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West at War: West Series
West at War: West Series
West at War: West Series
Ebook245 pages3 hours

West at War: West Series

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About this ebook

The day Jessica West opened her bakery was the best day of her life… Well, it was supposed to be. Then Brad Hunter opened his bakery straight over the road… On the same day!

And so begins the competition, by fair means or foul, they are each determined to be the best baker in town, and neither can afford to lose.

But the line between enemy and friend is very thin, especially when you can see into each other’s homes.

With meddling families, malfunctioning appliances, and too much insight into each other’s lives, it’s easy to become a ‘West At War’

West At War is book 2 in Gem Stones West Family Series. Full of revenge, passion, and laughter. Join Jess and Brad as they steal each other's hearts... as well as their customers.

PublisherGem Stone
Release dateJul 31, 2017
West at War: West Series

Gem Stone

Gem Stone lives in England with the man of her dreams and her two children. She spends her spare time reading, writing, blogging, and talking to her pets. She is a firm believer that surprises make life worth living, you can’t pick who you fall in love with, and everyone deserves a happy ending. If you want to know more about her, this is where she can be found: Website: Facebook: Twitter:

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    Book preview

    West at War - Gem Stone

    Chapter 1

    No! No, no, no, no, no!

    Jessica pressed her face against the cold glass of the shop window as workmen raised a sign across the street.

    Her assistant, Tori, ran in from the back of the shop. Her footsteps tapped on the tiled floor. What, what's wrong?

    Look! Jessica grabbed Tori’s arm and dragged her to the window. Please tell me I’m imagining that, she groaned as she pointed to the shop opposite.

    Tori pushed up her glasses and peered in the direction Jessica indicated. Oh, she said, her eyes widening. Maybe it’s not what we think it is.

    The sign says, Brad’s Bites, and has a picture of a cake on it! What else could it be? How on earth did this happen? I should have known about this, or at least been warned by the estate agent. This is only a small village, someone must have known about that shop opening.

    Tori grabbed Jessica’s shoulders and turned her so she could look her in the eye. Calm down, take a deep breath, and stop panicking. It’s going to be okay. It’s only another shop. Think of it as, she waved her hand in the air, healthy competition.

    Okay. Jessica inhaled deeply and valiantly tried to curb her rising panic. You’re right. There’s nothing wrong with a little competition. And anyway, my baking is awesome; he can’t beat my cakes... can he?

    Of course not, Tori said confidently. Now stop worrying and get back to work, we open tomorrow.

    Jessica nodded and, with a final glance at the sign which now hung proudly above the shop across the street, she went back to cleaning.

    It would be okay. She’d worked too hard for her shop not to be a success. On her twenty-seventh birthday, she'd decided she was going to open her own bakery. It had taken months to find the right location. She'd even considered moving to London, but this was her home. The closest bakery was in St. Albans, a good fifteen-minute drive away. Her shop would have been the only bakery in their little village. Well, it might not be the only one now, but it would be the best, she'd make sure of it.


    Brad stared up at the sign above his shop with pride. His shop! The words brought a smile to his face. He'd decided to open a bakery three years ago, when he hit thirty, and he’d finally done it. He couldn’t wait to open the doors to his first customers. Tomorrow morning at eight o’clock he would officially be a business owner.

    Er boss, Dave, his assistant, said from behind him.

    Yeah? Brad responded, still smiling up at his sign.

    "I know it’s your dream and all, but I gotta ask. Why did you open a bakery opposite another bakery?"

    What are you talking about? Brad said. The closest bakery is in the next town over, a good fifteen minutes away.

    Then what’s that? Dave inclined his head towards the other side of the street.

    Brad followed his direction and— What the heck? That wasn’t there last week!

    Above the shop hung a shiny, new pink sign reading Jessica’s Baps and Buns. Brad stormed across the street and pushed his face against the shop window so he could see inside.

    It bloody is! he shouted to Dave, who stood outside Brad’s shop. Got units in and everything!

    He peered back inside, taking in the gleaming work tops, glass display cabinets and the woman who headed towards the door with a scowl on her face.

    She flung open the door and glared at him. Unless you intend to clean it, get your face off my window!

    When did you get here? Brad demanded not liking her tone.

    Just now, didn’t you see? she said sarcastically. Now, hands... face... window... off!

    Brad lowered his hands to his sides and faced the woman. The top of her blonde head only came to his chin. She rested her hands on her wide hips and puffed out her ample bosom as she glared at him. Despite her slight plumpness, next to his muscular frame, she still looked tiny.

    He dragged his gaze from her chest to her pale blue eyes which still glared at him. I meant, when did this shop open?

    It opens tomorrow, she said with a frown. And I’d like a clean window when it does.

    This won’t do. Brad shook his head. You’ll just have to move.

    Excuse me? She blinked at him a few times. Are you actually trying to tell me that I can’t have my shop here?

    Yes. Brad gave a huge smile, showing off what he knew to be a row of perfect teeth. I’m glad you understand. We can’t have two bakeries on the same street, after all.

    Oh, I totally agree, said the woman, returning his smile. But I do think it would be better if you moved.

    Brad’s narrowed his eyes and stared down at her. Not going to happen. I was here first.

    "I think you’ll find my sign went up yesterday," she said, glaring back.

    I moved all the shop fittings in last week, he replied triumphantly. And this shop was definitely empty then.

    I signed my lease two months ago.

    So, did I; on the 23rd.

    21st, she crowed as she turned her back on him and headed into her shop. I win.

    I don’t care. I’m not moving, he said, shaking his fist.

    Neither am I! She slammed the door in his face.

    The nerve of the woman. He inwardly fumed as he marched across the road. How dare she tell me I have to move? I’ll show her! He entered his shop and slammed the door behind him, nearly hitting Dave in the face, as he followed him inside.

    How dare she? Did you hear her? he growled. "Expecting us to move! She has a lot to learn. She won’t even have a business when people taste my food."

    Technically, you did ask her to move first, said Dave quietly.

    Whose side are you on? snapped Brad. Choose now because I’m warning you. That right there, he pointed towards Jessica’s Baps and Buns, is the enemy. I don’t care how cute she is, this is war! So, pick a side.

    Dave sighed heavily. Where are the guns and ammunition?

    Good lad. Brad replied slapping Dave on the back and sending him stumbling a few paces. That’s what I'm talking about, cousin. Family need to stick together.


    Jessica stormed into the kitchen and grabbed a dishcloth. Of all the brainless, egotistical, arseholes! she grumbled as she scrubbed the work tops. Can you believe he came over here with all those muscles and told me to move? The cheek! I’ll show him, the big-headed brute. We’ll crush him. He won’t have a single customer by the time I’m done.

    Tori nodded and carried on cleaning while Jessica continued her rant.


    What if no one comes? Jessica gave the counter a final wipe before she opened the doors.

    Look at this place. Tori indicated the room with a wave of her hand. It looks amazing. Of course, people will come and, at the very least, you know every member of your family will stop by.

    Jessica smiled. Tori was right. Every member of her family would make a point of stopping by, but it wouldn’t do much good if they were her only customers. She’d sunk every penny she had into the shop. It was her dream.

    She gazed around the shop one more time. The counters were full of freshly made sandwiches, cakes and pastries. The coffee machine at the end of the counter gave off the most inviting aromas and you could smell the fresh bread still baking in the oven. Everything was ready. Taking a deep breath, she turned the door sign over to indicate they were open. Across the road, she saw Brad put a sign outside his shop.

    Do we have any binoculars?

    Not that I’m aware of, Tori replied. What on earth do you want binoculars for?

    I just wanted a better look at the inside of his shop, Jessica said absently. She looked up and down the street, to see if any early morning shoppers or commuters were on their way to work.

    She spotted two women walking along, deep in conversation. Quickly propping the door open as they approached, she hoped the scents would invite them in. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Brad eyeing the women, but they were on her side of the road.

    Get ready! she heard him shout. We’re about to have our first customers! He quickly removed his jacket to show off his muscles in the tight T-shirt he wore, then ran his hands through his short dark hair. When the women were two doors away from Jessica, he struck.

    Good morning, ladies! He waved them over. Can I interest you in some breakfast, or maybe something for your lunch?

    Both women glanced in his direction and Jessica fumed as he turned on a hundred-watt smile, showing off his ridiculously straight teeth. He obviously knew he looked good with his broad shoulders and narrow hips and wasn’t ashamed of using it to his advantage. They smiled back and crossed the road.

    Hello, ladies, he said, placing a hand in the centre of each of their backs as he guided them towards the door. Let me show you what gorgeous things we have here today. Almost as gorgeous as the two of you.

    As the ladies walked inside, he turned and gave Jessica a little wave.

    That arsehole, she complained. He actually poached the customers from my side of the street!

    That was just uncalled for, Tori agreed, joining Jessica at the door. Oh, look, we’ll get this one. She indicated a car that had just pulled up outside the shop.

    Jessica rushed to greet the very rotund, well-dressed gentleman who got out.

    Hello sir, she said brightly.

    Hello there, he replied in a cheerful voice. I must say, I drive this way to work every morning and I’ve never noticed this shop before.

    This is our first day. Jessica gave him her friendliest smile. And if you would care to come in and take a look, you will be our first customer.

    I don’t mind if I do, said the man as he entered the shop and proceeded to check out the display cabinets.

    Ten minutes later the man, whose name he informed them was Harold, left the shop with a promise to return. He took with him two boxes of cupcakes, a selection of pastries, enough sandwiches for his entire staff’s lunch and coffee for fifteen people. Jessica helped him to the car with his purchases.

    Movement across the road caught her eye and she saw Brad bidding his customers goodbye. Each of them held a coffee but no bags. He crossed his arms defiantly and glared at her as she waved Harold goodbye.

    Don’t you just love first customers? Jessica said loudly and lifted her hand to return his earlier wave before she headed back into the shop.

    Chapter 2

    His business seems to be picking up, Jessica said glumly to Tori as she watched more customers enter the shop across the street.

    Tori pushed her glasses up her nose and continued to restock the display cabinets. Well, so is ours.

    "I know, but just think of all the business we’d have if he wasn’t there. Jessica worried her lip as she thought about the overheads involved with running a shop. When she first decided to open the bakery, she hadn’t considered sharing her customers. I want to know what he sells."

    So, go and look, said Tori, as if it was a perfectly suitable solution.

    I can’t do that, Jessica gasped. I can’t just wander over there and walk in.

    I’ll go then.

    No, you won’t, snapped Jessica. He knows our faces. It has to be someone he doesn’t know. She sat at a table and glared at a couple who exited the shop carrying a bag. I’ll send Cas and Lux.

    Jessica scowled as Tori gave a burst of laughter. What?

    You’re going to send two of the biggest pigs on the planet to a rival bakery to find out what the food is like? Do you not remember that Cas once ate a worm on a dare and said it was delicious? He could feed them dog food and they’d probably go back for seconds.

    Well, do you have a better idea?

    I guess not.

    Right then, Cas and Lux it is. Jessica pulled her phone from her pocket and dialled the number for her brother’s pub. After four rings, the answering machine picked up.

    Hiya, you’ve reached Elmo’s. We’re stuck in the cellar so can’t answer, leave a message after the bangs. The message was followed by a series of bangs and shouts for help.

    Jessica rolled her eyes and moved to the shop window while she waited for the machine to continue. Guys? It’s Jess, pick up.

    Hey sis, Cas replied a moment later.

    Still screening the calls, I see, she said drily.

    What can I say? We’re in high demand. Can’t answer the phone to just anyone. You’re lucky we answer to you, ya know.

    Oh, shut up, Jessica said, laughing. We both know Mum would kick your arse if you ignored family.

    Fair point, so what’s up, sis?

    I need a couple of spies, Jessica murmured as she watched another customer enter Brad’s Bites.

    What’s in it for us? Cas replied, his tone suspicious.


    We’re on our way.

    Jessica hung up the phone and faced Tori. Spies on their way, she said with a grin.

    An hour later the door to the shop opened and in walked her brothers. Okay, maybe this isn’t such a good idea, whispered Jessica as she stared at Cas and Lux.

    No shit. Tori covered her mouth in a vain attempt to hold in her giggles.

    Jessica’s brothers stood before them. Though identical twins with blond hair and plenty of muscle, they were both dressed extremely differently. Unfortunately, they were also both dressed extremely stupidly. Cas wore Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiian shirt with palm trees on it, along with a sun hat and shades. Lux was in tight jeans, a black T-shirt, a black leather jacket, trilby and shades.

    I’m sorry, guys, Jessica said as she stormed towards them. At what point did I say I needed a couple of idiots to help? Cas. She snatched his shades from his face. I know it’s summer but we’re in bloody England, not the Bahamas. Palm trees... really? And you. She flicked Lux’s hat from his head, which he deftly caught. This is not 1982. We do not wear leather jackets in summer unless we want to smell. You both look ridiculous!

    The men stared at her, then at each other and burst out laughing.

    Aw, come on, sis, Lux said, removing his shades. What’s the point in being spies if we can’t have some fun with it?

    The point, she bit out, is to find out what the enemy sells and if mine is better.

    Cas wandered around the back of the display cabinets and reached for a pastry. Of course, yours is better. He was stopped from achieving his goal by a slap on the hand with some tongs and a stern look from Tori.

    "Well, I don’t know that. Jessica dropped into a chair by the window. He seems to have a lot of customers and I want to know why. So, you two are going to go over there and buy a selection of his food for me to try."

    Hey, hold on. Cas pulled his attention from the cakes. "What do you mean for you to try? You said there was food in it for us."

    Of course, there is, said Jessica in a tone she would use to placate a baby. You get to try it, too.

    Damn straight we do, grumbled Cas, slapping his hat against his leg. Come on bro, we got food to try.

    Where are you going? Jessica said as they headed out the back. The shop’s that way. She indicated the building over the road.

    Can’t very well walk from your shop straight to his now, can we? said Cas rolling his eyes. "Gotta leave the back way and come down the street again on his side... and you called us the idiots!" He finished with a sad shake of his head as he pushed his brother through the doorway. Minutes later Jessica heard the backdoor slam.

    Ten minutes after that, her brothers entered Brad’s Bites. They’d lost the hats and the leather jacket but still looked ridiculous. Shaking her head, she tried to make out what was going on through the window but writing and signs hindered her view.

    What are they doing in there? she moaned twenty minutes later when they still hadn’t emerged from the shop.

    Probably eating everything, muttered Tori as she served their latest customer.

    When her brothers finally left the shop, they stood and spoke to Brad for a few minutes before they both hugged him and slapped his back. They then headed over the road, each holding a bag.

    What are they doing? Jessica began to panic. Why are they coming straight here? Why aren’t they entering through the back of the building?

    Seconds later the door opened and Lux walked in, followed by Cas.

    What the hell was that all about? Jessica fumed as the door jingled shut in their wake. You just walked straight across here, you were supposed to use the back door remember.

    Calm down, sis. Cas flopped into a chair and began emptying the contents of his bag. His eyes glazed over as he selected a concoction of puff pastry and cream then bit into it.

    Calm down! She snatched the dessert from his hand. "You just broadcasted to the enemy that you know me

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