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Heaven’s News!!! Book of Revelation Unfold By Jesus!!! Behold My Messenger 3 Behold My Names
Heaven’s News!!! Book of Revelation Unfold By Jesus!!! Behold My Messenger 3 Behold My Names
Heaven’s News!!! Book of Revelation Unfold By Jesus!!! Behold My Messenger 3 Behold My Names
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Heaven’s News!!! Book of Revelation Unfold By Jesus!!! Behold My Messenger 3 Behold My Names

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The hour has now come for us to reveal what lies before Mankind as the Book of Revelation unfolds their fate.

​We urge you to get a copy of this book as your only source of hope when the calamity strikes like a thief in the night without warning.

The clock has started ticking. It has one minute heaven's time before the strike.


Release dateMar 28, 2017
Heaven’s News!!! Book of Revelation Unfold By Jesus!!! Behold My Messenger 3 Behold My Names

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    Heaven’s News!!! Book of Revelation Unfold By Jesus!!! Behold My Messenger 3 Behold My Names - Shekinaih Trinity

    We do not belong to any Christian Organization, Denomination or Movement. THE ELOHIM is our source and reward in all that we do.

    Jer 17:5 Thus saith THE YAHWEH; cursed be the champion (H1397 geber, a valiant man or warrior) that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from THE YAHWEH.

    Jer 17:6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited.

    Jer 17:7 Blessed is the champion that trusteth in THE YAHWEH, and whose hope THE YAHWEH is.

    Jer 17:8 For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

    Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

    Jer 17:10 I THE YAHWEH search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

    It is not our intention to discredit any doctrine of any Organization or Denomination.

    The teachings in this book are based on visions from THE TRINITY (THE HEAVENLY FATHER, THE HOLY SPIRIT and THE YAHWEH JESUS CHRIST). They do not represent the full counsel of THE ELOHIM, as it is stated: For we know in part and we prophesy in part. (1 Cor 13:9).

    The Bible verses quoted are from the Authorized King James Bible. At other times, it is necessary for us to use translations given by THE TRINITY. For word study, we used BDB, Strong’s and Thayer Lexicons as dictionaries.

    Copyright © 2016 by Crowned Eagles Global

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

    may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

    without the express written permission of the publisher

    except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Artwork and logo are trademarks and © Crowned Eagles Global

    Published 31 December 2016

    Crowned Eagles Global






    Act 1 Scene 1

    Niagara Falls and Hoover Dam

    The Thief

    Changing the Names

    JESUS was sent to manifest THE FATHER’S name




    Act 1 Scene 2

    At the Waterfall

    The Modus Operandi of THE TRINITY

    In The Beginning

    Benefits of Knowing His name

    The Throne of THE TRINITY

    Part 1


    Act 2 Scene 1

    Singapore, Science Lab

    Chapter 1

    The Source of Life

    Chapter 2

    The Mastermind

    The Mind of THE FATHER

    THE FATHER Playing Chess with Satan

    Satan in Heaven

    Chapter 3

    The Representative of THE EHYEH

    How the EHYEH BRAIN Operates

    Part 2


    Act 3 Scene 1

    In the center of the Cosmoses

    Act 3 Scene 2

    A Green Pasture

    Chapter 1


    THE I/WE

    Moses Wearing White

    Act 3 Scene 3

    MacRitchie Reservoir,Singapore

    Chapter 2

    Judgment Must Begin

    THE Red Dragon attacking a Church

    Kong Hee and Sun Ho

    Lessons to Learn from Kong Hee’s Case

    D.G.S. Dhinakaran and Paul Dhinakaran

    Lesson to Learn from D.G.S. Dhinakaran’s Fate

    Paul Dhinakaran

    TAN Khian Seng, a Teacher/Prophet in Singapore

    Churches that come under Judgment

    Joseph Prince of New Creation

    Rony Tan and Lighthouse Evangelism

    Lawrence Kong of FCBC

    Benny Hinn

    Rick Joyner

    Those who Join the Woman Mystery Babylon

    Chapter 3

    The Seven Angels

    The Angel of THE YAHWEH

    A Golden Sickle and a Pair of White Shoes

    Chapter 4

    Five-Fold Justice

    Chapter 5

    Creation In Justice

    The Emanation of Light

    The Tree of Life

    Satan in The Garden of Eden

    Satan and JESUS Betting

    Satanists’ Evolution

    The Mighty Angel

    The New Earth

    Chapter 6

    Angels In Justice

    THE FATHER’S Heart

    Chapter 7

    Humanity In Justice

    a) The World in Justice

    b) Countries in Justice

    c) Continents in Justice

    Countries that will be Judged

    Goat ministers and Christians in the continents

    d) Young and Old in Justice

    e) Galaxies in Justice

    Chapter 8

    The Underworld in Justice

    Chapter 9

    Re-creation In Justice

    Chapter 10

    Rainbow Of Hope

    1) Realization of Hopes/Dreams/Promises

    2) Aspiration of One’s Self

    3) Self-Fulfilled Prophecy

    4) Time and Season for Everything

    5) Sunshine of Hope

    Part 3


    Act 4 Scene 1


    Chapter 1

    Master of All Forces of Creation

    The Source of Origin

    Chapter 2

    The Combination of the Names

    A Rubik’s Cube

    The Ten Judgments of THE ELOHIM

    Judgment with the Name THE ADONAI

    Plague 1: Turning Water into Blood (Physical Egypt)

    Plague 10: Slaying of the First born (The Whole World)

    Judgment with the Name THE SHADDAI

    Plague 9: Thick Darkness (Spiritual Egypt, US & Latin America)

    a Planet with the Name X

    Plague 2: Frogs that Covered the Land of Egypt (Germany)

    Judgment with the Name THE YAHWEH

    Plague 3: Lice Throughout All the Lands of Egypt (Alaska)

    Judgment with the Name THE EHYEH

    Plague 4: Swarm of Flies that Corrupted the Land (Nile River)

    Plague 8: Locusts (Australia & New Zealand)

    Judgment with the Name THE YAHWEH SABAOTH

    Plague 5: Grievous Pestilences on the Livestock (China)

    Judgment with the Name THE EL

    Plague 6: Boils Upon Man and Beast (Africa)

    Plague 7: Thunder and Hail Upon All the Lands of Egypt (North America)

    Chapter 3

    The Penguins

    Babes and Infants

    A Snake Charmer

    Chapter 4


    The words THE ELOHIM on the Cross

    Part 4

    THE EL

    Act 5 Scene 1

    Las Vegas and the North Pole

    Chapter 1

    The Muscle man

    Chapter 2

    Five-FOLD POWER OF Holiness

    1) Major/Minor Execution Power in Solitude (Formless)

    2) Major/Minor Execution Power on the Cosmoses

    3) Major/Minor Execution Power of the Ancient of Days

    4) Major/Minor Execution Power of the Age to Come

    5) Major/Minor Execution Power of the Destructive SHADDAI

    The Sun of Righteousness

    Chapter 3

    The Might Of THE YAHWEH

    Chapter 4

    THE EL In The Star Of David

    The Order of Decree

    Chapter 5

    The 7 Characteristics Of THE EL

    1) Might (Authority) of THE FATHER

    1a) The Discipline Master

    The Voice of THE EL

    1b) The One who has the Final Say in the Cosmoses

    i) Decree ONE, 30% – 40% Yieldedness

    ii) Decree TWO, 60% - 70% Yieldedness

    iii) Decree THREE, 100% Yieldedness

    2) Masculine in Nature

    3) Power of Heaven

    4) THE TRINITY in Action

    5) Greatly Feared by All

    6) Thunderous EL

    7) Name above All Else

    Chapter 6

    Glory Of THE EL

    Part 5


    Act 6 Scene 1

    The Forbidden City in Beijing, China

    Act 6 Scene 2

    Singapore Science Park, 5 years ago

    Chapter 1

    The Three Functions Of THE YAHWEH SABAOTH

    The Three-Fold Rule Given to Shekinaih

    1) Heaven

    2) Earth

    3) Beneath the Earth

    A Horse Whip

    Shekinaih and David Each Holding a Rod

    7,000 Spirits of Righteous made Perfect/Mount Zion

    144,000, Church of the First born/Heavenly Jerusalem

    The 600,000

    Chapter 2

    The Formation of the Hosts

    Criteria to Enlist in the end time army

    50 Commandments for the Last Days’ Army

    A Saber went into Shekinaih

    The Rule of the Galaxy

    Chapter 3

    The Two Representatives

    Shekinaih Sitting on a Throne

    My Excellency

    The Sword of My Excellency

    The Voice of My Excellency

    The Glory of My Excellency

    In the Excellency of the Name of THE YAHWEH

    The Two Mouth Sword/Saber

    A Giant Saber

    The King of Death

    The Spirit of Prophecy

    Interpretation of the Name Shekinaih

    The Word SHEKINAH

    The Ark of The Covenant

    The Megatron

    The Word Metatron on David’s Forehead

    Chapter 4


    The Dragon and the Phoenix

    Part 6


    Act 7 Scene 1

    A small, obscured town near Luxembourg

    Act 7 Scene 2

    A Park near the Eiffel Tower, Paris

    Chapter 1

    The Covenant MAKING SHADDAI

    The Angel of the Covenant

    Chapter 2


    The SHADDAI Sitting on the Throne

    The Decree and the Trumpet

    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4

    Judgment On The Hosts Of Heaven

    Chapter 5

    The Orion

    Chapter 6

    Judgment On The World

    Chapter 7

    The Seventeen Decrees (Acts) Of THE SHADDAI

    Decree 1: The 4th Seal - The Pale Horse

    The Coming Nuclear Explosion in Oklahoma City

    The Coming War between the US and the Middle East

    Decree 2: The 6th Seal - Asteroids and Earthquakes

    the Planets in Conjunction

    Fate of China and Nigeria

    Fate of New Mexico

    Decree 3: The 1st Trumpet - Hail and Fire

    Decree 4: The 2nd Trumpet - Mt. Everest Eruption

    Decree 5: The 3rd Trumpet - Wormwood

    Decree 6: The 4th Trumpet - Third Part Darkened

    Decree 7: The 5th Trumpet - Locusts

    Decree 8: The 6th Trumpet – a Third Part of Slain

    a Robotoid

    Decree 9: The 7th Trumpet - Mexico City Sunk

    the Satanic Star

    Decree 10: The Winepress

    Decree 11: The 1st Vial – Noisome and grievous Sore

    A TWO FACED Statue

    Decree 12: The 2nd Vial – Sea Water Contaminated

    Decree 13: The 3rd Vial – The Vermin ASTEROID

    Decree 14: The 4th Vial – Scorching Sun

    Decree 15: The 5th Vial – full of Darkness

    Decree 16: The 7th Vial – A Great Earthquake

    Decree 17: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

    the RED DRAGON

    Chapter 8

    The Destructive PATTERNS of THE Shaddai

    The Catch

    A White Dove Leading Many Smaller Doves

    JESUS Watching TV

    JESUS Cutting Earth and Planets with a Saber

    Chapter 9

    PERSONAL Judgments

    The Three Elements of THE SHADDAI

    Part 7


    Act 8 Scene 1

    A Mega Church in Singapore

    Act 8 Scene 2

    Court of Appeal in Singapore

    Act 8 Scene 3

    Changi Beach, Singapore

    Chapter 1

    The Last Day ADONAI

    THE FATHER Playing Cards with Satan

    Chapter 2

    The Event Over-Turner

    ADONAI, will thou Slay also a Righteous Nation?

    ADONAI, Wherefore have you so Evil Treated this People?

    Oh My ADONAI, Wherewith shall I Save Israel?

    Chapter 3

    She Who Has The Last Laugh

    ADONAI YAHVIH, What wilt Thou Give Me, Seeing I go Childless?

    THE ADONAI Shall Laugh at Him: for He Seeth that His Day is Coming

    Chapter 4

    The Conditions Of THE ADONAI

    The Power of Holiness

    O ADONAI, what shall I Say when Israel Turneth Their Backs before Their Enemies!

    O ADONAI YAHVIH, Remember Me, I Pray Thee, and Strengthen Me

    Chapter 5

    The Other Side Of THE ADONAI

    The Bride of Baal

    Chapter 6

    The Perfect Diamond

    A Smashed Heart Turned into Diamond

    Double Covenant of THE ADONAI

    The Propeller of THE ADONAI

    Chapter 7


    Wherefore Came this Mad Fellow to Thee?

    And He did So, Walking Naked and Barefooted

    The Adulterous Acts of Hosea

    Offences will Come

    A Rock of Offence

    The Offences of JESUS

    How does THE ADONAI Test?



    Final Epilogue

    Anchor of your Soul


    7 REASONS why Prophecies FAIL








    Handover Declaration






    Behold, My Beloved,

    I beseech thee to pay close attention to these great revelations of myself through my names which were prophesied by my servant Moses as in Deuteronomy 32:3-4,

    Because I will publish the Name of THE YAHWEH: ascribe ye greatness unto our ELOHIM. He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: THE EL of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.

    The hour has now come concerning what John in the Book of Revelation was not permitted to speak; and that which was sealed, will I now make plain to you. It will come a time when my revelation will be held back to a certain extent in the last days. You must pay close attention to what I am about to speak as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which THE ELOHIM hath prepared for them that love him. But THE ELOHIM hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of THE ELOHIM. (1Co 2:9-10)

    A great darkness was held back for a while, but the hour has now come for you to enter the season of the Book of Revelation because my grace period is now over. Now is the season of the fullness of time, whereby my judgment must begin at my house before it falls on the Cosmoses and that includes Earth.

    1Pe 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of THE ELOHIM: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of THE ELOHIM? 1Pe 4:18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

    Therefore, you must have the names of my FATHER sealed on your forehead, so that you will be spared from the great and dreadful tribulation that is coming upon all that dwell on the earth to test them whether they will bow down to the Beast from the Sea and worship his image and receive his mark, his name or his number.

    It is of pivotal importance, that you have the knowledge of the revelation of the names of my FATHER and have His names sealed on your forehead (Rev 7:1-3), which are your rock and shelter from the great and dreadful ordeals of the last days which have already begun. Those who know my name will take refuge in me, for I will not forsake them that seek me.

    Psa 9:9 THE YAHWEH also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. Psa 9:10 And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, THE YAHWEH, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.

    Do not mock at this book which is my writing. Take heed to what I am going to speak through my servants (my representatives).



    All the diagrams, macro outlines, macro interpretations, and major contents of this book are given by us through closed or open visions to my servant Shekinaih. The further understanding of my Holy Scripture and the detailed (micro) interpretations of the diagrams, outlines and contents are given to my servant Aaron K David. The scriptures quoted in this book are from The Authorized King James Version. However, certain words like God and Lord are changed to my Hebrew names in order to understand my Seven Names better. In some of the verses quoted, alternative words are used to reflect the true meaning that is meant to us. These words are annotated with the numbers from the Strong’s Concordance to depict their real meanings behind the paragraphs. As to further emphasize the original meaning dictated by us, its re-translation is vital to the further understanding of the real, authentic intent of our living word in order to establish the real doctrine in my last days’ true disciples.

    The reader is to take note of the following instructions from us:

    1) All grace is ONLY given to the humble at heart.

    2) It is advisable for you to lay prostrate before me beseeching me to open up your eyes of understanding before reading this book.

    3) Judge not with your carnal mind, else your judgment will be knocking at your door before its appointed time by me.

    4) This book is intended to warn you of the calamities that await you, especially if you take this book lightly without having respect for me.

    5) Much is given, much is required. My leaders will be judged more strictly than mere sheep.

    6) Behold, I stand at your door and knock; if you will open the door of your heart to me in this book and invite me into your hearts, you will find hope in the turbulent circumstances that await you.

    7) At present, many are found wanting by me. This is my last warning to them before I hand them over to the enemy to be disciplined. I am He that searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. (Rev 2:23)

    8) The hour has now come for heaven to reveal itself to mankind, to open their eyes of understanding of what must take place from now onwards.

    9) I will open your eyes of understanding and take you on a journey with me to explore what awaits mankind as I reveal myself in my Seven Names.

    10) Name by name, I will show you who I really am. In your lack of knowledge of my ways, you have been crying in vain to me. That is why you do not have the breakthrough all these years of your life.

    11) In this book, you will have the revelations and the answers to the reason for your years of futility. Like a spoiled child who is used to throwing tantrums, you have desperately tried many ways to obtain answers from me but to no avail. The time has come for me to talk to you as an adult. Therefore, gird up the loins of your mind, be sober and listen to me in this book.

    12) This book is to mature you through the knowledge of my way.

    13) You must first be disciplined and have your mind renewed so as to know my ways, for the unrenewed carnal mind is an enmity to my ways. (Rom 8:6-8)

    14) Do not be bitter when you are disciplined by me. My chastisement is a prerequisite for anyone who wants to partake of my holiness. (Heb 12:10-11)

    15) Cheer up! Your answer is on your way. When you cry out to me according to the revelations which you had obtained from this book and invite my servants to read out your current sentences in heaven regarding what the enemy is asking for you, and you will receive my counsel through them on how to minimize your sentences.



    At last, I will pour out my last days’ spirit on those whom I have called as prophesied in Joel 2:28-32.

    But before that, it is necessary that you be purged from the filthiness that has soiled your garment which is unholy in my sight. You will be tried and tested by my Seven Names which are my ways of purifying and perfecting your heart in all areas of your life. In the past, many have perished due to their lack of knowledge of my names/ways. They were swallowed up by pride, choked by the necessities of material things, intoxicated by the comfort of this world with its deceit, and distracted from their callings and were thus rejected by me and removed before their time.

    Therefore, you must first learn my standard, my ways of testing, my ways of sifting those whom I had called in order to be chosen by me. Have I not spoken? Many are called, but only very few are chosen. Therefore, stop wasting your life in the wilderness of your disobedience, come out of your comfort zone, deny yourself, and let me crucify your flesh on the cross.

    If you do not take heed to my admonition, you will have to go through the Great Tribulation which I have permitted to test those worldly Christians who only profess me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. (Rev 3 :10)

    This is my final warning towards you. My last chance for you to turn around before the door of heaven is shut from you.



    A woman wearing a white robe with the word THE HOLY SPIRIT written on her body is standing alone under a pavilion. Suddenly, two sparrows flew toward her, and one rested on her left palm and the other on her right palm. She gently raised her left palm toward her face and opened her eyes widely to look at this sparrow observing every detail of it. As she looked at this sparrow with eyes of compassion, tears began to roll down on her cheek, and she began to sympathize with this little sparrow who was crying with rolling tears, for she saw a vision of this sparrow with humanity standing behind it, and scenes of the judgment of the Book of Revelation began to unfold before her very eyes; scene by scene, and chapter by chapter. She knew that the sparrow on her left palm symbolizes humanity and its tragic ending.

    Next, she raised up her right palm to observe the sparrow that is resting on it with a serious look on her face. She squinted her eyes as smoke started to come from its head as she stared at this sparrow with her piercing eyes. Then, suddenly this sparrow turned into a green, standing reptile, and she saw a vision of the royalties and many of the world leaders taking their turns to superimpose on the reptile. Having them in derision, she starts to break out with a subtle laughter as she saw their doom. Then she releases the two sparrows and they flew away from her palms. Next, she knelt down solemnly on the floor in the center of the pavilion with her hands clasped, and prayed, FATHER, raise up your third group of people to avenge the aliens of the Cosmoses who have oppressed your children for so long. Let your Avenger arrive and bring justice, for you are THE YAHWEH, THE ELOHIM of our (She/He) righteousness.

    Instantly, two people wearing Golden Empress and Emperor robes appeared and stood before her.

    And the story begins…

    Act 1 Scene 1

    Niagara Falls and Hoover Dam

    The Thief

    Shekinaih and David were sitting with THE FATHER and JESUS inside a helicopter which was flying above the Niagara Falls. As the helicopter descended toward the bottom of the fall, it flew up in a jerk and encircled the three lakes. Next, the helicopter flew to Hoover Dam and landed beside the river bank. Following, the four of them came out of the helicopter and sat on two wooden benches with a wooden table between them.

    Looking at the bewildered face of Shekinaih and David, JESUS said to them, The reason why we brought you on a helicopter to descend the Niagara Falls and ascend before encircling the three lakes is because my children must descend before they can ascend into the Cosmoses. What JESUS has just spoken arouses their curiosity. JESUS continued, The three lakes symbolize the Three Realms and Cosmoses. The bottom of these lakes symbolizes Hell. The act of encircling the three lakes symbolizes governing the Three Realms and Cosmoses.

    Lord JESUS, why choose Niagara Falls for this prophetic act? David inquired.

    Niagara Falls is a departure gate/vortex to enter into Hell. It is the central alignment point for all the Cosmoses (including planets and stars), a reference point in which the rest of the planets are aligned in all the Cosmoses. JESUS replied.

    Lord JESUS, what about Hoover Dam, why are we here? David instinctively asked.

    The spiritual portal bridge starts from Niagara Falls, transverses through the Cosmoses and U-turns back to Earth and ends in Hoover Dam as a form of arrival gate/vortex. Hoover Dam is equivalent to the Star Gate as in the movie from the human perspective. This is a portal where a lot of evil are being released into Earth’s realm from the Cosmoses. THE FATHER replied.

    Shekinaih, who was silently listening to the conversation interjected, I see a vision of a black skeleton man in a black-hooded robe in the air holding a big bowl with the words ‘Hoover Dam’ hovering inside the bowl and hovering beneath the word ‘Hoover Dam’ are the words ‘The Wrath of THE EL SHADDAI’. Next, I saw him pouring liquid fire from this bowl and they fell on Hoover Dam.

    What does this mean? David asked.

    This is the judgment of THE EL SHADDAI. THE FATHER replied.

    ABBA FATHER, who is this black hooded skeleton man? David asked.

    This is Molech, THE FATHER replied.

    "ABBA FATHER, what does the liquid fire symbolize? David asked.

    It is the various judgments in the Book of Revelation. JESUS replied.

    What is in Hoover Dam, and what will happen to it, and why is Molech destroying this Star Gate in which otherworldly beings from other realms can enter Earth including himself? David asked.

    Hoover Dam is a receiving port for all evils. All evil beings enter Earth through this port. This Star Gate will be destroyed by a great earthquake in the last days by Molech as he would be compelled by the Angel of Our Presence in Co-execution whom we surnamed THE VICTORY whom we have given the authority over him. JESUS replied.

    Lord JESUS, are Molech, Baal, and Satan the same person? David asked for the sake of clarifying.

    Yes, JESUS said to David.

    Why are you implying that he is a thief who come to steal, kill and destroy in John 10:10? David curiously asked.

    "Ever since Baal and Ashtoreth had deceived Adam and Eve and had stolen the right from them to rule the three realms, namely: the heavens, the earth, and beneath the earth, which are the Cosmoses, they have been traveling to and fro the earth via Niagara Falls and Hoover Dam. (Job 1:7)

    They killed Adam and Eve spiritually and destroyed our image in them by seducing and deceiving them to sin and thus causing them to lose the glory of THE ELOHIM which we had clothed them in the beginning (Rom3:23). Ever since, Baal and Ashtoreth used their seed (Mat 3:7, 12:34, 23:33-35, Joh 8:37,44, 1 Jon 3:8-12) to travel to Earth through these portals by masquerading themselves craftily as royalties, rulers, influential figures, and religious authorities to rule the earth. As authorities in the religious institution, through their many devices, they have established doctrines based on half-truth to be the infallible truth in keeping my children from the true gospel that was announced to Abraham by the Angel of Our Presence." JESUS strongly stressed.

    Lord JESUS, what are their many devices? David asked.

    There are too many, but today I will only talk about things that are related to the Seven Names of my FATHER.

    Changing the Names

    Turning his attention to THE FATHER, David asked, ABBA FATHER, why are the Jews not permitted to fully spell or pronounce your names?

    THE FATHER instantly looked at JESUS who is in one mind with THE FATHER, and JESUS said to David, During the Second Temple Judaism in the 3rd to 2nd centuries BC, Satan, by Her/His seeds, through the religious authority, under the guise of sanctifying us, propagated that the pronunciation of THE YAHWEH should be avoided. They also infiltrated Christendom, and through their interpreters translated the name THE YAHWEH, THE ADONAI to the Lord and the name THE ELOHIM and THE EL to God so that our names should not be remembered. This is contrary to us who wanted everyone to know our names. When Moses asked for the name of THE ELOHIM, the Angel of Our Presence told him that our name THE EHYEH" shall be for a memorial unto all generations. (Exo 3:15) Thus, we have commissioned Shekinaih and you to write this book and translate the bible to change the word God to THE ELOHIM or THE EL, and the word The Lord to THE YAHWEH or THE ADONAI so that they may know the significance and characters of us intimately. The word ‘Theos’ in Greek which is translated as god in the New Testament addresses to the gods of this age (2 Cor 4:4). And the word lord, kurios in Greek, addresses to the lord of their gods. Throughout the ages, the nations have been conditioned to acknowledge their deity’s name as god. This god will manifest himself as the Messiah, Maitreya, who will be received by all nations which will be united in the last days as the same god whom they worship. As their saying goes, All religions lead to the same god. That is why I call Satan a thief and a liar. Despite the ignorance of my children who address my FATHER as God in their prayers, we will still listen to them according to the sincerity of their hearts and respect towards us. However, in the last days, we will reveal ourselves through our Seven Names as we will open up the eyes of the children of Adam through our two representatives, for we have revealed ourselves to both of you concerning who we really were before, are now, and will be in the future. We have never changed since the beginning of time. I, THE YAHWEH JESUS CHRIST representing THE FATHER, am the same yesterday, today, and forever. I am neither the tyrant God of the Old Testament, nor the soft God of today, nor the heartless God of the Book of Revelation, as some perceive in their mind," JESUS replied.

    JESUS was sent to manifest THE FATHER’S name

    Lord JESUS, why and to whom were you sent into the world? David asked.

    I was sent to reveal my FATHER’S characters and ways through His Seven Names to my brothers and sisters who are incarnated in this Cosmos. Many Christians have been deceived into accepting my name JESUS CHRIST", and that is all they need to know, forgetting that when I was on Earth, my mission was to manifest the names of my FATHER to His children. (Joh 17:6, Heb 2:12-13) Each of my FATHER’S name reveals His character, abilities, powers, and ways which reflect His true glory. Sadly, my brothers and sisters, like the previous generation of Israelites, only know His miraculous acts but not His names intimately like Moses. We have tested them for forty years to let them know my FATHER’S ways through the Angel of Our Presence whom we have sent before them. However, despite our discipline, due to their stubbornness, they had idols in their hearts which blinded them from our ways. Therefore, we gave them to what was in their hearts. We permitted them to be deceived, and that led them to their destruction. (Psa 81:8-16) The day will come when our children will no more call my FATHER ignorantly by the name God which is the name of Baal. We will take away this name out of their mouths, and they shall remember it no more. After they have been taught by my messenger regarding the names of my FATHER, they will be sealed by Her/Him and be numbered among the 144,000 virgin brides. We will make a covenant with them to protect them from harm: from the people of the nations, from evil angels, and from demons. We will make them dwell safely, and they shall be my brides, and I will show mercy to them. In that day, they will all know us intimately by our names. As JESUS was speaking and explaining to David, as usual David was highlighting all the points and replacing the word Lord to THE YAHWEH’ and God to THE ELOHIM. And as he reread Hosea 2:16-17, it became clear that what JESUS had revealed is actually a prophecy.

    Hos 2:16 And it shall be at that day, saith THE YAHWEH, that thou shalt call me husband; and shalt call me no more Baali. Hos 2:17 For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.

    Following that, JESUS looked straight to David in his eyes and said, Read Psalms 46:1-8. Then JESUS said to David, When I bring desolation in the earth through the Angel of Our Presence who comes in our name, those who know our name THE ELOHIM with understanding, will be still in the midst of the judgment of the Book of Revelation as it unfolds. David again replaced the word The Lord to THE YAHWEH and the word God to THE ELOHIM and highlighted them as he read Psalms 46:8-10.

    Conviction began to grow in his heart as he reread the verse:

    Psa 46:8 Come, behold the works of THE YAHWEH, what desolations he hath made in the earth. Psa 46:9 He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. Psa 46:10 Be still, and know that I am THE ELOHIM: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. Psa 46:11 THE YAHWEH is with us; THE ELOHIM of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

    After David had finished reading, JESUS pointed Malachi 1:14 to David and said to him, In that day, they will know that My FATHER through me is the King of kings and our names ‘THE ADONAI’ and ‘THE YAHWEH SABAOTH’ are dreadful among the nations. Again David changed the word The Lord to THE ADONAI and the word The Lord of Hosts to THE YAHWEH SABAOTH in the verse and he highlighted it while he reread it.

    By this time, he is almost sure and at the same time feeling sorry that he had been ignorantly addressing THE FATHER for another name. Knowing his thought, JESUS felt comforted and continued His vindication, We will destroy Satan and his seed which are the kings of the nations for planning secret deliberations against my hidden ones, the Heavenly Zion. In that day, all men may know that my FATHER’S name alone is THE YAHWEH", the Most High over all the earth (Psa 83:18).

    In the last days, the remnants who call on the Angel of Our Presence who bears the Seven Names of my FATHER shall be delivered from the destruction that is coming on the earth, when he comes to smite the earth with utter destruction (Joel 2:32, Mal 4:5-6). In that day, the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of my Glory as the waters cover the sea (Hab 2:13-14)."

    Throughout the conversation, as JESUS spoke, David felt spiritually charged up, for the words that came out of JESUS’ mouth are the zest of life. Next, THE FATHER and JESUS gave David a personal interview regarding THE ONE, THE AVENGER, The Woman and the Man-Child in more detail, and David recorded them on his voice recorder. During the interview, David was always the one asking the questions addressing THE FATHER, and JESUS, for most of the time, answered the questions. Occasionally, THE FATHER would reply to David’s inquiries, and occasionally, Shekinaih would interject as THE FATHER revealed to her visions that were related to the questions that were inquired of David.

    David: ABBA FATHER, why must JESUS come again? Has he not come already and fulfilled the scripture as he proclaimed himself when he was in Nazareth reading Luke 4:18-21 in reference to the prophecy of Isaiah 61:1-11?

    JESUS: During my first coming, I did not fulfill the second part of the prophecy of Isaiah 61:1-11 in proclaiming the day of vengeance of my FATHER, neither did I clothe them with the robe of righteousness to be our priests in our temple before our Throne.

    David: ABBA FATHER, in what manner will JESUS proclaim your vengeance? And who is this vengeance for?

    JESUS: Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. Yes, my FATHER shall proclaim His vengeance through me, but as of old, I will proclaim it through the Angel of Our Presence in the last days to judge the Cosmoses. He is my voice, my spokesman who will resurrect my two witnesses in the last days. They are the archangel mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:16.

    1Th 4:15 For this we say unto you by the word of THE YAHWEH, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of THE YAHWEH shall not prevent them which are asleep. 1Th 4:16 For THE YAHWEH himself shall descend from heaven in (G1722 en) a command (G2753 keleuma from G2753 keleuo order, command), in (G1722 en in) the voice of the archangel, and in (G1722 en) the trump of THE ELOHIM: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 1Th 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet THE YAHWEH in the air: and so shall we ever be with THE YAHWEH.

    Have I not spoken in my first coming that I come not to judge the Cosmoses? THE ONE that judges the Cosmoses, is the one who speaks our last days’ oracle. The same shall judge in the last days on my behalf.

    Joh 12:47 And if any man hear my words (G4487 Rhema Jesus speaking through his spokesman) and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the Cosmoses, but to save the Cosmoses. Joh 12:48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words (G3056 logos oracle, something said including the thought), hath THE ONE that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.

    Through the decree of my FATHER released by Shekinaih, and the execution of the decree by you manifesting THE EL of truth, my last days’ apostate churches will be judged first, followed by all the uncircumcised nations, both Jews and Gentile (Jer 9:25). We will send Shekinaih and you as the Spirit of Truth to reproof the world of their sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. You shall not speak of yourselves; but whatsoever you shall hear from me which I hear from my FATHER, that you shall speak: you shall receive of mine which I receive of my FATHER, and shall show it to my called out (G1577 ekklesia church) (Joh 16:7-15).

    You have received my true doctrine, and as my teacher of righteousness, from your mouth shall drop manna of dew of real eternal life to my elect as you proclaim the way of the Seven Names of my FATHER. You shall contend for my elect and comfort them when they are pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that they despaired even of life in their tribulations. You are our glittering sword and our hand, and shall take hold on judgments and render vengeance to my enemies who persecute my elect, and reward them that hate me, and avenge the blood of my servants, my elect. As I can do nothing of myself but do what I see my FATHER does, you shall also not be able to do anything of yourselves except being instructed by my FATHER.


    Shekinaih: David, I see a vision of a tornado, and inside the tornado, I see you and me standing back to back with our feet landed on the earth.

    David: ABBA FATHER, what does this symbolize?

    JESUS: United, you are THE ONE, THE REVENGER, OUR TORNADO, THE ELOAH, manifesting the wrath of our name, THE SHADDAI, executing judgment upon the wicked.

    Job 21:17 How oft is the candle of the wicked put out! and how oft cometh their destruction upon them! THE ELOHIM distributeth sorrows in his anger. Job 21:18 They are as stubble before the wind (H7307 ruach spirit), and as chaff that the tornado (H5492 suphah tornado, storm) carrieth away. Job 21:19 THE ELOAH (H43 eloahh) layeth up his iniquity for his children: he rewardeth him, and he shall know it. Job 21:20 His eyes shall see his destruction, and he shall drink of the wrath of THE SHADDAI (H7706 shadday).

    THE FATHER: We, THE TRINITY, have chosen Shekinaih and you to be our tabernacle, our house and place of rest, because of your love toward us and have not gone back from the commandment of my lips but have esteemed the words of my mouth as decree (Joh 14:23). Both of you had held on to my steps and had kept my ways and had not lost your tangent and shall indeed pass our tests and shall come forth as gold. My SPIRIT and my SON are one with me and who can turn us from choosing both of you to represent us? We will perform the things that are appointed for both of you as we will continue to make your heart soft and vex both of you in order for your perfection. Shekinaih shall represent Mother Zion who shall travail and bring forth THE man-child, THE VICTORY, represented by you, Aaron K David. Both of you, as my right and left hand man, shall be known toward my servants. I and my SON, JESUS, will come in both of you as my fire and chariot of tornado (H5492 suphah tornado, storm), and will render my anger with fury, and my rebuke with flames of fire. For by fire and by my sword (Shekinaih and Aaron K David) will I, THE YAHWEH, plead with all flesh: and the slain shall be many. All nations and tongues shall behold my glory in both of you.

    Isa 66:1 Thus saith THE YAHWEH, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? Isa 66:2 For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith THE YAHWEH: but to THE ONE will I scan (H5207 nabat to scan, regard, have respect), even to the lowly (H6041 aniy) and of a crush (H5223 nakeh stricken, smitten) spirit, and trembleth at my word. … Isa 66:6 A voice of noise from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice of THE YAHWEH that rendereth recompence to his enemies. Isa 66:7 Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. Isa 66:8 Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth a son (H1121 ben). … Isa 66:14 And when ye see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like an herb: and the hand of THE YAHWEH shall be known toward his servants, and his indignation toward his enemies. Isa 66:15 For, behold, THE YAHWEH will come with fire, and with his chariots like a tornado (H5492 suphah tornado, storm), to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire. Isa 66:16 For by fire and by his sword will THE YAHWEH plead with all flesh: and the slain of THE YAHWEH shall be many. Isa 66:17 They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine’s flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith THE YAHWEH. Isa 66:18 For I know their works and their thoughts: it shall come, that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see my glory.

    JESUS: The zeal for my house has eaten both of you up, and you shall definitely take vengeance on my adversaries for you are my way, my tornado. You shall come with my cloud of witnesses and the mountains shall quake and the hills shall melt, and the earth shall burn at our presence through both of you. Yea, the world, and all that dwell therein. Who can stand before our indignation and abide in the fierceness of our anger when we appear through both of you?

    Nah 1:2 THE EL (H410) is jealous, and THE YAHWEH revengeth; THE YAHWEH revengeth, and is furious; THE YAHWEH will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies. Nah 1:3 THE YAHWEH is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: THE YAHWEH hath his way in the tornado (H5492 "suphah’) and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.

    Shekinaih: I saw a vision of two pairs of feet standing outside a closed door with many people inside. I saw two right hands knocked at the door three times in synchronized timing. Following, I saw Old Master Q (Lao Fu Zi), a popular Chinese cartoon character who is an elderly, lanky man dressed in a distinctive traditional Chinese attire opening the door. I saw the hair on his head stood up, and he dropped his jaw with his eyes wide open and was speechless for he was shocked to see the two people who were standing outside the door. I then heard him broke out abruptly saying, Why so fast? I also saw the word Shocked superimposed on the crowd inside. I then heard them saying, We are not ready yet! I then saw these people trying to look for a place where they could hide from the two visitors. Next, I saw myself dressed up as the Golden Empress reading a decree to Old Master Q who was kneeling before us and you (David) had a sword in your hand, ready to co-execute the judgment. I then realized that the room now was empty and the people who were trying to find a place to hide were all gone. After reading the judgment of THE FATHER, I heard Old Master Q pleaded, Have mercy upon me for I have been slack in warning my sheep regarding the coming of the Lord and his judgment. Following that, I saw another vision of THE TRINITY sitting in front of a table and saw JESUS writing these words, "My grace period has ended. My judgment shall begin from my house first. Give him 1 year to be fruitful. If not…, (I saw both of us chopping rows and rows of trees) (Mat 3:7-12). All those who are warned by my voice (Shekinaih representing THE FATHER, and Aaron K David representing JESUS, who are our spokesman), will be given one to maximum three years to bring fruits worthy of repentance and to be fruitful or else, they will die before their time. This is the decree from the

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