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Ebook172 pages2 hours


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About this ebook

Haylee was raped in high school.  When she identified the rapist to the authorities, it was dismissed for no evidence.  She had to live in fear until she graduated high school.  Her parents haven't been able to deal with what happened to her and have shut her out of their lives.  She goes to college and meets Stacey.  Stacey and her family become her family.  She meets Zander, Stacey's older brother, and immediately falls for him.  She has never dated and the only experience she's had with a man was the rape.  Zander feels the same for Hayley but she keeps pushing him away.  One thing leads to another and Haylee decides she will not let the rape control her life anymore.  Will Haylee allow herself to love Zander freely?  Will Zander take those demons out of her head and show her what love is?

PublisherJanet A. Mota
Release dateMay 22, 2017

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    Book preview

    Shattered - Janet A. Mota


    High School

    I head out of the library and toward my locker. It’s around four in the afternoon and the hallways are deserted. I walk quickly because my mother will be picking me up in a few minutes. I stayed after school today to do some research for a biology project that’s due in two weeks. I want to get this research paper done before I start working on the project itself. The topic I chose is the digestive system. I researched how it works, made some copies of the organs and how they worked. I’m on my way to my locker to pick up my biology book to continue to work on my project. The next part of my project is to make the digestive system come alive.

    I come around the corner and appreciative there isn’t a crowded hallway. It always seems to take so long to get to my locker during school hours. My locker sits at the end of the hall, right next to the staircase, which ends up being convenient when I have a class at the bottom of the stairs. I finally reach my locker and set the combination. The locker opens and I shuffle through a pile of books to find the one I need. I pull it out and stuff it into my open backpack. I zip it up and close my locker door. As I’m getting ready to walk away, I feel someone behind me.

    Don’t turn around, he whispers. His voice is cool and calm. The smell of cigarettes invades my nostrils. I stay perfectly still, but my eyes are searching for an escape. I look down the hall, but it’s too far to run. There aren’t any classrooms or doors I can hide behind. I’m trapped. My heart thumps loudly in my chest. He grabs both my arms and ties them behind my back. He brings an arm around my waist and the other comes around to cover my mouth.

    Don’t try to scream. No one will hear you. Cooperate and this will be quick. Nod if you understand, he whispers. I nod my head. I’m frantic that I can’t get away now.

    He starts to drag me backward. I try to keep up with him, but he continues to drag me. I can’t keep my footing. I hear the stairway door open and my heartbeat hitches. I can hear it pounding in my ears. I don’t know what he’s going to do with me, but I refuse to just let it happen.

    He drags me down and around the back of the staircase. He throws me to the ground. My hip hits the ground and I cry out in pain. His hand comes around my mouth again.

    I told you not to scream. You’re going to pay for that, he whispers with such viciousness.

    I feel him pushing me to the ground and I fight him. The more he tries to push me, the more I push back. I still haven’t seen his face and continue to fight.

    I feel a hard blow to my kidney and cry out again. I fall over and grasp my right side. My vision blurs with the pain. I feel another blow to my lower back but this time I just gasp. I can’t find my voice through the pain. It hurts so badly.

    I’m trying to focus on stopping the man from hurting me more. I see my backpack on the floor and try to grab at it, but I know it’s too heavy for me to pick up. I’ll never be able to hit him with it, but my mind is trying to think of something to protect myself with.

    I’m pushed back so hard; the back of my head hits the tile floor. My vision is already blurry but the hit to the head makes it much worse. I suddenly feel a weight over me and I continue to flail my legs. My legs become pinned, and I can’t move anymore.

    Either you stop moving or I’ll make you stop, the man says with such anger in his voice. I feel his spit on my face and my stomach lurches.

    I look up and stare. The blurriness is starting to fade, and I start to get a clear picture. I hear a zipper and something that sounds like a wrapper. My mind immediately knows what’s about to happen and I start fighting again.

    Stop it, he whispers harshly. I shake my head no and continue to fight. Stop fighting, sweetheart. You aren’t getting away from me. His voice is sweet yet laced with ferocity now. I shudder at his words and feel the bile rushing up my esophagus.

    My eyes widen as I watch him. I can see him now. I can’t believe who I’m seeing. Surely, he doesn’t need to rape anyone to get sex. He’s the star quarterback of our football team. Girls fall all over him constantly. Why is he doing this?

    I feel his hand on my waist. I feel him messing with the button and zipper of my jeans. I try to scream but his hand sits firmly on my mouth. I can feel tears stinging my eyes and falling down my face. I feel him push my jeans and panties down my legs. I try to kick but I can’t. My arms and legs are pinned.

    I start flailing like I’m having a seizure, but it doesn’t stop him. The hand on my mouth grips harder. I feel him shift and suddenly I feel an immense stinging between my legs. I start to cry harder. He lets out a moan. My stomach lurches again as he continues his assault. Pain is coursing through my whole body. Minutes feel like hours. It feels like an eternity. His thrusting keeps pushing my lower back into the tile. The pain just keeps getting worse. It feels like my lower back is getting punched repeatedly.

    He lets out a loud moan and it’s over.

    Don’t try to tell anyone about this. No one will believe you, he spits at me and stands up. He zips himself up and lets my arms free of the binding. He leaves me there.

    Once I’m sure he’s gone, I stand up quickly and get dizzy. I lean against the wall and wait until I feel steady. I look down at the floor and see blood. I look at my legs and see the blood running down. I pull up my panties and jeans as far as I can. My lower back and head hurt badly, and it takes me longer than it should. I grab my backpack and my stomach lurches for the third time. This time I know I’m going to throw up. I drop my backpack and walk the few steps to a trash can that sits by the door. I lose the contents of my stomach twice. I don’t move until I’m sure I’m done.

    I grab my backpack again, wincing at the pain, and head toward the school office as fast as I can. When I finally make it to the office, the receptionist stands up.

    Are you okay, honey? She runs up to me and places a hand on my arm.

    I need to see the principal, I say. I have no idea what I look like but, by the expression on the receptionist’s face, I can only imagine it’s bad.

    She quickly runs to her phone and calls someone. I can’t hear what she says but drops the phone quickly.

    Mr. Richards is on his way for you, she says.

    Thank you, I say, and Mr. Richards appears. His face goes white when he sees me.

    How can I help you? he asks. I can tell he has no idea what to do.

    I need to speak with you privately, I say, and he quickly leads me to his office. He points at the chair and I shake my head in refusal.

    He closes the door to his office and moves to sit behind his desk. Once he’s seated, he turns to me.

    What’s your name?

    Haylee Masters, I respond.

    Okay, Haylee. How can I help you? His eyes survey me warily.

    I was just raped, I say. His expression changes to one of panic. He stands up.

    By whom?

    Eric Harris. He shakes his head.

    That’s impossible, he says as he watches me.

    I can hear my heart beating in my ears. I hear his voice in my head. Don’t try to tell anyone about this. No one will believe you. I suddenly feel dizzy again.

    Haylee, why would Eric do this?

    I look at him and try to say something, but I can’t. The world goes black.


    I wake up in a hospital room. I feel the immediate ache in my head and wince. I try to bring my right hand up to my head but feel the pain in my lower back. I grunt and hear my mother.

    Rob, she’s awake, she says. I look up to see her walking to my bedside. She gives me a small smile. Hi, honey. How are you feeling?

    My head and back hurt, I say and look at my dad. He doesn’t smile at me. Instead, he frowns. Why is he looking at me like that?

    Do you remember what happened? he asks.

    I shake my head and say, Unfortunately, yes.

    My mom pushes the call button for the nurse and tells her I’m awake. A minute later, a doctor and nurse walk in.

    Hi, Haylee. I’m Dr. Engle, he says with a smile. He’s short and bald but has a very kind face. He’s middle-aged and carries himself with professionalism. I’m immediately comfortable with him. Do you remember what happened? he asks.


    Good. That’s a good sign. You have a mild concussion and a very beat up kidney. We did a rape kit, but no DNA was found. You have a lot of bruises on your lower back area and below. You’ll be sore for a few weeks, he says, as he surveys my face. Do you have any questions?

    No, thank you, I say and lean my head back on the pillow.

    Dr. Engle looks at my parents, nods, and walks out of the room. The nurse follows him out. My father walks up to my bed.

    Who did this? he asks.

    Eric Harris.

    That’s the school star quarterback. Why would he need to?

    I don’t know, I say and look him directly in the eyes.

    There isn’t any proof he did this.

    At that moment, a police officer walks in to take my statement. I tell him everything that happened. He jots some things down and looks at me.

    I’m sorry this happened to you and we’ll continue to investigate but there’s no evidence as to what you’re saying. We can’t make an arrest, he says.

    He hands my dad a business card and walks out. I’m dumbfounded.

    I can’t believe what’s happening. My rape is being dismissed. I have to go back to that school and face the man that did this every single day until graduation. How am I going to survive?

    Chapter 1

    Freshman Year of College


    I’m four hours away from home and feel like I can finally be free from it all. This last year has been pure hell. Walking through the school hallways and seeing Eric was pure torture and incredibly cruel. I was scared to death he would corner me again. I never stayed late after school again. If I had research to do, I would skip lunch, go to the library, and hide in a corner. I ended up spending most lunches tucked into a corner of the library, research or no research to do. I missed graduation because I couldn’t deal with seeing him. My parents didn’t ask me why I wasn’t walking at graduation. They’ve been so distant from me since the rape. I got Salutatorian and my counselor wasn’t happy I was skipping the graduation ceremony. Too bad for him. He didn’t have to deal with what I’ve had to deal with for the last year.

    I jump out of my car in front of the dorms, excited to start a new chapter in my life. Reaching into my purse, I pull out my room assignment. I double-check my room number and head into the building. When I find my room, the door is open, and I walk in. There are two twin-sized beds in each corner of the room. On the opposite corner of each bed sits a desk. I walk through the other open door to find a bathroom. I smile and think about how perfect the room is. I’m just happy to be out of Fort Lauderdale. As I step back into the room, a girl walks in and smiles at me.

    You must be Haylee, she

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