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The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies
The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies
The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies
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The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies

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"Read this important book to learn how cancer is an environmental, metabolic disease with many small causes that stack up—and what you can do to prevent or even reverse it."—Dave Asprey, New York Times bestselling author of The Bulletproof Diet

The Optimal Terrain Ten Protocol to Reboot Cellular Health!

The Metabolic Approach to Cancer offers an innovative, metabolic-focused nutrition protocol that works. Naturopathic, integrative oncologist and cancer survivor Dr. Nasha Winters and nutrition therapist Jess Higgins Kelley have identified the ten key elements of a person’s “terrain” (think of it as a topographical map of our body) that are crucial to preventing and managing cancer. Each of the terrain ten elements—including epigenetics, the microbiome, the immune system, toxin exposures, and blood sugar balance—is illuminated as it relates to the cancer process, then given a heavily researched and tested, non-toxic and metabolic, focused nutrition prescription.

The ketogenic diet—which relies on the body’s production of ketones as fuel—is the centerpiece of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer. Further, Winters and Kelley explain how to harness the anticancer potential of phytonutrients abundant in low-glycemic plant and animal foods to address the 10 hallmarks of cancer—an approach Western medicine does with drug-based therapies.

The optimized, genetically-tuned diet shuns:

  • Grains
  • Legumes
  • Sugar
  • Genetically modified foods
  • Pesticides
  • Synthetic ingredients

The optimized, genetically-tuned diet emphasizes:

  • Whole, wild foods
  • Local
  • Organic
  • Ferments
  • Heirloom
  • Low-glycemic

Other components of their approach include harm-reductive herbal therapies like mistletoe (considered the original immunotherapy and common in European cancer care centers) and cannabinoids (which shrink tumors and increase quality of life, yet are illegal in more than half of the United States). Through addressing the ten root causes of cancer and approaching the disease from a nutrition-focused standpoint, we can slow cancer’s endemic spread and live optimized lives.

"The Metabolic Approach to Cancer is a powerhouse of detailed information on how to prevent, manage, and treat cancer. . . . It is written in an intimate conversation style that comes from decades of deep personal experience, research, and genuine passion."—Travis Christofferson, author of Tripping over the Truth

Release dateMay 24, 2017

Dr. Nasha Winters

Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO, L.Ac, Dipl.OM, has been working in the health care industry for 25 years and is a nationally board certified naturopathic doctor, licensed acupuncturist, practitioner of oriental medicine, and is a fellow of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology. Initially motivated by a terminal cancer diagnosis 25 years ago, she now lectures all over the world and trains physicians in the application of mistletoe therapy, consults with researchers on projects involving immune modulation via mistletoe, hyperthermia, and the ketogenic diet. She lives in Durango, CO.

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    The Metabolic Approach to Cancer - Dr. Nasha Winters



    "The Metabolic Approach to Cancer explains why medicine has failed to find a single cure for cancer. Read this important book to learn how cancer is an environmental, metabolic disease with many small causes that stack up and what you can do to prevent or even reverse it. Taking control of your environment and your food gives you control over cancer! You’ll never look at sugar the same way again."

    —DAVE ASPREY, New York Times bestselling author of The Bulletproof Diet; creator, Bulletproof Coffee

    "The Metabolic Approach to Cancer is a powerhouse of detailed information on how to prevent, manage, and treat cancer. How refreshing to see such a compilation of insight, structure, and sweeping scope, one that centers on the health of the entire individual, not just killing cancer cells alone. It is written in an intimate conversation style that comes from decades of deep personal experience, research, and genuine passion. It’s time to welcome a new gem to the universe of books on cancer."

    —TRAVIS CHRISTOFFERSON, author of Tripping over the Truth

    "Dr. Nasha Winters and Jess Higgins Kelley have written an important book, The Metabolic Approach to Cancer, that can help cancer patients better manage their disease. Most cancers, regardless of cell or tissue origin, are now recognized as a single metabolic disease that feeds on fermentable fuels like the sugar glucose and the amino acid glutamine. Winters and Kelley provide cancer patients with logical, nontoxic, therapeutic strategies for starving cancer cells of their prime fuels while enhancing overall patient health. This book will be a valuable resource for all cancer patients and their oncologists."

    —THOMAS N. SEYFRIED, PhD, author of Cancer as a Metabolic Disease

    "The Metabolic Approach to Cancer is the book I have been yearning for since my cancer diagnosis in 1989. I have been managing my cancer with nutrition and lifestyle, but my research has led to confusing and sometimes contradictory information. This book has everything I need to know in one place. I feel empowered with knowledge about what I can do and why it will make a difference. I want everyone touched by cancer to read this book."

    —JAN ADRIAN, MSW, founder and director, Healing Journeys

    "In The Metabolic Approach to Cancer, Dr. Nasha Winters and Jess Higgins Kelley take the adage ‘knowledge is power’ to a new level. The book is packed with science-backed, practical, and highly relevant information that could easily overwhelm the reader. But rest assured, in a very caring way the two authors make sure you learn how to set priorities, address the main areas of concern first, and make step-by-step improvements to your well-being. This book has the power to truly transform your health!"

    —PATRICIA DALY, author of The Ketogenic Kitchen

    "The Metabolic Approach to Cancer is a terrific resource for anyone interested in treating cancer with natural therapies. This book is delightful and full of valuable information."

    —ANN FONFA, president, Annie Appleseed Project

    "In The Metabolic Approach to Cancer, Dr. Nasha Winters and nutritionist Jess Higgins Kelley expose the inadequacies inherent in the entrenched model of conventional cancer care. Looking beyond the manifestations of a body out of balance, they open the reader’s eyes to the underlying epigenetic changes that contribute to the development and progression of this devastating disease. Also included here is a set of tools—including nutrition, lifestyle, and metabolic therapies—that address the root cause of the problem. This integrated approach offers an opportunity to bring body and mind back into balance."

    —MIRIAM KALAMIAN, author of Keto for Cancer

    DISCLAIMER: The information we present in this book is provided as an information resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. Please consult your health care team before implementing any strategies we outline herein.

    Copyright © 2017 by Nasha Winters and Jess Higgins Kelley.

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form by any means without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Terrain Ten™ is a registered trademark of Optimal Terrain Consulting, Inc.

    Project Manager: Patricia Stone

    Developmental Editor: Makenna Goodman

    Copy Editor: Jennifer Lipfert

    Proofreader: Laura Jorstad

    Indexer: Ruth Satterlee

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    First printing May 2017.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Winters, Nasha, 1971– author. | Kelley, Jess Higgins, 1978– author.

    Title: The metabolic approach to cancer : integrating deep nutrition, the ketogenic diet, and nontoxic bio-individualized therapies / Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, LAc, FABNO, Jess Higgins Kelley, MNT.

    Description: White River Junction, Vermont : Chelsea Green Publishing, [2017]

    Identifiers: LCCN 2017001559| ISBN 9781603586863 (hardback) | ISBN 9781603586870 (ebook)

    Subjects: LCSH: Cancer—Diet therapy. | Integrative medicine. | BISAC: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diseases / Cancer. | HEALTH & FITNESS / Nutrition.

    Classification: LCC RC271.D52 W56 2017 | DDC 616.99/40654—dc23

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    Dedicated to John Jack Higgins

    November 27, 1954–October 19, 2016



    Introduction: The Cancer Crisis

    1. The Solution Is a Metabolic Approach

    2. Assessing Your Terrain

    3. Genetics, Epigenetics, and Nutrigenomics: What You Inherit, What You Can Control

    4. Sugar, Cancer, and the Ketogenic Diet

    5. Carcinogens, Cancer, and Detoxification

    6. The Mighty Microbiome: Guts of Our Terrain

    7. Immune Function: Get on Guard with Deep Nutrition

    8. The Inflammation-Oxidation Association: Extinguishing the Fires of Cancer with Food

    9. Cancer Growth and Spread: Halting Angiogenesis and Metastasis

    10. Hungry for Hormone Balance

    11. Stress and Circadian Rhythms: Attaining Tranquility and Reconnecting with Natural Cycles

    12. Mental and Emotional Well-Being: Cultivating the Most Powerful Medicine of All

    13. Connecting with the Terrain Ten in the Kitchen





    You only have to talk to Dr. Nasha Winters for about five minutes to realize that she’s a walking encyclopedia for integrative medicine. When I first met her, I was mostly interested in studying her own radical remission, which is when someone heals from cancer against all odds. Five minutes later, I realized she was a tour-de-force naturopath with twenty-five years of clinical experience in integrative oncology and with dozens of former patients who had experienced their own radical remissions under her guidance. I knew we would have much to talk about.

    To begin with, Dr. Nasha emphasized something that my radical remission research subjects had been saying for over a decade—It’s all about the underlying conditions. In The Metabolic Approach to Cancer, this is referred to as the terrain, a beautiful metaphor to think about your body as a garden.

    If the plants in a garden aren’t thriving, a novice gardener might simply spray weed killer and hope for the best. However, a master ecological gardener will take much more into consideration: Does the soil have the proper minerals in it? Does the soil have toxins seeping into it that are harming the plants? Are the plants receiving adequate sunshine? Clean and plentiful water? Are the seeds healthy? Are environmental forces, such as high winds, causing undue stress to the plants? This is the level of in-depth analysis that this book offers for the body-mind-spirit system—and with impressive results.

    If modern medicine has learned anything about cancer in the last fifty years, it’s that cancer is not a simple disease. In fact, it’s not even a single disease but rather a collection of over one hundred different diseases—each with mitochondrial dysfunction at its center. Add to this the fact that everyone’s body is significantly different from their neighbor’s—meaning that no two people have the same toxin exposure, immune system, metabolism, or microbiome—and you can begin to appreciate why this highly individualized approach to cancer makes sense.

    For all of cancer’s complexity, though, the authors and I agree on a simple (and Nobel Prize–winning) theory that boils cancer down to one idea: When the mitochondria in a cell fail, that cell will become cancerous.

    This was a big aha moment for me during my initial years of research into radical remissions as part of my PhD at University of California, Berkeley. I had never really bought into the prevailing theory that cancer cells were simply healthy cells that—for some unknown reason—started behaving badly. Instead, I believe that there is an explanation for everything in this world, including why healthy cells begin to act in a cancerous manner.

    The metabolic theory of cancer—which was first introduced by Otto Warbug in the 1920’s, and for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize—claims that damage to a cell’s mitochondria is what causes a cell to behave cancerously. This explanation made sense to me because I knew from basic biology that the mitochondria are the factories of the cell, in charge of producing energy (through aerobic respiration) and of telling the cell when to reproduce and when to die. A cancerous cell does the exact opposite—it reproduces when it shouldn’t, forgets to die when it should, and gets its energy from glucose instead of oxygen (anaerobic respiration).

    If mitochondria failure leads to cancer, the next logical question is So what caused the mitochondria to fail? The answer: any number of things.

    Cancer researchers today are often frustrated because they get conflicting results when it comes to uncovering the cause of cancer. For example, some researchers have proven that viruses can cause cancer, as is the case with the HPV virus and cervical cancer. Other researchers have proven that bacteria can cause cancer, as is the case with the Helicobacter pylori bacteria and stomach cancer. Still other researchers have shown that toxins can cause cancer (such as nicotine), or that radiation can cause cancer (such as Chernoybl), or that genetic mutations or traumas or chronic stress can cause cancer.

    So, who is correct? All of them—assuming that any of those events can lead to mitochondrial failure.

    This is where the book’s individualized approach to cancer treatment fills a much-needed gap. Why specifically did your (or your loved one’s) mitochondria fail? More importantly, how can you begin to repair your mitochondria? As you will learn in this book, you can begin to answer those questions by first assessing your past and present lifestyle choices, and then by requesting specific blood and genetic tests from your health practitioner. In this book, Dr. Nasha and Jess Kelley teach you how to find and correct the root cause of cancer, as opposed to merely trying to kill off any cells that are behaving cancerously.

    Once you’ve thoroughly assessed your terrain through the wonderful Terrain Ten (ten areas of your body and mind to examine and measure), the book provides an elegant solution for returning to balance: food. Yes, food, that wonderful healer of healers! As Hippocrates said, Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. I believe strongly in those words, but unfortunately modern medicine has dismissed them almost entirely. Thankfully, this book, along with the work of fellow functional and integrative medicine colleagues, is beginning to change that egregious error.

    It’s really quite simple: Our bodies run on food, water, and energy. If you give your body the healthy food and water it needs, while also creating emotional conditions in your life that lead to an abundant flow of energy in the body, you will be well on your way to health.

    When it comes to food, this book advocates for the ketogenic diet, which strictly limits the amount of carbohydrates you eat while simultaneously increasing the amount of fat you consume in order to force your cells to receive energy from fat instead of glucose (which cancer cells love). Though many of my vegetarian and vegan colleagues may disagree with certain aspects of the ketogenic diet, I prefer to focus on the commonality of these differing points of view: namely, eating plentiful vegetables and removing sources of toxins from your life. Everyone agrees that healing begins with a sharp increase in vegetables and an equally significant decrease in toxins.

    What I view as most important to the dietary approach in The Metabolic Approach to Cancer is the authors’ belief that all people need to be on a different diet depending on their individual physiology and their particular cancer. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all diet in their eyes. I have seen the battery of tests that Dr. Nasha orders and analyzes for each one of her patients, and how those test results inform her recommendations of what that person should or should not be eating, as well as what supplements and other lifestyle changes that person needs at this moment in time—knowing full well that this person will likely need a very different set of recommendations in six months.

    Some nutritional treatments are used temporarily, such as fasting, while others might work well for your body in the long-term. The point that this book makes, and with which I agree, is that every human is different, and therefore the key is to view your symptoms and lab results as messengers that are trying to tell you where and how you’ve gone off balance.

    Once you know where you’re off balance, this book will give you the tools you need to regain your health. From delicious recipes to specific exercise suggestions and stress-reducing recommendations, you will leave this book with a powerful to-do list of lifestyle changes to consider. And that’s a good thing, in my opinion, since one of the biggest problems with conventional cancer treatment is that it takes all of the power away from the patient.

    In this book, the authors encourage you to step into your rightful role as the head gardener of your garden—that is, your body-mind-spirit system—and to begin asking deeper questions: Are you giving your body the food-medicine that’s right for you at this particular time? Do you have emotional or physical symptoms that are trying to tell you something? What changes can you make to reduce your stress and increase joy? What changes can you make to bring your body fully back into balance?

    The answers to these questions lay in this unique, metabolic approach to cancer treatment . . . this gem of a book. Get ready to dive into a world of truly personalized medicine—this is what the future of health care should look like.

    Kelly Turner, PhD


    The Cancer Crisis

    As to diseases, make a habit of two things—to help, or at least, to do no harm.


    What we discovered, counter-intuitively, is that when you start killing a cancer cell, one of the things it does in order to survive is to spread even further.
    —DR. PATRICK SOON-SHIONG, well-known doctor, surgeon, and scientist

    Cancer is the most elusive, cunning, adaptable, intelligent, and innovative disease in history, and it has been outsmarting us for a long time. Since the earliest cases of cancer were identified around 1.6 million years ago, humans have been invested in discovering its cause and ultimate treatment. The first written record of cancer dates back to 3000 BC, where it was declared, depressingly: There is no cure.¹ And there still is no cure even now, thousands of years later. In fact, medical thinking has really progressed only a few paces from the antiquated idea that cancer is caused when one of the body’s four humors—blood, phlegm, yellow bile, or black bile—is out of balance. The prevailing (and failing) dogma in Western medicine today is that cancer is caused and driven by genetic mutations, or just bad luck.

    The somatic mutation theory (SMT) asserts that when a cell endures extensive damage to its genetic material—deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA—it eventually reaches a point where it goes rogue from its intended function and becomes cancerous. Cancer research and treatment development have been locked within the tiny confines of this tenet since the SMT theory was cast in carbonite over seventy-five years ago. The problem is that this outdated mutation focus is not getting us any closer to preventing or curing this scary, heartbreaking, expensive, and painful disease. We simply must take a new approach because right now we’re not winning the war on cancer—not even close. Today there’s a better chance of surviving Russian roulette than cancer and its associated Western treatments. Something is terribly wrong with the current cancer model.

    As of this writing, cancer directly affects almost half of the US population. Half. The numbers are horrifying: By today’s end, approximately 1,600 cancer patients will have died. The same number will die tomorrow and the next day. In 2015 more than 1.5 million new cancer cases were diagnosed (an estimated 1,665,540), resulting in over half a million deaths (585,720, to be precise). New cancer cases have steadily increased for the last 150 years. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, only one person in twenty was diagnosed with cancer. In the 1940s that increased to one out of every sixteen people. By the 1970s it had become one in ten. In 1960, breast cancer affected one in twenty women, and by 2016, the number rose to one in eight. Today half of all men and over a third of all women in the United States will develop cancer in their lifetime.² For carriers of a BRCA mutation (a genetic mutation that can increase the risk of certain cancers including breast) who were born before 1940, the risk of developing breast cancer by age fifty was 24 percent, but among those born after 1940, when pesticides were introduced (more on this relationship later), it has almost tripled to 67 percent.³ From 1973 to 1991 prostate cancer rates increased 126 percent. In several European countries cancer is now the leading cause of death, and in America it is expected to surpass cardiovascular disease as the number one cause of death by 2020. While cancer is not contagious, it is unquestionably the bubonic plague of our day.

    It is important to know that what cancer is not is a disease of the aging population. From the early 1980s to the early 1990s, the incidence of cancer in American children under age ten rose by 37 percent.⁴ After accidents, cancer is the next most frequent cause of death in children, and a 2016 study found that malignant brain tumors are the number one cause of cancer-related deaths in American adolescents between the ages of fifteen and nineteen.⁵ Not only is cancer affecting children at an increased rate of almost 40 percent in the past sixteen years, rates of secondary cancers, which are new cancers unrelated to a person’s original cancer, are also surging like a tsunami. Nearly one in five new cancer cases in the United States involves someone who has had the disease before, a rate increase of almost 300 percent since the 1970s.

    As if this is not overwhelming enough, the comorbidities resulting from cancer treatments are also increasingly alarming. A March 2016 article in the journal Oncology found that survivors of young adult cancers have more than twice the risk of developing cardiovascular disease than people without a cancer history.⁶ A 2006 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), study found that chemotherapy causes changes to the brain’s metabolism and blood flow that can linger at least ten years after treatment (a phenomenon many refer to as chemo brain). If cancer patients can survive conventional oncology’s antiquated and largely ineffective treatments, they are far more likely to die earlier and with a lower quality of life.

    Leading cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation are, in fact, carcinogenic, meaning they actually cause cancer. Indeed, several cancer drugs including tamoxifen, used to treat breast cancer, are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as Group 1 carcinogens—meaning carcinogenic in humans. So is radiation. Yet when you or the person next to you is diagnosed with cancer, then surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, or a combination of these, will be your primary treatment options. These modalities will, in words used by those in the oncology field, slash, burn, and poison cancer cells in hopes of killing them. (Early chemotherapies were actually derived from mustard gas, a chemical agent of war.) The trouble is that these conventional treatments also slash, burn, and poison a body’s healthy cells. Not only that, but they further deplete the immune system, damage DNA, eradicate critical microbes in the gut, cause inflammation and oxidative stress—all of which are cancer-promoting factors (each of which we will discuss further in this book). But the sad reality at this point in time is that there are few to no other treatment options available. Until now. With this book we intend to shine a beacon of light on integrative, nontoxic diet and lifestyle approaches to cancer that work, without the side effects.

    A new approach to cancer is sorely needed since the current model of conventional oncology is based solely on treating the tumor and cancer cells through aggressive strategies that can—and do—diminish the tumor but often with significant cost to the patient. If someone does not already have an autoimmune condition before cancer, they will usually get one after conventional treatment, as these therapies strongly override, suppress, or overstimulate the immune system (more on this in chapter 7, in Causes of Immune System Impairment). And while some patients bounce back after treatment, many do not. The long-term implications of these therapies can include increased gut permeability, impaired cardiovascular health, depressed cognitive health and neurological function, debilitating neuropathy, destruction of the immune system, and even death. But there is a stunningly effective cancer treatment available right at the grocery store: food.

    While certainly no magic bullet or single intervention exists for treating cancer in either practice model, conventional or nonconventional, study after study shows that only 5–10 percent of cancer is caused by damaged DNA. What’s more, is these inherited mutations cause cancer only if said mutations also alter mitochondrial function. The remaining 90–95 percent of cancer cases are caused by poor diet and unhealthy lifestyles that also damage mitochondrial function.⁷ This is where we absolutely have to start focusing. Cancer is a mitochondrial disease related to a person’s physiology, psychology, and ecology. Examining a damaged gene by itself is like putting on your seat belt after your car has crashed. Cancer is not a genetic disease but instead a metabolic disorder that occurs in response to how we are feeding and treating our bodies and therefore our genomes. Humanity’s modern diets and lifestyles are in complete discordance with our evolution. Through epigenetics (which you will learn about in chapter 3) we have the ability to influence gene expression and mitochondrial function through diet, lifestyle, and thoughts. That’s powerful medicine.

    If a line were drawn across the bottom of every page of this whole book to represent the entire time line of human existence, the very last page would represent the era when our basic diet of wild animals and plants was changed to incorporate grains, legumes, and dairy products. On the very last inch of the very last page would be listed the following changes to humans’ diet and environment that have occurred in only the last 250 years: air-conditioning, airplanes, antibiotics, artificial food color, artificial sweeteners, cars, cell phones, chronic stress, computers, electric lighting, emulsifiers, high-fructose corn syrup, genetically modified food, internet, pesticides, prescription medications, artificial preservatives, refined foods, sunscreen, synthetic chemicals, synthetic fats, television, toilets, vaccines, and much more. That’s quite a list for our ancient genome to adapt to, and it’s clearly not adapting very well. While we cannot go back in time and live in caves again (nor need we aspire to), we can begin to focus on resurrecting dietary and lifestyle approaches that are more in keeping with our genetics and our ancient metabolic systems, unchanged for millions of years and now disturbed by modern life. In this book you will learn how these disruptions are causing cancer and how to rectify it.

    What is metabolism? Metabolism is the combination of physical and chemical processes that occur in the body to create the energy required to maintain life. Simply speaking, metabolism is how the body utilizes the food we eat to obtain energy. Thus, our metabolic approach to cancer is nutrition-centered. Food, air, water, and sex are what have sustained the human race for the past 2.6 million years, so clearly they are pretty important. If food is the body’s gasoline, the mitochondria inside cells are the tiny engines responsible for converting that food into energy for the body to run on. It is therefore inside the mitochondria where metabolism takes place. What has been known—but largely ignored—for over a hundred years is that the root cause of cancer is actually damaged mitochondria. Think of it this way: When you pour sugar into the engine of a car, it stops running. The same concept can be applied to the human race. What we explain in this book is that while most modern diets and lifestyles are largely responsible for cancer-causing mitochondrial damage, deep nutrition, therapeutic diets (low-glycemic, fasting, and ketogenic), and nontoxic lifestyle approaches can provide the repairs.

    Now more than ever it is critical to understand that cancer is about the way our bodies and our minds interact with the environment. The majority of cancers seen today are modern, man-made diseases, and a metabolic approach can prevent and halt the cancer process. Doesn’t this sound simple? You may wonder why this hasn’t been prescribed for the last hundred years. Indeed, it is unfathomable why a treatment so utterly obvious is not already in practice. One explanation: There is no money in food research, and the results of whatever research is done cannot be patented. Thankfully, isolated cancer-fighting phytonutrients can be patented (meaning there is money to be made), and there are scores of available studies proving the ability of food-derived compounds to counteract cancer’s many tricks. (We cover many of these superfoods in this book.) In general, however, the power of nutrition as a cancer therapy—either on its own or alongside Western treatments—has been largely underestimated and ignored. Until now. But before we go into the details of the metabolic approach, let’s begin at the beginning.

    What Exactly Is Cancer?

    While the American Cancer Society asserts that cancer is a collection of over a hundred different diseases and imbalances, more recent research is demonstrating that cancer is not many diseases rather a singular disease of energy metabolism. All cancers, regardless of tissue or cellular origin, use fermentation (the Warburg effect) to generate energy, which is different than how healthy cells produce energy. This energy production dysfunction is the common defect seen in all cancers, which is why targeting metabolism will target all cancers to some degree—and is the basis of this book.

    More broadly, cancer is defined as the uncontrolled division of abnormal cells and the spread of those cells throughout the body. A tumor is a mass of these abnormal, or mutated, cells, each exhibiting riotous and prolific growth. Cancer cells are like teenagers hopped up on Red Bull in a mosh pit—out of control and urging others near them to join the frenzy. As cell masses grow and expand they can affect surrounding normal tissues or organs such as the liver or bowel.

    It is important to know that most common cancers take months, sometimes years, to develop into a detectable mass. In fact, even healthy adults produce five hundred to a thousand new cancerous cells a day, and only one in a thousand people is truly cancer free.⁸ It’s scary to think about, but all of us have cancer cells in our body, no matter how healthy we are. All it takes is a hearty push from one of the ten factors we detail in this book to toss healthy cells into the mosh pit of uncontrolled growth. Then, without specific nutrition designed to repair mitochondrial dysfunction, invigorate the immune system, reduce inflammation, repopulate the microbiome, and balance hormones and blood sugar, healthy cells disappear into the chaotic realm of cancer.

    While there exist over two hundred known types of cancers, ten specific traits have been identified that are inherent to each one. These so-called hallmarks of cancer are the anticancer defense mechanisms hardwired into all cells that must be breached in order for a cell to become cancerous. In other words, healthy cells have ten different security systems in place to keep cancer from breaking in and taking over, which is why we all don’t have full-blown diagnosable cancer despite the aforementioned presence of cancer cells in our bodies. In 2000 Douglas Hanahan and Robert Weinberg published a groundbreaking review article in the journal Cell in which they identified the original six hallmarks, and in 2011 they updated their list by proposing four more.⁹ While of course there are some critics of their assertions, in general these ten hallmarks of cancer are largely accepted by Western medicine. In this book we review several of them from a metabolic perspective. But where our approach differs is this: Western medicine identifies the genetic mutations or the pinpoint mechanisms that cause these system breaches in order to design drugs to treat them. Our approach prevents the breaches from happening in the first place. And if a breach does occur, we prescribe a nutritional, or metabolic, counteragent. Do be aware that each one of these biological security systems, or hallmarks, is incredibly complex; the sidebar provides only extremely basic synopses of their mechanisms. The main idea is to give you an idea of how truly complex cancer is.

    The Ten Hallmarks of Cancer

    1. Sustained proliferation: Cancer cells multiply out of control by creating proteins that encourage their explosive growth.

    2. Insensitivity to antigrowth signals: Cancer cells disarm the processes the body uses to put the brakes on unwanted cell division.

    3. Evasion of apoptosis (also known as cell suicide): Normal cells self-destruct when they detect an error (mutation) that cannot be repaired, but cancer cells thrive despite these errors.

    4. Limitless replicative potential: Normal cells die after a certain number of divisions. Conversely, cancer cells are immortal.

    5. Sustained angiogenesis (development of blood supply): Cancer cells are able to orchestrate the creation of new blood vessels to supply them with the oxygen and nutrients they need to grow.

    6. Ability to metastasize: Cancer cells can spread to other sites in the body where space, oxygen, and nutrients are more plentiful.

    7. Reprogramming of energy metabolism (known as the Warburg effect): Cancer cells alter their method of energy production and increase their metabolic rate in order to sustain rapid growth.

    8. Avoidance of immune destruction: Cancer cells suppress the function of key immune cells, including natural killer (NK) cells, while also evading immune surveillance systems.

    9. Tumor-promoting inflammation: Tumors activate an inflammatory response that can increase their access to growth factors and blood supply.

    10. Genome instability and mutation: Almost all cancer cells have defects in their ability to repair DNA, allowing the reproduction of mutated cells.

    How Conventional Medicine Uses This Information

    Certainly, having an understanding of the many ways cancer works is a brilliant example of the progress made by modern science. But when it comes to the effectiveness of developing new treatments based on these hallmarks (not to mention the millions of dollars spent on research) there has, unfortunately, not been much success. Instead, we’ve seen or experienced the devastating physical side effects from conventional, chemical-based, and targeted treatments. Many of us have incurred significant emotional and financial costs, without success. For the last seventy-five years, the War on Cancer has been laser-focused on developing targeted therapies and mapping the human genome for genetic clues to cancer. But the magic bullet scientists have been searching for has remained elusive, leaving a trail of failed and highly toxic therapies. Still, 95 percent of cancer spending is allocated to genetic research while prevention accounts for only about 5 percent of spending.¹⁰ Five percent! Truly the Western way: Treat the disease, not the cause. Even worse, our prevention model is centered on drugs (think aspirin), vaccinations, and radiation-based screening methods including mammograms, which are also a risk factor for cancer. Sadly, false-positive mammograms and overdiagnosis of breast cancer among women ages forty to fifty-nine cost $4 billion in health care spending annually, according to an April 2015 study in the journal Health Affairs.¹¹

    It probably comes as no surprise that areas of cancer research and drug development have become a big business. In 2014 alone, the global market for cancer drugs hit $100 billion.¹² Some drugs, bevacizumab (Avastin) for example, can cost the patient $8,000 per month. The average cost of a new cancer drug is over $100,000 a year, and medical costs associated with cancer cripple many families. In 2010 an estimated 40 percent of patients reported depleting their savings, almost 30 percent reported dealing with bill collectors, and 54 percent of those handling the catastrophic financial burden of cancer said it had become more difficult to afford treatment.¹³ So while cancer might be spectacular for the economy, it has proven both costly and deadly for the patient.

    Let’s look more closely at the biological drug bevacizumab, which was developed to inhibit angiogenesis, one of the hallmarks of cancer. Bevacizumab works by blocking a protein called vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) that is encoded by the VEGF gene and promotes the formation of new blood vessels that help to feed tumor cells. Based on this mechanism, bevacizumab was approved for use with metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer in February 2008 under the accelerated approval program offered by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This program allows a drug to be used before traditional full approval is granted, giving patients earlier access to promising new drugs that may treat serious or life-threatening conditions while the final confirmatory clinical trials are still being conducted.¹⁴ The initial phase 3 randomized study of bevacizumab known as E2100 found that patients administered bevacizumab in combination with another drug, paclitaxel, survived a mere six months longer without their tumors progressing than those given paclitaxel alone. Six months. This is considered a huge success in the cancer world. Not only that, but VEGF is only one of twenty-six angiogenesis pathways; it just happens to be the one most studied. This example illuminates the fact we have found a single drug to act on a single protein but ignore the other twenty-five pathways—something food can address simultaneously.

    But in February 2011 the Journal of the American Medical Association published the pooled results of sixteen confirmatory studies of 5,608 patients taking bevacizumab and found that these patients in fact had a 50 percent increased risk of dying from treatment-related adverse events compared with the use of chemotherapy alone. The risk of fatal problems such as bleeding, blood clots, and bowel perforations more than tripled when bevacizumab was used with certain kinds of chemotherapy drugs, particularly platinum- and taxane-based medications.¹⁵ With that, the FDA revoked approval for bevacizumab’s use in treating breast cancer, but it remains in use for other cancers. The worst part about this story is that bevacizumab was the only hope offered to millions of women who were already dying of their cancer.

    Can this really be all conventional oncology has to offer? In effect, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation rip only the top of the weed out of the garden and leave the roots behind in the soil, only to grow back a stronger and more resilient plant. Of course, we do not discount that there may be a time and place for these treatments depending on the cancer case, but it is negligent of oncologists not to take a broader approach and look at the whole person when designing comprehensive cancer care plans. It is important to note, however, that while we are critical of the current model in conventional care, with this book we do not mean simply to bash Western medicine, but rather to embrace all existing models, while using food as the foundation for healing. Cancer treatment does not have to be either-or; using a metabolic approach can be effective on its own while also improving the outcome of conventional treatments when they are used in tandem.

    You will learn that there is a lot more happening in and to the body that provokes cancer than we are currently told, and that you have a treatment (and prevention) option sitting right in your refrigerator or waiting to be harvested from your garden. But please remember we are up against a lot of misinformation out there, and an utter lack of support in the conventional oncology world with regard to nutrition. In fact, typically when a newly diagnosed cancer patient asks their conventional oncologist what they should eat to help support their health, the response is: It doesn’t matter, eat what you want; just don’t lose weight. Know this: Less than 25 percent of all medical schools offer a course in nutrition, and most of these are elective. Your medical doctor likely has little understanding of basic nutrition, never mind deep or integrative nutrition, and is therefore simply not qualified to offer advice on the topic. And it’s not just medical doctors, either; there is a contingent of naturopathic physicians who

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