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Eve-The Legend And The Curse (Book One Of The California Tales)
Eve-The Legend And The Curse (Book One Of The California Tales)
Eve-The Legend And The Curse (Book One Of The California Tales)
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Eve-The Legend And The Curse (Book One Of The California Tales)

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The book centers around the life of Rachel Levinson, an eighteen year old high school girl who is trying to find her place in the world. A shy and unassuming young lady, her world is turned upside down by some shocking discoveries about her friends and family while researching an urban legend for a school project. Ghosts, hauntings and witchcraft replace malls, boys and fashion as her highest priorities as Rachel is forced to fight for her very survival-can she find the inner strength she needs to win the day?

Release dateJun 30, 2014
Eve-The Legend And The Curse (Book One Of The California Tales)

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    Eve-The Legend And The Curse (Book One Of The California Tales) - Nathan de Ravin

                                       Eve-The Legend And The Curse


                                                    Nathan de Ravin 

                                                    Smashwords Edition

                                                    Copyright 2017

    Rachel was bored. Who the hell would want to sit in a classroom discussing the finer points of Shakespeare-yuk! on a beautiful day like this? Her mind wandered back to the previous weekends visit to the mall and that dress. The Dress. Seven hundred dollars but the most perfect prom dress ever.

    She was vaguely aware of someone directing a comment to her.

    'Miss Levinson, are we boring you?' Mr. Ryan, the English teacher, peered over the top of his glasses with a look that could bore thru concrete. Rachel shifted uncomfortably in her seat and twiddled her pencil in her fingers.

    'Me? B...b...bored? No sir' she stammered. 'Then perhaps you can dazzle us all with your insight. Othello? Remember?'

    She felt numb, all eyes were on her. She swallowed hard and gathered her thoughts.

    After what seemed like an age to her, she spoke.

    'Othello believed Iago 'cos he wanted to. He'd already made up his mind about Desdemona. It didn't matter if the info came from the tooth fairy or Kendall Stevens, he woulda believed it anyway'

    Ryan continued to gaze at her but his expression softened. 'Very good, Miss Levinson'

    As he turned back to the board, Rachel sighed with relief and a couple of friends patted her on the back. The bell sounded; as the students filed out Ryan called Rachel back. He sat on the edge of his desk as he addressed her.

    'Miss Levinson. Rachel. Do you have a subject for your term paper yet?' 'Workin' on it'

    'Well, time's running out, you need to get something down on paper, and soon. Don't want to see your grade slip because of this'

    'Got a couple of possibilities. Can I go now?' 'Just one more thing. Who's Kendall Stevens? Is she a friend of yours?' She looked at him askance. 'Only the finest actress in town' He had a blank look. She tried to hide her exasperation.

    'Big soap opera star, multi award winner? 'Our Lives In California', ever watch that show?' 'I'm sorry to say I've never had the pleasure' 'You need to get with the times' she smirked.

    'Maybe so' he chuckled. 'You can go'

    She stepped out into the warm sunshine. The weather and the sight of her friends cheered her up after the grilling. Her best friend, Britney, approached. 'What y'all doin' hangin' out in that classroom? Been makin' out with ol' what's his face?'

    Rachel chuckled, Brit always knew how to make her laugh. They climbed into Rachels'

    car and set out for the mall, Emillie and Alice riding in the back.

    'So Rach' Emillie said, 'the dress?' 'You guys, it's seven hundred bucks. I could never afford that' she replied. 'What about daddy? Y'all don't think he'll refuse his little girl now do ya?'

    chimed in Brit. 'No way' added Alice 'after all we only get one senior prom, right?'

    Which of course is what made this such a big deal. On the one hand, a special night deserved a special outfit. On the other, it was a lot for a dress she'd probably only wear once. Rachel was torn; they were at the mall and a decision would have to be made soon.

    With credit cards to hand they cut a swathe thru the mall like a knife thru butter. The prom wasn't for a while yet but preparation was everything. From the right hair style to the most important of accessories, the perfect date.

    Having waved around the plastic for a time the girls gravitated upstairs to the food court and the obligatory de caff latte. Inevitably, the conversation turned to boys.

    'So Alice, I assume you and your honey will be together on prom night?' Emillie asked, grinning. 'Of course' came the reply. 'Honey, I don't think you understood the question' Brit said,

    'When she meant together she meant 'together'' she emphasized her point with air quotes. Alice smiled and feigned shock.

    'Why I'm sure I don't know what you mean! Ben is a gentleman, after all' 'Honey no gentleman ever played football, it's like a rule or something' Rachel teased, adding 'Besides, wasn't he found in the janitors' closet that time with...'

    'What about you, Rach?' Alice inquired, completely cutting her off, 'Who you holdin' out for?' 'I dunno' she replied, blushing a little.

    She took a sip of her coffee and thought about it. Her thoughts turned to her classmate Alex, with his big brown eyes that reminded her of a lost puppy dog. Not for the first time, Emillie could sense what she was thinking.

    'What about Alex Chase? Mmmm...that boy's good enough to eat!' Em exclaimed.

    Rachel frowned, slightly worried that the girl widely regarded as the most beautiful in school would beat her to the punch.

    'Oh don't worry' Em assured her, 'I haven't got my sights on him except in some depraved sexual fantasies you don't need to know about. Just kidding' No, Jason's the one for me' Brit was horrified.

    'Jason? Swim team Jason? Man, that boy gives me the creeps!' She said. Em stretched, a contented smile on her face. 'Man, you should see him in his swimsuit. He could keep me warm at night'

    Rachel was intrigued. She'd heard things about Jason and his family. Weird, spooky rumors and tales. She decided to broach the subject.

    'So, what's the story with Jason anyway? Why do people always give him such a wide berth?' she asked her friends. 'You don't know? I thought everybody knew' Alice was incredulous.

    'Girl, you gotta climb down from that ivory tower once in a while' joked Brit. 'C'mon guys-just tell me?'

    Rachel was beyond curious now, thinking this urban legend or whatever it was would make a great subject for her term paper. Everyone likes a good ghost story and a true one, well, all the better.

    The girls ordered more coffee and some snacks. Rachel, eager, settled back in her seat and the story was explained thus:

    It all centered around Jasons' great grandmother, Eve. When she was a young woman, not much older than Rachel, she was promised in marriage to a wealthy and influential businessman by her father.

    Eve was horrified; the man was a snake! How could she marry someone she didn't love? Her mother pointed out she would be well provided for. Both Eve and her children-it was assumed there would be children-would never want for anything. Ever.

    Eve felt trapped. In desperation she turned to her elder brothers for help. They refused, pointing out that she was 'damn lucky' that a man of such wealth and influence was interested in her.

    They dismissed her as an empty headed young thing, as they did with most women they met.

    She sought the counsel of some of her friends. Like her brothers however no-one listened. No-one could understand her desire to be free from her engagement and told her not to be so ungrateful.

    William, her husband to be, made her skin crawl. She couldn't stand to be near him. This only added to her feeling of being trapped. He pointed out to her she was expected to be a dutiful wife and had no right to refuse him anything, especially in the bedchamber. She grew increasingly depressed with no allies and no-where to turn.

    The day came for the wedding dress to be fitted. Realizing there was no way out Eve waited until everyone was asleep and sneaked out of the house. She had very little money and no real plan, she just knew she had to get away.

    Unfortunately William had friends and contacts everywhere. Someone saw her on the road and reported back to him. He set off after her on horseback, quickly catching up to her. He dismounted and grabbed her by the arm, demanding an explanation.

    Eve, by way of reply, spat in his face. Angered, William struck her, knocking her to the ground.

    She laughed at him calling him 'less than a man, unworthy of me' Further enraged, he pinned her down and raped her, telling her that no-one would believe her.

    She knew he was right and all the fight went out of her. The wedding went ahead but Eve was dying inside.

    On the wedding night William once again forced himself on her. This time something snapped in her head.

    When he was done he lay there dozing. She went down to the kitchen and returned with a knife. Then, it is said, she stabbed him repeatedly. The first wound pierced his heart; he was dead before he knew what was happening. But such was her hatred she didn't stop.

    She dropped the knife and went outside. She was seen wondering the streets in her torn and bloody wedding dress, mumbling incoherently.

    Eve was placed in an institution for the criminally insane where she was allegedly heard to swear revenge on the townspeople for leaving her to her fate.

    Sadly she was also pregnant, the child taken away and eventually adopted. It barely registered with Eve, all she wanted was her justice.

    Twenty years or so passed and she was eventually released, returning to the home of her childhood. She had no family there, her brothers both having married and moved away. They had no interest in the property and were glad to give it to their 'crazy' sister, if only to keep her away from them.

    So Eve rattled around in the big old house by herself but she never fully recovered from her ordeal. Local townsfolk claim they heard her shouting around the house and from the windows, plotting revenge against those who had abandoned her. Eventually folks learned to keep away from the house with you-know-who living in it.

    One day, it's said, Eve received an anonymous letter, claiming that her baby girl had been adopted by her late husbands family; they had raised her as their own. Eve could stand no more.

    She went to the Harris home, shouting curses as she went. She banged on the door and was met by her ex father in law. He was horrified to see her. She was shouting to him that no-one of his family would ever know peace or happiness and that the bloodline would remain cursed forever.

    She was arrested and placed in a cell overnight, to be shipped off to hospital in the morning.

    She never saw the sun come up, she committed suicide in her cell.

    When her body was discovered it's claimed she'd scrawled something on the walls of her cell, some kind of symbol and the Harris name. She'd cut her wrists with a bed spring.

    There were a few mourners at her funeral, guilt will do that to a person. A few folk had unspoken regret at not listening when she'd asked for help. Mostly they just wanted to forget.

    Shortly after the funeral Williams' fathers' business and marriage collapsed and he shot himself; his younger son was thrown off his horse and killed instantly. Furthermore there were three successive still births in the family. But no-one really believed it was the curse of Eve.

    Sometime later Eves' house was sold. The new owner didn't stay long, claiming the house was haunted by a middle aged woman swearing retribution on the town. No-one else went near it or expressed and interest. Eventually it fell into ruin.

    'What's this got to do with Jason havin' a bad rep?' Rachel asked. Alice took up the story.

    'Jasons' dad had some sort of breakdown and killed himself. Apparently his grandmother reads tarot cards or teal leaves or whatever. Now everyone thinks the whole family's crazy. Or witches. Or both, depending which stories you believe. Word is, get Jason mad, he'll curse you too!'

    Rachel was dumbstruck. How could this be possible? She made a promise to investigate further, but later.

    'Listen guys' she said, standing up, 'I really gotta go, dinner with the folks. Who wants a lift?'

    They accepted her offer and returned to the parking lot, getting into the BMW Rachel owned with Brit riding shotgun as usual. She started the engine and waited to pull out, still thinking.

    'Brit, do you think the story is true? About Jason?' Brit shrugged. 'I guess. Maybe. All I know is I get bad vibes from that boy' 'You watch too much TV' Em said with disdain. 'He rocks my world. And who knows, maybe he can teach me some of his voodoo magic. Ha!'

    After saying goodbye to her friends, Rachel returned home. Her parents, Jack and Amy, always tried to make a point of the family getting together for dinner despite both having successful careers.

    Rachel was an only child and the focus of their attention.

    She was greeted by her father as she entered the family home and put her school bag down.

    He kissed her on the cheek and asked about her day.

    'Shakespeare-eewww!' she said dismissively, wrinkling her nose with distaste. 'Now honey, don't knock the bard' said Amy as she entered the room. Mother and daughter embraced and they all engaged in small talk for a time.

    Rachels' mind wandered back to the tale she'd heard at the mall. How come she'd never heard it before? She wondered if her parents were familiar with it and brought up the subject over dinner.

    Amy was an author, perhaps there was a book she knew of?

    'I heard somethin' weird today' she began. 'What, did someone tell you you're not the prettiest girl in school?' Jack teased, she blushed a little. 'Dad you know very well that title belongs to Em. No, I heard a ghost story!' 'Oooh, should be around a campfire?'

    'Mom, listen. There's a kid at school, Jason? Had a supposedly crazy great grandmother-Eve?'

    'A tragic tale indeed' Amy replied. 'You know it, mom?' 'Came across it while researching a book once, you were only a baby at the time. I often thought if I ever wrote a piece of non fiction, the story of Eve McCrae and William Harris would be it'

    'What happened to it? Your book, I mean. Did you ever start it?' 'No, I did a little research but my publisher kept reminding me about the novel he was waiting for. The project got shelved but I did find one interesting fact' 'Go on'

    'This curse of Eves'. Apparently one of Williams descendants slipped thru the net, unaffected by the curse. Her ghost is meant to be looking for them as they are the last of the Harris line. To finish the family off'

    'Wow! I've never heard anything like this before. Did you keep your notes, mom?' 'It's in the attic somewhere. Why all the interest, honey?' 'I gotta write a term paper for English class. I've decided this is gonna be it'

    Rachel couldn't wait and went straight to the attic having been told more or less where to look.

    There, in a chest under some old, musty drapes, was an old binder. Marked simply 'All About Eve' it contained the same tale she'd heard earlier but with some embellishments.

    Williams' house was demolished and a newer building now stood there on 1630 Maple Street.

    She thought for a moment. 'Oh my god!' she said out loud, ‘Alex lives there!' She read on:

    'It is said the Eve McCraes' spirit will not rest until she's destroyed the Harris bloodline.

    However she was not entirely successful and now roams the earth looking for the one member of the family to escape the curse.

    Considering the history of the Harris family this person should count themselves lucky. With numerous bankruptcy’s , breakdowns, divorces and scandals, the Harrisses can consider themselves the unluckiest American family since the Kennedys.

    Whether or not this gives credence to the curse is questionable, however the ghost of Eve McCrae has been seen on numerous occasions over the years, particularly at what is now 1630 Maple Street Santa Monica CA., where she has been allegedly paying close attention to a young man who resides there.

    There is no way to tell her, of course, the house is not owned by a member of the Harris family, this seems to support the theory the ghosts see things as they were when they were alive.

    The appearances generally occur on the anniversary of Eves' wedding, although some say she also appears on the anniversary of her death.

    The Harris curse remains an unknown quantity; there appears to be no trace of the family in the Santa Monica area. However it is believed that the McCrae descendants have inherited Eves'

    predilection for the supernatural and that her daughter was a professional fortune teller who also had premonitions. This remains unverified, further details can be found at the Los Angeles hall of records, fifth floor'

    Rachel sat back and smiled to herself. Not only was the paper almost going to write itself but the connection to Alex would give her the perfect excuse she needed to start a conversation with him.

    In the capacity of much needed research of course, obviously. But once the ice was broken...she checked her watch, it was getting late.

    She went to her room and undressed, time for a nice hot shower. She let the spray wash over her as she thought about her essay-tomorrow she'd head for the hall of records and do a little digging.

    Damn! She recalled her conversation with old Mr. Ryan and knew he was watching her. She wasn't ready to share with him what she'd found just yet.

    She stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her, taking another for her hair. As she sat on the bed to dry her hair the phone rang. She picked up but there was no-one on the other end. She hung up and dialed star69 but found no incoming call listed. Dismissing the incident she got ready for bed, snuggling down under the covers. She fell asleep almost instantly.

    A while later she was woken by the phone ringing. Half asleep, she checked the alarm clock; two fifteen am. She picked up and again, no-one there. She dropped the receiver back and went back to sleep. Outside, a lone figure stands silently, looking up at Rachels' bedroom...

    Next day and Rachel stood at her dresser mirror, combing the long, dark hair that always turned heads. 'New day' she said to her reflection. 'Nothing bad here' Then down to breakfast.

    'Hi mom' she said, pouring a glass of juice. 'Morning honey. Did you find what you were looking for in the attic?' 'Yeah mom, thanks. It was great! Listen, I'm gonna be a little late tonight, I thought I'd stop by the hall of records, do a little more fact finding' 'OK honey, I'll see you this evening. Gotta run, meeting with my publisher' 'OK, bye mom'

    Ah, school. Not so much land of the free as home of the oppressed. 'Abandon hope all ye who enter here', right? A total zoo in other words. Rachel made her way thru the crowded halls in search of the other three musketeers, finding them by Ems' locker.

    'Hey guys. Listen, did any of you call me last night?' she asked. 'No, girlfriend. 'S up?' 'Oh it's nothin', Brit. Someone had trouble gettin' thru is all. So-what's the word?'

    Em leaned back against her locker with a foot resting on the bottom one. She raised an eyebrow in the way Rachel couldn't help but think was cute.

    'A movie studio is sniffin' around our girl Kendall. They wanna put her on the big screen' 'Cool!'

    Rachel enthused. 'It's about time' 'Before we all need pantie debunchers hold your horses. The studio in question is Sanctify. The Hollywood equivalent of the Miami Dolphins. Great history but the glory days seem to be over. Methinks Kendall is one last throw of the dice'

    'How come you know stuff like that, Em?' 'I like movies, Alice' Em casually shrugged. She excelled in the sciences at school but secretly the movie industry was her passion. That and Kendall Stevens' soap; like Rachel, she'd seen every single episode.

    As the bell sounded Rachel told them she wasn't mall bound after school, instead heading off to work on her term paper. The morning went by without incident but in the cafeteria and lunchtime Alex was seen stealing glances at Rachel. 'Here's my chance' she thought.

    She was about to approach when Sabrina, poor little rich girl, head cheerleader and sometime bitch sat next to him. Brit also noticed.

    'Mmm hmm. What's that ho doin' sniffin' 'round your man?' 'He's not my man' 'Not yet. You should make your move, girlfriend. Sabrina thinks the whole world was invented for her amusement.

    She's leavin', look. Go now!'

    Sabrina left Alexs' table with a face like thunder. She was not used to rejection, and he seemed vaguely amused by the whole thing.

    'Hey Levinson' he said in the husky voice of his. Rachel pushed her hair behind her ears and sat down.

    'Hey Alex, can I talk to you for a second?' 'Sure thing. By the way, what's up with Sabrina? I told her I didn't wanna go out with her and she freaked' 'She's just used to gettin' her own way is all'

    'Aha. So what's up?' 'I need your help with my English term paper. D'you know the story of Eve McCrae?' 'Heard it all my life. Her in laws used to live on the site of my folks house, so the story kinda came along with the mortgage'

    'Cool. Well, I'm gonna write the story for my term paper. Maybe you can help me?' 'Sure, love to. Drop by sometime, we can talk. Let's swap digits' 'Huh?' 'What's your number?' 'Oh, right'

    Rachel walked away from his table with a spring in her step. Time to take some notes, she decided. She sat back down and opened her notebook.

    'Earth to Rachel? What cha doin' there, girlfriend?' Brit wanted to know. 'My term paper. Eve McCrae' 'McCrae? Don' cha be messin' with that weird shit, girlfriend' Em chuckled softly at that.

    'Oh c'mon, Brit. It's just a story. So what if Rach wants to write about spookables. Probably get the top grade in the class' 'Just be careful, y'hear?' Brit added. Rachel nodded absently.

    Brit was genuinely concerned and Rachel couldn't understand why. After all, she was a Boston Mass. Levinson not a Santa Monica CA. Harris. If there was a ghost-and she wasn't entirely sure there was-it would have no argument with her, right? Right.

    She made a note of the term 'spookables' before going to her next class. Ryan intercepted her in the hall. 'Any luck?' 'Sorry, gotta go. Ton of work to do, see ya'

    Having made it thru another school day Rachel made her way to the hall of records on Temple Street. Unknown to her, her every movement was being tracked. Someone was following her. She went up to the right floor where she could access the microfiche and other records.

    They contained few surprises but she wanted to be thorough. She was particularly interested in the date of the next supposed sighting, actually being there would give her paper a nice touch.

    Her research revealed that the Harrisses had indeed left California and that the line did! She found what she was looking for. Eve was married on June the sixteenth. The sixteenth? Dumb fucking luck-the date of the senior prom! 'Damn spookables better not foul up the best night ever' she thought to herself. She continued reading.

    Rachel discovered that Eve was the black sheep of the family and that her parents wanted rid of her, happy to palm her off to the first man who came along. Women, polite women were seen and not heard. Eve, however, had opinions on everything and wasn't afraid to express them.

    Realizing the allegory was more or less here Rachel wanted to put a new twist to it for her paper. The connection to Alex was all well and good, she'd obtained his phone number because of it, but she felt the piece needed a little more. Some extra punch. She decided to track down the Harrisses.

    Chapter 2

    How does one find a needle in a haystack? America is a country with a population of around two hundred fifty million and Rachel had no idea where to start. But Amy was a best selling novelist who conducted meticulous research on her subject matter. A place to start.

    She drove home, but had an eerie feeling she was being watched. Writing it off as fatigue she loaded a CD, something she could relax to.

    Across town at Maple Street Alex was kicking back in his room. The game on TV, the latest issue of Playboy, a bowl of cheerios.

    He heard the rustle of leaves thru the tree outside his window. The branches set up a rhythmic tapping against the glass. Looked like a storm was brewing.

    He focused on the game instead when a bolt of lightning made him jump. He crossed the room to close the drapes but for a second he thought he saw a shadow at the foot of the tree. It looked like the outline of a woman, looking up at him.

    A second lightning strike lit up the sky and yes, there was a woman, looking up at him. He ignored her and closed the drapes but as he did so he noticed she was gone. 'Man, I gotta stop the midnight snacks' he muttered to himself.

    He went back to the TV; between innings commercials and a gorgeous brunette in a toothpaste ad. He smirked. 'Woh, what a hottie!'

    She reminded him of Rachel, another hottie. Rachel of the long dark hair, dark eyes and yes, he admitted to himself, he liked her large breasts despite the fact she always dressed to conceal them.

    Those breasts-natural 'D' cups- attracted a lot of attention she either wasn't aware of or chose to ignore. She wouldn't have any trouble getting a date for the prom.

    'Well Alex' he said to his room, 'better ask her before some jock or geek from the chess club gets in there first. Can't have that, can we?'

    The storm intensified and the lights in the house flickered, a first for him. The tapping on the window grew more urgent, almost as if someone was knocking. The lights went out in his room and the TV died. He returned to the window to see if the rest of the street was in darkness and opened the drapes.

    To his horror and utter disbelief someone was knocking on his second floor window, a crazy looking woman who was screaming at him:

    'You-Harris! Spawn of evil! You will burn in hell where all your kind belong! I will have my revenge on this town-and anyone who gets in my way!'

    As far as he could tell he blacked out at that point. When he came to, the lights were on along with the TV. Not much time had passed and he got to his feet, cautiously going over to the window.

    No-one there and the skies were clear. No sign of a storm.

    He made his way downstairs to where his parents were watching TV, his dad was surprised to see him.

    'Hey son, what are you doing up this late? It's a school night. Are you alright?' 'Couldn't sleep

    'cos of the storm. Hey, what happened to the power? Did we blow a fuse or somethin'?' 'What storm, Al?'

    'The electrical storm we just had. Y'know, lightning, thunder, wind?' 'You must've been dreaming, the skies have been clear all night. Go back to bed, son. You have school tomorrow' 'Yeah, I guess. 'Night, mom, 'night dad'

    While all this was going on Rachel was asking Amy how to go about finding someone who had to all intents and purposes dropped off the map.

    'Why do you want to find them?' Amy asked of her daughter. 'No essay on Eve would be complete without their side of the story. Even if I get nothing from them, at least I can say I tried'

    'You want to be thorough, that's good. There are a few avenues I can explore...leave it with me, I'll see what I can do' 'Thanks mom. And now I need to select an outfit for tomorrow'

    Emilie was throwing a party the following evening and Rachel wanted to look her best. The problem was her figure made her self conscious, so anything too low cut was out of the question. Guys had a habit of talking to her breasts so she had to find the balance with party outfits. As she searched thru her closet Amy knocked on the door and entered.

    'Sweetheart?' 'Hey mom' 'Your dilemma again?' 'Aha' Rachel stopped looking and sat on the bed next to her mother.

    'Mom, I know you raised me to like myself for who I am. Trouble is too many others like me for who I am' 'Is that a bad thing?' 'The boys at school, most of 'em...they don't see me. They only see my breasts. Have you any idea what that's like?' Amy laughed.

    'Of course I do, you take after me in that department. I went thru the exact same thing all thru high school and college' 'How did you survive?' 'Well, I didn't let it beat me. I had head held high, proud of who I was. I didn't wear tight or low cut tops that often but when I did, if a guy couldn't make eye contact, I called him on it'

    'Huh. Em reckons tomorrow I should show lots of cleavage, get it over with' 'I understand what she's getting at. How do you feel about that?' 'I'm gonna sleep on it. So I take after you?'

    'I'll dig out some old photos so you can see. We Farrell women have always had a fuller figure.

    It's our trait' 'So if I ever have a daughter...' 'Be prepared to teach her the lessons you've learned. Be proud of your body, sweetheart. You shouldn't let some infantile boys dictate how you live your life'

    'Thanks mom. That's good advice'

    After Amy left Rachels' cell rang but all she could hear was static. The connection went dead and the landline rang. She answered.

    'Hello?' 'Leave it alone. This is not for you' said an unfamiliar voice. 'Who is this?' 'This is not your business' 'Yeah, whatever' She hung up and got ready for bed, enjoying a good nights' sleep.

    Friday morning and another school day to get thru but with Ems' party to look forward to. And Rachel was. At school she rummaged thru her locker, looking for a pen.

    'Hey girlfriend!' Brit waved from not too far away with Em and Alice in tow. 'Hey' Rachel replied cheerily. Em sauntered with her hands in her back pockets; 'Ready to party tonight?'

    Ems' parents, Ed and Anna DeRossi, were going out of town leaving Ems' elder brother Brian in charge with a strict 'no parties' policy. But Em could be very persuasive ('It's a party, bro. Not an orgy'

    she had said) and he relented, she reminded him by having it on Friday they had all weekend to clean up. Em grinned the cheeky grin few if any could resist and put an arm around Rachels' shoulders.

    'Alex is comin' tonight, babe. You two can use my room if you want just make the bed again when you're done' 'Eeww-Em!' Rachel laughed. 'I'm not having sex tonight' she whispered. Em raised an eyebrow, returning her hands to her back pockets.

    'Why ever not honey?' 'Hello? We haven't even had a date yet' Em waved the statement away.

    'Datin' is just natures' way of tellin' you to procreate, hee hee. Don't worry Rach, I got my ear to the ground. Of all the gin joints in all the world, Alex wants you to walk into his' 'Thanks, babe. I think'

    Another movie reference from Em and for some reason, Rachel seemed to be able to read between the lines when no-one else could. On her way to her first class she ran into Alex.

    'Hey Levinson, you are comin' to the DeRossis' tonight, right?' 'Try an' stop me' she grinned.

    'Wanna hang out with me there?' 'Come find me' she said, trying to sound as casual as she could.

    Her first class of the day was history, history and politics being the two where she shone the brightest. All her teachers, her friends; everyone assumed she would one day teach either subject. At this point in her life, so did she.

    As she entered another lively debate, this time over the uneven balance of power during the American Civil War, Amy had an unusual meeting with her publisher and agent. Her latest book

    ' Séance Detective' which involved a medium attempting to catch a killer by talking to his victims thru séances was yet to be published. But some at the publishing house thought it may make for an interesting movie.

    'You've publishing two dozen best sellers, Amy. You've won accolades all across the globe, I think you've earned this. It's long overdue' 'It sounds exciting' she admitted. 'What happens now?' 'Leave it to me' her agent said, calling over a waiter. 'In the meantime, let's celebrate'

    Back at school Em led Rachel into an empty classroom. 'Em I'm gonna be late for math class, babe' 'Math is for people who can't solve equations. This is far more important, honey' 'What is?'

    'What's the Levinson dress code for tonight?' Rachel bit her bottom lip.

    'I think you know. You think I'm a wuss' Em shook her head vigorously. 'Far from it. I think you're an extraordinary woman goin' thru somethin' I couldn't possibly understand. Just want you to be happy, babe'

    'Thanks, babe. Hey-what if I brought some clothes over to your place before the party? You could help me choose a compromise' 'Compromise?' 'Y'know, somethin' to have Alex eatin' his heart out but not have all the guys droolin' over my boobs all night'

    'That I can do, honey. See you tonight' 'Wait, what about math?' 'I can do math, babe. I'm out, I got somewhere else to be' 'You're skipping' class again?' 'Time. Tide. You know the drill. Gotta meet someone'

    Without flinching Em walked out of the building, crossed the student parking lot to her car and drove away. Rachel knew how a girl who skipped classes every week, who was bored by school, maintained a solid 'A' average. But few others did.

    Em parked outside a store not far from Santa Monica Pier. The bell above the door jingled softly as she entered. The woman behind the counter looked up and smiled; 'I've been expecting you...'

    On returning home Rachel went straight to her room and began selecting and rejecting outfits.

    If her idea worked Alex would be her boyfriend by the end of the evening. Her first real boyfriend. She carried them downstairs. Jack frowned.

    'Are you leaving home, sweetheart? What's going on?' 'Nothin' so dramatic, dad. Em's gonna help me choose what to wear for her party tonight' 'Is that tonight, is she coming here? I haven't seen her for a while'

    'I'm goin' over there. Let's have the DeRossis over again soon, huh? You know how Em...misses you' she chuckled. 'It's a date' 'Where's mom?' 'Still out with her agent. I'll order take out if you like' Rachel checked her watch. 'Thanks dad but I really gotta go. I'll eat at the party' 'Make sure you do'

    Rachel took the short drive and put her excitement down to seeing Alex and knowing he wanted to see her. After a quick hello to Brian DeRossi-three years Ems' senior-the two girls went into Ems' bedroom.

    'Dad was askin' about you, Em' Em put her hands to her heart and sighed theatrically. 'My secret love. He about ready to run off with me?' 'Think so. What about this top?' 'Nice but goes a li'lle see thru when the light hits it. Unless you want the whole world to see the bobsie twins'

    'Good point but I will be wearin' a bra' 'May I suggest somethin' simple but classic?' 'Please do'

    'You own a li'lle black dress, right? Elegant, beautiful but hot an' sexy at the same time' 'Great idea. I did bring one'

    Rachel changed in the bathroom, adding matching black lingerie which included stockings. A touch of make up and a hint of perfume. Understated but sexy.

    Em had chosen something more casual, a sleeveless off the shoulder purple top with a side slit and jeans. Rachel wasn't surprised for here was a girl with an air of being totally at peace with herself and with nothing to prove.

    'Let's get somethin' to eat before the place goes nuts, Rach. We have time' 'Cool, thanks. I didn't have time earlier'

    They found Brian still packing anything breakable away. 'I know, I know' he said. 'It'll be 'cool'

    but still, better safe right...Rachel? Wow! You look great' he blushed as she thanked him. Em wrinkled her nose as she and Rachel went into the kitchen.

    'Eeeww. My bro is all hot an' bothered over you, babe. Big yikes' 'I think it's sweet. An older guy thinks I'm hot. How will Alex react?' Em opened the fridge.

    'Darlin', Alex ain't gonna be reactin' to the dress, or the lacy bra or the skimpy skimpy panties.

    He'll be reactin' to you. That's what he's interested in, babe. You. Be it the hottest girl here in that dress or wearin' a garbage bag. You'

    'Really? D'you...think he wants to sleep with me?' Em chuckled. 'Honey that's the dumbest question in history. You really don't see it? He's achin' for you babe. Trust me, I know that look' 'But I'm not ready' 'If he's genuine that won't matter. He'll wait'

    'I'm...still a virgin' 'So I gathered' 'An' you?' 'Not for a while. Here, have some chicken, cooked by yours truly'

    The party was about to begin, an innocent gathering of school friends just wanting to have fun.

    A gathering that would live in the memory forever. For all the wrong reasons.

    Eight o'clock. Alex poured Rachel a glass of punch. 'I wasn't clear at school today' he said.

    'When I said hang out here I meant as my date' 'Are you asking me out?' 'Yeah. So?' 'Yeah I'll go out with you' They kissed briefly and Sabrina came over.

    'I get it now, Rach. I thought your boy rejected me out of hand. If I'm gonna lose to somebody I'm glad it was you. The better woman won. This time' 'Sorry' 'Don't ever apologize for bein' hot, babe.

    It's every girls' prerogative'

    Em had invited Jason McCrae and she saw him talking to the few friends he had. She smiled at him as she ducked into the kitchen. Rachel, eager to tell about her and Alex, followed.

    'Hey Em honey. What cha doin' skulkin' in here?' 'Sneakin' a brewski. If my bro sees me with too many of these I'll be grounded 'till the end of time' 'I can imagine' 'Rach you look like the cat that got the cream. Or the girl who got the boy?' 'I did, I'm a girlfriend. Pheew, I'm gonna have to get used to that'

    'No more than you deserve, honey. So where is the lucky boy?' 'Last time I saw him he was talkin' to Brian' 'No doubt givin' his 'Rach is like a sister to me' speech, hee hee' Which he was; Em finished the beer and played hostess, saying 'hi' here, offering to replenish a drink there. She caught up with Brian.

    'OK, bro?' 'I'll admit this lot are more well behaved than I was expecting. By the way, who's that?' He indicated a brunette on the other side of the room. Em grinned. 'That's Sabrina Trudeau, her dad's a heavy hittin' lawyer. Head cheerleader, she usually gets what she wants. Tread careful, bro.

    She'll eat you for breakfast' 'We'll see. Time to turn on the ol' DeRossi charm' As Brian crossed the room Em joined Jason on the sofa.

    She struck up a conversation, him thinking she was out of his league. Em never thought that way, regarding any guy as fair game. And he was pleased to see for once a hot girl was actually interested in what he had to say.

    Sabrina played it cool with Brian, even though she was flattered. After all it wasn't every day a man, as opposed to a high school boy showed her this much interest. She did come to snag Mike, the football captain. She would hold him in reserve.

    She allowed her gaze to wander slightly, seeing Jason sitting there talking to Em. 'How dare he?' she thought. 'How dare he show his face among the high school elite?' Sabrina made up her own mind; he wasn't invited, he slipped thru the net and here was Em, the hostess taking the time to include him. 'What a sweet girl

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