessing from God.

Daddy put an old rocking chair in my bedroom, and my arms grew accustomed to holding the babies close to my heart. I kissed their heads enough to wear off the newborn fuzz. Later, when they were toddlers, they often ended up in my bed, especially on cold winter nights when the best warmth is found in closeness to a loved one.

Now, they welcomed me home with hand-drawn pictures and silly poems. The three of us couldn’t fit in my bed, but we still enjoyed sitting in our pajamas on the circular rug on our bedroom floor and talking in the moonlight until the little girls’ eyelids drooped.

I walked up the creaky stairs to the second floor of the house. No sounds came from the bedroom, a hopeful sign of serious educational activity. I peeked in the door. The twins were sitting across from each other at the small table beneath the room’s wide, single window. My bed was to the right of the window. The twins slept in homemade bunk beds on the opposite wall. Both dark-haired heads were bent over sheets of paper.

How’s it going? I asked.

Ellie looked up with blue eyes that could have made me jealous. We’re almost finished.

Yeah, Emma echoed. We wrote about different things so Mama wouldn’t think we copied.

Do you want me to check your papers when you finish?

Yes, both girls responded.

My side of the room was immaculate. The same couldn’t be said for the twins’. Emma was the neater child, but without Ellie’s cooperation, they both received blame for messiness. I straightened up their side of the room while they continued writing.

Done! Emma announced.

I’m on my last paragraph, Ellie said.

Keep working. I’ll read Emma’s paper.

Across the top, the older of the twins had written: Deism and the Founders of Our Country.

For a woman who never went to college, Mama was an amazing teacher. Not many twelve-year-olds could spell deism, much less give a credible definition of the belief and explain in clear, simple terms how several signers of the Declaration of Independence viewed God as a cosmic clock-winder passively watching events unfold on the earth below. The twins would be prepared for public high school. Except for calculus and AP physics, I never made less than an A in high school.

Show me your research, I said to Emma.

She handed me a stack of index cards, each one labeled with the reference. I checked the quotes in the paper against the information on the cards and corrected a handful of grammatical errors. While I worked, Ellie finished her paper and looked over my shoulder at her sister’s work.

You should have put a comma before the conjunction separating two independent clauses, Ellie said, pointing to one of my corrections. Everybody knows that.

Emma pushed her away. Wait until she reads your paper. It’s full of mistakes.

Stop it! I commanded.

Emma and I sat on the bed and went over her paper. It was a very good first draft.

How long have you been working on this?

About two weeks. Mama wants it finished by Friday.

Ellie’s essay was titled Thomas Jefferson’s Bible. She focused on the rationalist beliefs of the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. There was overlapping research with her sister’s paper, but also information unique to Jefferson, including a discussion of the founder’s personal New Testament with all the references to miracles carefully cut out. Ellie was a better writer than her sister, but I was careful to make an equal number of corrections and suggestions.

That’s all for today, I said when we finished. I’ll tell Mama how well you’re doing. Supper will be ready in a few minutes.

I’ll pray, Emma volunteered.

Our homeschool experience was saturated with prayer. Deism had no place in Mama’s theology. God was omnipresent; a truth that both scared and comforted me.

We held hands while Emma prayed. I smiled when she included a heartfelt request for God’s blessing upon Ellie.

And thank you that Tammy Lynn will be home with us in a few weeks for the whole summer. In Jesus’ name, amen.

I squeezed both small hands. To spend a summer in Savannah would require convincing more than my parents.


THE TWINS AND I WENT DOWNSTAIRS TO HELP MAMA SET THE table. From the kitchen I could see the dirt basketball court where I’d spent many hours practicing my three-point shot. While putting the forks in place, I glanced out one of the windows in time to see my eighteen-year-old brother, Kyle, leading a Hereford steer by a rope halter toward the feedlot on the opposite side of the family garden. A senior in high school, Kyle worked part-time for a local livestock broker. He’d already made enough money buying and selling beef cattle to buy an old pickup truck and a secondhand hauler. Trailing behind Kyle and the steer were our two dogs, Flip and Ginger. The dogs spent their lives outside and never entered the house. I would have loved a little indoor dog, but Mama and Daddy said our home wasn’t Noah’s ark.

Daddy always took a shower before he left the chicken plant, but I knew he carried the smell of fifty thousand chickens in his nostrils. As a line boss, he supervised a score of women who processed the naked, headless birds that a few weeks before had been tiny yellow chicks. For five summers I’d worked on Daddy’s crew as an eviscerator, a fancy word for the person who cuts open the chicken and scoops out its internal organs. No part of a chicken was foreign to me.

My sixteen-year-old brother, Bobby, had finished his work in the garden and was sitting on the back steps quietly strumming his guitar. Bobby had been singing in church since he was a little boy; the guitar was a recent addition.

He’s writing his own songs, Ellie said as she took out a pack of paper napkins. Bobby, she called through the screen door. Make up a song for Tammy Lynn.

Bobby increased the tempo and volume. Tammy Lynn! Tammy Lynn! he called out. Where have you gone? Why did you leave me here alone? I waited till dawn, but you never came home. Now, all I can do is moan.

I looked at Mama and rolled my eyes. Are you going to let him do that?

Mama smiled. As long as he sings about his older sister, I’m not going to worry too much about it.

The dogs started barking and ran around the corner of the house to the front yard.

Daddy’s coming, Ellie said. I’ll set Tammy Lynn’s place. I want her next to me.

No, she’s next to me, Emma protested.

Put her in the middle, Mama said.

I heard the front door open, and the familiar sound of my father’s uneven footsteps as he walked across the wooden floor. When Daddy was in the army, a drunken soldier shot him in the right foot. Two surgeries later, Daddy was left with a misshapen foot and a VA disability check that made the monthly payments on our house. He claimed the injury was a blessing in disguise, which sounded reasonable except for the pain on his face during cold weather. Daddy wore insulated rubber boots and two pairs of socks at work, but I think the foot still hurt because of the cool temperatures in the plant. When he came into the kitchen and saw me, he smiled.

A smile from Daddy after I’d been away from home for a few weeks at school could make me cry, so I lowered my gaze. I crossed the floor and gave him a quick hug.

It was cloudy today until I saw you, he said, kissing the top of my head. Did the girl from Dalton give you a ride home?

Yes sir. She didn’t mind coming through the mountains.

Did you give her gas money?

Yes sir.

Kyle and Bobby came inside and began discussing the status of the garden with Daddy. It was early spring, but our family used the entire growing season. In north Georgia, that meant early harvests of cabbage, leaf lettuce, and broccoli.

Unless company came for supper, Mama served meals from the stove. As soon as she called out, Supper’s ready, there would be a few minutes of chaos until all seven people were seated at the table. No one dared nibble a piece of corn bread until Daddy bowed his head and prayed a blessing. Then, conversation broke out on every side. Our family might be quiet around outsiders, but with one another we didn’t hesitate to talk. Tonight, Daddy’s focus was on me.

Tell me about your classes, he said after his first bite of dumplings.

This semester I’m taking secured transactions, introduction to labor law, municipal corporations, and civil procedure.

Which class do you like best?

Municipal corporations. It’s the study of city government law. The professor is a woman who worked for a firm in Seattle, Washington.

How did she get to Georgia? Mama asked in surprise.

Lawyers move all over the place, I said, planting a tiny seed.

I ate a bite of squash and onions. Compared to Seattle, Savannah was next door. As supper continued, I brought Daddy up-to-date on my strictly regulated life—going to class, eating, studying, sleeping, reading the Bible, and praying.

And I’ve been playing basketball. Several girls at the law school invited me to join a team that plays in a graduate school intramural league. We’re undefeated in our first five games.

Have you scored a basket? Kyle asked mischievously.

Of course, I replied.

In high school, I’d averaged fifteen points a game during my senior year.

Ellie and I have been practicing every day since the weather warmed up, Emma said. Will you play with us later?

Maybe tomorrow.

Mama had put extra effort into the meal because it was my first evening home. I complimented every dish individually and the entire meal collectively.

Have you lost weight? Daddy asked.

Maybe a little. I do miss home cooking.

Mama smiled in appreciation.

We’ll have you home in a few weeks so we can take care of you, Daddy said. When is your last exam?

I’m not sure about the exact date, I replied with a glance at Mama, who shook her head.

The plant is running overtime, Daddy continued. The company has taken on quite a few new growers, and production is way up. An experienced hand like you can really pile up the cash if you take all the available overtime.

Is there a place for me? Bobby asked.

Next year when you’re older would be a better time for you to get on as a temporary worker, Daddy replied.

Could you ask? Bobby persisted. I’ll still take care of my share of work in the garden. I want to save enough money to buy another guitar.

What kind of guitar? Mama asked sharply.

Bobby smiled. When he did, he looked like Daddy. Don’t worry, Mama. I want a better acoustic, not electric. Some of the best are made by a company called Taylor, so it would already look like it had my name engraved on it.

I wanted to yield my place on the eviscerating crew to Bobby right then. It didn’t take long to master the art of cutting open a chicken with razorsharp scissors and removing its entrails.

I’ll check with Mr. Waldrup, Daddy replied.

Mama surprised me with a lemon meringue pie for dessert. The peaks and valleys of white and light brown meringue were as pretty as a photograph of the Alps. I held the knife in my hand, almost hating to cut the pie.

What are you waiting for? Ellie asked impatiently.

I lowered the knife and destroyed perfection. Seven pieces later, the pie pan was empty.

The twins and I will clean up, I said to Mama when we finished eating. Sit on the porch with Daddy.

In spring and fall, Daddy liked to sit in the swing on the front porch after supper. It was his way of unwinding after the hectic activity at the chicken plant with its loud noises and fast pace. It was quiet at our house. Except for an occasional logging truck, we rarely heard vehicles passing by on Beaver Ruin Road. That left only the evening sounds of nature—in early spring a few katydids, in summer a more varied chorus. I especially enjoyed it when a great horned owl would issue a call. Daddy liked to hoot in return, drawing the bird into conversation. When I was a little girl, he would interpret the owl’s hoots and make up stories about the owl’s life. I loved owl stories.

After the twins and I finished cleaning the kitchen, I took my Savannah letter to the front porch. Daddy and Mama were sitting on the swing. The sun was down, but the sky still displayed a broad band of orange. Daddy had his arm draped over the back of the swing behind Mama’s shoulders.

Is now a good time to talk? I asked Mama.

Yes, she said.

Emma opened the front door and came outside.

It’s not a good time for you, Mama said to her. Stay inside with Ellie.

Emma frowned but shut the door. I sat on the edge of the porch with my feet propped on the steps.

Your mama says you got a job offer with a law firm in Savannah, Daddy said. Tell me about it.

Do you want to read the letter?


I handed it to him.

They misspelled your name.

The spelling of my name isn’t the important part, I replied with a twinge of guilt. It’s hard to get a summer clerkship like this one. The lady in the job placement office told me less than twenty-five percent of the second-year class is able to find a legal job with a law firm, fewer still with a law firm like this.

What do you know about Braddock, Appleby, and Carpenter? Daddy asked, reading the names slowly.

I told him about my conversation with Gerry Patrick, leaving out the intrafirm miscommunication concerning the offer.

There’s no harm in getting information about the job, is there? I asked, trying not to sound whiny.

Daddy handed the letter back to me. Not if you keep your heart right.

The condition of my heart was somewhat shaky, so I stuck to practical arguments.

Bobby could take my place on the chicken line. And Savannah isn’t as far away as Seattle.

Did you apply for a job in Seattle? Mama asked in alarm.

No ma’am. I was just making a point about the relative closeness of Savannah.

Daddy pushed the swing back and forth a couple of times.

I guess you could tell the lady in Savannah to send the information to Oscar Callahan’s office. Didn’t you list him as a reference on your résumé?

Yes sir, and if the Savannah job doesn’t work out, I’ll definitely talk to Mr. Callahan about working a few hours a week for him.

Which is a much better idea than running off to a strange place to be with people you don’t know anything about. Mama spoke rapidly. Where would you live? How will you be able to afford the rent? What kind of cases does this law firm handle? You don’t want to be representing criminals. Divorces would be just as bad. And the attorneys who manage a large law firm won’t share your moral convictions.

These topics and many others had been discussed in great detail before I started law school, and I didn’t want to revisit the debate. I remained silent. The band of orange had lost its hue. The sky was totally gray.

I only have one question, Daddy said after a minute passed. Will you honor your parents?

I knew what he meant.

Yes sir.

LATER THAT NIGHT I tiptoed into the darkened bedroom. Emma’s voice from the top bunk startled me.

Tammy Lynn.

Quiet! You’re supposed to be asleep.

Exactly how old were you when we were born?

I did a quick calculation. Almost seven months younger than you are now.

And you didn’t mind sharing your room?

No, I was excited. But just like now, you were noisy when I wanted you to be quiet.

I don’t mind sharing the room with you when you come home.

Thank you. I like being with you too.

I sat on the bed and slipped off my shoes and socks.

When are you going to get married so I can have a baby to play with?

Don’t be silly, I answered. I’ve never even been kissed. Good night.

Emma sighed. Then sighed again.

What is it? I asked.

Isn’t Savannah the city founded by General James Oglethorpe for people in England who couldn’t pay their bills? she asked.

Yes. Were you eavesdropping on my conversation with Mama and Daddy?

What’s Savannah like now? We only studied about the 1700s.

I’ve never been there, but it’s very pretty with a lot of little parks and squares.

How do you know that?

I read about it in a book that had pictures and information about historic places.

If you take the job, does that mean we won’t see you this summer? I’ll try to come home or maybe you can visit me.

Would Ellie come too?

Of course, but it would be up to Mama and Daddy.

There was a moment of silence.

I want you to be here with us. This is like you’re moving away forever and never coming home.

I could hear a tremor in Emma’s voice. I came over and stroked her hair. My eyes had adjusted to the dark, and I could see a forlorn expression on her face. I kissed her on the forehead.

I love you wherever I am.

But it’s not the same if you’re not where I can see and touch you.

I felt a pang of remorse. My focus had been totally selfish. There was great benefit in spending a summer at home. The love of family wasn’t a daydream—it was the most enduring reality in my world.

I ALWAYS SLEPT BETTER in my own bed. I woke up when Chester, the family rooster, began to crow but managed to tune him out and sleep for another thirty minutes until a finger tapped me on the cheek. Through bleary eyes I couldn’t tell if it was Emma or Ellie.

Who is it? I asked.



That’s right. Are you going to get the eggs?

I pulled the sheet next to my chin. Not having to get up for class made the bed feel extra nice.

Who’s been doing it? I mumbled.

This is my week, but I wanted to help with the biscuits.

Too many thoughts were now in my head to allow another snooze. Okay. I’ll get the eggs.

I got up and pulled on a loose-fitting cotton dress. The women and girls in our family never wore pants, and we made most of our day-to-day clothes. Learning how to sew was part of our training. When I went to high school, Mama was nice enough to buy me some inexpensive skirts, dresses, and blouses at Wal-Mart. Storebought clothes blunted the stigma of our private dress code, but I still stood out as a feminine island in an ocean of unisex apparel. Snide questions and critical stares were inevitable, but it helped that a few girls in the school came from families with similar rules. Those girls were my closest friends.

The high school basketball uniforms could have been an impossible fashion obstacle to overcome. Mama played basketball in high school and was willing to bend on the rules, so long as the coach ordered a uniform with extra-long shorts that reached to my knees and a shirt with sleeves that came close to my elbows. At first glance, it looked a couple of sizes too big, but no one paid attention to the length of my shorts or my baggy shirt after I hit a nice shot or made a crisp pass for an assist. People in the church criticized my parents for making an exception. Daddy told me not to worry about it.

I maintained the dresses-only rule through college and law school. I could always look Mama in the eye and answer truthfully when she asked me if I’d worn pants or blue jeans.

I SPLASHED WATER ON MY FACE, slipped my hair into a ponytail, and went downstairs. I grabbed the blue metal pail used to collect the eggs. The twins and I had decorated the pail with a chicken motif that included primitive portraits of some of our hens against a chicken coop landscape. I stepped outside into the cool morning air.

The wire enclosure where the chickens stayed was to the left of the basketball court. The birds stayed inside at night but were released to forage in the yard during the day. Flip and Ginger would bark at them, but our chickens’ greatest enemies were possums.

Mama preferred white-shelled eggs, so we owned leghorns. We kept one rooster and four to six hens. Compact and muscular, our chickens bore little resemblance to the flaccid birds delivered to the processing plant in town. Daddy raised pullets to replace hens whose egg production declined. We never ate our hens. When they clucked their last cluck, the chickens received appropriate burial in the large pet cemetery at the edge of our property.

I went inside the pen. Chester charged in full-attack mode, but I ignored him. Top law students who could handle intense questioning by a tough professor would probably flee from Chester. The rooster came right up to my feet before giving a loud, self-satisfied squawk and strutting away.

I slowly entered the coop. Our hens were named after female characters in Shakespearean plays. Mama used an edited version of Shakespeare’s works, with the bawdy jokes deleted, as part of her homeschool curriculum. Each bird’s nesting box was marked with a carefully printed card: Juliet, Olivia, Viola, Cressida, Cleopatra, and Lady Macbeth. It was a noble company with Chester as their lord.

The hens knew what I intended to do and began protesting and pecking my hand as I slipped it into each box to pull out a warm egg. However, once the egg was gone, they abandoned the boxes and fluttered to the ground. Collecting eggs was the easy part of raising chickens. Cleaning the coop was the hard job. The coop needed cleaning. I hoped Mama had told one of the boys to do it. I carried the pail into the kitchen.

Five for five, I announced.

They’re producing nicely, Mama replied. There are more eggs in the refrigerator. Wash what you gathered this morning in vinegar and scramble up as many as you think we’ll need.

Mama varied the breakfast menu. We often ate oatmeal or cereal with fruit, but once again she wanted to do something special in honor of my return. She knew I loved fluffy scrambled eggs with crisp bacon. The bacon was already beginning to sizzle in the skillet, and the biscuits were in the oven. I cracked open the eggs in a metal bowl and added salt and milk to make them lighter.

Kyle and Bobby didn’t start spring vacation until the following week. They came into the kitchen dressed for school in slacks and short-sleeved collared shirts. My brothers blended in much easier than I did at their ages. Not only did women have to suffer the pain of childbirth, they also bore the reproach of nineteenth-century fashion in a twenty-first-century world. I beat the eggs harder to drive out my thoughts. Resentment led to the sin of bitterness.

The first bite of eggs after Daddy prayed was worth the early morning effort. Mama gave me two extra slices of bacon. Breakfast was a quiet meal. Everyone was thinking about the day ahead.

I’ll call Mr. Callahan’s office, I said to Mama and Daddy. I think his secretary gets there at eight thirty. I’d like to see him too, if he’s available.

Do you want me to go with you? Mama asked.

No ma’am, I answered a bit too quickly. I mean, there’s no need.

Daddy left for work, followed a few minutes later by my brothers, who rode to school in Kyle’s truck. I cleaned up the kitchen while Mama and the twins began the school day. When I turned off the water, I could hear the sound of Mama’s voice in the front room. She loved teaching. It would leave a big hole in her life when the twins reached high school age.

My homeschool years were pleasant memories. The yard, sky, woods, and the pond down the road were our science laboratory. I could identify many trees by leaf and bark. Math was incorporated into the practical functions of the household. Mama put a premium on being able to perform math mentally. Calculators weren’t allowed; paper and pencil discouraged.

By age seven, I was reading the text in picture books and finished the entire Chronicles of Narnia a year later. Much of the day was spent reading. The county librarian, Mrs. Davis, would order anything Mama wanted through the state lending program. Twice a month, the old books went to town, and Mama returned with new ones. I’d read many of the classic works of literature required by my college English courses by the time I was in the ninth grade. Only the more controversial books didn’t make Mama’s list. When I finally read them, I usually understood why.

The twins were old enough that much of their study was selfdirected. Mama guided them from the sidelines. She used a questioning format similar to my law school professors. After I started the dishwasher, I went into the front room. The twins were studying the Bible.

Why do you think the apostle Paul thought he was serving God by persecuting the early Christians? Mama asked.

He was sinning, Ellie answered.

But he didn’t know it at the time. How is it possible for a person to believe he is obeying God when in fact he is doing the opposite?

Emma knew what to say. Where do we look for the answer?

Mama gave references from three Pauline letters. It’s somewhere in those chapters. When you find the answer, write down the verses that apply. Then, I want you to think of at least one modern example of the same kind of mistake made by the apostle Paul.

The girls immediately opened their Bibles. Mama’s question made me uncomfortable. I looked at the clock on the wall.

I’m going to call Mr. Callahan’s office.


MRS. BETTY MURPHY ANSWERED THE PHONE AT OSCAR Callahan’s office. When I asked if I could talk to the lawyer, she put me on hold for a few seconds, then told me to come in anytime before noon.

And can I have a fax sent to the office? I asked. It has to do with a job offer from a law firm in Savannah.

Sure, honey. I’ll be on the lookout for it.

I left a message on Ms. Patrick’s voice mail and hoped she’d retrieve it in time to forward the information. Then I ran upstairs, showered, and dressed in a blue skirt and white blouse. I had a matching jacket that turned the outfit into a business suit but left it in the closet. I put on low black heels and slipped the letter from Savannah into a small black purse.

May I borrow the car keys? I asked Mama when I returned downstairs.

You look fancy, Emma said.

Like a woman preacher, Ellie added.

Our church allowed women to exhort the congregation. Mama rarely exercised the privilege, but when she did, her eyes blazed with the fire of God so that chills ran up and down my back.

I’ll tell Mr. Callahan to repent, I said, turning around in the center of the room. I wore this outfit several times when I gave a presentation at school.

Mama reached over and touched the fabric of the skirt. That’s a nice blend.

Is it modest enough? I asked a bit anxiously.

Yes. You look very professional.

I’d hire you, Emma said. And get you to sue Ellie for breaking the porcelain figurine that Aunt Jane brought back from her trip—

Emma, Mama interrupted. Open to 1 Corinthians 6 and read what Paul wrote about Christians suing each another.

I was joking, Emma protested. I forgave her the next day.

I know, but it’s a good time to learn a lesson about lawsuits between Christians. She turned to me. Take the van. Don’t worry about putting any gas in it.

WITH A FAMILY OF SEVEN, a large passenger van was a necessity, not a luxury. Daddy selected the model, and Mama chose the color. She loved blue, and our vans were always somewhere between navy and azure. We didn’t take long trips. Common destinations were town, church, and the homes of relatives. One of the boys washed the van on Saturday, but it couldn’t stay spotless to the bottom of the dirt driveway. A light coat of red Georgia clay immediately coated the back bumper and created a film across the rear window.

I turned left onto Beaver Ruin Road and followed it a mile to a freshly paved two-lane highway. The highway zigzagged across the hills of north Georgia, making sure no crossroad was left out. I knew every curve and dip of the route well enough to navigate it in a driving thunderstorm. I reached the edge of town. Powell Station had a single main street with two red lights, a business district three blocks long, and a U.S. post office. For travelers, it was a forgotten slow spot in the road. To me, it was the hub of our lives.

Oscar Callahan was the only lawyer in town and jokingly claimed a monopoly on a business that didn’t pay well. However, he’d made enough money to build a large home surrounded by a fifty acre pasture where Angus cattle grazed in idyllic contentment. Kyle thought the lawyer’s stock was the best of the breed in the area.

The basis for Mr. Callahan’s success was his representation of workers injured in the small manufacturing plants, textile mills, and chicken processing facilities scattered across the region. If a worker sprained a knee, hurt a hand, or ruptured a lumbar disc, Mr. Callahan got the case. Insurance defense lawyers from Atlanta came north to litigate against him at their peril.

I first met Mr. Callahan when I was ten years old and Mama took me to his office for a field trip. He took an immediate interest in me, and that first field trip led to other visits during which we talked about everything from the U.S. Constitution to what it was like inside the county jail. When I graduated from high school, he sent me a check for a hundred dollars along with a note telling me I could become a lawyer if I wanted to.

Mr. Callahan’s roots in Powell Station ran deep. His grandfather was one of the most famous preachers in the early days of our church. The lawyer and his wife attended a more traditional congregation, but he understood people like my parents and me.

I parked the van in front of a corner building at one of the two traffic lights. Mr. Callahan had remodeled the plain brick structure years before and installed nice wooden double doors with his name, Oscar Callahan—Attorney at Law, in large brass letters across the top. The building was painted white. Even after the paint began to chip, it was a classy place. Everybody in town considered his office a landmark.

The inside of the building was cool on even the hottest days. It was the coolness of the interior that impressed me as a little girl. Our house didn’t have air-conditioning, and we survived summer with fans that did little more than circulate the heat. The church sanctuary was air-conditioned, but people supplemented the anemic system with funeral home fans. Mr. Callahan didn’t concern himself with what he had to pay the electric coop. The oversized cooling unit behind the building never stopped humming.

Thick, deep carpet covered the floor beneath my feet. A leather sofa and eight chairs lined the wall. Neat rows of sporting, hunting, and women’s interest magazines were displayed on a coffee table. Mrs. Murphy, a gray-haired woman, sat in the corner of the room behind a dark wooden desk. A man in overalls was talking to her. I stepped toward her desk but kept a respectful distance.

Either Harriet or I will call you as soon as your settlement check comes in and set up a time for Mr. Callahan to meet with you, Mrs. Murphy said to the man.

When do you think it will get here? the man asked. My wife’s got her eye on a new double-wide, and we don’t want it to get away. Within a couple of weeks.

That might be too late.

Who’s selling the trailer to you?

Foothills Homes.

I know Mr. Kilgo. Would you like me to call and let him know what’s going on with your case?


The client turned away, and Mrs. Murphy smiled at me.

Here’s your fax, she said, handing me a few sheets of paper. He just got off the phone, and I’m sure he would like to see you. You look great, very professional.


Beyond the reception area was a library that also served as a conference room. Opposite the library was Harriet Smith’s office. In her early forties, the secretary had worked for Mr. Callahan over twenty years. Beyond the secretary’s office were a file room and two smaller, unfinished offices, one of which Mama wanted me to occupy upon graduation from law school. Mr. Callahan had never brought up the subject during the short stints I’d worked at his office organizing files. However, he’d agreed to serve as a reference on my résumé.

The door to the lawyer’s office was open, and I could see his feet propped up on the corner of his desk. A tall man, Oscar Callahan was sixty years old with a full head of white hair and intense, dark eyes. It was easy to imagine his grandfather as a fiery preacher. Mr. Callahan looked over his gold-rimmed reading glasses and rose to his feet.

Welcome, Tammy Lynn, he boomed out. It appears the transformation into sophisticated lawyer is well on its way.

Mr. Callahan motioned for me to take a seat. The lawyer had large hands that he used to emphasize points in conversation. He laid his glasses on his desk and pointed at the papers in my hand.

Did you get your fax?

Yes sir.

Is it from Savannah?

Yes sir, I answered in surprise.

Mr. Callahan nodded. Joe Carpenter called me about you the other day. We were in law school together. He’s a tight-lipped blue blood from the coast, and I’m the wild-eyed son of the red clay hills, but we’ve always gotten along fine. I’ve seen him at bar association meetings over the years. Did he offer you a summer job?

I held up the papers. Yes sir, I think so, but I haven’t read the terms.

Well, an offer is like bait on a hook. It doesn’t count for anything unless a fish bites it. Look it over while I finish reviewing this medical report.

Mr. Callahan put on his glasses and resumed reading. I looked down at the three sheets of paper in my hand. Even the fax cover sheet had a classy look. I turned to the next page, titled Summer Clerk—Offer Memorandum. My eyes opened wide at the amount of money I would be paid. The weekly salary would be greater than what I would make in two grueling weeks, including overtime, at the chicken plant.

The impact of a legal education on my economic future struck me like never before. If the law firm paid this much to a summer clerk, the compensation for first-year associates would be even more. I quickly calculated a likely annual salary in my head.

The rest of the memo was related to dates of employment, a prohibition against working anywhere else while employed by Braddock, Appleby, and Carpenter, an agreement that all my work product would belong to the firm as well as receipts from billings, and a confidentiality clause as to both terms of the offer and any proprietary information obtained during my employment. I wondered what in the world I might learn that would be valuable enough to sell. When I glanced up, Mr. Callahan was peering over his glasses at me.

How does it look? he asked.

I started to hand the fax to him, then stopped.

I’d like your opinion, but I can’t show it to you, I said. It has a confidentiality clause.

The older lawyer laughed. Consider me your personal attorney for a few minutes. A confidentiality clause doesn’t prohibit consultation with a lawyer. I’ll review it pro bono.

I sheepishly handed the offer sheet to him. He read it in a few seconds.

The price of raw legal talent is going up, he said. That beats hugging dead chickens, doesn’t it?

Yes sir.

And they’re going to toss in a name change for free.

I didn’t answer.

Oh, don’t worry about it, the lawyer said with a chuckle. Everybody knows your mother as Lu; no one calls her Luella.

Except my grandmother and Aunt Jane. I paused. Mama and Daddy think the different spelling of my name was a mistake by the law firm.

Do you want to confess your sins to me?

I remembered my comment about telling Mr. Callahan to repent.

I can use it for the summer, then go back to the correct spelling.

Don’t worry about it. T-a-m-i has a nice look to it. I’ve never been fond of Oscar but couldn’t come up with an alternative.

You’ll always be Mr. Callahan to me.

The lawyer laughed. I’m sure I will.

What else do you know about the firm? I asked.

Mr. Callahan handed the fax back to me. As you can see from the letterhead, the Braddock firm has been around for a hundred years. Samuel Braddock is a descendant of the founder. I don’t know Nelson Appleby and told you about Joe Carpenter. How many lawyers are there? Sixteen or seventeen?

I glanced down at the letterhead and counted. Fifteen.

I did a little research for you, Mr. Callahan said. According to the firm website, less than half are partners. The rest are associates hoping they get invited to join. The firm’s representative clients include a couple of shipping companies, several banks, blue-chip corporations, large foundations—the cream of the crop. Mr. Callahan smiled. I doubt any of their lawyers would be interested in representing a man who rips the rotator cuff in his right shoulder while unloading a trailer in one-hundred-degree heat.

My face fell. Do you think it would be a bad place to work?

The lawyer held up his hand. No, no. Don’t let my bias on behalf of working folks taint you. I shouldn’t have said that. There are many honorable places to land in the law. One of the best pieces of advice I ever received was to dabble in a number of areas, find what brings the most personal satisfaction, and become an expert in it.

Listening to Mr. Callahan’s practical wisdom made me wish he would offer me a summer job. Even if he paid me chicken-plant wages it would be plenty of money for me, especially since I could live at home.

It’s a long way from Powell Station, I said, hoping my wistful comment might lead the conversation in that direction.

You’ve gone a long way from here already. And I bet you’ve taken the best your family has to offer along with you. If you take the job in Savannah, folks are going to meet the kind of person who made this country great in the first place.

What do you mean?

Mr. Callahan looked past my right shoulder. He stared so long that I turned and followed his gaze to an old photograph of his grandfather on the wall. Preacher Callahan didn’t look like he knew how to smile.

You know exactly what I mean, the lawyer continued, his eyes returning to mine. You’re different, and it won’t take long for any-one to find it out. Most people focus on the externals: the way you dress, the fact that you don’t go to movies, the obedience to parents, the way you honor the Lord’s Day by not doing anything on Sunday except go to church meetings. They don’t realize that what makes you special is on the inside—your integrity and strength of character. That’s rare, especially when joined with your intelligence.

Mr. Callahan’s words made me uneasy. It sounded like an invitation to pride. I kept silent.

Is it all right for me to share my opinion? he asked.

Yes sir. That’s why I’m here.

The lawyer tapped his fingers on his desk. Just the answer I expected, and although my ideas don’t always line up with your beliefs, hear me out. When I look at you, I appreciate what my grandfather and those like him stood for. The strict ways don’t work for everyone, but in your case they do. And I’m open-minded enough to acknowledge the good done by God’s grace when I see it.

Yes sir.

So, what are you going to do about the job? the lawyer continued.

Could I work for you? I blurted out.

Mr. Callahan smiled. "That’s not the

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