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City of the Gods: The Traveller Series, #2
City of the Gods: The Traveller Series, #2
City of the Gods: The Traveller Series, #2
Ebook249 pages4 hours

City of the Gods: The Traveller Series, #2

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A missing sun god. A Realm going dark. Can one magic novice rescue an ancient power before it's too late?

Kyah struggles to understand who she is. Escorted to the breathtaking City of the Gods for training, she prays she'll discover her true identity. But before she can take in the breathtaking new world, she learns that an evil darkness is coming, and Kyah may be the only one who can stop it. 

Tasked by a reclusive god to rescue Ra himself, Kyah must embark on a dangerous quest without fully understanding her own powers. But if she fails to recover the missing deity, the lack of light may consume all Realms and every innocent person inside. 

Will Kyah learn to wield her untapped magic in time, or will all worlds around her fall into ruin?

City of the Gods is the second book in the imaginative Traveller fantasy series. If you like powerful heroines, myths and legends, and fast-paced action, then you'll love S.E. Wright's thrilling story.

Buy City of the Gods to rescue the Realms from darkness today!

Release dateApr 20, 2017
City of the Gods: The Traveller Series, #2

S.E. Wright

S.E. Wright is from Central New York, and studied Civil and Environmental Engineering at Clarkson University. She currently lives in Portland, Maine working as a full-time environmental engineer and dreaming up stories in her spare time. Visit to get updated on what she's working on today, book releases and other news.

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    City of the Gods - S.E. Wright


    There was nothing but gray all around her. The only sound was her muffled breathing.

    Then she saw it. A flash of light in the distance. Kyah tried to reach it but she couldn’t get her legs to move fast enough. Her heart was racing. She wasn’t going to get to it in time.

    With her next step, she found herself in a dark room. There were metal cages hanging from the ceiling and wooden tables before her, darkened by bloodstains. She blinked and she was sitting on the floor with Arthur’s bloodied head in her lap. She was crying and babbling incomprehensibly when Arthur’s eyes popped open.

    Give me the sword! he screeched in Morgana’s voice.

    She screamed and in another blink found herself running through a corridor in the castle in Camelot. A familiar, oily, dark presence was creeping down the hallway behind her.

    Give me the sword! Morgana screamed.

    She kept running, her chest tight and her breathing short. She entered the courtyard. Guinevere stood before her, slapping Arthur across the face.

    No! Stop it! she yelled.

    Guinevere turned. She had gaping holes in her stomach and blood all down the front of her pure, white dress.

    What is happening? Kyah whispered.

    Her stomach turned and bile rose to the back of her throat. She blinked and she was in the throne room battling Morgana, who wielded a lightening-bolt sword. She danced backwards as one of Morgana’s blows sliced the air before her. She turned and caught a glimpse of herself in the glass doors.

    No! she screamed. No! N—!

    Morgana knocked her down and yanked Excalibur out of her hands. Feeling like her heart had just been cut from her body, she lay there staring at the vision of herself in the glass doors. Her skin was gray and her hair was an oil slick. Open sores were leaking green pus down her face and neck.

    This isn’t right… she whispered, remembering that Excalibur had shown her a vision of herself in the castle that night looking powerful and strong. Had she fallen into the hands of the darkness? This wasn’t how it happened…

    The sickly vision of herself pulsed and was replaced with a new version. She had a streak of hair that sparkled and glowed. Near her heart there was a sparkle of white light. It blinked out but then sparkled again before flashing so brightly she had to turn her eyes away. When she looked back at her reflection, she saw the golden-skinned redhead with flashing green eyes that Excalibur had shown her before.

    Feeling like she’d just been fooled, she stood up and ran towards Morgana. When Kyah reached for Excalibur, Morgana opened her mouth and something like the sound of an air horn came out.

    Kyah’s hand touched Excalibur and the world disappeared in a flash of blinding light.

    Kyah blinked. She was standing in the middle of a bedroom, her heart racing. An alarm was blaring.

    It was a nightmare just a nightmare.

    She shivered and rubbed her hands down her clammy arms. It took her a moment to remember where she was and why. She drew a shuddering breath. The lands of the Fae Lords. We’re staying with King Louris Arthur and I on our way to the City of the Gods.

    Her heart sped up once more as the image of her friend’s bloodied head appeared before her. Arthur.

    The alarm was an undulating siren that rose in a crescendo before ceasing abruptly and starting over again. It was earsplitting. Kyah padded barefoot through her bedroom into a sitting room, grabbing a long sweater along the way.

    At the sound of pounding feet just outside, she yanked open her door in time to see several elven guards rush by. Now fully awake, she followed them at a run. They appeared to be making their way out of the building.

    She skidded to a halt when she exited King Louris’s residence. It was some time in the middle of night, judging by the location of the two moons, but a crowd had gathered on the royal grounds. Alarms were sounding throughout the entire city of M’Kush.

    Looking around the crowd that had gathered outside, she didn’t see anyone she recognized. Where is he?

    Just as panic started to set in, a heavy hand landed on her shoulder. Jerking around, she breathed a sigh of relief. Arthur had appeared behind her, a frown creasing his brow. At his back stood King Louris and his Ranger, Sa’alan.

    The King and the Ranger were still. Not a single twitch on their faces gave a hint as to their feelings at what was happening. As Kyah studied their blank expressions, the alarm that had been sounding throughout the grounds came to a stop.

    King Louris spoke then, in a voice that boomed out over the crowd and beyond. All, we have had an unscheduled visitor come through the Elmiria Portal. The visitor has been identified and is here with us now. Please return to your homes. All is well.

    Kyah took several slow steps in the direction of the large, white building that housed the Elmiria Portal. Not that long ago, she would never have believed she was one of the beings who could not only travel through them, but even create them. A Traveller. She’d gone from cleaning houses for a living to travelling across the multiverse to save the likes of King Arthur himself. Her life had become a whirlwind of magic and legends.

    Kyah stopped in her tracks.

    Pan and Merlin were briskly making their way towards them, escorted by elven guards. Neither one was looking particularly happy. Her forehead scrunched painfully.

    King Louris pinned her with his gaze. Your friends have arrived well ahead of schedule. Their unexpected arrival does not bode well.

    Pan was dressed in all black attire. Kyah stiffened and her eyes widened at the color of his skin. It was fully green, and his black eyes sparkled, even under the night sky. When Pan looked like this, it was never a good sign. You couldn’t forget the fact he was an Ancient Power, one of the many Gods who existed throughout the multiverse. He was mysterious, powerful and dangerous. Though he was someone she happened to call friend, he still scared her.

    As the pair approached them, she saw that Pan was carrying a simple, silver canister. The crowd parted and gave them a deep bow.

    Follow me, Pan said as they went past, neither making eye contact nor breaking stride.

    The crowd dispersed. Kyah and Arthur fell in line and King Louris and Sa’alan followed them through a maze of hallways until they reached a massive conference room.

    Pan placed the canister on the table. When he turned back to them, his green skin had returned to its normal pale peach color, though it still retained a slight green sparkle.

    We bring urgent news that the Fae Lords must be made aware of immediately, he stated.

    Sa’alan raised an eyebrow and King Louris’s gaze darted around those assembled in the room.

    Kyah narrowed her eyes. Now they’re concerned.

    King Louris waved at everyone to take a seat but Merlin continued to stand, his lips pressed firmly together.

    Please, Pan, tell us your news and what the Fae Lords can do to help, Sa’alan said.

    The Ranger was balanced at the very edge of his seat.

    We were able to sequester Guinevere’s essence, Pan said, touching the silver canister. However, the damage wrought to the legends’ essence has diminished her and this will ultimately affect King Arthur’s timeline.

    Arthur sucked in a breath but said not a word. He stared at the silver canister.

    What does that mean for Arthur? For all of us? Kyah asked.

    We don’t know for sure, Pan said. This has never happened before. Whenever we’ve fought back, the essence of the legends has remained untouched and the timeline preserved. Whatever is happening with the darkness throughout the realms is something no one has ever seen before.

    Kyah shivered. His words brought back her nightmare. She’d seen the darkness firsthand. It had taken over Morgana and influenced Guinevere. Morgana had murdered Guinevere in a bid for more power. She had nearly killed Kyah because of her Traveller abilities. They’d defeated her, but it seemed it wasn’t enough to stop the darkness.

    The Ancient Powers are worried, Merlin said in a matter-of-fact tone. If they are worried, the rest of us should be terrified.

    Kyah tried to push down the fear that welled up inside her. It visited her all too often in her dreams these days.

    So…where is the canister containing Morgana? she asked, not really wanting to hear the answer.

    Pan looked at them all in turn. We had her contained and she was in transport to my own realm when the canister exploded and she was simply — gone.


    Pan sighed and leaned back into his overstuffed chair. I’m afraid this means an end to your rest for you two.

    He nodded at Kyah and Arthur. You have two days here in M’Kush to get your gear together before setting out to the City of the Gods. Kyah, the trials you were meant to face before getting there will be suspended or removed altogether at this point. Ancient Powers are on the move and the Gods are watching.

    He paused to stare at her. She swallowed. Her throat was dry. Morgana was somewhere out there. After everything they’d done to defeat her. Did this mean she’d have to face her again? She glanced at Arthur in the seat beside her.

    There are many eyes on you now, Pan continued. Take great care how you proceed. You will not understand now, but you will soon enough.

    Kyah could only nod. A bead of sweat sneaked down the back of her neck.

    The journey must still be taken on foot through the Infinite Forest, Sa’alan said in a firm tone.

    Kyah studied the stiff line of his jaw. The Infinite Forest?

    In the blink of an eye, Pan returned to his usual irreverent self.

    He waved his hand around in the air. I’m aware of Athena’s rules, Sa’alan.

    Sa’alan gave a stiff nod before standing. I will begin making arrangements for the journey. With the Gods’ help, the Infinite Forest should conform itself to a two or three day journey, as opposed to the usual two weeks.

    With that confusing remark, the Ranger left the room, a grim look on his face.

    Kyah took a breath. I’m sorry, but what did all of that mean?

    The Infinite Forest can be as large as deemed necessary, King Louris said. It serves as a barrier between the Fae lands and the rest of the realm. We are the monitors and caretakers here, so such measures are required.

    So…it’s like its own dimension? Kyah said, not really thinking about the words she was using.

    King Louris gave her a slow smile. That is exactly correct.

    His smile grew at the sight of her puzzled expression.

    Pan stifled a laugh. These lands are not in your Earth stories, Kyah. The realm of Elmiria is, as you would better understand it, an alternate universe that operates under its own rules. It serves as the landing universe for the majority of the Ancient Powers, Gods, legends and other multiverse elements that aren’t part of the Earth-realm story. It is a realm of convergence.

    Kyah’s face went slack and her mouth formed an ‘oh.’

    Pan grinned at her. We think you will get on well here in Elmiria, Kyah. It does mimic some of your Earth-realm rules. It is a source of great knowledge, which is why the academy is located here. Other entities that are learned in portal travel and aware of the other dimensions gravitate to the City of the Gods in times of need, to gain additional knowledge, seek out the Ancient Powers directly and so on. It will serve you well.

    Kyah sighed and bobbed her head, a wave of tiredness washing over her. Okay then. So can we all go back to bed now?

    Merlin laughed. You can. We will meet again in the morning.

    Through the haze, she could see the same scene she always saw in this dream.

    Smiling, she watched the little girl play and giggle at the ducks in the vibrant, green park. Standing her post at the edge of a copse of trees, she watched as the man and child’s hands touched and he whisked her up into his arms.

    He spun the little girl around in a circle and they both laughed. She wished she could be a part of their happiness.

    She kept her eyes glued to the man as he spun around, hoping to catch a glimpse of the face that held her eyes.

    The man turned to look directly at her and her heart skipped a beat. No matter how hard she strained, she still couldn’t make out any distinct features except the sharp, green gaze.

    The last time she’d dreamt of him, he had shouted at her to go back. Her heart raced with the hope of hearing more words. But instead of shouting at her this time, he put the young girl down and began walking straight towards her. The child seemed to be frozen in the spot he had placed her.

    The man didn’t stop until he was about twenty feet away. He was still blurry, with the exception of his eyes.

    Are you my father? she whispered.

    The man remained silent. As she strained to see his face, the details became clear, as if whatever was causing the blur was being washed away. The face that was revealed had a set to the eyes and mouth similar to her own.

    His hand reached out to her and he smiled. Kyah, my daughter, you’ve returned to Elmiria. You will be safe here. I can visit you in this place from time to time.

    Kyah shook her head, tears running down her face. But why are you here now? Where have you been?

    She took a few steps forward and her father’s smile disappeared abruptly.

    No! He held out his hands, both palms facing her. You’ll set off alarms. I’ll expl —

    Kyah came to, jackknifing into an upright position. The alarm was going off again. A cluster of people came crashing into her room, flooding it with light.

    Wha —?

    Merlin stood behind the elven guards that seemed to fill every corner.

    Pan popped into the room and marched towards her bed. Who was just in here with you?

    She threw up her hands. What do you mean? I was asleep!

    Pan seemed nonplussed, but Merlin strode forward and looked at her sternly. Girl, the alarm is triggered when any unapproved visitor is on the grounds. So, we ask again, who was just in this room with you?

    Kyah shook her head groggily. I was sleeping and having the dream I always have. I was talking this time. The man called me his daughter —

    Faster than she could process, Pan turned and waved his hand at the guards. They all disappeared.

    Merlin grabbed Kyah’s arm and yanked her out of bed.

    Hey! she shouted. What is going on?

    Pan turned back to her with a rigid jawline. He showed her his full form as an Ancient Power before summarily disappearing from view. Merlin began to drag her to her sitting room.

    She yanked her arm out of his grasp. What in the hell is going on?

    If your father has reached you here then it’s possible that the others who are constantly looking for him will now know where you are. So we must get you to some place safer.

    But he said I was safe here. Besides, it was just a dream, she said, the energy draining out of her.

    Merlin sighed. Your father has been missing for a very long time. Tracking him down has become the life’s work of several unsavory characters. And no, that was not a dream you were having. He was here with you just now. That’s the only explanation for why the alarms were triggered.

    Heaving a sigh, she squeezed her eyes shut for a second. Well, I don’t know if I can believe that. Look, at least let me change.

    Pan’s already taken care of that, Merlin said, nodding at her.

    Looking down at herself, she gasped. She was attired in red, leather pants and a brown, button-down, long-sleeve shirt, complemented by a black vest with an impossible number of pockets and a dark green, leather duster that was an inch shy of the floor. Knee-high, black-buckle boots completed the ensemble.

    Cool… she whispered.

    Merlin sighed and jerked her out of her reverie by grabbing her elbow and hauling her out of the bedroom.


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