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Professional Eclipse 3 for Java Developers
Professional Eclipse 3 for Java Developers
Professional Eclipse 3 for Java Developers
Ebook480 pages9 hours

Professional Eclipse 3 for Java Developers

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About this ebook

  • Step-by-step guide that introduces novices to using all major features of Eclipse 3
  • Eclipse is an open source extensible integrated development environment (IDE) that helps Java programmers build best-of-breed integrated tools covering the whole software lifecycle-from conceptual modeling to deployment
  • Eclipse is fast becoming the development platform of choice for the Java community
  • Packed with code-rich, real-world examples that show programmers how to speed up the development of applications by reusing and extending existing Eclipse components
  • Describes SWT and JFace (Eclipse's alternative to the Java AWT and Swing) and demonstrates them in practice in a JavaLayer based MP3 player
  • Shows how Eclipse can be used as a tool platform and application framework
Release dateFeb 8, 2006
Professional Eclipse 3 for Java Developers

Berthold Daum

Berthold Daum holds a Ph.D. in mathematics and was a codeveloper of NATURAL 4GL at Software AG. He has lectured in database design at the University of Karlsruhe and has practical experience in the design and implementation of large distributed online systems. In the 1980s, he became involved in artificial intelligence and was a member of the ISO standardization committee for PROLOG. He has published various articles in trade magazines and scientific publications, and is co-author with Udo Merten of System Architecture with XML, and author of the forthcoming Modeling Business Objects with XML Schema. Currently he runs a consulting agency for industrial communication.

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