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Torrents of Divine Peace
Torrents of Divine Peace
Torrents of Divine Peace
Ebook67 pages43 minutes

Torrents of Divine Peace

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The Book Contains Poems in English on Spiritual subjects taking near to The God. Book will provide Noble inspiration to the readers. a valuable treasure for the life.

Release dateJan 25, 2013
Torrents of Divine Peace

Dr. Jagdish Patel

Dr. Jagdish Patel (D.Litt) made significant contribution to Electrical and Mechanical Industrial sectors successfully in India and Abroad.Receive many awards and Gold medals.On gaining spiritual knowledge being Mystic he decided to change the field and started writing mystic poems came out of his conversation with God. What he has written is not his but a blessings from God and wrote about more then 30 books of spiritual poems with a view to enlighten all readers that only spiritual luxuries you have you will carry to God after death not the worldly luxuries.Read and Read my all poems which will show you the path of mysticism an ultimate goal of life.God bless you with bliss.LIFE CHANGING GOLDEN BOOKS FROM DOCTOR OF LITERATURE BY Dr. JAGDISH PATEL

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    Torrents of Divine Peace - Dr. Jagdish Patel

    Torrent of Divine Peace

    By Dr. Jagdish Patel (D.Litt)

    ISBN 9781310412158

    Copy right © by Dr. Jagdish Patel (D.Litt)

    Smashwords Edition

    Price USD $3.99

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Dr. Jagdish Patel (D.Litt)

    I am mystic means as one who experiences an immediate consciousness of the transcendent or ultimate reality or God and describe the experience of such communion.

    The expression of such experiences of a mystic can be the writing or composition of songs awakening the spark of spiritual awakening of my readers.

    I being Mystic always desire to attain God or salvation not of me only but for all my readers too.

    My main aim to spread the message of Mysticism among all who desires to attain God and have biss and blessings from him making free from the long long life death cycle.

    When readers will read my all books and spiritual poems they will certainly be nearer to God which is normally farer from all what I emphasis on spiritual achievements which is only required in life other wise life is nothing.

    As a human being I born in poverty live in poverty and will die in poverty having plenty of spiritual treasures with me when going before death.

    As a poor child I had no money to sturdy and started working at age of eight and work hard to sell Kites and Toys on the road.

    Studied up to the degree of Doctocter of Literature on my own efforts.

    A self made man I enjoyed my significant contribution in Industrial sector hold top most position in India and Abroad.

    Received many awards and gold medals for my carriers.

    But it is all to me worthless till I gain God and Salvation.

    Torrent of Divine Peace – illustrate all have within heart the torrent of Divine Peace

    No sooner you realise you will be lost in total Godly bliss.

    Read often and often my all books it will certainly enlighten your views about faith in God an ultimate goal for all to me and you.

    Being a mystic having direct conversation with God I write all spiritual poems spreading spirituality not of mine but from him.

    Dedication to you

    Having no specific purpose merely just for you

    I dived into ocean of poetries you inspired me to write and my heart is full of divine pleasure of you being near to you.

    In all this nothing is mine all are yours except I am having a joyful satisfaction of work done as assigned by you.

    Imaginary and poetries are my preserved pleasure my love for all inspired thoughts converting words as the gift from you a great unknown.

    I dedicated this all poetries to you and offer you what is truly yours nothing is mine all is yours even me.

    Embrace never to part

    Spotless character certainly blooms with bliss life spotless lotus blooms in the water it does not have to face the dust and dirt.

    Similarly with joy my heart will be

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