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The Unexpected Adventures: The Evil Prince
The Unexpected Adventures: The Evil Prince
The Unexpected Adventures: The Evil Prince
Ebook96 pages1 hour

The Unexpected Adventures: The Evil Prince

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In this exciting first story of The Unexpected Adventures book series, two young sisters are thrust into a dangerous quest in a magical land. They must restore the kingdom and figure out how to stay alive and make it back home.

The Colley kids come from a long lineage of unlikely heroes who find themselves in the middle of perilous and unexpected adventures. They must rely on their wits, strength, and each other to complete their quest and make it back home. The Unexpected Adventures series tells but a few of these spectacular stories.

The Evil Prince is the first of these tales. Ella and Kaelyn are sent on a dangerous quest in the middle of the Shadow Forest, which has been overrun by an evil force. They don’t want to be there, but the arrival of these two young sisters is no accident. Along their journey, they encounter giants, ogres, and many strange creatures, not to mention the Evil Prince! Their greatest asset will be each other, but will that be enough? Follow their first adventure to find out what happens and if they do indeed make out of the Shadow Forest and back home.

Happy Adventuring!

PublisherTom Colley
Release dateJun 22, 2017
The Unexpected Adventures: The Evil Prince

Tom Colley

Tom Colley grew up in a small town in southern Missouri, and now lives in the Pacific Northwest with his beautiful wife Jennifer and their five kids.

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    Book preview

    The Unexpected Adventures - Tom Colley

    The Unexpected Adventures

    Book 1

    The Evil Prince

    Tom Colley

    Copyright 2017 Tom Colley

    All rights reserved

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1 – Where Are We?

    Chapter 2 – Earthquake!

    Chapter 3 – Ready Spaghetti

    Chapter 4 – Hammer Time

    Chapter 5 – Are You My Grandma?

    Chapter 6 – On The Road Again

    Chapter 7 – The Knurl

    Chapter 8 – Journey To The Center

    Chapter 9 – The Fresh Prince

    Chapter 10 – The Maze

    Chapter 11 – It’s Over

    Chapter 12 – Back Home

    About Tom Colley

    Connect With Tom Colley


    Thank you to all the family and friends that encouraged me along this journey.

    Special thanks to those early readers.

    This is dedicated to all my little adventurers, and to my amazing wife.

    You bring out the best in me. I love you all!

    1 – Where Are We?

    Ella ran behind a tree. I got you, Kaelyn! she yelled. No way! You hit my shield!, her little sister responded, running around their swing set. No fair! Ella cried out. Kaelyn just giggled. They loved pretending and playing together. This time, Ella was a magical wizard, while Kaelyn was a brave knight. They had been playing outside in the backyard for hours. It was almost time for lunch. Sure enough, right on cue, their mother appeared at the back door and waved them in. Come inside girls and wash up. I made your favorite! Woohoo! I’m going to win Ella! Kaelyn said as they raced each other toward the door. It was a Saturday, so everyone was at home. Their brothers had been playing video games all morning but were now sitting at the dining table waiting for everyone else. They didn’t know it, but a strange visitor from another land had been watching them playing in the yard all morning. Yes, these are the girls I’ve been searching for. They just may have a chance. The stranger continued to observe them. After lunch, the girls went to their room to rest, which was pretty unusual for them these days. They were far too old for regular daily naps, but they had stayed up late the night before watching movies. They were also supposed to go the mall tonight with Mom. The deal though was that they had to rest quietly for a while if they wanted to go. They shared a room, and sometimes resting quietly was a challenge. As they lay in their beds, the stranger hovered magically just outside their second story window. After they dozed off, a soft green glow fell over their room.

    The two young girls awoke from their otherwise ordinary midday nap to find themselves in the middle of a grand adventure. They rose basically at the same time and quickly became very confused. The land surrounding them was very peculiar. There were two bright red suns and a large blue moon in the sky, and the scenery was very strange. It was also most definitely NOT their bedroom. Ella, the older and the bigger of the two sisters, appeared to be some sort of sorceress. This was fitting, as a sorceress must be very smart and know lots of fancy words, and she could talk...a-lot. Ella had on spectacular purple robes and some sensible traveling shoes. She also wore a beautiful jeweled crown on her head and was carrying a rather plain looking wooden wand, which very likely, at least hopefully, allowed for some powerful magic. Kaelyn, the younger girl, was outfitted as a fierce warrior. She wore a full suit of shiny armor, chain maille, and carried a menacing double-handed sword almost as big as she was. They were not wearing any of this getup before they had fallen asleep. The girls didn’t know how they got here, where here was, or what was in store...but knowing all of that wouldn’t really make it much of an adventure.

    Neither girl could remember anything since going to sleep and had just seemed to wake up in their current situation. Ella started to get a bit panicked about the sudden change in environment but calmed down just a little when she realized Kaelyn was by her side. Kaelyn, thank goodness you’re here too! What’s going on? Where are we? Kaelyn replied slowly, I, I don’t know, it’s quite strange. Then she seemed to break her focus. Uh, Ella, what are you wearing? Ella assessed her wardrobe. Oh, I’m not really sure, but it’s very pretty don’t you think? Ella said this with a quirky upbeat tone as she did a little twirl while admiring her dress. Sure, a little bit, I guess, Kaelyn said flatly. What on earth are you wearing Kaelyn?, Ella asked. Kaelyn gave herself a quick inspection, and responded excitedly I have no idea, but I LOVE it! She banged her sword against the metal on various parts of her body, each one ringing out a little differently, which made her even happier.

    The girls decided that they should probably get moving, only they didn’t know where to, or even why really. They started to argue a little about what they should do next. As they were trying to figure it out, unknown to them, a curious creature approached them cautiously. It stayed hidden behind trees, rocks, and other objects as much as possible until it had finally crept close enough to touch Kaelyn’s leg. As its outstretched head was inches from Kaelyn, Ella noticed the beast, and yelled Ahh! Kaelyn, watch out! They both jumped out of the way, uncovering a very strange looking animal. At first glance, they thought it was a rather odd and ugly donkey, though, after a closer inspection, it only loosely resembled a donkey. It was about the size of an actual small donkey, except it had the face of a little boy, much longer ears, and all his legs looked more like arms and hands. He was covered entirely in course dark hair and had gray tinted skin, except for his face which was a much lighter color,

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