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Judging Bush
Judging Bush
Judging Bush
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Judging Bush

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There is no shortage of opinions on the legacy that George W. Bush will leave as 43rd President of the United States. Recognizing that Bush the Younger has been variously described as dimwitted, opportunistic, innovative, and bold, it would be presumptuous to draw any hard and fast conclusions about how history will view him. Nevertheless, it is well within academia's ability to begin to make preliminary judgments by weighing the evidence we do have and testing assumptions.

In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks and the initially successful military campaign in Afghanistan, Bush and his administration enjoyed nearly unprecedented popularity. But after failures in Iraq and in the federal government's response to Hurricane Katrina, Bush's approval ratings plummeted. Guided by a new framework, Judging Bush boldly takes steps to evaluate the highs and lows of the Bush legacy according to four types of competence: strategic, political, tactical, and moral. It offers a first look at the man, his domestic and foreign policies, and the executive office's relationship to the legislative and judicial branches from a distinguished and ideologically diverse set of award-winning political scientists and White House veterans. Topics include Bush's decision-making style, the management of the executive branch, the role and influence of Dick Cheney, elections and party realignment, the Bush economy, Hurricane Katrina, No Child Left Behind, and competing treatments of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Contributors include Lara M. Brown, David B. Cohen, Jeffrey E. Cohen, Laura Conley, Jack Covarrubias, John J. DiIulio, Jr., William A. Galston, Frederick M. Hess, Karen M. Hult, Lori A. Johnson, Robert G. Kaufman, Anne M. Khademian, Lawrence J. Korb, Patrick McGuinn, Michael Moreland, Costas Panagopoulos, James P. Pfiffner, Richard E. Redding, Neil Reedy, Andrew Rudalevige, Charles E. Walcott, and Shirley Anne Warshaw.

Release dateSep 2, 2009
Judging Bush

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    Judging Bush - Robert Maranto



    President Bush in Comparative Perspective


    Evaluating Presidents


    EVALUATING PRESIDENTS is a notoriously hazardous and often sloppy enterprise. Establishing objective criteria to judge presidents removed from partisan preferences is an elusive goal for scholars, journalists, and the public. Yet such chief executives as Franklin Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington consistently rank at the top of surveys by scholars, with Warren Harding, Franklin Pierce, and James Buchanan at the bottom. Perhaps the most common characteristic of high-ranking presidents is the energy of the executive in times of crisis: they did not fear testing the boundaries of presidential powers.¹ Conversely, less-regarded presidents failed to offer energetic leadership or bold policy proposals.

    Perhaps taking this lesson to heart, George W. Bush, the nation’s forty-third chief executive, determined to leave his mark on the nation and the presidency. Elected without a popular mandate in 2000, he still chose to govern assertively. Bush’s presidency certainly did not lack crises to test his mettle. He faced in the early days the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and ended his administration trying to quell one of the gravest economic and financial crises since the Great Depression. In the middle of his presidency, he had to both manage the reconstruction efforts in Iraq and account for his administration’s response to Hurricane Katrina. It might be said that Bush was besieged with opportunities.

    The presidency, in the words of Stephen Skowronek, works best as a battering ram, demolishing old, enervated systems (1997, 27–28). It does not function as effectively in building new structures to replace the discarded models. A president needs to sense when the time is ripe for assertive leadership. Typically, greatness has been thrust on presidents because of the political times: a president cannot make himself great by virtue of willing it through activity.² This is a dilemma that Bush, like all his presidential counterparts, has had to negotiate. How adroitly and competently did Bush and his entourage govern during his eight years in office? Did he take advantage of the opportunity for powerful leadership? Did he imagine opportunities that were not really there? Or did he have the opportunity but fail to respond effectively?³

    Bush aggressively pushed policy—from cutting taxes to education reform—since the opening days of his administration. Moreover, after terrorism moved to the forefront of the political agenda, he promoted a robust, indeed explosive, foreign agenda. Bush self-consciously modeled himself as an active president who hit the ground running (Pfiffner 1996; Kettl 2003), yet currently both the contemporary scholarly community and the public judge Bush a failure (McElvaine 2008). A smaller cohort of scholars staunchly defends Bush.

    Scholarly disagreement is matched by an unprecedented lack of public consensus. Diverging partisan assessments were apparent during Bush’s contentious 2004 reelection campaign, when political scientist Gary Jacobson found that 90.5 percent of Republicans but only 15.2 percent of Democrats approved of Bush’s handling of the job (Brownstein 2007, 16). Bush’s popularity decreased further during his second term. Only a third of respondents approved of his performance in the three years after Hurricane Katrina, with the decline coming mainly from political independents. Republicans still had a favorable view of the president, usually in the 70 percent range (Connelly 2007). This hyperpartisanship makes it all the more difficult to dispassionately rank George W. Bush, a theme developed by Jeffrey E. Cohen and Costas Panagopoulos in this volume.

    In this chapter, we attempt to sort the wheat from the chaff by reviewing how the scholarly literature has grappled with the proper criteria for judging presidents. The question of how to rank and evaluate presidents is not new. Arthur Schlesinger Sr. pioneered the presidential ranking genre in the November 1, 1948, issue of Life magazine. He assembled a team of fifty-five authorities on American history to categorize presidents into groupings of great, near great, average, below average, and failures.⁵ Subsequent scholars, journalists, and writers have made a virtual cottage industry of emulating Schlesinger’s methods (Murray and Blessing 1994, 16–17, 81; Schlesinger Jr. 1997; Ridings and McIver 1997, xi; C-SPAN 1999; Federalist Society–Wall Street Journal 2005).

    Moving beyond somewhat arbitrary rankings, the political science literature on the presidency has attempted more-systematic assessments of presidents, a half dozen of which we will discuss. We categorize the literature evaluating presidents as centered on (1) foreign policy, (2) domestic policy, (3) political skills, (4) presidential opportunity level, (5) presidential character, and (6) political organization. We frame these criteria around the content of crises. Following our treatment of these, we will propose our own four criteria to judge the George W. Bush administration, an eight-year period certainly not short of defining moments.


    It is common for a president to endure a tumultuous relationship with Congress regarding domestic policy. Historically, this squabbling largely disappears when the arena shifts to foreign affairs; hence the cliché that party politics stops at the water’s edge.⁷ As long ago as the first half of the nineteenth century, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote that it is chiefly in its foreign relations that the executive power of a nation finds occasion to exert its skill and its strength (Tocqueville [1956] 2001, 80). This dynamic was captured by Aaron Wildavsky’s two presidencies, one limited in domestic power and the other granted vast latitude in foreign policy, power further accentuated in times of crisis (Wildavsky 1969).⁸ Both Congress and the courts traditionally give the president wide discretion in foreign policy matters. Congress has sanctioned every significant military action undertaken by a president throughout history, usually by large bipartisan majorities. The president has the de facto prerogative to launch the nation into war—a legacy modern presidents have inherited from Harry Truman (Berger 1974). These developments over the course of American history are aptly encapsulated by the adage deployment is destiny (Reedy 2008).

    Conduct of war also falls under the rubric of the president’s discretion, in part due to the rally around the flag effect, which increases presidential popularity in wartime (Mueller 1973). Between the Cold War and the twenty-first-century War on Terror, the post–World War II era has seen nearly continual international crises. An enhanced foreign policy presidency has quite possibly increased presidential interest and influence in domestic activity. During Dwight Eisenhower’s administration, the capital to build the nation’s network of highways and to increase funding for education came in the name of national defense. Presidential interest in civil rights stemmed at least in part from concern about America’s reputation overseas rather than concerns over domestic equity. Likewise, presidents since Nixon have emphasized the importance of energy independence. Global contingencies give the president a greater hand in determining domestic policy.

    However, global entanglements are a two-sided coin. Popularity from military success is often fleeting (Mueller 1973), as George H.W. Bush found to his chagrin after the quick prosecution of the Gulf War in 1991, and as his son learned after a quick victory over the Taliban in Afghanistan. Perhaps even more daunting for a president is being commander in chief during a prolonged, unpopular war. Continued American fatalities without measurable progress can overshadow domestic successes. The Vietnam conflict doomed Lyndon Johnson’s prospects of fully funding and implementing his Great Society and War on Poverty. Similarly, George W. Bush’s handling of the Iraq War cost him clout on Capitol Hill and in the opinion polls, which contributed to his failure to transform Social Security and to pass immigration reform. After Democrats took control of Congress in 2006, Bush became an early lame duck unable to pass significant legislation. This was a radical departure from his first-term stature, when he was at the nexus of major reforms in taxation, education policy, and Medicare, all the while galvanizing the nation for wars against Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Clearly, the signature initiative of the Bush administration is the war in Iraq; indeed, if that war had been more successfully prosecuted (or avoided altogether), President Bush would have ended his term with much higher public standing, and likely would earn a positive judgment from history. To varying degrees, this is a theme of the first, fourth, and fifth parts of this volume.


    Proponents of foreign policy–centered approaches to judging presidents sometimes suggest that domestic policies are largely irrelevant since they require congressional cooperation. For instance, Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson were successful in expanding the welfare state because these presidents had overwhelming Democratic majorities in Congress.

    However, domestic achievements are possible even without large partisan majorities in Congress. For instance, the passage of several modern presidents’ plans to reduce taxes occurred despite small or no majorities in Congress. Ronald Reagan managed this feat despite Democratic majorities in the House of Representatives. George W. Bush replayed this scenario several times by reducing taxes despite slim majorities in the House, and at times no majority in the Senate. He also revamped Medicare and added a prescription drug benefit on essentially Republican terms, with little Democratic support, by the slimmest of margins in Congress. Bill Clinton was able to pass a tax hike in 1993 for the purposes of deficit reduction, without any Republican support and only modest Democratic majorities in Congress. It seems possible for a president who operates adroitly with Congress to build lasting domestic achievements without recourse to foreign military interventions.

    Winning elections frequently turns on domestic policy. In 1992, Bill Clinton rode economic anxiety to the White House by defeating a president who seemed unbeatable just a year before. Most legislation coming from Congress is domestic in nature; the president is forced, whether willing or not, to devote considerable resources to it (Light 1999, 7). As Donald Peppers (1975) argued, presidential decisions on economic matters, from import quotas to floating the dollar, can affect inflation, economic growth, and unemployment. He believed that domestic policy would become the main avenue for a president to leave his mark, despite sharing powers with Congress. If voters care primarily about domestic policy when choosing a president, so too should those who rank chief executives.

    For a Republican administration, the Bush presidency has pursued an active domestic agenda. The president forced through a series of controversial tax cuts, promoted and signed into law a major education bill, and presided over a major expansion and reorientation of Medicare by adding a prescription drug benefit. Bush aimed for even more revolutionary domestic achievements, hoping to introduce private accounts into Social Security. However, the aptly named third rail of politics proved too formidable for the president to refashion. The third part of the book is devoted to Bush’s domestic legacy.


    Other scholars stress not only policy but also political skills. We have already seen Pfiffner’s advice about hitting the ground running. Along with Pfiffner, scholars such as John P. Burke (2000) emphasize the role that management and organization play in a successful presidency.

    Richard Neustadt’s seminal Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents argues that the informal power to persuade is an indispensable talent necessary for a president to succeed. As Harry Truman once lamented, I sit here all day trying to persuade people to do the things they ought to have sense enough to do without my persuading them.... That’s all the powers of the President amount to (Neustadt 1990, 10). Neustadt and Truman mainly were referring to persuading political elites. However, many see a president’s ability to communicate to a mass audience as a prerequisite for accomplishment. Ronald Reagan’s effectiveness is often attributed to his ability as a Great Communicator. Franklin Roosevelt’s fireside chats likewise helped mobilize support for his agenda. In the nineteenth century, presidents rarely made rhetorical appeals to the public. What Jeffrey Tulis (1987) calls the rhetorical presidency is essentially a twentieth-century phenomenon.¹⁰ Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were two of the first presidents to employ public appearances to mobilize support for preferred policy. Yet scholars such as Tulis, George Edwards (2003), and Samuel Kernell (2007) raise questions as to the degree that going public actually helps presidents obtain results. George W. Bush’s failed Social Security gambit is the latest in a long line of failed high-profile public campaigns for presidential initiatives stretching back to Woodrow Wilson’s stumping for a League of Nations.

    Other respected presidency literature emphasizes the limitations that presidents, no matter how deft, face in influencing outcomes. Two studies on presidential-congressional relations emphasize this point in different ways. Edwards (1989, 224) explains how presidential skill and leadership work only at the margins. The president is a facilitator, not a director of change. Even while FDR supposedly performed the executive function most effectively during the first one hundred days of his first term, the durable portions of the New Deal were not created. Social Security did not pass until 1935 and was the product, according to Edwards, of forces other than presidential leadership. Charles O. Jones (2005) concurs, emphasizing the particular limitations on the presidency as a component of a separated system. He warns of isolating the presidency from the Congress and the bureaucracy. Thus, a rich debate exists over how much choreographed management contributes to an effective presidency.

    Bush’s political skills are still debated. He ran an efficient electioneering team, winning narrowly twice. Arguably, his ability to govern improved over time; for instance, he seemed better able to competently manage the Iraq War in the last two years of his presidency. The great irony is that as Bush’s adeptness in governing may have been on the upswing, his popularity took a nosedive, as public opinion seems to have been a lagging indicator in judging Bush’s handling of the presidency.


    A vibrant political science literature underscores the role that external, or structural, factors play in creating successful presidents. Chief executives are not intrinsically able to govern capably because of their own stratagems: other forces play a decisive role in determining a president’s legacy.

    For instance, William Lammers and Michael Genovese (2000) follow a modified structural interpretation by categorizing modern presidents according to levels of opportunity to influence events. Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, and Ronald Reagan rate as the presidents with the highest opportunity, while Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton had minimal opportunities—a matter apparently lamented by Clinton (Morris 1997, 305–8). External factors, such as crises and national mood, are the main contributing factors influencing whether a president can make major contributions. Presidents have the opportunity to outperform or underperform because of managerial competence or personality—but a low-opportunity president will never have the chance to perform that a high-opportunity president has.

    A variant of this conceptual framework is suggested by Stephen Skowronek (1997, 2008). He theorizes that a president’s place in political time helps to determine whether history will brand him a great president. He posits that presidents must act within the constraints of recurring cycles or regimes. The founder of a regime, a reconstitutive president, has a strong chance to be remembered favorably. For instance, Franklin Roosevelt broke a string of laissez-faire Republican presidents and created the New Deal regime featuring a robust domestic agenda. Other presidents who formed new regimes include Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, and probably Ronald Reagan. The worst presidents govern at the end of enervated regimes. These disjunction presidents cannot address crises, because they are constrained by antiquated governing methodologies. Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Herbert Hoover, and probably Jimmy Carter are the failures unlucky enough to govern in unhappy times. Skowronek’s structural explanation accords greatness because of political time and minimizes attributes of individual presidential decision making.

    External structures also explain a president’s policy-making success for Jon Bond and Richard Fleisher (1990). They trace presidential success in passing legislation. Bond and Fleisher explicitly find that presidential success derived more from the partisan and ideological constitution of Congress rather than intrinsic presidential characteristics such as popularity or bargaining power. They thereby discount presidential skill. Those holding this perspective might even question the utility of judging presidents, or indeed the whole notion of greatness.

    In a somewhat different vein, Brandice Canes-Wrone argues that patterns of presidential behavior are often driven by external circumstances. The president is not usually a panderer to public opinion; however, he emphasizes positions that he believes the people will embrace, particularly where public support is needed to move Congress. All presidents will hold unpopular positions; however, this part of the president’s agenda tends to be hidden from public view. According to Canes-Wrone, presidents pander to public opinion and endorse positions they do not believe in when election outcomes seemingly hang in the balance. Of course, the entire George W. Bush presidency has involved cliff-hanger elections, and Canes-Wrone opens her book with a scene of Bush pandering and reversing course on the creation of the Department of Homeland Security in 2002 (Canes-Wrone 2006, 1–3).

    Did George W. Bush govern in a time of high opportunity? The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, certainly suggest that he had more opportunity than most of his predecessors. He also governed with a fairly pliant Congress during the first half dozen years of his administration. But did this lack of congressional oversight prove to be a boon or a curse? One aim of this volume is to offer tentative answers to this question, a matter addressed in part by Andrew Rudalevige’s chapter.


    Character is another criterion used for judging presidents. Its proponents hold that exogenous forces, policy statements, and the like do not explain the essence of presidential behavior. The course of events shaping success or failure often rests on the personality traits of an executive. This approach derives from James David Barber (1985), who developed a model attempting to predict presidential behavior in office.¹¹

    More recently, James P. Pfiffner (2004) examines issues of presidential character in The Character Factor: How We Judge America’s Presidents. Like most observers, he attributes the demise of the Nixon presidency to Nixon’s paranoia, which resulted in the Watergate burglary and coverup. However, Pfiffner believes that character is complex and works as a double-edged sword. For instance, Pfiffner sees both positive and negative aspects in the last two presidencies. Clinton’s tenacity led him to push the aforementioned 1993 deficit-reduction act through Congress. He faced unanimous Republican opposition, and the bill disappointed many of his own supporters. On the other hand, a negative consequence of Clinton’s character was the fallout from his tawdry affair with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. The resoluteness of Bush’s character was on full display after the attacks of September 11, 2001, a matter praised by many, including Robert Kaufman, a contributor to this volume. Bush’s resoluteness also seemingly remade the judiciary, as Lori Johnson and Michael Moreland point out. However, other contributors, including Robert Maranto and Richard Redding; James Pfiffner, Lawrence Korb, and Laura Conley; and William Galston see resoluteness as stubbornness in the face of new information, particularly regarding the Iraq War.

    The study of presidential psychology is most fully developed in Stanley Renshon’s (1996, 2004) studies of Clinton and George W. Bush. Renshon, while not claiming character to be the sole determinant of the effectiveness of presidential leadership, believes character to be a very significant variable in presidential behavior. While Renshon’s study of Clinton was hailed as insightful and penetrating, his study of Bush has engendered more controversy, since he has judged that president reflective and heroic—a conclusion that strikes many as mistaken. This is a theme developed further in the chapter by Maranto and Redding.


    A final interpretative approach squarely addresses the cliché quality of presidential greatness. Marc Landy and Sidney Milkis argue that highly regarded presidents are all distant memories. Their thesis is that when political parties are weak—or presidents are not tied intricately to the party organization—opportunities to exhibit greatness reach a nadir. Landy and Milkis, following Young’s lead, attribute the lack of great presidential leadership in the time between Jefferson and Jackson as at least partially due to the lack of party competition (Young 1966, 250–54; Landy and Milkis 2000, 9).¹² The fourth and fifth presidents, James Madison and James Monroe, were accomplished statesmen previous to their accession to the presidency, but their administrations faltered in part due to the lack of spirited party competition. Landy and Milkis (2000, 198) also claim that there have been no great presidents since Franklin Roosevelt, partly because Roosevelt changed the presidency from an institution defined as a partisan entity to one that served as the head of an administrative state in the service of programmatic rights. Coupled with a prolonged Cold War, presidents had little opportunity to demonstrate greatness, with only two, Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan, even making creditable attempts. ¹³ Bush may also have had notions of achieving greatness with the development of an ambitious agenda; yet, he too probably will fall short, according to Landy and Milkis’s approach.


    In sum, the literature on appropriate criteria for judging presidents has wildly divergent points of emphasis. Yet all emphasize competence. Synthesizing the previous literature, the volume editors propose to distinguish four types of competence: (1) strategic, (2) political, (3) tactical, and (4) moral.

    Strategic competence refers to a president’s long-term influence on the policy regime, which usually includes the articulation and successful implementation of a clear policy vision. George W. Bush worked to build a clear policy vision in order to avoid the fates of Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush, who both lacked a discerning strategic vision, which arguably contributed to their reelection defeats. Yet measuring strategic competence through domestic accomplishments is rather exceptional. Only three modern presidents—Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, and Ronald Reagan—probably qualify as having domestic accomplishments that vastly weigh into their permanent assessments. The clear policy visions set forth by these three have helped establish them as larger-than-life figures in political lore. More frequently, a president’s foreign policy outweighs his domestic agenda in long-term judgments. Thus, the prestige of presidents such as James K. Polk, Woodrow Wilson, and Harry S Truman, who were often unpopular in their own times, has generally risen over the years. Richard Nixon’s rapprochement with China helped reshape the landscape of international politics, bolstering some evaluations of his presidency. Final assessments of George W. Bush’s presidency, which also witnessed an active and controversial foreign policy, will probably be determined from the outcomes of the two wars his administration has fought. It is still a matter of contention whether Bush’s Iraq War will be remembered as another Vietnam, as suggested by Korb and Conley, or as the birth of democracy in the Islamic Middle East, as Kaufman argues.¹⁴

    Political competence refers to a president’s ability to reshape the political regime. Realignments, while often predicted, are quite rare. After the 2004 election came rumblings that George W. Bush had successfully realigned electoral politics (Harris 2004). Such predictions evaporated after the 2006 midterm elections. It is more usual for presidents to subtly retool their existing parties in new directions. For example, the Eisenhower administration reshaped Republican views of the state, while the Clinton administration reshaped Democratic views of markets. The most vaunted political reshuffling of the last forty years has been the so-called regional Southern strategy, in which the formerly solidly Democratic states of the old Confederacy realigned as Republican at the presidential level, first for Nixon and then more consistently for Reagan and subsequent GOP presidents. How lasting Bush’s influence on the Republican Party will be is also a matter of debate, though in this volume Lara Brown and William Galston argue that Bush has not helped his party.

    Tactical competence refers to the president’s ability to make rational decisions and the ability of his administration to carry out the basic duties of government. George H.W. Bush’s execution of the First Gulf War and Clinton’s ability to contain the Mexican peso crisis and East Asian financial crisis exemplify tactical competence. The tactical competence of the George W. Bush administration was called into question by its inadequate response to Hurricane Katrina, a theme of Anne Khademian’s chapter, and inadequate planning for the Iraq War (Fortier and Ornstein 2007), a theme of Chapters 2, 3, 4, 13, and 15 of this book. Previous administrations also suffered deficits of tactical competence. Kennedy’s failed Bay of Pigs operation in Cuba harmed administration prestige, although the president rebounded with his response in the Cuban Missile Crisis. The prolonged agony of the hostage crisis in Iran contributed to Carter’s defeat in the 1980 election, as the president seemed unable to decisively resolve the situation. An administration that appears unable to govern competently from a tactical perspective risks losing support from all but its most ideologically committed supporters.

    Moral competence refers to an administration’s ability to avoid scandal but more notably to its trustworthiness. Without this characteristic, it becomes more difficult to build a reservoir of goodwill with elites or the public. Eisenhower, Ford, and Carter all at some level exhibited characteristics of moral competence. Nixon’s Watergate scandal, Reagan’s Iran-Contra debacle, and Clinton’s Lewinsky affair were major examples of moral failings. Moral competence is a two-sided coin. It involves integrity at the policy and administrative levels as well as the personal probity of the president. Moral competence is a standard that changes with the times, since personal scandals that were overlooked in an earlier age are now exposed. While George W. Bush has avoided personal scandal, many scholars argue that the Bush administration has simply failed in the larger context. Others, however, stoutly defend the administration’s integrity. The deep partisan divide in the country is probably most sharply reflected by the debate over this aspect of competence (Jacobson 2006). Within this volume, Shirley Anne Warshaw and James Pfiffner identify particular moral failings of the Bush administration, pointing out how unprecedented presidential signing statements have subverted the legislative process.

    The authors of the following chapters endeavor to use all of the above-mentioned criteria in order to evaluate the presidency of George W. Bush. As Felzenberg (2008) advises, different criteria may have different relative values at different times in history, and to different observers. Accordingly, the authors hail from a wide variety of ideological and professional backgrounds. Experts review Bush’s approaches to dealing with institutions and an assortment of domestic and foreign policies. The Afterword of the book offers two very different early assessments of the Bush presidency.

    Presidents alone do not determine history.¹⁵ Yet the president of the United States is probably the single-most influential person determining events. The president makes decisions of great consequence and serves as a symbol for America’s interests. Thus, George W. Bush must be judged, as must all presidents, for both his accomplishments and his failures.


    This book is divided into five thematic parts. The first part aims to situate George W. Bush in context. Maranto and Redding, in Bush’s Brain (No, Not Karl Rove): How Bush’s Psyche Shaped His Decision Making, view the president as an individual actor, largely responsible for making decisions. Warshaw then turns Maranto and Redding’s thesis on its head with a chapter minimizing Bush’s role in decision making. The Cheneyization of the Bush Administration: Cheney Captures the Transition argues for the importance of the vice president in setting the policy-making agenda. Her provocative thesis suggests that Vice President Cheney has exerted such influence over the administration and White House structure that Bush has carried out Cheney’s agenda as much as his own. In President Bush as Chief Executive, Pfiffner analyzes how the Bush administration used executive power to carry out its agenda, particularly in the post–9/11 world, and criticizes it on legal, moral, and pragmatic grounds.

    The focus of the second part of Judging Bush is to survey how the Bush administration influenced the policy-making branches of the federal government. Before evaluating the Bush administration’s influence over the levers of the government, Brown reviews Bush’s ability to build the Republican Party in Reactionary Ideologues and Uneasy Partisans: Bush and Realignment. Rudalevige then demonstrates, in Diminishing Returns: George W. Bush and Congress, 2001–2008, how during his first six years Bush and his fellow legislators worked as a formidable policy-making machine while stifling dissent. The switch in party control in 2006 marked a return to the tensions inherent in divided government. The federal bureaucracy, while not envisioned by the framers, has burgeoned, becoming increasingly important to both policy making and administrative functions. In Not Always According to Plan: Theory and Practice in the Bush White House, Hult, Walcott, and Cohen, evaluate the interaction of bureaucrats and political appointees. In A Legal Revolution? The Bush Administration’s Effect on the Judiciary and Civil Justice Reform, Johnson and Moreland tackle federal judicial appointments and attempt to reform the litigation regime, finding more success on the former than on the latter.

    The third part of the book turns to how the Bush administration influenced domestic policy. Hess and McGuinn, in George W. Bush’s Education Legacy: The Two Faces of No Child Left Behind, evaluate how a bipartisan education bill has changed the politics and policy of American public education, most likely for the better. Cohen and Panagopoulos, on the other hand, in The Politics of Economic Policy in a Polarized Era: The Case of George W. Bush, analyze how the deep recession that began in late 2007, followed by the financial crisis of the summer of 2008, will overshadow any economic accomplishment from earlier in the president’s administration. While Bush succeeded during his first term in implementing his agenda in both education and fiscal policy, his second term was marked by failure. Most notably, Bush and the Department of Homeland Security failed to adequately respond to the devastation wreaked by Hurricane Katrina. In the final chapter of this part, Hurricane Katrina and the Failure of Homeland Security, Khademian evaluates the organizational failures that contributed to Bush’s lackluster second term.

    For President Bush in particular, foreign policy was preeminent. The fourth part, Crusade: The Bush Foreign Policies, presents two very different views of the Bush doctrine and its strategic implications for world politics. Kaufman, in Is the Bush Doctrine Dead? offers a spirited defense of Bush’s war on terror, arguing that it is worthwhile over the long term. He suggests that Bush will be recognized as another Truman, whose standing rose over time. Korb and Conley, in Forging an American Empire, take a more circumspect view of Bush’s ambitions. In contrast to Kaufman, they sound a more cautious note about the growing presence of the United States overseas. In Fighting Two Wars, Lansford and Covarrubias investigate how feasible it is for the United States to engage in both the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars at the same time.

    Tying all these elements together in the fifth and final part, Galston, in Between Journalism and History: Evaluating George W. Bush’s Presidency, evaluates the Bush presidency at its close. He stacks Bush in comparison to other recent two-term presidents, particularly Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. He finds the Bush legacy troubling, both from a budgetary and moral level. Finally, DiIulio, who was associated with the early Bush administration and its faith-based initiative, gives a closing word in Why Judging George W. Bush Is Never as Easy as It Seems.


    1 George Washington, the first president, is a partial exception to this rule. Some presidents, such as Lincoln, tested these limits with some foreboding but thought it necessary due to external exigencies.

    2 Since all presidents so far have been men, the masculine pronoun is used in reference to presidents throughout this volume.

    3 See also Schier (2009), who probes similar questions.

    4 The band of scholars defending various aspects of the Bush presidency includes Elshtain (2003), Hanson (2004), Kaufman (2008), and Renshon (2004).

    5 In this seminal ranking there were six great presidents: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Thomas Jefferson, and Andrew Jackson. The two presidents deemed failures were Ulysses S. Grant and Warren G. Harding.

    6 The editors’ criteria are similar to those developed by Felzenberg (2008) in his excellent book evaluating presidential ratings.

    7 The adage is usually attributed to Senator Arthur Vandenberg (R-MI). The sentiment, however, predates the American founding by several hundred years (Minogue 1995).

    8 Anthony King (1993) agrees with Wildavsky that presidents inherently influence foreign policy more than domestic policy. King points out that executives are more influential in Westminster or continental European models.

    9 For contrary evidence that voters care about foreign policy, see Aldrich et al. (1989).

    10 For a somewhat contrary view of the nineteenth-century presidency, see Ellis and Walker (2007).

    11 For a critique of Barber, see the essays in George and George (1998).

    12 According to these authors, popular national attachment flagged without invigorating reinforcement from political parties. These authors also insist that the period’s sobriquet, The Era of Good Feelings, is a misnomer. George Washington served as the only truly successful nonpartisan president, and they argue his presidency was a unique circumstance that could not be repeated.

    13 Skowronek (1997) also theorizes that the recent political environment truncates the cyclical nature of American politics and suggests that transformative greatness is a thing of the past.

    14 The weight of scholarly opinion, at present, is that the war will not bring forth a democratic transformation of the region. Indeed, even administration officials eventually seemed to agree (e.g., Agresto 2007).

    15 Thomas Carlyle (1908) formulated in 1841 the premise that great men determine the outcome of history.


    Agresto, John. 2007. Mugged by Reality: The Liberation of Iraq and the Failure of Good Intentions. New York: Encounter Books.

    Aldrich, John H., John L. Sullivan, and Eugene Borgida. 1989. Foreign Policy and Voting in Presidential Elections: Are Candidates ‘Waltzing Before a Blind Audience’? American Political Science Review 83(1): 123–41.

    Barber, James David. 1985. The Presidential Character: How We Judge America’s Presidents. College Station: Texas A&M University Press.

    Berger, Raoul. 1974. Executive Privilege: A Constitutional Myth. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

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