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Embrace: The Complete Series
Embrace: The Complete Series
Embrace: The Complete Series
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Embrace: The Complete Series

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About this ebook

Good faces off with evil in this underworld duology, value-priced for budget-minded readers.

Fans of vampires, shapeshifters, and supernatural soul mates will find plenty to feed their romance cravings in this dystopian series. It’s dark, sexy, and packed with adventure worth embracing!

Embrace the Fire: Varick Ta Farg, a half-breed vampire, has received an innate call from his soul to mate with sassy Angelica Dark. But the gods are tampering with his fate, each with their own agenda. Can he cope with the dangerous mating ritual and protect the female he is falling in love with?

Embrace the Desire: Destroyer Payne can’t believe his good luck when his father, the lord of the underworld, orders him to take the lovely Chanta Timbers through her transition from human to half-goddess. Chanta is powerless against her reaction to Payne, even though she’s frightened of the beast that lurks under his skin. Defying the gods to pursue this attraction will bring nothing but torment and pain, but only together do they stand a chance in the coming war between their worlds.

Sensuality Level: Sensual
Release dateMay 8, 2017
Embrace: The Complete Series

Spring Stevens

Spring Stevens lives in Eastern Kentucky where she enjoys painting and writing. Follow her on Facebook at and Twitter @springstorm.

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    Book preview

    Embrace - Spring Stevens



    Embrace the Fire

    Embrace the Desire

    Embrace the Fire

    Spring Stevens

    Crimson Romance logo

    Avon, Massachusetts

    Dedicated to Stella M. Horn Stevens

    Gone but never forgotten.

    A special thank you to Brian Holbrook

    & to all my friends for the encouragement.



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 1

    Varick rarely ever dreamed, but as the first rays of the sun peeked over the horizon, images of people he had never known swam to his unconscious mind’s eye. Their skin glowed iridescently, transparent right down to their souls. Smoky balls of shadow swirled inside the glow and clawed at their transparent prisons and screamed for release. Their sorrows and pains were magnified by the predominance of unrequited fury and unobtainable justice of their ills.

    Dancing and swirling around those unfamiliar faces were black flames and daggers, the same daggers that graced his skin as trademarks of his immortal profession. He was a Destroyer, protector of the One Race and the humans, and bringer of death to the demon spawn of the Underworld. He was one of many but here, in this dream turned nightmare, he was bitterly and utterly alone.

    The swirling images settled, the landscape in the mist manifesting under his feet, glowing with the vivid greens and blues of some lost jungle. Swathed in white silk and flowing robes, his form appeared atop a towering mountain minutes before dawn. Known for his unshakable logic and meticulous approach to any situation, he swallowed hard, realizing his insides trembled and his hands shook.

    Directly below the peak, hundreds of writhing vampires screamed in agony as the sun rose without mercy, slowly spreading the deadly golden hue. Their dead eyes looked up to him as they tried to claw their way into the ground. And those empty, dead eyes seemed to beg him for deliverance, even if it was at the end of his sword. A quick death by sword was degrees better than suffering the flaming torch of the sun.

    And he stood as stone, watching and uncaring.

    He twisted violently in his bed of black satin sheets. His mouth opened as if to scream. His long incisors gleamed in the darkness of his chambers as his back arched up from the bed. Still deep in the dream, he watched helplessly as his own skin began to melt and drip from his bleached-white bones. His ashes flew into the four winds and disappeared with the blinding sun’s rays.

    His eyes flew open, thankful they were looking into the blackness of his chambers. He clutched at his chest, his heart racing wildly.

    Jackknifing off of the bed, Varick ran his shaking hands through his long, white hair. He strode across the windowless room, his topaz eyes seeing clearly in the pitch black. He reached for a glass and a bottle of brandy as he tried to collect himself. He swallowed hard, much harder than he had in the dream. Brandy was his preferred drink, blood was his necessary nutrient, and death was but a bittersweet dream.

    Laughter rang out as he settled his thoughts. Death? Indeed!

    He had experienced it once, and now he wondered when he would experience it again — even immortality had its end. Would his soul ever know peace? Or would Gyth capture it again, as he had so many years ago, when Varick had met his first death?

    Your dreams plague you, a detached voice echoed around his room.

    Cursing profusely, Varick spun around, barely managing to keep the glass in his hand. With a soft growl, he bowed slightly as Gyth appeared in the same long, white robes Varick had been wearing in the dreams. Suspicion crept up his spine as the god raised his hand and the overhead lights flooded the concrete and steel dwelling.

    This was his sanctuary. It was deep underground and almost out of everyone’s radars. All except for Gyth, of course.

    You’re shaking, Gyth stated flatly as he turned and inspected the chambers where Varick slept. Do your dreams often plague you?

    The only time they didn’t plague him was when he was blissfully intoxicated. Currently, he was extremely sober, but as soon as Gyth was gone, he was going to remedy that.

    Gods, how many years had he been a Destroyer?

    Two thousand, almost to the day. He thought back to the time when there had been ten Destroyers, ten who hunted the vampire, the witch, and the werewolf. For over a thousand years, the ten of them had killed without mercy, without pause, and without regret. Humanity had flourished easily with the decline of the demons, their sightings diminishing so much so that the humans had eventually considered the demons myths.

    What do you want?

    Destroyer, Gyth grunted. You’re not your usual self. I’ll forgive you this one insolence, but dare not to make another.

    Trying to keep from rolling his eyes, Varick set the glass down. Alexander is our leader — why come to me? I’m just a Destroyer, and I follow his orders.

    He is only because you refused to accept leadership. Gyth sat on the edge of Varick’s bed, looking completely out of place. Tell me, Varick — being part vampire, does that bother you? Does destroying other vampires plague you?

    A slow burn of bitterness welled up inside his heart. How do you refuse to answer a god?

    You don’t.

    Gritting his teeth, Varick brought the glass to his lips and swallowed. There’s not one day that passes in my long life that I regret slaughtering any of them — not vampire, not werewolf, and not witch. And until I meet my end, I’ll continue doing so.

    Why, then, do you have these dreams that make your hands shake? You’re a meticulous, calculating Destroyer, eager for battle and eager for the hunt of my enemies, yet when in the confines of your privacy, you have trouble sleeping. Gyth stood, his robes pooling at his feet. It seems highly illogical.

    Biting back his pride, Varick took a deep breath and nodded. Seems that way.

    I’ll leave you with some advice, wanted or not.

    Perhaps he had not heard the god correctly, or maybe he was still dreaming.

    Advice? Varick laughed bitterly. I don’t need your advice!

    Careful, Destroyer. You threaten to step across a line that will lead you down a paved road to punishment.

    Don’t you mean pain? Because that is, after all, what you do when we defy you or threaten your tyranny. Varick stepped toe-to-toe with the white-haired god. I already kill for you — what else you want? My blood? Oh, wait, you got that already when you let me drain dry before I was reborn. My sworn oath? Oh no, you got that too. Let me guess — my skin hanging in your bedroom?

    A rumble of power echoed around the room as the Destroyer was lifted from his feet and slammed into the concrete and steel wall with unseen hands. Gyth grunted and held him against the wall with his powers.

    Releasing him, Gyth announced nonchalantly. For the next several weeks, perhaps months, you’ll find yourself under distress as the Mating Rite lays siege upon your body.

    As his backside hit the floor, Varick groaned, letting his head fall back against the wall with a thump. What? No, I can’t go through that.

    With a smirk and a quick laugh, Gyth answered. You already are. Accept it as it is and don’t fight it. The more you fight it, the worse it will be.

    The Mating Rite was every Destroyer’s eventual torture. It was nature’s simple way of taking them down a notch or two. The need to mate would overwhelm him, and his control would slowly melt away and leave him depressingly needful of a woman. According to Gyth, the Mating Rite was a necessary evil, the consequence of being reborn.

    Must not be his lucky century.

    Why? he grumbled under his breath. Why did you come here?

    The god shrugged. Morbid curiosity.

    Slowly, Varick stood. Curiosity about what?

    Facing the Destroyer, Gyth narrowed his golden eyes. Why do you not want to be the leader of my Destroyers?

    Destroyers. They were created by Gyth to protect the One Race, a race of people who resided on earth that were descendants of the gods. Members of the One Race were not considered true gods because they had only one parent that was. They were not allowed in the Heavens or in the Underworld. And there was always someone or something trying to eradicate the One Race. The Destroyers eliminated those threats.

    Above protecting the One Race, the Destroyers were to obey Gyth, the king of the heavenly gods, in all things, no matter if those orders conflicted with protecting the One Race or not.

    Of course, several pointed laws adhered to being a Destroyer. Do not stray into evil. Do not kill humans. Do not reveal your true nature to the humans. Do not rise against Gyth. Follow orders without pause.

    I’m not a leader. I’m a killer now, just as I was when you found me.

    An odd expression lingered on the god’s face. Your hatred of your mother’s race intrigues me.

    Does it? Then perhaps you should know that my hatred extends far beyond just the vampires. I hate everyone equally. A muscle ticked in his strong jaw. It keeps me indifferent and makes me a better killer.

    And this hatred, Gyth whispered. Is eating at your soul.

    Varick turned and spat out, My soul? I lost my soul when I watched my mother …

    The words stuck in the back of his throat, his eyes burning. He wondered what in the nine hells was wrong with him as memories flooded his mind. Shaking his head, he turned back to the desk where he had set the glass and suddenly needed more of the potent sting of alcohol against the back of his throat.

    Gyth, the Great Infallible One — not only was he a god; he was the head god, lord and king of the Heavens and Earth. He was an all-powerful, all-seeing, and all kinds of pain in the backside kind of guy. Yeah, well, the way Varick saw it, if Gyth was so all-powerful and lordly, why couldn’t he take out all the demons himself?

    He paused in his thoughts as Gyth vanished, blackness closing in, and for a mere breath of a second he wondered why Gyth had come to visit him and why he had announced that the Mating Rite was on his heels.

    Who was he to try to understand a god? And why should he care to begin with? It was not in his preordained position to question the whys and how comes. He knew his path. He was a killer — always had been and always would be.

    Looking down at his still-shaking hands, he cursed. He was out of his element, out of his usual demeanor, and he damn sure didn’t like it. After all, why would a dream and an unusual visit from Gyth affect him this way? It shouldn’t have. Yet it did.

    Or perhaps it was the Mating Rite closing in? It had nothing to do with his vampire half, nor did it have anything to do with the memories of his long-dead mother. And it sure didn’t have a damn thing to do with his past, his present, or his future.

    He was what he was. Easy as that.

    Agreeing to disagree with himself, he shelved his emotions and forced himself to get a grip. He was a Destroyer, well known for his flawless accuracy and unbending logic and control. He was not going to allow the Mating Rite or anything else to interfere with his life.

    Turning on his heel, he grabbed the bottle from the desk and stretched his six-foot-six frame out onto his bed. His rebirth, the day he had become a Destroyer, lay in the back of his thoughts, and that was just where the hell he wanted it to stay. His life before his rebirth was not something he spoke of, nor did he want to rehash those bitter, burning memories.

    Closing his eyes, he yawned, his incisors slipping back into their sheaths as sleep once again demanded his attention. The dawn did that to a Destroyer and, unfortunately, it did that to a half-breed vampire as well.

    • • •

    The Book of Creation lay at the Tree of Life’s deeply rooted trunk. The book’s silver cover had been inscribed with the eight signs of the true zodiac in a perfect figure eight. The eight symbols depicted the original gods of Creation. Within the book’s pages lay ancient knowledge that legions upon legions had fought and died for, that many a soul had given up home, family, and love for.

    But the book was just one of many. Many that now needed to be found and brought together with the Book of Creation.

    The book’s caretaker stood on the edge of the small island, his black and silver robe softly fluttering against his long, powerful legs. Shrouded within his robes, his face was hidden, his emotions as unreadable as the wind. His demeanor was indifferent; his stance was that of a seasoned warrior, ever ready, ever deadly. There was but one purpose at all times, to protect and obey the written word of the Book of Creation at all costs and protect the Tree of Life.

    The book’s original owner and creator, an ancient god called Jaiden, was inconceivably missing and thought dead. He alone had protected the sacred words; he alone would have massacred the entire human and god-born races if the book so commanded.

    Except now, the books were demanding Charon’s attention.

    Charon had lived on this island hidden in the translucent waters of the River Styx many years before the book had suddenly appeared. His only true companions were the Tree of Life, the book, and the River Styx. And here he had remained since the downfall of the Olympian gods, waiting, preparing, and watching until recently when he had felt the pull of Jaiden’s soul.

    The island floated in the invisible river that separated the Heavens, the Earth, and the Underworld; there was no better hiding place. He turned and stared at the silver palace towering above the granite hillside as his mind wandered with thoughts he had never had before. Thoughts that now puzzled him.

    The robe covering his face fell away, his red eyes glowing in an ashen, yet beautiful face. With one hand curled around a red-and-black bone scythe, he held out the other and called forth the book. Hundreds of years had passed since he had read from the pages he so precariously protected.

    One corner of his lip lifted as the book appeared open in his palm, eager for him to read. He watched the pages turn until midway a page fluttered, its soft glow shimmering as words appeared before his eyes. The translucent waters of the River Styx bubbled and whispered to him, a vortex of water opening at the edge of the island.

    The page turned, the words churning in his mind as he slowly closed the book. The fate of the Universe hung in the balance of good and evil, dangled on many single choices, and Charon managed a cold laugh. And now the world’s hope lay within the Destroyers’ choices, as they had free will if they chose to use it.

    He paused before turning to Styx.

    Styx bubbled and gurgled around him announcing a visitor. Charon’s eyebrow rose. No one had ever visited this place.

    With a purple flash and a wisp of smoke, Terror Sky of the Elemental gods appeared before Charon in full dragon glory. Large red scales melted and molded into human flesh. His body contorted and decreased in size until standing before him was a man with long black hair and a single red braid hanging from his temple.

    What brings you to my world? Charon asked suspiciously.

    As much as I don’t want to trust you, Isten informs me that I must do so. He has seen a vision of a new age, insists that you be made aware of the importance of a male known as Varick. His destiny is uncertain, leaving the future uncertain as well.

    Yes, a new age is approaching, and soon these prison walls will crumble around us and the doorways will once again be opened. Charon’s face shimmered, leaving behind the bleached white bones of a skull with red eyes. Soon the tides will be set in motion, and the game shall begin. Only destinies chosen wisely will lead the sun to set on a new era.

    I have kept watch over Varick for many years. Terror Sky ran his hand through his long, dark hair. He must be protected until the time comes for his decision.

    Charon grinned under his hood. A game of life and death. No doubt you’re aware of his former life and what he’ll become if the wrong decision is made.

    Terror Sky narrowed his swirling eyes. We must set things right and force the right decisions on these Destroyers if Isten’s intended future is to be realized.

    The book opened in Charon’s hand as Terror Sky said, Now is the perfect time to push Varick toward the life Isten intended for him.

    Pointing a long talon at the words that had appeared in the book, Charon whispered, This Varick Ta Farg, a half-breed vampire, must rise from his own ashes, choose a destiny that lies before him, and … He paused as Styx rushed around him, causing small whirlpools to appear chaotically across the island. And he will pave the road that will lead to salvation or destruction.

    Terror Sky replied, The fate of the world rests on a half-breed vampire’s head. Are you prepared for that, Charon?

    Charon laughed. The book has commanded, and I must obey.

    Someone is changing the words of Jaiden’s books. I don’t know how or why they do so, but they must be stopped before more harm befalls this universe.

    "If the books are to be found, the Book of Creation will guide me to them," Charon stated.

    Terror Sky paused, listening to the River Styx gurgling and swirling faster around the island. Varick will have the power to restore the wrongs, but he must choose to do so freely.

    Charon shook his head. Perhaps his death will set things on the proper course.

    With my life, I’ll protect him and his power even against the strongest of the gods. The Elemental’s voice dropped dangerously low. Even from that book and from you.

    I will not harm Varick at this time unless the book commands it — you can bet your immortality upon that.

    Or ever. Do we understand each other? His silent threat hung in the air. Or do I need to make myself perfectly clear on the subject?

    Don’t threaten me, Terror Sky.

    Harm one single thread of hair on his head, and you’ll have no need to worry about your precious book!

    Abruptly the Elemental vanished, his telltale purple flash the only reminder of his presence. Charon laughed. Terror Sky’s visit could only mean one thing. Whoever was meddling with Jaiden’s books had to be found and stopped.

    Styx churned with power as Charon stepped into the vortex of translucent water. Styx swept him up and cradled him as the Tree of Life groaned and settled deeper into the island’s core, preparing itself for whatever might come.

    Chapter 2

    Angelica squirmed around in the uncomfortable leather chair as she waited for the club’s manager to come into the dimly lit office. Out of habit, she twined her fingers around her long, black hair as she nervously fidgeted while she tried to get comfortable. She needed a second job, and this seemed to be the only one in the entire city that was available.

    Angelica had never worked as a waitress, but hey, she would give it a try; she really needed the extra money, and when desperate times call, desperate measures answer. Well, truth be told, she might actually meet some people here who were not the stuffy bores she was unfortunately getting used to.

    During the last six years, she had had a variety of part-time jobs that had not worked out at all, and things kept going from bad to worse every second she had her eyes open. Thankfully, the job at the Museum of Ancient Art had held steady, but even so, her paycheck just didn’t cover all the bills she had to pay and to get her car fixed. Not to mention she was beginning to feel as dried up and crusty as the mummies in the Hall of Egypt.

    Angelica took a deep breath and relaxed in the chair. She studied her well-shaped, long fingernails as her thoughts turned to home; it seemed so far away now. Gridhorn, Arkansas was probably the smallest town in the U.S, but it was home. Comfortable and friendly was what the welcome banner read when you drove into city limits. A chuckle escaped her lips as she fondly remembered the one traffic light in front of the courthouse that always seemed to be on the fritz.

    Sure. Comfortable and friendly, but boring as hell.

    She desperately missed her big brother. She smiled as his face came to mind. Oddly enough, he had been an adult when she was born.

    He was overbearing, pig headed, and way the hell too protective most of the time. When she left home, he had nearly tied her to the ground to keep her from leaving. It was strange that since she had left, she had not once heard from him. A hard jerk from her heart shuddered through her body; even after six years, how could he still be pissed at her for leaving?

    She shifted in her chair as the office door opened and a very slender, tall woman walked in. She was amazingly beautiful, almost ethereal. Her hair was a network of blonde highlights twisted in silky, auburn waves, and she had the bluest eyes; she probably wore contacts.

    The woman smiled slowly as she studied Angelica’s outstretched hand. I prefer not to be touched. I do hope you won’t be offended.

    Angelica dropped her hand. No, no I’m not offended.

    Good. I am Alera. I manage this club, and if you are the one that gets hired, there are a few basic rules you must be aware of.

    Well, she was quick to get to the point. Yeah, okay.

    First, call me Alera. Second, do as I say. Third, don’t socialize with the customers unless instructed to do so. Fourth, don’t drink while you are working. And, always do as I say. Do you understand?

    Angelica frowned as she stood. Yes. I sure do understand. I didn’t come here to be ordered around like a monkey on a string.

    Good. Alera pointed back to the chair. Please, sit down. You have spunk and that’s what it’s going to take to be a waitress at this place.

    Angelica squared her shoulders trying to release some of the tension in her neck as Alera sat down behind the old, Victorian-style desk. The woman seemed to fit right into the ancient-looking office. She took an ink pen from the desk drawer and pulled a sheet of paper from a file folder on the desktop. Angelica’s gaze was drawn to the necklace around Alera’s neck, and she caught her breath as she recognized the symbol on her pendant. Her fingers automatically went to her wrist, which was covered with a wide, silver bracelet.

    Now, that was damn odd that this woman would be wearing a symbol Angelica had been born with. A symbol she could not explain.

    Full name?

    Sitting back down in the uncomfortable chair, she answered, Angelica Dark.

    Alera looked up with curiosity etched on her face. Who was your father?

    Angelica looked away, but answered even though the question seemed ridiculous for an interview. Feverand Dark. She turned back to Alera and tried to smile. He died when I was born.

    That’s a shame. Birthday?

    June the twentieth, nineteen seventy.

    Alera scribbled on the paper. Have you ever been a waitress before?

    No, but I’m willing to learn.

    Do you have another job at present?

    Yes. Angelica sighed. But I need a little supplemental income.

    Where else do you work?

    At the local museum. I give tours and help with the bookkeeping. Is that a problem?

    No, it’s not as long as it doesn’t interfere with your job requirements here. Alera paused and pulled out Angelica’s application from the stack in her tray. Pay here is pretty good and most regulars are great tippers. It says here you live at one twenty-two Hillsboro. That’s a pretty nice part of the city.

    Angelica nodded. My father left it to me in his will.

    Oh, I see. I’m truly sorry about his death. I’m sure he was a good … She paused oddly. … man.

    I never knew him, but my brother says he was a loving father.

    Alera smiled. You have a brother?

    Angelica grinned and laughed. Yeah.

    And your mother? One light-colored eyebrow rose as she studied Angelica’s features.

    He says she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

    Alera grinned. All men think there is none more beautiful than their mothers.

    Sometimes I wish I had a picture of her.

    Alera frowned. What was her name?


    For a mere breath of a second, Angelica thought she saw a flicker of curiosity cross Alera’s face, but it disappeared so quickly she was not so sure it had been there at all. Angelica patiently waited as Alera read her application.

    To be honest with you, you really don’t seem like waitress material. Alera placed the application back in the folder. There are other applicants better qualified.

    Angelica retorted, And you don’t seem like club manager material.

    True enough. Now, do you have any questions?

    Yeah, I have one. Angelica pointed to Alera’s necklace. Where did you get that and do you know if it stands for anything?

    My necklace? Alera ran her fingertips over the pendant. It was a gift from my father. It is the symbol of my family.

    Why would the symbol for someone’s family be on my wrist? Angelica stood as she shook her head. You know what? I don’t think I am waitress material. Sorry to have wasted your time.

    She heard Alera take a sharp intake of breath and watched in amazement as she stood and came around the desk. Her long, white dress swished around her ankles as she reached for Angelica’s arm.

    Let me see the birthmark.

    Angelica knitted her brows together. Why?

    Alera grabbed her arm. Let me see it now!

    Angelica jerked away and pulled her sleeve up, showing the woman her wrist. Alera’s eyes widened as Angelica removed her bracelet. A bad feeling began creeping up Angelica’s spine as Alera stared at her wrist.

    Alera stepped back and pulled her sleeve up, as well. She held her wrist out next to Angelica’s, and both women stared in disbelief. In the same spot on their wrists was a light blue triangle with two dots on each side of the top point. Now, how weird was that?

    Does your brother have this mark?

    Y … yes he does.

    And your mother, did she have it as well? continued Alera.

    Fearful that she might stutter, Angelica whispered, How the hell am I supposed to know? She died right after I was born.

    What do you know of her?

    The bad feeling she was having turned into an ache behind her eyes. Why do you ask?

    Angelica watched as Alera nervously rubbed her hands together. She was suddenly very sure she needed some fresh air and a few blocks between this strange woman and herself.

    Alera finally answered, I had a sister that died almost thirty years ago. Her name was Antonia Dark.

    And you think my mother was your sister? Angelica tried not to laugh, but it was ridiculous. Look lady, I didn’t know my mother. I don’t even know what she looked like. All I have is her diary that’s written in some kind of messed up language or code.

    Alera looked at Angelica and sighed. May I see the diary?

    Angelica gritted her teeth. Was this woman crazy? Seriously, did she expect her to just hand over the diary like it was yesterday’s newspaper?

    I can’t just give you her diary. Angelica managed to maintain her composure. Do you have any idea just how creepy this interview has been?

    Alera slowly nodded. Forgive me. I just thought that maybe, just maybe I had found one of her children.

    Angelica took two steps back. I don’t need this job that bad.

    Wait. If you want the job, you can start tomorrow night. Be here around nine and I’ll go over all the finer details of the job description.

    Angelica turned to the door and paused. She really did need this job. What should I wear?

    Anything presentable.

    Alera … the mark. I’ve never seen it on anyone else, except for my brother and me. I’ve always believed it was a birthmark. And that’s all it is. She looked over her shoulder at Alera. I firmly believe that there are things in this world people can’t explain, and there are things people shouldn’t explain.

    And you think the birthmarks are one of those things? Alera rolled her eyes. You have a lot to learn.

    What’s that supposed to mean? Angelica asked as she turned to face Alera.

    My family is very special. And if you are part of that family, there are things you must know. Angelica didn’t miss the note of unease in her voice as she continued. I must make a few calls before I go into any kind of discussion.

    Angelica rubbed her wrist, instantly calming herself, and stared at Alera for a minute before saying, This is totally insane.

    Alera took a deep breath. I understand your position. I would think it was insane if I had never known my mother and some woman I had never met said she was my aunt. Perhaps we should talk about this later.

    With a shake of her head, Angelica went to the door. I’ll have to think about this whole situation. It’s too hard to believe.

    Please, give me some time. I’m sure we can work this out, but it must wait for now. Go home tonight, and we’ll discuss this later.

    Walking down the hall, Angelica dropped her head as three leather-clad giants stalked down the corridor. And yes, they were stalking like predators. She stopped, her eyes defying her brain’s urge to look elsewhere. Big, muscled walls of steel on a direct approach to where she timidly stood trying not to look like a field mouse.

    Edging closer to the wall, she apprehensively took a peek at the three bikers. Leather, leather, and oh, guess what? More leather accessorized with chains and spikes. Yeah, definitely bikers … body-building, bad-boy bikers.

    Biting her lip, she swept her hazel eyes farther up from their black biker boots to the leather chaps to the leather trench coats and straight on up to the vaults of heaven that rested on their necks. Okay, so she was female and instantly attracted to the three studs that were getting dangerously closer by the second. It wasn’t like she could help herself. All those wide shoulders and tight-fitting leathers; leathers that had apparently been tailor fitted to neatly hug their entire glorious bodies.

    God, please don’t let me trip and fall on my face!

    Straightening her shoulders and forcing herself to stop cowering along the wall, she took a deep breath and stared at the door that now seemed a thousand feet away. From the far recesses of her brain, an odd humming started growing louder, and words that threw her for a loop echoed around her brain like a pinball.

    Primal meat! Alpha males to the hundredth power. Sex! Pure, unadulterated testosterone wrapped up in bodies built for sin and erotic indecent, acts of grinding and headboard banging!

    Lordy day, could she be any more of a slut? Oh, yeah!

    When they passed, she turned to watch them walk away, getting a full view of their backsides. Her face burned as one of the men turned and she met a piercing set of green eyes, snarling lips, a vicious scar, multiple facial piercings, and an impressive set of long, very sharp canine teeth.

    Run, little girl, before I have you for dinner. The exquisite male voice she heard so crystal clear in her mind threatened her sanity. Fear raced through her, she was sure she had not heard him speak out loud.

    And so, without further ado, she ran as if her very life depended on it.

    Chapter 3

    As Angelica closed the door, Alera reached for her phone and dialed a number she had committed to heart. Varick was always just a call away. She waited impatiently as the phone rang.

    Hello, this is Varick.

    His voice sent goose bumps up Alera’s spine. The velvety crush of his baritone was satin and lace, leather and spice, and pure raw, male magnetism. She reminded herself she was indeed a mated female but could not deny Varick’s sex appeal.

    Varick, this is Alera.

    There was a long pause before he spoke again. What’s wrong?

    Tears slid down her face. I have a niece. She paused, waited for a response and received none. I have found her or … she has found me.

    She ran her hand through her hair and pulled out the drawer of her desk. She reached in and lovingly ran her hand across the old, eight-by-ten painting that was covered in plastic. It was an ancient picture of her and her sisters, all six of them, before the Burning had taken place. The Burning — good Heavens, a day she would never forget.

    Varick Ta Farg had been chosen to lead one of her sisters through the Burning. She had rejected Varick and had died.

    Women seldom made it through the Burning. If it were just a question of physical pain, it would not be a problem, but that was not the case. The Burning was a process of the soul, a transition of blood, and a hellish physical torture. And if that were not bad enough, it was a necessary step in the changing process. Being the descendants of gods and goddesses took a great toll on the body, mind, and spirit.

    She closed her eyes. If someone made it through the Burning, they received immortality and a supernatural ability. Even with immortality, people of the One Race could still be slaughtered, as her sister Antonia had been along with Feverand Dark.

    Antonia’s daughter? His voice was barely audible. At her silence, he continued, Are you sure she is?

    Yes, and she has Antonia’s diary.

    Varick took a deep breath. Alera, does she know?

    No, I don’t think she does, but there is something else you and the others should know.

    Seconds passed as she waited, listening to the dead silence on the line. What?

    She has a brother.

    A long pause followed, and Alera held her breath, hoping Varick hadn’t lost his signal. What if Angelica really was Antonia’s daughter? Questions and more questions.

    A brother? A whisper escaped Varick’ lips. Is he here with her?

    I’m not sure, but Antonia died thirty years ago, and her son just disappeared off the face of the earth. Alera paused. Varick, do you think maybe it’s Eli Dark?

    The Destroyer, Eli Dark, was the son of Feverand Dark, a Destroyer who was one of the first of their kind, one of the first ten. His death had been a severe blow to Gyth and his loyal Destroyers. Feverand had been chosen to take Antonia, Alera’s sister, through her Burning. They had bonded their souls and, in the old tradition, they had married. Most Destroyers were unable to bear children, and Eli’s birth had been celebrated in Gyth’s own palace in the stars.

    Alera spoke slowly. Varick? Do you think that Gyth knows of her? She’ll be turning thirty soon. All descendants enter the Burning at that age — all of them.

    If she is to go through the Burning, then Gyth would know. It’s conceivable she was born without the mark. Many of the gods’ descendants have been.

    Alera grinned as she answered, She has the mark. It’s the same as mine.

    I wonder whom Gyth is going to choose. I hope the poor bastard knows what he’s getting into.

    Varick, please!

    Don’t take it the wrong way. It’s a task I will never take on again.

    Alera closed her blue eyes. You know it wasn’t your fault … what happened was … I just don’t want you to think I hold it against you.

    Varick was silent for a few minutes before speaking. I would have saved your sister if I could have, but she …

    You don’t have to explain it. It was a long time ago. She heard metal on metal and wondered what he was doing. Most of us don’t make it through the Burning.

    Varick growled and hissed. She didn’t want it, Alera. She wanted to die. She wouldn’t let me help.

    Alera gritted her teeth to keep from trembling and managed to respond, I know she didn’t want to … she didn’t want immortality.

    Varick was silent, and she continued. Like I said, it was a long time ago, but I’m worried my niece doesn’t know what’s going to happen to her body.

    Find out more about her in the next few days, and I will ask Gyth about her. But I’m sure he has chosen for her already. He knows when the Burning is coming.

    Alera held the phone to her ear for a long time after he hung up. She looked up at the ceiling and a tear slid down her cheek as she prayed that Angelica made it through the Burning.

    • • •

    Grace, ethereal and majestic, watched as the scene played out in the office of the club. Her smile stretched across her pale pink lips as a low hum left her mouth. Things were looking brighter every second that passed, whether the darling Angelica knew it or not. She stood, and the cloud she had been floating on disappeared as she waved her hand. It was indeed good to be a goddess.

    She glided across the white marble floor to a pedestal of gold and reached down to turn the pages in the silver book that lay awaiting her touch. The Book of Promises had long ago belonged to the god known as Jaiden. It was a link between the Heavens and the Earth. Or better yet, it was a link between Grace and the Destroyers Gyth so carefully watched and commanded. And what he didn’t know wasn’t going to hurt him.

    Soft laughter filled the white marble room as she ran her finger down the page to the name of Varick Ta Farg, son of the god Gyth and the vampire Vicery Beth. A brief description of his life before becoming a Destroyer was entered by his name, but the important part was what Grace saw under the description.

    Under his name, gold letters appeared, the power of the missing god, Jaiden, evidently still in use. She smiled as she watched the inscription scroll down the page.

    Well, my skilled assassin, it seems our debt will be paid in full in due time. Oh, it does give me such great pleasure to know that a vampire … no … a reborn assassin of your worth will be rewarded so richly.

    Smiling with unrefined pleasure, she turned the page and suddenly frowned as she saw another name appear in her book. Damnation! Couldn’t a goddess get a break every now and then?

    Just because the Destroyers were warriors of the higher powers did not mean they should be emotionally destroyed. Over the years, she had watched their misery and pain surface and explode, but with the help of the Book of Promises she had given a few of them a reason to continue. It wasn’t that she liked to meddle; she just didn’t like Gyth. He was intolerable at best.

    She opened her hand, and a small white light appeared as the faces of the Destroyers fluttered in and out of her sight. There were a hundred of them, all as handsome as Gyth himself, all with tortured pasts, and all thinking that they owed Gyth for their making. Unbelievable, but at least they did carry out the main task. They protected the One Race from the spawn of the Underworld and killed as many of the evil creatures as they could.

    She sighed. It was a pity Gyth had lost sight of the fact that the Destroyers were a race of unequal endowments. Their beauty and power alone were enough to make her stomach clench hotly. The part that angered her was their pain, each of them suffering in their own way, each of their hearts and souls battered and bruised almost to the point of no repair.

    Grace grinned mischievously; she had taken it upon herself to make sure at least some of the Destroyers found happiness, and dear old Gyth was completely unable to do anything about it!

    After all, she was the goddess who promoted love and sexuality.

    She paused in her thoughts as she turned back to the Book of Promises. Varick was going to be in for a life-changing experience. She had already set into motion the events that would lead to his much-earned happiness.

    Grace waved her hand and Angelica’s face appeared hovering over Varick’s name. She was strong but gentle, tough but loving, someone kind but mean as hell when she needed to be. Most of all, Varick would need someone who could make his heart skip two beats just by looking at her. Grace laughed merrily as she manifested a bone pen in her right hand.

    She carefully wrote Angelica’s name in the Book of Promises under Varick’s. Yes, this is the one.

    It was going to take some very careful planning and time, but Grace had all the time in the universe to wait for this. Angelica would be Varick’s saving grace. She giggled, saving grace, indeed. What a play on words.

    She turned back to the book and hummed into the air. Amay! Come, join me in my chambers!

    Amay, golden and shining with an unearthly light, appeared before Grace. She bowed slightly and shimmered until she stepped onto the marble floor. Her long, black hair trailed the floor behind

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