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Episode 1: Growing Girl: Southwest Cougars Seventh Grade, #1
Episode 1: Growing Girl: Southwest Cougars Seventh Grade, #1
Episode 1: Growing Girl: Southwest Cougars Seventh Grade, #1
Ebook77 pages56 minutes

Episode 1: Growing Girl: Southwest Cougars Seventh Grade, #1

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No matter how hard she tries, Cassie just can't seem to fit in. Excited to fill the summer before her seventh grade year, Cassie enrolls in soccer camp. She can't wait to improve her ball-kicking skills and make a few goals.

But Cassie quickly discovers a few obstacles in her path. Namely: herself. As much as she wants to be, she just isn't very good at the sport. Either camp will be her chance to improve, or it will be the last time she ever plays.

PublisherTamark Books
Release dateMay 31, 2017
Episode 1: Growing Girl: Southwest Cougars Seventh Grade, #1

Tamara Hart Heiner

I live in beautiful northwest Arkansas in a big blue castle with two princesses and a two princes, a devoted knight, and several loyal cats (and one dog). I fill my days with slaying dragons at traffic lights, earning stars at Starbucks, and sparring with the dishes. I also enter the amazing magical kingdom of my mind to pull out stories of wizards, goddesses, high school, angels, and first kisses. Sigh. I'm the author of several young adult stories, kids books, romance novels, and even one nonfiction. You can find me outside enjoying a cup of iced tea or in my closet snuggling with my cat. But if you can't make the trip to Arkansas, I'm also hanging out on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram. I looked forward to connecting with you!

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    Book preview

    Episode 1 - Tamara Hart Heiner

    Southwest Cougars Year 1

    The Extraordinarily Ordinary Life of Cassandra Jones

    Tamara Hart Heiner

    ebook edition

    copyright 2017 Tamara Hart Heiner

    cover art by Tamara Hart Heiner

    Also by Tamara Hart Heiner:

    Perilous (WiDo Publishing 2010)

    Altercation (WiDo Publishing 2012)

    Deliverer (Tamark Books 2014)

    Priceless (WiDo Publishing 2016)

    Goddess of Fate:

    Inevitable (Tamark Books 2013)

    Entranced (Tamark Books 2017)

    Kellam High:

    Lay Me Down (Tamark Books 2016)

    Reaching Kylee (Tamark Books 2016)

    The Extraordinarily Ordinary Life of Cassandra Jones:

    Walker Wildcats Year 1 (Tamark Books 2016)

    Walker Wildcats Year 2 (Tamark Books 2016)

    Tornado Warning (Dancing Lemur Press 2014)

    Ebook Edition, License Notes:

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Episode 1: Growing Girl


    Andrea's Birthday

    I can’t believe we’re about to start junior high, Cassandra Jones said, watching as her best friend Andrea pulled out a tray of different colored nail polishes.

    The two girls sat in Andrea’s bedroom, both perched on the bed with Andrea’s white coverlet. Everything in Andrea’s room was white, and Cassie always felt like she’d entered a serene fairy land when she came over. Nothing like the mad chaos that existed at her house, between her three siblings, their dog, and one cat. Their cat had a kitten a few years ago, but Mrs. Jones gave it away to another family and fixed the cat so it would never have another kitten.

    I know, Andrea said, pulling Cassie back to the conversation as she selected a bright red polish. Like Cassie, she wore glasses and kept her hair long. But hers was a wavy honey-brown with a hint of red, while Cassie’s was dark, dark brown and very straight. What do you think it will be like?

    Cassie shook her head, a nervous sensation bubbling in her stomach. She hated to admit how it frightened her, moving from elementary school to junior high. She chose a hot pink nail polish. She uncapped it and dragged the brush from the bottom of her nail bed to the top, glad she didn’t bite her nails anymore. I hope we have classes together.

    That’s the scary part, right? Andrea sighed. We have no idea what classes we’ll have.

    Cassie squirmed. Just two years ago her family had moved to Arkansas from Texas, and it had taken this long for her to feel she had a place, a good group of friends. It hadn’t been easy to make them. What would happen if she and Andrea didn’t have classes together? Would she have classes with anyone she knew?

    As if reading her mind, Andrea glanced at her and winked. Maybe you’ll have classes with Miles.

    Miles. Cassie’s lips curved upward as his face, complete with his friendly smile, appeared in her mind. A warmth flowed through her chest. Only to Andrea had she ever admitted her crush on their classmate. Miles, of course, had no idea, and Cassie never intended to tell him.

    Isn’t your birthday party in a week? Cassie asked, changing the subject before Andrea could pry her more. Andrea always urged her to tell Miles her feelings, but the thought terrified her.

    Yes, but I’m not having a slumber party. It’s just for a few hours. Andrea capped the nail polish and blew across her fingers. I’ll text you the date.

    Great, Cassie said with a giggle. She and Andrea had both gotten phones after they graduated elementary school, and texting back and forth was enormous fun. Cassie didn’t actually like to talk on it very much, though Andrea did. I have soccer camp in a few weeks, and church camp a week after that, so as long as it’s before then, we should be fine.

    I thought you decided you didn’t like soccer?

    Cassie leaned back, waving her newly-polished nails to dry them. I do like soccer. I’m just really bad at it. And she hated running, and the other kids on her team, especially Connor Lane, always made fun of her. "Hopefully a

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