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Raptures: Enoch, Elijah, Moses...
Raptures: Enoch, Elijah, Moses...
Raptures: Enoch, Elijah, Moses...
Ebook81 pages48 minutes

Raptures: Enoch, Elijah, Moses...

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About this ebook

This eBook started as a speaking outline and then turned into an eBook as God directed me to do. The term "Rapture" is vigorously contested among Christians. My goal is to open the minds of these Christians and to bring the House of our Lord together on this issue or at least cause people to refrain from fist fights over who is right in their belief. Perhaps to the point of respectfully agreeing to disagree. My personal thoughts are that I will do God's work on earth as long as I am here. I do not put God in a box and limit Him in my mind as He has unlimited abilities. I do pray that I will be on the first available flight to heaven as the Bible states in Matthew, Luke and Revelation.

PublisherLinda D Moore
Release dateMar 29, 2017
Raptures: Enoch, Elijah, Moses...

Linda D Moore

I have been writing poems for many years. This is the first time I have published a book. I have selected these poems and pictures for my first book. I will be publishing more in the futue.

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    Book preview

    Raptures - Linda D Moore


    Enoch, Elijah, Moses, ......

    Copyright © 2017 by Linda Moore

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    First Printing: 2017


    Linda Moore

    POB 1091

    Marion, IN 46952

    [email protected]

    Cover image by Linda D Moore titled The Rapture.

    Poems by Linda Moore at

    Table of Contents

    Translations of the Bible

    Jesus words supporting Rapture

    Jesus taught about Rapture


    Amillennial versus Millennial versus Post Millennial

    Divided House




    The Gospel of Nicodemus, Vol 8, Chapter I:

    Revelation - Gospel of Jesus

    Revelation chapters 2 & 3

    Revelation chapter 4 - The Future - Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    Revelation chapter 5 - Kings & High Priests

    Revelation chapter 6 - 3 raptures

    Revelation chapter 7 is parenthetical

    Revelation 8 - similar to Joshua & Jericho

    Revelation 11 - The 2 Witnesses

    Revelation 13

    Chapter 14 – Rapture of 144,000 Jewish people

    Revelation 20 - Great White Throne Judgment

    Old Testament foreshadows of a Rapture

    The Noahic Flood

    New Testament List of Rapture verses


    Act 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

    A translation of this verse is: Do not believe a word Timothy Duke says, but listen with open ears and search the Word to discern the truth.

    A definition of the word rapture is caught up, seize, snatch, take away. It is a transliterated word from the Latin infinitive rapio. The Latin Bible is called The Vulgate. the Vulgate was created in the 4th century AD from the Greek translation of the Hebrew bible called the Septuagint and the Hebrew Bible called the Vorlage. The Vulgate was created 800 years before the first English Bible was created and 1,000 years before the English King James Version of the Bible was created.

    The term Rapture is vigorously contested among Christians. My goal is to open the minds of these Christians and to bring the House of our Lord together on this issue or at least cause people to refrain from fist fights over who is right in their belief. My goal is to reveal the verses that support a rapture.

    One common point of critics is that the word Rapture does not occur in English translations of the original text. While some Christians in America insist that the King James Version (KJV) is the original Word of God, they forget the language English was not established until the 5th century AD and the KJV was created 1,000 years after His crucifixion. Since we know some books of the Bible are at least 3,000 years old, God must have dictated His Word in another language. All Bible scholars agree that God dictated His Word in Hebrew or the common language of Hebrew called Aramaic for the Old Testament. Most believe the New Testament was dictated in Greek although recent evidence points to some New Testament books were originally written in Hebrew or Aramaic. Let's look at Dr. Chuck Missler's chart that shows the translations of the Bible in chronological order.

    Translations of the Bible

    This chart shows the original text was in Hebrew/Aramaic and first translated to Greek in 270 BC after Alexander the Great conquered the world and required all important documents be translated or written in Greek. The Greek translation of the Bible is called the LXX (70) or Septuagint. The Latin version was created circa 3rd century A.D. from the Hebrew Vorlage and Masoretic Text (MT) and the Septuagint as the world was conquered by the Romans which spoke Latin and required important documents to be written in Latin. In 2 Co 12:2, Paul states he was caught up (Strongs G726 - harpazo) which is the first usage of the word harpazo as pertaining to a rapture. The Greek word Harpazo was translated into a form of the Latin word Rapio or Rapere or Rapturo in Latin version of the Bible called the Vulgate. Harpazo and Rapturo are both translated into English as caught up. Some people transliterated the Latin form Rapturo into the English word rapture.

    Jesus words supporting Rapture

    Mat 24:40  Then shall

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