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Once Upon a Dead Gull
Once Upon a Dead Gull
Once Upon a Dead Gull
Ebook38 pages25 minutes

Once Upon a Dead Gull

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Everyone dies. It's the morbid curiosity of when and how that makes horror so enticing.
Once Upon a Dead Gull is a combined work of short stories and flash fiction.
Spoiler alert: it has nothing to do with seagulls and more to do with what is real and what isn't. And as always there is a healthy dose of horror & paranormal that Hill fans have come to expect.

PublisherJ Hill Ink
Release dateApr 14, 2017
Once Upon a Dead Gull

Janna Hill

Janna Hill is an international author of fiction, short stories and poetry. She currently resides somewhere between the palm trees and pines and a forest in Texas. Her motto is: Fans are just friends and family I haven’t met… or wrote about yet. She has also been heard to say, home is where the blog is. You can follow her at home@

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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The author has talent and is able to grab interest but the very brief stories do not really go anywhere unfortunately however I will admit a lot of short stories seem to do that which doesnt make sense to me.

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Once Upon a Dead Gull - Janna Hill

About Once Upon a Dead Gull

Everyone dies. It's the morbid curiosity of when and how that makes horror so enticing.

Once Upon a Dead Gull is a combined work of short stories and flash fiction.

Spoiler alert: it has nothing to do with seagulls and more to do with what is real and what isn’t.

And as always there is a healthy dose of horror & paranormal that Hill fans have come to expect.

Roses From Ishmael

Ishmael thought the flowers would be a nice touch. Roses were her favorite, red roses to be exact. These were slightly black around the edges and void of fragrance, but they were roses nonetheless.

You’re not old enough to remember when roses had a smell are you? he asked the cashier as he handed her a twenty-dollar bill.

No sir, I guess not. She replied handing him a rumpled one along with thirteen cents in change.

I bet you’re not even old enough to buy beer. He said, tucking the flowers under his arm. The young woman gave a weary smirk and he shoved the change into his coat pocket. I guess it don’t matter as long as you’re old enough to sell it. Ishmael yanked the eighteen pack of Bud Light from the counter and strolled to his truck.

Just outside of the city limits, he reached across the seat and twisted the first cap off of a tepid bottle. The clanking of the glass was

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