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Run the Red Lights
Run the Red Lights
Run the Red Lights
Ebook91 pages1 hour

Run the Red Lights

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

• Skoog’s work has appeared in Poetry, American Poetry Review, The Paris Review, and Ploughshares.

• Skoog is a rare voice from the periphery of academic circles. He’s taught in both colleges and high schools, and he’s led workshops for graduate students as well as the homeless.

• Skoog plays a mean banjo, and there are lots of musical references throughout the book, from the Grateful Dead and the Macarena to Alex Chilton.

• Because Skoog has lived in so many places and has become active in many different artistic communities, his work has a wide geographical appeal.

• Ed Skoog worked at “The World Famous Topeka Zoo” all during high school. He wanted to be a zoologist when he graduated, but by the time he left college, he was considering a career in politics after a stint as the student body president.

• Also worked in the basement of the New Orleans Art Museum before Katrina and has a facility with and knowledge of the world of outsider artists.

Release dateJan 13, 2017
Run the Red Lights

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I hope I live long enough to visit Ed Skoog park on a trip home to Topeka, in the shadows of the abandoned West Ridge Mall on the median of Wanamaker Road. In fact I may plant a sign there myself.

Book preview

Run the Red Lights - Ed Skoog


Being in Plays

Ethics are learned from who you sleep with

the first few times, and theater is sex,

almost. Being in it, I mean, and being young,

with a lot of group undressing

and silence in darkness, chaste

permissions of the cast party,

spiked punch in the recreation room.

I was always cast as Old Man

with tennis-shoe polish for white hair

and lines drawn where my lines now are,

forehead haiku, the eyes’ briffits,

and parentheses around the muzzle.

I guess I miss it, achievement’s sense,

the way a show’s run ends

and everyone knows it together,

a social pain, like the death

of a popular imaginary friend.

When lights between scenes dim,

I like to see actors take props offstage

or team up with stagehands to move

the built elements of our fantasy.

I hope they keep going, and sneak

some of the properties home to mix in

with their private dramas. I pass theaters

the way I pass churches, but like

better this foldable theater

half-constructed in the mind,

sometimes thrown away

along with the day’s receipts.

Nothing’s lost. I carry my own

props in—red telephone,

bowl of apples—and then with me draw

back into the unseen.

The Children’s Theater

One morning I’ll leave the house naked

and stroll down the street, fun for everyone

to be relieved from shame for a moment,

nourishment for my inner scold.

Most people I’ve seen, I’ve seen clothed.

What anyone wore I don’t remember,

while the people I’ve seen nude

I remember everything about, or can I

draw the first nipple I kissed by video light

or the cyclorama of middle-school showers

all of us in awful proportions, half-kid, half-dude.

Classmates with the largest dicks

have been first to die, by misadventure,

cancer, problems of the liver. Still,

most Swedes debut sexually at fifteen

and in China it’s twenty-three.

Everyone in this floating world is naked.

I’m tired of having a body. The mind’s a bore

too, with its video light. On their patio,

my neighbors talk about their bodies

in low voices while the bug zapper

administers its anonymous questionnaire.

Last week I went for an HIV test

at the free clinic below the repair shop

for musical instruments, also

housing a children’s theater,

and I could hear them improvising

as I waited twenty minutes for my blood

to signal the presence or absence

of antibodies. The woman who

administered my test and an anonymous

questionnaire did not believe my story

though it was both rehearsed and true:

the gas station in Nevada, the basin

where I washed up after hours dazed

on the road bloody with a stranger’s

inner life covering my hands,

my face before I noticed. I remember

going to the traveling show of Sweeney Todd

in which my cousin Stuart, trained for opera,

submitted his throat to the demon barber’s

stage knife, sending his body down

the ingenious chute, where Angela Lansbury

baked him into pie. His only sung Sondheim

was a lavabo and a fancy chair. Lavabo,

from the Psalms: I will wash my hands

in innocency: so will I compass thine altar.

But it just means a sink to wash the blood.

Whose blood? You don’t get more naked

than blood. At the clinic, mine dotted

a simple device to rehearse its speech.

I answered her questions of history, sexual

partnerships, gender, gender preference.

Whether rough or high, or had traveled

to any of the

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