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Future Visions: Original Science Fiction Inspired by Microsoft
Future Visions: Original Science Fiction Inspired by Microsoft
Future Visions: Original Science Fiction Inspired by Microsoft
Ebook358 pages6 hours

Future Visions: Original Science Fiction Inspired by Microsoft

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Future Visions: Original Science Fiction Inspired by Microsoft is an anthology of new short work from some of the greatest science fiction writers in the field. These visionary stories explore prediction science, quantum computing, real-time translation, machine learning, and much more. The authors used inside access to leading-edge work from Microsoft Research as inspiration, crafting pieces that predict the near-future of technology--and examine its complex relationship to our core humanity.

Future Visions features contributions from:

Elizabeth Bear
Greg Bear
David Brin
Nancy Kress
Ann Leckie
Jack McDevitt
Seanan McGuire
Robert J. Sawyer
along with a short graphic novel by Blue Delliquanti and Michele Rosenthal, plus original illustrations by Joey Camacho.

These are some of today’s most visionary creators--and they’ve joined together to give us a preview of tomorrow.
Release dateNov 17, 2015
Future Visions: Original Science Fiction Inspired by Microsoft

Elizabeth Bear

Elizabeth Bear was born on the same day as Frodo and Bilbo Baggins, but in a different year. She is the Hugo, Theodore Sturgeon Memorial, Locus, and Astounding Award–winning author of dozens of novels and over a hundred short stories. She has spoken on futurism at Google, MIT, DARPA’s 100 Year Starship Project, and the White House, among others. Find her at  

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Interesting stories, well told, but nothing terribly special.Stories centered around technology, well enough written, but the only one I remember had a troubled, loss torn man as a central figure, so while I like good science in my SF, it's not what creates a memorable experience for me. I also remember a bit of Ann Leckie's story, but I just read it yesterday and it was more a linguistic adventure than pure tech.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Eight stories by fairly popular and well-regarded authors. Not all worked for me, but others were spectacular. It's free, an added bonus.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Seanan McGuire's "Hello Hello" was one of my favorites. It was obvious what was happening, but it was also so wonderful. I liked that children played a big role in this scientific discovery.

    On the whole I found the anthology to be unbalanced, but I also very much enjoyed the tone of a positive future that ran throughout.

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Future Visions - Elizabeth Bear

Future VisionsFuture Visions


Elizabeth Bear

Greg Bear

David Brin

Blue Delliquanti & Michele Rosenthal

Nancy Kress

Ann Leckie

Jack McDevitt

Seanan McGuire

Robert J. Sawyer

Illustrations by Joey Camacho / Raw & Rendered

Edited by Microsoft & Melcher Media

Published by


Produced by

Melcher MediaMicrosoft

One Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98052

Melcher Media

124 West 13th Street

New York, NY 10011

Future Visions: Original Science Fiction Inspired by Microsoft

Copyright © 2015 Microsoft

The Machine Starts copyright © 2015 by Greg Bear – Skin in the Game copyright © 2015 by Elizabeth Bear – The Tell copyright © 2015 by David Brin – Machine Learning © 2015 by Nancy Kress – Another Word for World copyright © 2015 by Ann Leckie – Riding with the Duke copyright © 2015 by Jack McDevitt – Hello, Hello copyright © 2015 by Seanan McGuire – Looking for Gordo copyright © 2015 by Robert J. Sawyer

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior consent of the publishers.

ISBN 978-1-59591-093-6

First Edition


Foreword by Harry Shum

Introduction by Rick Rashid

Hello, Hello by Seanan McGuire

The Machine Starts by Greg Bear

Skin in the Game by Elizabeth Bear

Machine Learning by Nancy Kress

Riding With the Duke by Jack McDevitt

A Cop’s Eye by Blue Delliquanti & Michele Rosenthal

Looking for Gordo by Robert J. Sawyer

The Tell by David Brin

Another Word for World by Ann Leckie


Does the science fiction influence the science, or does the science influence the science fiction?

Throughout my life, I have personally been influenced by both. I grew up in 1960s China, in a society in the midst of change. It was a decade of monumental technological advancements—man in space, satellites, supersonic jets, the emergence of new computing systems and languages.

It was also considered by many to be a heyday of science fiction. TV shows like Star Trek went mainstream. Science fiction paperbacks became best sellers for the first time. Movies like Planet of the Apes defined a new kind of blockbuster.

I remember talking to my dad about computers. Many people, including him, hadn’t actually seen them, but they had heard about them and knew that they would be big, with the potential to change our world. He pushed me to pursue my studies around this completely new field.

Spurred on by both the science and science fiction of our time, my generation of researchers and engineers grew up to ask what if? and what’s next? We went on to pursue new disciplines like computer vision, artificial intelligence, real-time speech translation, machine learning, and quantum computing.

Today—years and years later—we are realizing much of what we dreamed of as kids. Space is no longer the final frontier.

So what is? Even those communicators we saw in science fiction TV shows and movies we now take for granted as part of our daily lives. Your smartphone is probably in your pocket right now.

So what’s next? Twenty years ago, Microsoft made an investment in natural language research. When we started, we didn’t know where it would go, or how long it would take. We had all seen it in Star Trek and dreamed of how we could make it a reality. Now, that technology is shipping in Skype—real-time translation in six languages. We’re not there with Klingon yet, but hopefully someday in the future we may be.

Today, I have the privilege of leading Microsoft’s research efforts, where I’m surrounded by people who were influenced by science and science fiction, as I was. We interact with and publicize our research work across a global community of thought leaders and innovators, including science fiction writers. We invite them to our campus to share their stories with us and so we can share our work with them.

With this collection of short stories, we bring our worlds—fact and fantasy—together once again. The authors all had the opportunity to visit with our researchers to hear about their latest thinking and see their leading-edge work, and to create fiction inspired by that work.

My hope for you as a reader is that you will be inspired by these stories, as I was by the popular science fiction of my time. May they incite you to pursue a new field of study, to chase a possibility you think impossible, to let your imagination take you to places you never thought you could go—for we are only limited by our imaginations.

Harry Shum

Executive Vice President, Technology and Research



The first work of science fiction I can remember reading was Eleanor Cameron’s 1954 novel, The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet. It was perhaps more fantasy than science fiction, but the story of young boys who build their own spaceship with the help of a mysterious inventor struck a chord.

As a child growing up, I was always trying to create things, build things, or tinker. I loved taking apart old tube radios and putting them back together in slightly different ways to see what I would get. Once I turned an old radio into a shortwave without really understanding how I’d done it. Another time I did a spectacular job of blowing one up (much to my mother’s consternation).

As my reading matured, so did my taste in science fiction, but I always tended toward the hard science fiction where science and the act of invention was the major component. I particularly loved stories that put scientists and inventors themselves into the middle of the action. Robert Heinlein’s 1958 novel Have Space Suit—Will Travel was one of my favorites. A young science-crazy boy—the son of an eccentric scientist—wins a space suit in a contest and goes on a galaxy-spanning adventure. Just thinking about it still brings a smile to my lips.

Science fiction inspired me as a scientist. It jump-started my imagination and gave me energy and a sense of optimism that I could do anything with my mind. Without that optimism and belief in the possible, I don’t think I would have been successful either in creating an operating system (Mach) that has impacted hundreds of millions of Apple devices or in taking on the task of building Microsoft Research into one of the top basic research organizations in the world.

This book is an anthology of original stories inspired by science and scientists. The authors—some of the best and most decorated in the field—each visited Microsoft Research and met with top researchers in areas such as machine learning, computer vision, speech recognition, programming languages, and operating systems. They were given a unique opportunity to see new technologies under development and understand how researchers think and work.

The stories that came out of this process are the kind of science fiction that excited me as boy. They draw upon, highlight, and extrapolate current science. A number of them put scientists and engineers front and center in the narrative.

Seanan McGuire questions the limits of machine translation in her story Hello, Hello. In The Machine Starts, Greg Bear considers the intended—and unintended—consequences of quantum computing. Elizabeth Bear’s Skin in the Game imagines a world in which technology can be used to share emotions. Nancy Kress explores the frontiers of machine intelligence with the aptly titled Machine Learning. In Riding with the Duke, Jack McDevitt investigates the social and emotional implications of immersive technologies. The graphic novel A Cop’s Eye, by Blue Delliquanti and Michele Rosenthal, creates a future world in which a policewoman’s sidekick is an artificial intelligence. Robert J. Sawyer explores the possibilities that computer science could bring to our hunt for alien civilizations in Looking for Gordo. David Brin examines the science of prediction in The Tell. And in Another Word for World, Ann Leckie explores the immense power of tools that facilitate communication across cultures.

All together, they bring to life the potential inherent in the technologies coming out of today’s research labs and the people who create them—perhaps seeding the imagination of a new generation in the process.

Rick Rashid

Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Applications and Services Group



Tasha’s avatar smiled from the screen, a little too perfect to be true. That was a choice, just like everything else about it: When we’d installed my sister’s new home system, we had instructed it to generate avatars that looked like they had escaped the uncanny valley by the skins of their teeth. It was creepy, but the alternative was even creepier. Tasha didn’t talk. Her avatar did. Having them match each other perfectly would have been…wrong.

So I’ll see you next week? she asked. Her voice was perfectly neutral, with a newscaster’s smooth, practiced inflections. Angie had picked it from the database of publicly available voices; like the avatar, it had been generated in a lab. Unlike the avatar, it was flawless. No one who heard Tasha talk would realize that they were really hearing a collection of sounds programmed by a computer, translated from the silent motion of her hands.

That was the point. Setting up the system for her had removed all barriers to conversation, and when she was talking to clients who didn’t know she was deaf, she didn’t want them to realize anything was happening behind the scenes. Hence the avatar, rather than the slight delay that came with the face-time translation programs. It felt wrong to me, like we were trying to hide something essential about my sister, but it was her choice and her system; I was just the one who upgraded her software and made sure that nothing broke down. If anyone was equipped for the job, it was me, the professional computational linguist. It’s a living.

We’ll be there right on time, I said, knowing that on her end, my avatar would be smiling and silent, moving her hands to form the appropriate words. I could speak ASL to the screen, but with the way her software was set up, speaking ASL while the translator settings were active could result in some vicious glitches. After the time the computer had decided my hand gestures were a form of complicated profanity, and translated the chugging of the air conditioner into words while spewing invective at my sister, I had learned to keep my hands still while the translator was on. I’m bringing Angie and the kids, so be ready.

Tasha laughed. I’ll tell the birds to be on their best behavior. A light flashed behind her avatar and her expression changed, becoming faintly regretful. Speaking of the birds, that’s my cue. Talk tomorrow?

Talk tomorrow, I said. Love you lots.

I love you, too, she said and ended the call, leaving me staring at my own reflection on the suddenly black screen. My face, so much like her computer-generated one, but slightly rougher, slightly less perfect. Humanity will do that to a girl.

Finally, I stood and went to tell my wife we had plans for the next weekend. She liked my sister, and Greg and Billie liked the birds. It would be good for us.


Hello, said the woman on the screen. She was black-haired and brown-eyed, with skin that fell somewhere between tan and tawny. She was staring directly at the camera, almost unnervingly still. Hello, hello.

Hello! said Billie happily, waving at the woman. Billie’s nails were painted bright blue, like beetle shells. She’d been on an entomology kick again lately, studying every insect she found as raptly as if she had just discovered the secrets of the universe. How are you?

Hello, said the woman. Hello, hello, hello.

Billie, who are you talking to? I stopped on my way to the laundry room, bundling the basket I’d been carrying against my hip. The woman didn’t look familiar, but she had the smooth, CGI skin of a translation avatar. There was no telling what her root language was. The natural user interface of the software would be trying to mine its neural networks for the places where she and Billie overlapped, looking for the points of commonality and generating a vocabulary that accounted for their hand gestures and body language, as well as for their vocalizations.

It was a highly advanced version of the old translation software that had been rolled out in the late 2010s; that had been verbal-only, and only capable of translating sign language into straight text, not into vocalizations that followed spoken sentence structures and could be played through speakers. ASL to speech had followed, and then speech to ASL, with increasingly realistic avatars learning to move their hands in the complex patterns necessary for communication. Now, the systems could be taught to become ad hoc translators, pulling on the full weight of their neural networks and deep learning capabilities as they built bridges across the world.

Of course, it also meant that we had moments like this one, two people shouting greetings across an undefined void of linguistic separation. Billie? I repeated.

It’s Aunt Tasha’s system, Mom, said my nine-year-old, turning to look at me over her shoulder. She rolled her eyes, making sure I understood just how foolish my concern really was. "I wouldn’t have answered if I didn’t recognize the caller."

But that’s not Aunt Tasha, I said.

Billie gave me the sort of withering look that only people under eighteen can manage. She was going to be a terror in a few years. I know that, she said. I think she’s visiting to see the birds. Lots of people visit to see the birds.

True, I said, giving the woman on the screen another look. Tasha’s system was set up to generate a generic avatar for anyone who wasn’t a registered user. It would draw on elements of their appearance—hair color, eye color, skin tone—but it would otherwise assemble the face from public-source elements. Hello, I said. Is my sister there?

Hello, said the woman. Hello, hello.

I don’t think the computer knows her language very well, said Billie. That’s all she’s said.

Which could mean a glitch. Sometimes, when the software got confused enough, it would translate everything as hello. An attempt at connection, even when the tools weren’t there. I think you may be right, I said, moving to get closer to the computer. Billie, recognizing the shift from protective mother to computer scientist with a mystery to solve, shifted obligingly to the side. She would never have tolerated being smothered, but she was more than smart enough not to sit between me and a puzzle.

Is Tasha there? I asked again, as clearly as I could.

The woman looked at me and said nothing.

I need to know what language you’re speaking. I’m sorry the translator program isn’t working for you, but if I know what family to teach it, I can probably get it up and running in pretty short order. Everything I said probably sounded like hello, hello to her, but at least I was trying. That was the whole point, wasn’t it? Trying. Can you say the name of your language? I am speaking casual conversational English. No matter how confused the program was, it would say English clearly. Hopefully that would be enough to get us started.

Hello, hello, said the woman. She looked to her right, eyes widening slightly, as if she’d been startled. Then she leaned out of the frame and was gone. The image of Tasha’s dining room continued for several seconds before the computer turned itself off, leaving Billie and I to look, bemused, at an empty screen.

Finally, hesitantly, Billie asked, Was that one of Aunt Tasha’s friends?

I don’t know, I said. I’ll call her later and ask.


I forgot to call.

In my defense, there were other things to do, and none of them were the sort that could easily be put off until tomorrow. Greg, our two-year-old, discovered a secret snail breeding ground in the garden and transported them all inside, sticking them to the fridge like slime-generating magnets. Greg thought this was wonderful. The snails didn’t seem to have an opinion. Angie thought this was her cue to disinfect the entire house, starting with the kitchen, and left me to watch both kids while I was trying to finish a project for work. It was really no wonder I lost track of them. It was more of a wonder that it took me over an hour to realize they were gone.

Angie wasn’t shouting, so the kids hadn’t wandered back into the kitchen to get in the way of her frenzied housework. I stood, moving carefully as I began my search. As any parent can tell you, it’s better to keep your mouth shut and your eyes open when you go looking for kids who are being unreasonably quiet. They’re probably doing something they don’t want you to see, and if they hear you coming, they’ll hide the evidence.

I heard them laughing before I reached the living room. I stopped making such an effort to mask my footsteps, and came around the corner of the doorway to find them with their eyes glued to the computer, laughing at the black-haired woman from before.

Hello, hello, she was saying. I’m hungry, hello, can you hear me?

Greg laughed. Billie leaned forward and said, We can hear you. Hello, hello, we can hear you! This set Greg laughing harder.

The woman on the screen looked from one child to the other, opened her mouth, and said, Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Hello, hello, can you hear me?

What’s this? I asked.

Billie turned and beamed at me. Auntie Tasha’s friend is back, and the program is learning more of her language! I’m doing like you told me to do if I ever need to talk to somebody the neural net doesn’t know, and using lots of repeating to try and teach it more.

The word you want is ‘echolalia,’ I said distractedly, leaning past her to focus on the screen. You’re back. Hello. Is my sister there?

Hello, hello, said the woman. Can you hear me? I’m hungry.

Yes, I got that, I said, trying to keep the frustration out of my voice. It wasn’t her fault that her language—whatever it was—was causing issues with the translation software. Tasha’s neural net hadn’t encountered as many spoken languages as ours had. It could manage some startlingly accurate gesture translations, some of which we had incorporated into the base software after they cropped up, but it couldn’t always pick up on spoken languages with the speed of a neural net belonging to a hearing person. Tasha also had a tendency to invite visiting academics and wildlife conservationists to stay in her spare room, since they were presumably used to the screeching of wild birds.

If not for them, she had said more than once, you’re the only company I’d ever have.

It was hard to argue with that. It was just a little frustrating that one of her guests kept calling my kids. Can you please tell Tasha to call me? I want to speak with her.

Hello, hello, said the woman.

Good-bye, I replied and canceled the call.

Both children looked at me like I had done something terribly wrong. She just wanted someone to talk to, said Billie mulishly.

Let me know if she calls again, all right? I don’t know who she is, and I’m not comfortable with you talking to her until I’ve spoken to Tasha.

Okay, Mom, said Billie.

Greg frowned but didn’t say anything. I leaned down and scooped him onto my shoulder. That got a squeal, followed by a trail of giggles. I straightened.

Come on, you two. Let’s go see if we can’t help Mumma in the kitchen.

They went willingly enough. I cast a glance back at the dark computer screen. This time, I would definitely remember to call my sister.


As always, reaching Tasha was easier said than done. She spent much of her time outside feeding and caring for her birds, and when she was in the house, she was almost always doing some task related to her work. There were flashing lights in every room to tell her when she had a call, but just like everyone else in the world, sometimes she ignored her phone in favor of doing something more interesting. I could have set my call as an emergency and turned all the lights red, but that seemed like a mean trick, since I wanted to ask about one of your houseguests wasn’t really an emergency. Just a puzzle. There was always a puzzle; had been since we were kids, when her reliance on ASL had provided us with a perfect secret language and provided me with a bilingual upbringing—something that had proven invaluable as

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