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Tales of the Mer Family Onyx: Mermaid Stories on Land and Under the Sea
Tales of the Mer Family Onyx: Mermaid Stories on Land and Under the Sea
Tales of the Mer Family Onyx: Mermaid Stories on Land and Under the Sea
Ebook149 pages1 hour

Tales of the Mer Family Onyx: Mermaid Stories on Land and Under the Sea

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Whether male or female, virtuous or amoral, mythical Mer creatures often reflect humankind's ambivalence about nature. Tales of The Mer Family Onyx explores their worlds through the magical household of Neptune and Glendora, stewards of the seas. Like L. Frank Baum's Oz and E. Nesbit's Five Children and It, this is a "family book" for adults and mixed age groups of children. Among the Onyx clan are toddler Ruby, tween boy-girl twins, teen beauties and Pinky, a mini mermaid. When Neptune challenges his children, they discover their limits in forbidden caves, worlds out of time and at the Coney Island Mermaid Parade, where an Earth boy’s dream comes true.
This new edition features updated content and wonderful illustrations from the author.

Release dateJun 26, 2017
Tales of the Mer Family Onyx: Mermaid Stories on Land and Under the Sea

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    Tales of the Mer Family Onyx - Susan I. Weinstein


    and in the basin saw the mermaid cleaning the anemone beds in her beloved garden.


    As Glendora Onyx gazed into her silver basin thinking of her husband, Neptune, the opaque water cleared. There was Neptune, head in the clouds, tail firmly on ocean bottom. He stretched his arms to the heavens and electricity shot from his fingers, charging the atmosphere. On his face was a smile of complete happiness. Loves making storm clouds, thought Glendora with humorous affection and a touch of awe.

    The Merqueen put the basin down and repositioned herself on a huge clamshell, where she could see out the window of the Coral Castle. With the movement, her tail shimmered from turquoise to deepest purple and reverse. For a moment, she watched sunlight seep to the depths as eel lights went out, signaling a new day.

    Glendora brushed her burgundy hair, until it gleamed with orange highlights. She checked her face in a mirror held in place by living coral. I look very well for a mermaid of four thousand years she thought. Are the kids up and about?

    She reached again for the silver basin and saw her daughter Emerald getting baby Ruby her bottle of sea cow milk, then opening Pinky’s oyster shell.

    At three hundred fifty years, Ruby was a bit old for a bottle, mused Glendora. She watched Pinky’s tiny body swimming onto the baby mermaid’s nose; heard the tinkling laugh of a mini mermaid and happy baby shrieks. Emerald, her deep sea green eyes full of amusement, kneeled to offer Pinky transport to the conch shell in which she took her morning bath.

    Right on schedule, of course. Glendora approved the way Emerald took charge, though she expected nothing less from her dependable first born. She whispered Sapphire, the name of Emerald’s twin, and in the basin saw the mermaid cleaning the anemone beds in her beloved garden. Glendora sang out, Can you bring me some fresh dew and seaweed for cakes? Sapphire scraped her long golden trident against a rock to remove some barnacles. She tied back her thick blue-black hair with a glow squirmy. No problem, mom. Long as you behave, she said, a twinkle in her electric blue eyes.

    And when do I not? Glendora twinkled back. She allowed Sapphire her rebellion now and then. Sapphire was almost sixteen hundred, the age you begin to think about who you are besides a child of your parents.

    (Around that same age, Neptune had begun his courtship.) Since they weren’t formally introduced, Glendora nodded but took little notice, while he probed more rocks. Lava boulders, he explained. With those rocks, also covered with coral, he formed a crude circle a short distance away. Glendora appeared not to see but she noticed immediate growth. A future coral reef, she thought. Gazing into her farseeing mirror, she reflected on life—the nothing that is everything—as mermaids do. All the while, she observed the enterprising merman.

    Besides the coral, Neptune was enchanting Glendora.

    Since mermaids love a good story, he told her of his interest in living construction, where materials and creator worked together.

    She watched fascinated, as he formed the foundation of what would become the Coral Castle. He planted two halves of a ship and, when the circular reef was almost solid, used mainsail poles to encourage the coral to grow upward. Supports for floors would follow.

    At Neptune’s request, the living coral descended from exterior ledges and adhered to circular tunnels of plant material curved inside the structure. These became swim ways leading to flexible rooms with floating walls, like Bowrain and Rainbow’s suite or bubble rooms like Ruby and Pinky’s.

    With the interior in place, Neptune froze a lightning bar and sculpted coral reefs into the smooth shape of a Nautilus shell. By then, Glendora shyly admitted that she would like to become his Merqueen and live in this Coral Castle. Neptune promised she would be mistress of the castle and his heart.

    He bowed to her in most things, though of course not when he disagreed. And she sweetly acknowledged that she would seek his counsel, except when she kept her own.

    Because the Coral Castle was made of living organisms, it responded not only to Neptune’s orders but to the emotions of the inhabitants of the castle.

    Sometimes the pink coral took on a dark rose hue, responding to tempers or sadness, or a white hue of happy exclamations—the joys of the noisy Onyx family. Room to grow, thought Neptune with satisfaction. Though now and then, for fun, he made typhoon shaped rooms or whole corridors like the interior of a whale. He couldn’t resist tinkering, though others had to ask permission for changes.

    And the one room that never changed was his office and adjoining conference room.

    From his perch on a scavenged captain’s throne, he viewed a map of the incremental adjustments made throughout the castle. Outside, whales, fierce fighting fish and lethal squids protected the Coral Castle from stray explorers. Within, Glendora grew enchantments in Sapphire’s gardens to protect the tiny creatures that continually repaired and rebuilt her family’s home.

    Not long after, Neptune and the lovely Glendora of the burgundy hair were formally joined by an elder of her clan. They exchanged living fin jewels and family tridents. And in good time welcomed their first Merbabes into the sea world. Neptune was so proud, a merbabe on each arm.

    One baby had tufts of bright green hair, the other’s was bright blue. The eyes of Emerald, the green haired one, calmly reflected sea water, while Sapphire’s opened with electric surprise. Flapping around Neptune’s wrists were baby tails of electric blue and chartreuse. The tails will darken, said Glendora knowingly.

    Now where did you last see the nursery?

    That floating nursery would be vacated years before another set of mertwins were born. Rainbow, a mermaid and Bowrain, a merboy were quite good at wriggling out of their rocking clams and paddling to their parents’ billowy suite, slipping into the undulating water bed. This morning, looking into the magical basin, Glendora was annoyed to see these same mertwins, at eleven – hundred-years old, still asleep in their own waterbeds.

    Snail alarm again not set, thought Glendora, annoyed. She placed her mouth close to the water and emitted high pitched peels of alarm. As the waves of sound reverberated into the twins’ room, Bowrain sat up, as did Rainbow. It’s that time again, said Rainbow. Don’t I know it, said Bowrain. Guess we might as well get up. Merschool, said Rainbow, sounds like a bad idea to me!

    Bowrain was already out of bed, swinging his tail to their stream room. Rolling over and over he dislodged debris from his scales. Then, Bowrain used the tentacle floss Dr. Murk had given him. Take that, jelly termites, he thought, fearing new holes in his teeth from the sweet jellies he consumed only yesterday. He would do better today!

    Rainbow opened her oysters and took out a perfect pearl for each ear. She attached them to her lobes with mermaid stickum and looked for her uniform. Merschool let them wear pearls or decorative creatures, but everyone had to wear the same blue Mertunic boy or maid. At least the maid ones were form fitting and didn’t bulge when she swam. It bore the trident shape, Neptune’s logo, which made her feel proud. All the Onyx children wore a trident charm on a chain around their necks. But she was the only merprincess at school and everyone knew it!

    Superior is as superior does, thought Glendora to her most headstrong daughter. I trust your homework is done?

    Rainbow grumbled. Did I give you permission to spy in my room?

    When you get up by yourself, I will stay out of your room. I could use the beauty sleep, said Glendora sharply. See you both at breakfast.

    Glendora let the waters return to opaque. There were dried sea plant cereals and sea cow milk to get ready and Neptune’s favorite power drink, charged by eel from Java.

    When they were all on their way, she would help Emerald with her charges. Ruby and Pinky could be a finful. Once they were in their routines, Glendora could think about her day, as it formed around

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