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Resto Rescue
Resto Rescue
Resto Rescue
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Resto Rescue

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Rafe Redmoon, Werewolf food host extraordinaire, is filming the last episode of Resto Rescue's Season 13. He made a bargain with his aunt/alpha to direct a new shop with a new concept. His love of cooking will prevail in the next show but for that to be possible, he had to make a season 13 ender that would pull the ratings up. When he arrived in the backwaters of the Philippines, everything was not as he expected. The cafe he was to "rescue" had nothing wrong with it. It had great food and a great owner who was doing things to his werewolf senses.
Apart from gremlin infestation, vandals and snoring dog shifters, what could possibly go wrong?

PublisherMaita Rue
Release dateMar 14, 2017
Resto Rescue

Maita Rue

Maita Rue is an author, designer and blogger. She’s the mother of four dogs and an aunt of one grumpy cat. Maita loves to read and is now finally writing the things she loves. The characters in her books have their own lives and she claims they demand their own destinies. She writes stories for Talecraft Publishing, Sachet Novels (coming soon) and self-publishes a lot of her own works.

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    Book preview

    Resto Rescue - Maita Rue

    Meet the Werewolf Food Show Host… in the flesh.

    Daria had just about enough of Manda’s snoring. The woman was spiteful during the day as she is during her sleep. Daria decided the couch was a better alternative. She collected her pillow and a blanket and headed to the ancient couch in the living room.

    She sighed as her head rested on the pillow. The silence was bliss. Her head was warm. A long furry pillow curled itself on her neck. She gave a startled yip. Whatever she laid her head on scrambled to get out of the couch. When she got to the light switch and turned on the light, she saw a wolf turning into a half-wolf before turning into a man.

    A very naked man.

    Rafe, she breathed.

    He inhaled her, drank in her essence. She sighed against him. He turned back into human form. Why are you so tempting?

    Why are you so stubborn? She countered.

    My star chart says so.

    Really? She frowned, not quite believing him.

    Not really but I just need to kiss you. And he did.

    Resto Recue

    Copyright 2017 Maita Rue

    Published by Maita Rue at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. This is a work of fiction. Characters, situations and events portrayed are products of the authors’ imaginations. Characters and situations with similarities to other works are purely coincidental. No part of this book may be produced or reproduced without the author’s consent.

    Genre: Romance, Paranormal

    Cover design and layout by Maita Rue

    Cover Picture:


    This book is dedicated to werewolf fans all over the world. I always thought myself a vampire fan but when the idea of Rafe came dancing in my head, it got me thinking:

    Werewolves love to eat good food!

    The Philippines has good food!

    A werewolf should visit the Philippines.

    But if he did, he’ll never leave because the food is good!

    Thank you to my family, my dog-lover friends and my fellow indie authors from the Philippines.

    Resto Rescue

    Maita Rue


    You turning Vegan on me, werewolf? The devil goaded him.

    Rafe Redmoon, werewolf food host extraordinaire, made a face. His aunt Vivian was the said devil incarnate. She was also a werewolf and she was a rare alpha female. His alpha.

    Werewolves, sharing some genetic similarities with their wolf cousin, need sixty percent of protein in their diet. A vegan or even a vegetarian werewolf was unheard of. But that wasn’t what Rafe Redmoon was talking about.

    It is my restaurant concept. It uses a lot of natural and whole ingredients, not vegan and not vegetarian. I plan to do a cooking show in it, he explained. Rafe wanted his restaurant to have nothing but clean and healthy food. He didn’t want sponsors mucking it with seasoning and instant processed shit.

    Vivian eyed him. It’s not going to sell big, she flat out told him.

    It might not sell as fast on its first season but it will grow. The world is turning healthy. Nobody wants to shovel muck into their mouths anymore, especially not shifters and vampires.

    We need sponsors to create shows, she reminded him.

    I know. There are healthier options we can tap. Let’s skip the conglomerates and get healthier. He was trying to sell it to her but judging by her expression, she was not buying it.

    Look, Rafe, your job is supposed to host food shows. Let the script writers and producers handle everything else, she cooed him like she was talking to a child.

    He frowned. My job sucks.

    What’s wrong with your job now? Your shows are unique. Most people would kill for your job, she pointed out, presenting her polished red nails at him. It looks like she had blood on her hands all the time. But then, you never get to be alpha without blood on your hands, Rafe thought.

    They were in her spacious office in Redmoon Roaring Studios, her private television and internet Production Company. True, he had a killer job. It pampered him. He was heralded as the Yummiest Reality Show Host Alive! But Rafe felt that was all a persona. He was ready for a change.

    I’m not most people, he sniffed. I’m not even most werewolves. True. Most werewolves would have been contented to join politics. They spent their pent-up energy making trouble for the humans- political trouble that is. Their other option is sports, hardcore sports.

    Rafe Redmoon was the hottest food show host in the planet. He hosted a wide variety of food documentaries and food reality shows all across the globe. His latest show, Resto Rescue, was at the top of the charts. Resto Rescue was a restaurant rescue show with a supernatural twist. Using his werewolf senses, he’d tweak the recipes better and give the restaurant a full make-over. Sponsors were lined up to do every show. Rafe made it big because he had striking good looks and a grumpy persona. He was tall and had the body to die for.

    He knew people watched his show to ogle at him or see the reactions people have in the show. Not many people watch the show for the food advice. Still, his aunt marketed his body like a commodity.

    His aunt raised an eyebrow. Well, I think your mother said your star charts dictated you’d be the most contrary werewolf in the family.

    Ha-ha. Werewolves don’t believe in astrology. That’s the reason why most of us are either in sports or in politics, he said. Most werewolves didn’t look at the horoscopes. They didn’t consult palmistry because their palm lines were just too unique. They don’t even do the Feng Shui shit.

    Why the restaurant thing? I thought you were contented hosting food shows?

    "I am not. I told you my passion was to cook. Hosting is not the same as cooking. I want to cook my own recipes my way. There will be no food stylist or food enhancers from sponsors, he said. The whole world is going for organic now," the errant werewolf pointed out.

    Vivian sighed. She didn’t want to get into another argument with her delectable little talent, even if he was her nephew. Happy talents did a better job. Happy talents left her to enjoy her morning latte. She eyed the piece of candy standing before her. She built him from ground zero and she was proud of it. Not because he was her scrumptious little nephew but because he showed promise. Also, he didn’t let fame get to his head… much. I’ll make a deal with you, Rafe. That always got him to listen.

    Rafe waited. What could his aunt offer him now? He already sold his soul, so to speak.

    Make me a great Season 13 ender and I’ll fund your restaurant. It has to pull the ratings up.

    The ratings for Resto Rescue are good. They’re up. We are at the top, he pointed out.

    She shook her head. Gorgon Ramses’ ratings are still high. High enough that he could dominate the charts if you aren’t careful. His show, Kitchen Conundrum and The Chef From Hell are still alive and kicking. I want him taken down until he’s not even an afterthought. That raging beast is getting old yet he still turns heads. A young buck like you should have toppled him years ago.

    Rafe made a face. Gorgon Ramses was about a hundred years of age as well but he’d been in the industry for seventy years. Rafe started at werewolf puberty, seventy-five human years.

    I don’t know who’s temper is worse, yours or his? He always claimed the devil spat him out of hell because he has his famous temper, Vivian commented.

    The young wolf grunted. He was sure he had a different temperament from the gorgon. Rafe was more the aloof kind of wolf but he took no bullshit from anyone. His aunt kept saying she patterned his first few shows after Gorgon Ramses’ shows. It grabbed at the same audience. From there, they expanded their audience by transforming Rafe into his own persons. Still, they loved his fiery temper in the shows.

    "Maybe we should shoot

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